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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Let's do it !! Our target is...THE TURTLE'S NECK !!"

Naofumi: Filo and Raphtalia will be the vanguard. Whatever happens, only think about how to behead the turtle. We'll do everything we can to support them. ZWEIT AURA !!

Rishia: FIRST POWER !!

Ost: I, Ost Hourai, command the heavens and the Earth. Break and rewrite the laws of nature, expelling forth the impurities from within. Oh, strength of mine, bestow upon those before me ! KONGOURIKI !!! (Superhuman strength)

"That's quite easy. Filo, just make sure Raphtalia doesn't fall down ! [THE WORLD] !!"

Naofumi: Y/n, I think you'd rather watch out for those beams, we have plenty of buffers already, but not enough tanking capacity.

"... The Shield as a backline support and the mage as a tank..."

Naofumi: Don't make it more complicated, please.

Naofumi: Granny and Eclair will intercept any enemies.

"With the turtle pinned to the ground like that, the familiars won't give us a second of rest to climb up. First, open up a path to the neck..."



Naofumi: See what I meant ?

"I've been soloing it for the past hour, I know what it can do. And I also know what its limits are."

Ost: Now ! While it can't attack !


Raphtalia: 8 TRIGRAMS...

Filo: SPIRAL...

Eclair: Well done !

Ost: It's too early to be delighted.

"It's back to step one once again. For now, let's just reunite with the allied force and -What the devil is that noise ?"

Ost: That can't be...IT SHOULDN'T BE THIS FAST...


Naofumi: Correct me if I'm wrong, but that does sound like strained metal, doesn't it ?

"Oh God... This isn't good. But it did one mistake, now I can use that severed head ! Custom spell, [METALLICA], IRON POSSESSION !!"

Ost: That that is how you made that trap...

"Changing the ground into blood with Gold Experience, then sprouting poles and spikes with Metallica. A pain to do at first, but once I realized I could use it's own blood to make more spikes, everything got way easier."




Rishia: Amazing !! To be able to stop such a big thing...

Naofumi: No... For it to recover so soon... Should we send a party onto it's back right now ?

"We can't win if this become a war of attrition... Can we even really stop it for good ?"

Naofumi: That trap ?!

"Unusable now... But I can still do something with its remnants... After all, there are still pieces of the spikes embedded in its body..."

Naofumi: What's the plan ?

"I have technically already touched them. Remember what I said about the explosions' size ? With us this close, I can't guarantee our safety !

Naofumi: Tch... It's not like we truly have a choice here... !

??? -Dure. Endure it for a bit longer !!

Filo: master !

"I head that ! That voice... Where is she ?!"

Filo: You see, right now, she's hurriedly heading in this direction !! FITORIA !!

"Heh... After all this time, what is a bit longer ?! LET'S DO THIS !!"

Naofumi: So, it's alright if we hold it off for "A bit longer", right ?

Naofumi: I won't let you complain later !!

Raphtalia: Naofumi ! That shield is-

Naofumi: Shut it !! Don't worry, I'll just use the flames a little bit.

"As expected, it is really though. But we can at least buy some time like that. [KILLER QUEEN] Has already touched the metal spikes !"

"Annnd two legs are gone now."

Naofumi: Perfect. With that being said, that was quite the good impact... SHIELD OF WRATH, FLAMES OF HATRED !!!

"And now the front is gone too... But the rest is back, dammit !!"


Fitoria: Forgive me. To think that you'd have to use the cursed shield...

Filo: She's here !! SHE'S HERE !!

Fitoria: I thought it was a justified cause for the world's sake, but... The Spirit turtle right now is the world's enemy. THE WORLD'S ENEMY, IS FITORIA'S ENEMY !!

"Are you okay, Filo ?!"

Filo: Yes. Fitoria said to leave it to her...

"Alright, that's good. So, now, can we finally point out the fact she's riding A MOTHERFLUFFING TANK ?!!"

Naofumi: And... Isn't she bigger than before... ?

Filo: ... Master !! Fitoria said that it doesn't look like it'll break from the outside. So we need to go inside the turtle, right now !!

"Easier said than done..."

Mirellia: I understand. We can deploy the magical sealing squad anytime. But how will you enter it ?

Naofumi: Get as close as possible with the carriage, and...

Mirellia: Isn't the battle getting even worse ?!

"Guh... Three heads, thrice the danger..."

Fitoria: Get in.

"Hey... isn't that the armored carriage you guys had before ?"

Naofumi: In any case, hurry !!

"Wait a second, your majesty ?"

Mirellia: The commander is important, right ? If they mess up, there will be no next time. Even if something happens, there is no need to worry. Our country has an excellent successor after all.

