Chapter 2-6: Third time's a charm

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Raphtalia: Wh- Why- WHAT IS THIS ?!!

Naofumi: Just a monster drop from the other day. Not as bad as it looks, right ?

'It's even worse...'

Raphtalia: Naofumi ?!!

Naofumi: Gotta be practical. There's no choice. We don't have any other diving gear.

"... You guys are ridiculous."

Naofumi: Well, if you're so smart, you'll manage without, huh ?

"Filo ?"

Filo: Yes master ! [WEATHER REPORT] !!

"Now, if you're ready, shall we go ? To the ruins Filo found."

Naofumi: 'Whoa, amazing ! We're underwater, but I can breathe pretty easily ! With just a few strokes I can move really fast ! If I forget that I'm underwater, It's almost as if I'm flying ! Even though I'm wearing that silly costume... And...'

"What're you looking at, Naofumi ? The ruins' up ahead"

Naofumi: 'Never, in my entire life, would I have imagined seeing a guy in a mage getup with sunglasses on riding a giant bird with sunglasses, trapped underwater inside a giant air bubble...'

'It's pretty late to figure that out, but this world really is game-like, after all...'

"Is this it Filo ?"

Filo: Yes ! That's here !

Filo: And so, on the seafloor, there's this really nice building ! It's like some sunken island ! Just sitting there ! I tried knocking on the door, but nobody came...

Filo: There was no windows, so Filo couldn't see inside...

'And there's very little structural damage, so it's well closed off. The only way in seems to be through the main entrance...

'Huff... As expected, it won't budge... And we're running out of time.'

"Filo, I don't think they'd be able to keep breathing for long. We'll have to resurface and find another way to enter..."

Filo: Master !

"It opened ?! Did... Did it react to the weapons or something ? Whatever, let's go."

Raphtalia: FWAH !!

Naofumi: As I though. There's air in here.

"i don't know who built this, but they clearly knew what they were doing... if the entire things stayed completely hermetically close for so long, those were some masterful architects."

Naofumi: It's pitch black in here... Raphtalia.

Raphtalia: yes.

"T... This is... !!"


Itsuki: There couldn't be... !

"If you don't believe us, we can take you there. The problem now to do something about it before we get transported."

Habenburg: To think such a temple was in this land...

"Have there never been waves here ? Anyway, what will you three do ?"

Motoyasu: What do you mean ?

Naofumi: We also have the option of ignoring it.

Habenburg: Shield Hero... ?!

"We aren't finished just yet. There's still way too much things we ignore about the waves. All we know is that a bunch of monsters suddenly appears and wreak havoc."

Naofumi: if there are multiple hourglasses across the world, it likely means that the waves are geographically limited to their areas. We can't speak as to the range of this hourglass, but take a look at the geography around Cal Mira island.

"The odds of having to fight on the ocean, are extremely high this time. And trust me on this point, at this moment, even with special diving gear, we can't fight a wave underwater, be it in terms of attack or defense."

Itsuki: ... How long do we have ? Until the wave...

"About... Two days."


Motoyasu: Two days ?!

Naofumi: If we were to ignore it, we'd have to evacuate everyone from the archipelago in that time.

Habenburg: But to where... ? And there are so many adventurers here right now...

'According to Fitoria, the heroes' duty is to fight the waves wherever they are... No doubt that if we ignore this one, she'll be severely pissed...'

Itsuki: A foolish question ! Why would we heroes run away, when we came here to become stronger ?

Motoyasu: Exactly ! We'll test just how far we've come !

Naofumi: ... Alright, then let's get to work. First...

Habenburg: Ships and soldiers... ? Well, we do have warships and a navy for defense...

Motoyasu: So you want to transport the ships and soldiers along with us, like you did with that little battalion ?

Itsuki: Thinking of the possibility of being transported over the ocean, it's a good idea. But if we're transported over land or into shallows... In the first place, can we take the ships with us ?

"It's not in the manual, and quite unclear, but we've been able to take our possessions before. And considering the odds of being transported into water, we've got no choice but to accept the risk to lose the ships."

Naofumi: Each of us will form their own battalion, so we can respond effectively no matter how we're transported.

Motoyasu: This is like an MMO raid ! I've done those !

'Wait... Is Motoyasu... Actually being USEFUL ?!!'

Naofumi: Any strategic plans ? What kind of battle formations will we use ? What kind of reactive tactics ?

