Chapter 15: Wiped out

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

After our group landed, or crashed down on the ground, concerning those useless morons, we soon had to worry about the fight in our hands once again.

"Naofumi... You too evolved your abilities, don't you ? Your wrath shield has been upgraded and reinforced by the dragon's core."

Naofumi: Just like you... If we team up, maybe we actually stand a chance against her...

"I'll focus all my magic into an all out attack, I'm counting on you for the defense. Use your wrath shield, and don't worry about losing it."

Naofumi: What about you ? You seem... Different now.

"I do not know myself. For some reason, I've felt stronger since we came here. But enough talking, we have a wave to counter."

Naofumi: Right... Shield of wrath, curse series, stat up !! Shield of wrath II !!

"Multi-casting, supreme boost. [SILVER PLATINUM, MAGICIAN'S CRAZY EXPERIENCE] !!"

Naofumi: Now you're done for. IMMOLATION !!

Raphtalia: You did it... !!

Naofumi: Wha-

She unleashed a flurry of strikes, that went straight through the barrier I set in emergency, and hit Naofumi's wrath shield, and wounding him.

"N... Naofumi !! What happened ?!!"

Naofumi: W... Wounds all over my body... Her attacks, they went through our defenses like butter...

Glass: I'm impressed you both are still standing after that attack. But I've figured out your weaknesses here. Your barrier may be strong enough to hold back the most powerful spells, but it's useless against physical attacks. And that black flame is activated only against close-range attack. It can't deal with long-distance attacks.

Naofumi: 'What an outstanding observation. She sure shows a warrior's pride.'

'It's not your regular monster, it's a sentient and intelligent life form... No, a human. There's more behind that wave thing than they're telling us.'

Glass: But don't you have more skills up your sleeves ? If our fight ends up this way, I'll be disappointed. Please show me the strongest attack you have.

Naofumi: She's just playing with us... Y/n, how much time left for you ?

"Barely one or two minutes before I run out of mana. Stopping time is out of the question now... We have one chance, and only one."

Naofumi: Fine then, we'll go all out !! Shield prison ! Change shield, IRON MAIDEN !!

Glass: That was too powerless for my taste

"And now it is my turn."

Naofumi's role in this was to distract and to immobilize her, even for a short moment, just what I needed. I've already used my top speed to create 6 afterimages, and surround the enemy.


She was completely engulfed in a bright and fierce tornado.

'Now, I know she'll surely be able to get out, but the moment she do so, she'll be wide open. One blow from Gold Experience, and the fight is over. I need to wait for the opening.'

In the end, there wasn't any openings, other than the one she made in my guts by suddenly appearing behind me.

Glass: That was a good strategy, and I don't think any of the other heroes would've survived this. Sadly, the difference in strength is just too great.

She slammed me to the ground, and into Naofumi.

Glass: That's too bad. While I hold no ill will against you, let's say I've won this fight at the wave.

Naofumi: 'Shit... When Y/n told me to use the wrath shield, he was surely planning to drain my energy before my rage consumes me... But now, he can't do it anymore... My mind is giving away, consumed by darkness... I-I mustn't give up yet.. I can't die here...'

Glass: Is time already up... ? Why so early-

Raphtalia: Now's the time ! FAST LIGHT !!

Glass: ... Ow ! ... Tsk ! He got the better of me... They ran away...

Naofumi: FILO, KEEP IT UP !!

Filo: W... Will master be okay ?!

Raphtalia: He's losing blood rapidly, and he's already unconscious !

Naofumi: We have to get out of here first. We have one minute... How can we, in all seriousness, fight such a thing ?!

Raphtalia: Naofumi ! The cracks in the sky, they're disappearing.

Naofumi: As I thought, that clock is related to the wave... her reaction just now shows that she was summoned here as well. She left the other demons behind, I bet she's not associated with them...

Naofumi: Filo, take us back to the nearest village, our priority is to ensure Y/n's survival.

The first thing I noticed, after awakening from my slumber, was that absolute pain piercing my abdomen.

Naofumi: Don't move yet, you're far from healed, you just stopped bleeding.

"Yeah... I remember now... She wiped the floor with all of us. If we don't get seriously stronger for the next wave, we're done for. And so is this world..."

