Chapter 2-15: Getting a-head of ourselves

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... Are you sure ?"

Shadow: yes. I have also confirmed, although it was from a distance, that the mountains of Reiki are moving. According to sources, it is headed toward our neighboring counties and has already crushed three fortresses and cities... It looks like it is headed West while trampling over densely populated areas. After all, if such a tremendous beast moves towards them, all those small countries, there's nothing they can do. The country in question, Reiki, is also unreachable, even through our brethren, but most likely...

Naofumi: It was destroyed... ?

Shadow: The information we last received was that, when the turtle began moving, the three heroes went to challenge it...

"... And ? What happened then ?"

Shadow: We don't know if they are either alive or dead.

Rishia: LORD ITSUKI !!

"Calm down, we don't know for sure. These guys surely got their asses handed to them, but I doubt they died."

Naofumi: These guys are so annoying, they will find a way to come back just so they can rub it in our faces.

Shadow: It's as you say. We have a technique to confirm the status of the holy heroes. But, right now, we're currently waiting for information from the Fourbure church.

(A/n: After a bit of research, it appears that "Fourbure", which is a french word designating a foot disease, is here the contraction of "Four brave", basically the Church of the four heroes, which cathedral isn't actually located in Melromarc.)

"So, what do we have to do now ?"

Shadow: For now, accompany us. We've formed an alliance for fighting against the spirit turtle with the neighboring countries.

Naofumi: Alright. Let's go to the allied force.

King: What are the holy heroes doing ?!! The only ones present here are the Shield and Staff Heroes, and from what I heard, the whereabouts of the other three are unknown !

Kings: It is the heroes responsibility to save the world !! Did they run away fearing for their own lives ?! Despicable !! This will be Melromarc's responsibility, right ?!

Mirellia: ... Firstly, let me apologize for causing this misunderstanding. The three heroes went to stop the spirit turtle. They predicted the spirit turtle's awakening before we could, and then left Melromarc In midst of this confusion, I apologize for the lateness of this information.

Naofumi: 'Well, that's not a lie.'

'The ability to play with words like that, I don't think any of us heroes can compete with her on that..."

King: But the spirit turtle is still moving, right ? Are the three heroes already...

Mirellia: the three heroes are still in good health. Most likely, they're next to the turtle still fighting against it.

"... Why are we always the last ones informed..."

Naofumi: Is that true ?!

Mirellia: Yes. We just received the reply from the church. If an accident had happened, we would have let you know. That's why, at the moment...

Rishia: ... Lord Itsuki...

King: Are we... We don't have any choice other than to just watch our country be trampled ?

Mirellia: Not quite. It's our turn now. Unfortunately, because the three heroes haven't yet subdued the spirit turtle, we have no choice but to learn from the method of the ancients. We, the allied forc, will establish a magic unit, and try sealing the spirit turtle's heart.

King: ... Magic unit ?!

Mirellia: We've found the book which describe how the ancient heroes sealed the spirit turtle. But to recreate that, we require a large number of people.

Kings: We also have capable people in our army, but how do we get on top of it ? That thing is moving... And also big...

Mirellia: We have a plan. Please, lend us your strength.

Naofumi: It's a surprise that such a plan went through, huh.

"Oh, just wait until phase two of the plan starts, then it's gonna get dirty for real."

Elrasla: The spirit turtle is on the move again. If we can't avoid its invasion, then this strategy would not have been allowed to proceed had we not provided sympathy and reconstruction funds in return for letting us sue the town as a decoy. Luring it in and dropping the town along with the spirit turtle into the valley... It must have been incredibly vexing...

"If everything goes smooth, the town will survive. But we can't rely on 'Ifs' here..."

Raphtalia: Will the evacuation be done in time... ?

Naofumi: If we can't make it in time, then that's it. They got to make it out somehow.

Mirellia: Please be at ease. The Shield and Staff heroes are on our side. If anything happens, they are sure to protect us. Right ?

Kings: Ooo... Lord heroes...

Naofumi: ... Of course.

"You can be sure, we'll stop that turtle."

Villagers: Look, it's the heroes. It's the Staff and Shield heroes !

Raphtalia: Naofumi !

"This is weird... This feels weird... We're heroes, for real... I'll need time to adjust myself to that..."

Naofumi: if I can use it, I'll use everything. If it means I can improve the situation.

Filo: Filo will also fight !! I'll do that thing in !

"That's the spirit, Filo ! We'll do everything we can, to stop that thing..."

Girl: Wah !

Villager: Hey ! it's because you looked away...

???: Here.

L'Arc: If you don't walk while looking forward, a scary monster will catch up to you, you know ?

Girl: Th- Thank you very much !

Villager: Hey, what're you doing ? Hurry up !

Girl: Ye- Yes ! Then... Huh ?

Soldier: It smashes through everything and just continues heading straight. Can- Can we actually stop something like that ?! Just how much does it hate humans...

Mirellia: If we can drop the bridge accordingly to this timing, that'll surely disrupt its walking.

"And then I step in and activate the trap, to completely stop it..."

Naofumi: Is it okay to ride on its back ? At the worst, we can just jump on top of it even if it's walking...

Mirellia: That won't do. You have to bring the magic unit along. If that's the case...

Raphtalia: Naofumi... The evacuation is behind schedule. Can I go help them ?

Naofumi: No, you stay here...



Raphtalia: Naofumi !!

"At least they're not attacking the civilians anymore. Naofumi, we can't properly deal with them with that many people around !!"

Naofumi: Understood ! Let's go towards the spirit turtle ! Raphtalia !


Rishia: Lord Itsuki... UM... ME TOO...

"Sorry, but it would slow Filo down too much. You and the others help the evacuees ! BUY US SOME TIME !

