Chapter 3-Final: Bring Back

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Filo: Hooraaaay~ !

"No. Don't let your guard down yet. That guy always has some kind of ace up his sleeve... Remember what he said ? That curse series isn't even close to being his trump card..."

Yomori: The... The book...

Raph-chan: Rafuuurh ! Rafufuh !

Yomori: Hey, what are you doing ?!

"I knew it ! Filo ! Kick that thing down !! Don't let it get away !!"

Filo: Eh ? ... Okay ! TAKE THIS !!


Filo: Kyah ! Master...

"... A hidden staircase... So it was true after all."

Naofumi: it still isn't over yet !

"Even though he treats people as disposable pawns... That asshole already had a backup plan ready !!"

Kyo: HAHAHAHAHAHA !! I made no blunder ! I already prepared a perfect body that I already imbued with the Spirit Tortoise's power !! I'll kill you all in seconds !! THE CURRENT ME, CAN-

Filo: That's weird... This one is already dead...


Raphtalia: N- Naofumi-sama...

Naofumi: So his soul has now become an evil spirit, huh ?

"Well, at least his appearance now reflects who he really is. Nothing more than a monster at this point... Rishia !"

Rishia: Y- Yes... !

Kyo: Idiot !! No way I'd be defeated by such a monster like this... !! T... T- This can't be... !! I'm supposed to be a genius !!

Kyo: R- Right !! I'll give you guys Homonculi ! Special ones that I created ! There's nothing that I can't do ! Your trashy specs too, I can modify those as well ! I... ! I... I was supposed to attain the perfect life... !! After my reincarnation... I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE STRONGEST... !!

Naofumi: So switching to a new body is what you call "Reincarnation" ? You are so stubborn. If you could decide where you would be reincarnated, nobody would have a hard time !

"... You can beg for your life, but... We don't plan on listening."


Kyo: ... ...

Kyo: H- Huh... ?

"It's when someone start begging for their life... that you know they are desperate."

Kyo: Wh- What did you...

"Time stop, in this world where only I can act, along with whoever i pull along with me. You really expected your little child experiments could go up against the origin of all magic ? Please. You're like a kid trying to impress an astronaut after making a paper plane."

Kyo: P- Please... Save...

"... How many ? How many people have been begging for their lives in front of you, while you laughed at them ? How many people do you think are waiting to jump you on the other side, exactly ? 10 ? 100 ? 1000 ? Or maybe so many you can't even count them ? Not like you'd bother with that anyway. And just like you, I'm not even gonna bother with you after this."


"God me you're noisy... But fine. I can make it so you never die. I mean, not really... If I were to combine Bite the Dust, Gold Experience Requiem and Mandom... I can create a reality where every time the trigger is hit, you go back a bit... So how about it ? Every time your sorry ass die, you will go back a few minutes, just to die again and again and again."


"You said you could do anything we want, didn't you ? Then... Please die, over and over again, so you can never come after us again. And now... Time will resume."

*Mission accomplished: You successfully took back the Spirit Tortoise's power.*

Naofumi: It's finally over, Ost.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama...

Naofumi: It's back... The spirit tortoise's power is back...

"And by the looks of it... So are we."

Rishia: What an amazing homecoming...

Mirellia: The people are showing their sincere gratitude. Will you wave back at them ?

Naofumi: That's not my style.

"Then don't mind of I do it in your place. After all this mess, I guess they'd want to thank the ones who stopped the disaster, even if it's the demons they once hated."

Rishia: F- Fueeeee ?!

Mirellia: We weren't able to prevent the Spirit tortoise's familiars from advancing. But I think our country avoided the brunt of the damage.

Naofumi: ... hey, Raphtalia ! Your miko outfit... !

Rishia: M- My equipment too !

"They're glitching out... ?"

Filo: Filo's is fine though... ?

Naofumi: Maybe it's because they use incompatible materials ?

Mirellia: You mean, an unknown substance ? That's interesting...

"Different worlds, different laws. Thinking about it, that world did have more advanced technology too. Wonder if the farewell gifts we received would still be of use..."

Naofumi: Well, Raph-chan seems to be fine.

Mirellia: ... Really... i'm really happy that all of you came back safely. Please, tell me about what happened, in the world on the other side of the wave.

Ethnobalt: i'm sorry, everyone.

Naofumi: No problem. You're busy, after all.

Ethnobalt: Ending something that started, seems to be quite difficult. Even so...At first, it was the people we were fighting, then the Vassal weapons that lost their masters also came, and tried to end the war Kyo started. I can only think of that as a miracle.

Kizuna: NAOFUMI !! Here, have this !

Kizuna: Wew. Thank god I made it in time.

Naofumi: heavy... What the hell is this ?!

Kizuna: Farewell gifts ! You also gave us a lot, right ?

Glass: The reproduction recipe for soul healing water.

Therese: Prototype accessories.

Naofumi: You know, that much was nothing...

Raphtalia: Umm... I want to return this. I can't take this back home with me. This is a Vassal Weapon meant for protecting this world, right ?

