Chapter 2-8: Soul eat, soul gem, soul Glass

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Glass: Y/n, wasn't it ? Looks like we meet again.

"Yes... I wouldn't say it's unexpected, but it certainly isn't welcome."

'Last time, even going all out barely did anything against her... We really didn't needed L'Arc and Therese on top of it.'

Glass: This time, I won't let you escape. Let's bring an end to this.

Mirellia: Only clear out monsters that will get in the way of rescuing our crew ! And don't chase them too far !

Sailor: Your highness ! It's not a good idea to stay in this place for too long... If their fight keeps going, we will...

Mirellia: No. "The enemy" isn't paying attention to us right now. If we don't attack them, they probably won't do anything to us. They really are underestimating us. The one thing that we can currently du is save as many lives as we can !

Glass: L'Arc. You should step back. I'll take on the Staff hero myself.

L'Arc: What ?! What are you saying, miss !! And here I was finally enjoying that battle...

Glass: I thought that might have been the case. As proof of that, they are not giving it their all.

Therese: What do you mean ?

Glass: When the Shield Hero gives it his all, the shield he uses is... Much more sinister than that.

Naofumi: Tch.

L'Arc: I see ! To think they had more up their sleeves...Well, that's just as expected of them ! It makes me want to battle them even more !!

Glass: L'Arc. That's precisely why I can't let them fight side-by-side.

L'Arc: Wai- MISS !!

Glass: well then, give it your all.

'Giving it our all ? Don't screw with us !!'

"... What just happened ?"

L'Arc: Miss. I don't think they'd go easy on us.

Glass: Are you sure about that... ?

L'Arc: Well, yeah. I only realized it a little while ago though. Before I realized it, I couldn't use any of my skills, that's when I knew.

'... Soul Eat. The Soul eater Shield's counter effect.'

Naofumi: 'It takes away the opponent's SP or MP... And only heroes can use skills.'

'Not to mention that elixir of life... When a normal person uses it, it only raises their concentration. So they really are from another world too...'

Naofumi: 'More importantly, why did that girl react that way ? When she touched the shield, the counter activated...'

'It eat away MP... And reacted immediately...'

L'Arc: Miss.

Glass: Yes, I understand. I won't underestimate them anymore.

Naofumi: What is that stupid grin on your face. You figured something out ?

"Maybe. Raphtalia, could you give that special sword of yours to Filo real quick ?"


Naofumi: here they come !!


"Futile... In the end, all that will remain is the truth when you lose... [KING CRIMSON] !!!"

"Filo, don't worry about anything. Follow me."

Filo: master, what do i need to do with that sword ?

"Before the erasure stops, put it through her body. If my hunch is correct, that would definitely help."

Filo: Okay !

"Now, get ready to run at my signal ! Time shall exist again !"

Glass: Uh... Ugh...

Therese: GLASS !!

"It worked ! It hit her !"

Naofumi: And it looks like it did quite a bit of damage on her.

"Which confirm my hunch. Your Soul Eater shield reacted at her attack, Raphtalia's special sword, which broke in the process, I'm sorry, did good damages too. But the real proof is here...'

Naofumi: A spiritual gem...

"I've taken a liking at that 'enchantment' skill lately, you know ? And this one is full. Well, it was empty not so long ago."

Therese: Glass !

Glass: Not a problem. Compared to the last time I confronted them, they certainly became stronger...

L'Arc: I see.

"So I was right... She is a spirit, or at least a being close to one. It looks like luck has decided to side with us this time."

Naofumi: We will win this battle.

Glass: Looks like I don't have any other choice but to admit it. If our paths ever cross again, I'm sure they will have become even stronger. And for that reason, there won't be a next time.

Naofumi: The attacks have grown weak after all.

"Now's our chance ! We must not let it slip away !"

Glass: You don't have that magic sword anymore ?

Raphtalia: It is temporarily unavailable, sadly. But, that sword is not the only weapon.



Therese: L'Arc !

L'Arc Ah ! Complain later ! Are you alright, miss ?!

"It's not over, let's keep it up !!"

L'Arc: As expected of you... I don't even have the leisure to go easy on you... I'LL ALSO USE MY TRUMP CARD !!

Naofumi: 'Items drop ?! What is he planning ?'

L'Arc: Careful. Therese, use these on her.

"Is he planning on letting her recover ?! STOP THEM !!"

Therese: We'll have to use them all.

L'Arc: I wanted to save them but... What use are items if they're not used when needed !

"YOU DON'T !! [THE HAND] !!!"

Therese: W- What ? Where did they go ?!

"One, two, three... Shit..."

L'Arc: You still have one, use it now before he does that again !!

'That feeling... That... menacing aura... It can't be good...'

Sailor: Cancel incantation !! Cancel incantation !!

Mirellia: Wha... WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS ?!!

Sailor: The ocean has been split in two ?!

Mirellia: The heroes, are they okay ?!

Sailor: I found them ! They're okay ! But...


L'Arc: This is amazing...

Glass: L'Arc. What is that item ?

L'Arc: Those potions can only recover SP and MP, but... It has an immense power up effect on you.

Glass: I see. Even I'm amazed at my strength... With this, both of us can fight with all we've got.

"You bet."


"You were right, L'Arc, items that are unused when needed are indeed pretty useless. It's time that even I start fighting at my utmost, it seems. Entering... Requiem spells series."

Mirellia: that shield... The situation doesn't look very promising... Something... Isn't there something that can be done ?!

Naofumi: Rather than recover, to think that she'd become even stronger, ain't that cheating ?

"[STAR PLATINUM REQUIEM] !! There's no mods out there to help us, this is a death fight ! [SILVER CHARIOT] !! All we need is an opening, or should I burn my own trump card already..."

"A barrel ?"

Mirellia: The thing that I can do is... Please receive this ! Heroes !!

Glass; Wh- ?!

Therese: What is... This ? Poison ?

L'Arc: This- This feels like...

"Lucol fruit..."

L'Arc: Th- This is bad ! MISS !!

Naofumi: To think that it could be used in this way... Above all, it's good to know that you have felt the taste of alcohol. Savor it, for this is the end-

Raphtalia: PLEASE STOP !!

Naofumi: Raphtalia ?!


Naofumi: Let go, Raphtalia ! Now is the chance to...

Glass: I can still... Go on... Even if both of us fall...

L'Arc: I know. I know that, miss. But, Time's up.

Naofumi: Dammit ! I was so close to... Even though I could have defeated her... DAMMITTTTT !!!

Filo: Master... ?

"Weeheehee... *Hips*"

Raphtalia: Naofumi...

Naofumi: You saved me there, Raphtalia.

"Also, your majesty..."

Mirellia: I'm glad that you're alright. But, please give your appreciation to that person yourself.

"That person... ? My head..."

Mirellia: yes, the one who gallantly clings to the lucol-filled barrel... That person.

"... Who is that ?"

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