Captain: HEY YOU !! How dare you take away soldiers under my command ?!

Naofumi: You're here a day late, and still, that's all you care about.

"Y... You know, for someone who hadn't done anything so far against the wave, you sure are talking big..."

Soldier: It wasn't the heroes' fault. We asked them first...

Captain: What ?! Are you being misled by the shield and staff ?!

Naofumi: You guys are full of yourselves as usual.

Captain: ... Ugh. Listen, Shield !

Naofumi: Now that you see this tragic sight, why don't you try to observe your duties even a little ? The other heroes you rely on so much are all recuperating in that place over there.

Captain: What ?!

Naofumi: Your men and the remaining villagers took them here for treatment, even though I said, leave them alone...

Captain: What happened ?! Hurry up and send them to a hospital !!

Soldier: hey, you should prioritize the heavily wounded over them-

Captain: We must give priority to the heroes and their men on behalf of this kingdom ! And the world !!

"They're fine. Unless something else happened while I was out, their lives aren't endangered."

Captain: Why didn't you helped them ?! From what we heard, you possess an extremely powerful healing magic !

"Good question indeed, but I think it was because I spend all this time on death's doorsteps, since they were just too weak to fight the wave. I can't heal knocked out peoples if I'm the one in a critical condition, you know."

Captain: Why you... You're also a hero, so you must observe your obligations !!

King: ... Good job on quieting the wave. Shield, Staff... It is the biggest shame. How did you two become this much stronger than the other heroes ? Tell us. This is the order of a king, don't even think you can get away with lying.

'I don't even know what I was expecting. It's funny how all the other heroes were excused because of the "wounds" they sustained, while my presence was still required... Anyways, even if I told them, it's not like they can reproduce my spells.'

Naofumi: Right, if the heroes lose, the world will end. On your knees.

King: ... What ?

"We are heroes, saviors of this world, are we not ?"

Naofumi: If you really want to save this country, get your ass down here and beg us for it !!

King: H- Ho- H- H- H- Ho-

"What's wrong with you ? You're squealing like a monkey. Didn't you understand ?"

Naofumi: Yeah, right. I almost forgot... This king over there, is garbage, a monkey's inferior.

King: H- HOW DARE YOU !!

"Hey, isn't it familiar ?"

Naofumi: Yeah, something like that has happened before.

King: What are you doing ?! Behead those insolent men already !!

Naofumi: ... Man, you really are garbage.

King: Wh- Wh- WHAT ?!

"We are the heroes who've defeated the waves. Do you want to be beheaded yourself instead ? You guys won't believe what we say anyway. Even with a hole in my guts, I wouldn't mind proving my power on you personally."

Naofumi: We can go home once the waves are over, right ? We'll do our best until that day comes, but don't get in our ways ! Understand ? You garbage !

"We're leaving. Out of the way."


"Heh. That's our line."

???: ... O, heroes. My sincere gratitude for your job this time...

'Who's her... ? No, whoever she may be, we need to leave now.'

Melty: Wait ! Go back right now and talk to my father seriously !

"What ?"

Naofumi: It's all his fault. We haven't done anything wrong. Case closed.

Melty: What did you say ?!

Naofumi: I must tell you this too: I can kill you at any time: Live in perpetual fear.

Melty: Why... ? Why did you go so far to say something so harsh ?!

"Harsh ? So this is it, you still belong to that other side... Hopefully one day you'll reach that truth."

Melty: ... Ugh.

???: Melty...

Melty: Heroes...

Naofumi: Hey, Raphtalia. What's this ?

Raphtalia: The blacksmith sent it to you. He wants you to take a look...

"These are..."

Raphtalia: It's the same as my broken sword... Even though it was very expensive...

Naofumi: besides... There's an accessory to the Shield... A power glove...

Raphtalia: And there's another sword... Why doesn't it have a blade ?

"It's a magic sword... That kind of weapon can't cut 'material' things, but it can eat away someone's magic."

Raphtalia: Maybe he though we knew how to use it... It seems like he prepared all these in a hurry...

Naofumi: I bet.

'This world may be full of assholes and cunts... But I'm sure we can cheer up thanks to people like that blacksmith... Mh ?'

"An amulet ? Why is it here... ?"