Motoyasu: You were acting as if you had this planned out... Well, I have some experience in hundred-man guild raids...

Itsuki: You two are directing this planning, so are you saying you want us to follow your lead ?

"No. In this situation, none of can lead the others, we're lacking experience and time. In this battle, we will lead the front lines as the ace players, under someone who is truly familiar with the military tactics of this world...

Ren: Bullshit.

Naofumi: Ren ?

Ren: So you just want to push off the responsibility ? Do you even have an idea for who could fulfill the role ?

"'True, he's the lone wolf of the bunch'. I do have an idea, but our priority is that we should maintain our optimal fighting capabilities by-"

Ren: Exactly. That's complete bullshit. Don't involve me in your little games.

Naofumi: Ren ! Are you going to try acting alone... ?! You don't even know where the hourglass is !

Ren: I don't need to know. I won't be participating.

"Don't tell me... Are you scared of water ?"

Ren: ! ... ... ... I- I CAN SWIM !!!

Itsuki: You'll have to show us the temple first.

Motoyasu: Yeah, it'd be a real pain if you were making this up.

Ren: Wait ! Wait up !! I said, I'm not participating !!

Itsuki: Motoyasu, can you swim ? Obviously, I can, but...

Motoyasu: Of course. I'll show you my beautiful strokes.

Habenburg: Wh- What are you doing, heroes ?!

"Just what I thought... He can't."

Itsuki: To think that you can't swim at all... You even drowned in the shallows, is this some cheap manga... ?

Motoyasu: Hahaha. That's so lame.

Habenburg: It's not too strong, but I have some magic that will allow you to breath underwater. Using it, you'll surely be able to...

Ren: Ha ! I guess I have no choice ! If you insist, I shall fight by your side !

Itsuki: Ha...

Motoyasu: Lame !

Itsuki: Speaking of which, the temple is on the seafloor, right ? Did you use magic to swim there ?

Naofumi: Well, actually... Y/n and Filo made the trip in a bubble, but I used this.

Ren: ... I'll use the magic.

Motoyasu: yeah, me too.

Itsuki: And me...

*In the end, Ren drowned near the temple, and proudly wore the costume as we returned.*


Motoyasu: 'Lame...'

Mirellia: We've been waiting for you. We've heard the news. You got here quite fast, did you teleport ?

"Yes. It was quite a pain, but in the end, we're here. With both a report and a request, too."

Mirellia: Do you mean, a request for reinforcements ?

Naofumi: Your understanding is appreciated. How about it ?

Mirellia: It'll be difficult... We have to keep reserves for defending our borders, and the Melromarc kingdom has few naval soldiers.

Raphtalia: ... Melromarc's army is mostly human...

Naofumi: So ?

Melty: There are few amphibious semi-humans in Melromarc. There are few semi-humans at all, and even fewer amphibious ones. And they're the most apt for the job...

"It's true that we haven't seen any..."

Raphtalia: There used to be a few in my village. I'm fairly good at swimming, but I never came close to their ability.

Mirellia: But we cannot leave this as it is. I will muster what skilled troops can be spared, and I hope they may do good work in your battalions . Naval soldiers... It won't work out, but I can think of a way to get powerful reinforcements.

"How so ?"

Mirellia: Why not recruit adventurers ?

Therese: It's pretty noisy.

L'Arc: Did the heroes screw up again ?


Mirellia: Iwatani, L/n. Preparations are complete. May you be fully capable of fighting, no matter where you are transported.

"Oh, this will definitely work out !"

Mirellia: No, my assistance is not at all perfect.

"That's not true. It's the best, we couldn't dream of anything better."

Mirellia: I hope that during this wave, I may be truly be able to provide you aid.

"This is the third time... And for the first time, i'm thinking of it as something fun. That's weird, but now... It's like I'm truly excited for that, like I'm not doing it because I need to, but because I actually want to..."

Naofumi: It's a little late for an inspiring speech.

"Ahh, fair enough. We've done all that we can. Come on everyone ! Don't you dare die on us !"

Mirellia: Assess the situation !!

Sailor: We've arrived on water !! Other ships, most likely belonging to the other heroes can be observed ! There is no land in sight !

Naofumi: The monsters... Where's the fissure ?!!


"Impossible... It must be here, somewhere..."

Naofumi: Damn... The fissure, IS IN THE SKY ?!!

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