Soldier: You were still in this area ? Please hurry !

Apothecary : To think that I'd have to leave my shop even though it's not the wave...

Witch: A monster as big as a mountain... Are you sure we'll be okay ?

Blacksmith: Of course ! Shield and Staff bros are fighting it after all ! You don't want to worry them, right ? That's why we will run for now !!

Raphtalia: Just like before, it doesn't feel like we're on the turtle's back.

"I don't think this is the right time to notice this..."


Ost: Reverse gravity, SUSPEND !!

Ost: Everyone, please stay close to me.

"Do you know the path that leads inside ?"

Ost: haven't entered yet so I can't tell for certain, but...

Shadow: If that's so, then it's my turn.

Naofumi: YOU... !!

Mirellia: I was concerned since I couldn't contact you.

Shadow: Your words honor me. I was staying here and continuing my investigation. I'll guide you.

Naofumi: This is a different one from before... is this a temple too ?

"At least we can tell its shape."

Shadow: Most of the town have already been destroyed beyond recognition. The spikes and explosions also didn't help.

"Sorry about that..."

Shadow: But, because of that, we were able to discover this.

Naofumi: Is this the passage that leads inside ?

Shadow: Probably.

"Probably ?"

Shadow: We've only been able to investigate until about midway.

Rishia: So... It seems the entrance has been connected to a temple all this time ? isn't there anything ? Like a map...

Shadow: We don't have a map, but... We have drawn sketches of things that had caught our attention.

Rishia: these are... The heroes script... ?

Shadow: We can't decipher what it means, so...

"We get it... Give it to us. More puzzles..."

Shadow: Can you read it ?

"Let's see... Head... Heart... Same..."

Naofumi: The head, and the heart ?


Mirellia: Heroes sirs, here is...

Naofumi: You're right. We should move onward.

Shadow: We've only successfully searched up to this point.

"And that is... ?"

Shadow: please take care. There are a lot of familiars from here onward.

Mirellia: let's break up into squads. We'll make our temporary base here. Split up and investigate.


Ost: If I'm far away, the magic's effect will thin...

Naofumi: There's no way around it. If we take them with us, we'll only put ourselves in more danger. We just have to find a path quickly and return. I'm counting on your "intuition".

"So ? Which way do we go ?"

Ost: ... This way... No, this way... ?

Naofumi: Do you not sense anything ?

Ost: No, just the opposite. A strong, regret like feeling, is obstructing me. Almost like the thing that is controlling the turtle, it keeps on getting stronger.

Naofumi: We don't have time, can we leave those paths to the shadows ?

Shadow: We understand.

"Filo and Rishia, with me that way."

Filo: Yeeesssss !!

Rishia: Heeeeeh ?!

Ost: I'm sorry I couldn't be of help...

Naofumi: Then stop with the idle talk. Let's go.

Rishia: I... I don't like this place... I think we should go back...

"So you don't want to rescue Itsuki ? After all, he's probably here somewhere."

Rishia: ... I- I'll open the way now !

"That's the spirit."

Filo: ...

"Filo ?"

Filo: Master, there's someone up ahead.

"Huh... ?"

"Adventurers... ? What are you three doing here ?"

Adventurers: ... ...

"Well, anyway, follow the path where we came from, you'll find our base. Once you get there, tell them it's the Staff Hero who gave you directions."

Adventurer: O... Okay. We- We understand. Thanks.


"Whoah there. Careful with that turtle. You better get going, before the ceiling crumbles."

Adventurer: Yes.

"... Heh. [THE FOOL] !!"

Adventurer: WHA ?!!

"You know ? I was really pondering what or who could have decapitated the turtle that first time. And even more, what could've done it in one, clean, strike. You know, like it was 'reaped away'..."

Adventurer: ...

"You really expect me to believe that three adventurers got lost inside of the turtle out of dumb luck without the shadows noticing ? Come on, I feel insulted by how low you think of us... Isn't it, L'Arc ?"

Adventurer: ... *POOOFF*

L'Arc: Tch ! It can't be helped since we've been found out !

Therese: L'Arc, stop it with that phrase... Seeing you playing around makes me sad.

Glass: That's why I don't like underhanded moves. If we'd shown our identities all along...

"So, L'Arc, Therese and... Who... Who are you ?"

L'Arc: See that miss ? I told you those clothes don't fit your character.

"Oh, Glass, alright."

Rishia: Do you know them... ?

"And why are the three of you still here ? After the last wave, shouldn't you be back to your own world already ? And what business do you have with that turtle ?"

L'Arc: Well then, Do you want to know ? Sonny.

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