*Restoration amulet: Health recovery ++; Mana recovery ++; Stamina recovery ++.*

"Looks like the blacksmith had some help from the magic shop owner here."

Naofumi: I suppose they heard about your wounds, and designed this specifically for you.

"I guess... In my state, this will definitely help.

Raphtalia: So, we're going to the Semi-Humans country, right ?

Naofumi: It's not like we have a choice, we can't class-up in this one.

"At this rate, we'll definitely die at the next wave. If we have to fight her again, we need something more."

Naofumi: We were lucky enough to make it out alive last time, but that kind of miracle never happens twice.

Filo: Once our class-up is done, Filo wants to see Melty again.

"That will be difficult... After what happened sooner with the king, I doubt you two will be able to see each other soon..."

Melty: I've finally found you !! Go back to the palace and apologize to my father immediately !! Heroes !

"I wasn't expecting to be that wrong, tough..."

Filo: Hi, Melty !

Naofumi: Let's go.

Melty: Hey, wait ! Stop there ! Why are you ignoring me ?!

"Give us a break, you're so noisy..."

Naofumi: Sorry. See ? I've apologized.

Melty: Not to me !

Naofumi: You're so persistent ! What the hell do you want ?

Melty: I want... A situation where you and my father make up... or my mother will...

Naofumi: What ? Now you're using tears...

One of the knights drew a dagger, clearly not intending to scratch his nose with it.


Filo: Melty !

Melty: Eh... ? KYAAAAAH !!

"Hey, what are you guys plot-"

Knights: How dare you, Staff hero ! Taking the princess hostage ! You demon !

Raphtalia: But you guys attacked first...

'And now they're running away ?! Are the afraid or...' "FILO !! They must not escape !!"

Filo: Yessir !!

Raphtalia: We're sorry, but we lost a few.

"Say, Melty, aren't they supposed to be your body guards or something ?"

Melty: I-I don't know... How... This...

Naofumi: Hm ? This is... I think I've seen this before...

"I think it's from the church... Now it's clear, if those guys are followers of the church of the three heroes..."

Naofumi: The church of the three heroes ?

"Yup, and as you can guess, it doesn't include the shield. Those guy's religion only worships the bow, the sword and he spear."

Naofumi: Indeed, now it's clear... A shield hero must be deemed evil, in a country with that kind of religion.

Filo: Filo doesn't really know. Does it have something to do with Melty getting attacked ?

Knights: Pfft ! Pffffrt ! It's already too late, demons... Those who've made their escape have already put a bounty on your heads by now.

"A bounty... ?! For attempting to assassinate royalty ?"

Naofumi: One of them had a crystal ! Are you going to frame us with it ?!

Knight: Hah ! A man wanted for killing royalty will be chased even if he escapes to a foreign land. Now you can't get away, demons !

"Tch... Trying to outrun me, what a foolish idea... Filo, we have to catch up to them ! [THE WORL- !!!"

Before I could finish my incantation, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen, precisely where my wound was located, as I started to puke blood and fell over.

Naofumi: Y/n !! You okay ?!

"Y... You've got to be kidding me... I haven't healed enough yet, I can't use all of my power..."

Knight: Fufufu, with the Staff demon out of the way, it will be a piece of cake to get you all.

"Dammit... You're going to tell me what you know, willingly or by force ! Custom spell, [HEAVEN'S DOOR] !!"

I punched his face, and immediately a bunch of pages appeared, that I swiftly teared off as much as I could, before we all escaped, taking Melty with us in the process.

Naofumi: What a pain.

Raphtalia: Going to a town under these circumstances... Will be dangerous...

"If by 'dangerous', you mean 'suicidal', then I agree. Good thing we were traveling light."

Filo: Waaah ! Filo's carriage !!

Naofumi: Forget it. That garbage... Went to the trouble to sacrificing his own daughter to kill us...

"No, I don't think so... They were his knights, but according to that, they weren't acting on his behalf."

Naofumi: You learned anything useful with those pages ?

"Nothing we already knew or suspected. They were acting on that bitch's behalf, and according to the church. They were supposed to kill Melty and frame us with it."

Naofumi: Seriously, what did we do to her to make her hate our guts like that ?