L'Arc: Well, that's true, but...

Glass: Now is not the time for that, right ? Moreover, perhaps it also wants to help your world. Since Kyo has awakened the Spirit Tortoise, that means the next of the Four spirit beasts is supposed to awaken soon.

Raphtalia: You're right... Another crisis like that of the Spirit Tortoise's...

L'Arc: When that time comes, we probably won't be able to help... Since with the Spirit Tortoise's power returning, the Waves will stop for a while...

"Then... I take it you won't mind me taking both the Mirror and Book home with me now, would you ?"

Ethnobalt: The Holy Staff is the origin node for all the magic, regardless of the world... Even Vassal weapons from this worlds are shards of its original power.

"Then you better watch out for your own weapons, because next time, i'm coming for them."

L'Arc: Just try. Even with a complete staff, the first hero couldn't do crap against the Waves.

"Careful now, Young master. With power from both worlds, you can bet I'll whoop you into next week next time we meet. I mean, if you can manage to get through all that peace-making stuff, of course.

L'Arc: I won't care if you cry later, kiddo !

Naofumi: ... It's time.

Kizuna: Naofumi ! We will always be comrades !! Even if we won't see each other again, let's do our best as heroes ! Goodbye !!

Naofumi: U- Uh... ?! Oh, right... This is Melromarc castle...

"It's funny, isn't it ? You'd expect to feel like we're back home, but still..."

Naofumi: yeah. It's more like we "Came back to this place again" huh... As I thought, my body is heavy...

"That's what you get for relying on the curse power again. This is something even I cannot heal, so just take it easy for a while.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama ! Are you feeling okay ? A massive curse is really troublesome, isn't it ? I can't muster up my usual strength... Why are you making that face... ?

Naofumi: Er, well... I'm just thinking that you're wearing the usual old outfit... 'Goodbye, miko outfit.'


"... I can't imagine this one settling down, even if she was cursed. Didn't you hear what Mirellia said ? Right now, Melty is in Seaetto territory where Eclair is."

Filo: Sea-what ?

Raphtalia: You've been there too, Filo. It's the territory where my village is.

Filo: Ehhh ?! Then, Filo will go there !

"No you won't !"

Naofumi: ... ... hey, is it just me, or is the atmosphere really heavy all of a sudden ?

"Look down."

Naofumi: Rishia ?!

Rishia: ... Itsuki-sama...

Raphtalia: She's been like that since earlier.

"... ... Unbelievable... That kind of thing..."

"What the... Did I misheard that ?!"

Mirellia: I don't have any words to comment on that...

"These... These three idiots... THEY DISAPPEARED AGAIN ?!"

Mirellia: After rescuing them from inside the Spirit Tortoise, they were comatose for a while, but... After they woke up, we explained what happened... Then, they suddenly disappeared.

Naofumi: W... WHY ?! FOR WHAT REASON ?! Is it because they don't want to train again ?! Even though they lost and were used by Kyo ?!

Mirellia: Perhaps that's why... Not only did they lose, but they also fell into the enemy's hand. I think because of that, they can't stand it anymore...

Mirellia: Of course we wouldn't announce this publicly... But there are elso new rumors circulating, that the Spirit Tortoise's rampage was caused by the Three Heroes. We're already searching for them so we can bring them back before anything goes wrong.

Rishia: ... ... ... Uhhh...

Raphtalia: Rishia !!

"... ... Those goddamn... They did everything possible to screw things up with the Spirit Tortoise, and the lesson they learned was 'Let's do exactly the same thing again ?!' I swear I'll find them and drag them back here by their necks if I have to !!"

Naofumi: ... 'The old me would say, "You deserve that !" and laugh at them... But now, I don't feel good about this... But why... Why do I have to feel like this... Ost said that the next one to awaken is the "Phoenix"... Honestly, I don't know if we can win the way we are now. Due to using the curse's power, My and Raphtalia's stats have dropped to about 30% of normal. The other countries are exhausted because of the damage, we can't really count on them. So the only one we can really rely on right now is...'

"Yeah, it's me. Well, Filo and Rishia too, but you get the gist of it... I swear, it's like these three are actually trying to make things harder for everyone else. When I find them, I'll put them somewhere I can monitor and control their movements 24/7."

Naofumi: ... ... ... That's it !

"What ? What is it ?"

Naofumi: I came up with a plan.

Mirellia: We can only serve these for now, but please take your time to replenish your energy.

"Filo, how many times did I tell you not to talk with your mouth full... !"

Mirellia: Normally, we would hold a big celebration for your return, but...

Naofumi: We don't things like that. The country is in big trouble, right ? If you don't mind rewarding a hero, there's something I want. Can you give it to me ?

Mirellia: Iwatani-sama wants something ? Of course we will, as long as it's possible.

Naofumi: ... ... ...

Naofumi: I want a territory.

It really is a pain once you catch up with the manga release... And I can't even use the LN this time, since they take diferent direction.

Also, season 4 will be a different book once it happens. Stay tuned, and have a great day.

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