Rishia: Y- YES !!

Raphtalia: Naofumi ! What will we do !!

Naofumi: Just focus on a single point. AIM FOR THE LEGS ! Y/N, ACTIVATE THE TRAP !!

"Here goes nothing !! Custom spell... Wait..."

".. Dafuk... ?

Soldiers: Heroes... Lord heroes !! THE HOLY HEROES DEFEATED THE SPIRIT TURTLE !!

King: With this... our town has been protected... !

"H- Hey, wait for a second... You got it wrong..."

Naofumi: We didn't do it ! WE DIDN'T DEFEAT THE SPIRIT TURTLE !!

Elrasla: Just look at you all, letting it get to your heads. Silently listen to the Saints when they speaks.

Naofumi: So the spirit turtle was found dead after its head had been severed...

"But when we arrived, it was already like that. Someone else did it."

Soldiers: It probably was the other three heroes !! Why don't you bring them here ?! They're close by, aren't they ?!

Shadow: We searched the surrounding area, but... Since there were many bats, we weren't able to find them...

Soldiers: But, it is true that the spirit turtle died ! That's right !! The town... It doesn't change the fact that we protected the town !

"If only it was so simple... If anything, the turtle's familiars are still around, and they are a serious threat."

Naofumi: And the countdown for the wave is still frozen... there are things that still need to be done.

Mirellia: What is it... ?

"Well, if we couldn't find the heroes around the turtle, then... There's only one place left to look at, right ?"

Naofumi: exactly. According to plan, we'll go inside the spirit turtle. We'll leave it to you guys to form a search team. Maybe we'll meet the person who cut its head off or maybe...

"I examined the wound, you know... And it was a very clean one. It was done in one. Single. Swoop. And, frankly speaking, I don't think any of the heroes has the power or skills to do that. It definitely was something, or someone else..."

Raphtalia: After climbing for a while, it seems like you could forget that you're on top of a giant turtle...

"if you don't mind that everything's tilted, that is... is there really a path to the inside of the turtle from here ?"

Rishia: There should be...

Naofumi: Should be...

Rishia: The story doesn't really accurately tell where it is, but.. It's fine ! I've got an old journal with me !

Naofumi: Is it really okay ?

Eclair: Looks like the country of Reiki didn't have good diplomatic relations with the neighboring countries. Even them don't know much about their current state of affairs.


Raphtalia: It's my first time seeing a building like this...

Naofumi: It looks like a chinese style...

Rishia: This ! It's present in the journal's entry too ! This is just the entry gate. According to the journal, it says that up ahead lies a city. Let's go there first !

Filo: ... Master.

"What's up ? Did you sense any monsters ?"

Filo: Nope. There aren't any. But.... It smells.

Raphtalia: Naofumi...

Naofumi: They were probably the first ones to be used as the nursery for creating familiars...

"Alright guys, line up... [Heaven's Door]... You can't smell rotten corpses... There."

Naofumi: There isn't any familiars around right now, but remain vigilant...

"What happened here..."

Rishia: According to the journal, there were many picture scrolls and structures from ancient times... this is a treasure house of cultural artifacts that even we don't know of...

"Well, this should be it. Careful where you walk, still tilted."

"One word. Majestic."

Naofumi: This must have been quite an impressive temple. If you sold something from here, it should fetch a good price.

Eclair: Iwatani sir !

Naofumi: Rather than rot with the people here, wouldn't it better to convert them into reconstruction funds ?

"As long as they're with capable people who'll restore these artifacts, I think there's no problem with that. Well, if we forget those guys, who definitely are robbers."

Eclair: WH- You wolves in sheep's clothing !!

"Aah... Filo, go with her and make sure things stays clean. Also secure the artifacts, please."

Filo: Yes sirrrr !

Naofumi: Can we count on you too, grandma ?

Elrasla: By all means.

Filo: Let's go then, person who looks like a red vegetable.

Eclair: Red vege- vege... I am Eclair, lady Filo !!

Filo: Big sis Eclair ?


"She really is a bit too diligent... No doubt the queen will be informed through the shadows, let's just leave the rest to them."

Naofumi: Better than that, we should... Raphtalia ?

Raphtalia: ... I'm sorry... I'm okay. I just remembered about the past...

'That's right, her village was also... Pillaged. And by soldiers, no less...'

Rishia: It's a bit... Troubling. I don't think that this building will last long. At this rate, everything here, will be lost... Forever...

Naofumi: What, are you also a supporter of looting, Rishia ?

Rishia: YOU- YOU'RE WRONG !! But, cultural assets like these... These are the only things from which we can hear the voice of people from the past... if not from them, even we wouldn't have made it here...

'The voices from the past...'

Rishia: That's why, I want them to be treated with great care...

Rishia: Look over here.


Naofumi: The spirit turtle !

Rishia: Probably. By the way it's organized, it looks like it is a depiction of a story or something...

"Perhaps... The way the turtle was sealed in the first place... ? We'd need to be able to read those to know..."

Naofumi: Even our weapons can't translate these characters... And they have deteriorated a lot...

"In such a condition, I doubt even Hermit Purple would be of any help..."

Rishia: If the people from the town were still alive...

Naofumi: Those guys... Did the three heroes came here, I wonder ?

"I still doubt it was them who severed the turtle's head... Though, they probably are alive somewhere, even if we can't find them. Inside the turtle, probably..."


"That's what we're searching for."

Rishia: Lord Itsuki ! If only you had left your signature somewhere...

Naofumi: What are you, a tourist who causes trouble from others by scribbling on ancient ruins ? As if you could find something like that...

"... Naofumi ? You are terrific, you know that ?"

Naofumi: ... What's the matter... ?

"Found it..."


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