"No offense, but the church must've designated the Shield as a demon long ago already. Killing Melty would ensure her a clear path to the throne, as next queen. And I can only guess she can't get over the humiliation I gave Motoyasu on our duel..."

Naofumi: So it's like "The throne will be mine ?"

Melty: ... Mother said my big sister would do anything to win what she wanted. Father doesn't know.

"Is your mother the one with the bizarre accent ?"

Melty: That's her doppelganger... Because she's the queen, she holds more power than father...

Naofumi: ... What ?

Melty: Melromarc is a matrilineal nation, so the heiress will be designated by mother.

Naofumi: ... Ku... Kukuku !

Melty: Wh- What are you laughing at ?!

Naofumi: So the garbage actually just married into the throne ! How amazing !

Melty: Do not speak ill of father !!

Naofumi: Who cares ? He abandoned you anyways.

Melty: F-Father... He's never abandon me ! Waaaaaah ! As they said, you're really a demon !!

Naofumi: What ? Now you're finally acting your age.

Filo: Melty, don't cry...

"And now you teased her to tears... Anyways shouldn't your mother be able to take care of this situation ?"

Melty: Speaking of her... I don't know where she is... She's been traveling around to prevent wars...

'Wars... So much we don't know, and so little time to worry about that. We need to move on right now.'

Soldiers: The shield and staff demons must be plotting to escape to Siltbelt. Don't lose them !!

"How do they know where we're heading ?"

Naofumi: We definitely can't pass here.

Raphtalia: On top of that, don't you think there are too many soldiers ?

"They must've put the neighboring country on alert. They may be here to catch us, but it feels weird."

Naofumi: I guess we should try going off-road.

Melty: That's impossible. I think an emergency alarm will sound if we cross the border outside the gate.

Naofumi: Anyway, it's dangerous to stay here. First off, let's go somewhere else...

Filo: Master !


Itsuki: We've found them. Now, release princess Melty !

Naofumi: Hey you... We're not restraining her, so there's no need to release her !

Motoyasu: How bold ! We have proof !! Justice lies with us !!

"Justice, huh ?"

Melty: What is the proof you're talking about ? Are you sure it's genuine ?

Ren: Princess Melty, so you're saf-

Melty: Heroes. As you see, I'm well. The shield and staff heroes actually saved my life !

Itsuki: What... ? But... !

Melty: Please believe me. This is a conspiracy. What does he gain from kidnapping me ? Please put down your weapons. This is no time for this kind-

Malty: What a pity, Melty ! These demons brainwashed you and forced you to say that... !

'And here comes the bitch...'

Malty: heroes ! Have you forgotten they possess brainwashing magic ? I explained that the church speculated that some subjects of our kingdom started defending them about a month ago, right ?

'Oh, speaking of the church, you should be familiar with them, since you're acting with them.'

Ren: Isn't it... Just a rumor ?

Malty: No, it's true. They've been disguised as traveling merchants and brainwashing people all over the place.

Naofumi: 'You bitch...' If we could do that, we would've done something before all of this shitty situation ! Besides, if we had that ability, wouldn't you be able to do the same thing, being heroes too ?! Can't you see ? Also, we can hand over the second princess over to you depending on circumstances.

Melty: Eh ?

'Ren is in our debt since the rotten dragon incident, and Itsuki has a strong sense of justice... You guys can't just let the bitch have her way, right ?!'

Ren... Okay. But give us some time, so we can confirm the truth. You'll have to accompany us.

"if it's proofs you want, I have a complete confession from the knight that was supposed to escort Melty. It clearly states who is really trying to kill the princess and why."

Hearing that, Malty started to sweat rather profusely.

Motoyasu: Hey, Ren...

Malty: No, Motoyasu... It's okay if that clears ren's suspicion... Above all, Melty's safety is our priority. Now, Melty, Come with me.

Melty: ... No. I'll definitely... get killed...

"Oh right, directly giving Melty to the one who actually asked for her death would be a bad idea, right ?"

Itsuki: ... What do you mean ?

"Think about it a little, Melty is the one who will attain the throne, so no one in this entire kingdom as better reasons for that than the first princess herself."

Naofumi: As I though, we can't accept that. We promised to protect her, after all...

"You can't protect the second princess, especially now that you've been brainwashed into useless idiots !"

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