Chapter 3: Kid's meal

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Blacksmith: Welcome... Well, if it isn't the shield kid.

Naofumi: I came back to pay what I own you. Also, show me the weapons you have that are worth around 6 silver coins. And if you've got some clothes on clearance, show me those, too.

'That poor girl... I can't begin to imagine what she went through before that...'

Blacksmith: Kid...

Naofumi: I've been wondering, Y/n, how come you still have your mage gear on ?

"I guess, since she couldn't give it to Motoyasu, and thought I was dead, she just decided to leave it alone..."

Naofumi: I guess so... You finished, Raphtalia ? You sure took your time.

Raphtalia: I-I apologize...

Naofumi: Well, whatever. Raphtalia, take out your knife. Try killing this thing.

Raphtalia: Hiih ! A monster ?!

"Relax, it's attached to him. Just stab it."

Raphtalia: N-No... I don't want to...

Naofumi: That's an order. If you don't obey me...

Naofumi: ... It will only bring you pain.

She reluctantly unsheathed her dagger, and stabbed the balloon, rather weakly...

Naofumi: That's too weak ! Put your back into it !

Raphtalia: Y-YAH ! *POP*

*Naofumi 1 EXP/Raphtalia 1 EXP*

Naofumi: Huh, I got experience, too ?

Blacksmith: When you made the slave contract, you set her up as a fellow comrade, didn't you ? Did you not have it like that with woman from before ?

"Oh... That explain quite a lot of things..."

Naofumi: I see now. She never had any intention of being our comrade, or even helping us in the first place...

Raphtalia: U-Um... Hiih...

Naofumi: Hey, listen up ! From now on, I demand that you fight against the demons ! In return, we will protect you. We paid for you with what little money we finally managed to get. Until you pay that off, don't die. We're going.

"Don't mind his behavior. He's been through quite a lot recently, but when you get to know him, he's nice guy."

Naofumi: What are you doing ?! Hurry it up !

Raphtalia: Y-Yes, coming !

Blacksmith: What a mess... I'm not sure if the regime's just bad, or if that kid's just been corrupted...

"I have some guesses about that... I should be going too."

Blacksmith: Before you go, just know that two heroes can't be apart of the same group, so keep that in mind.

"Thanks, I will."

Naofumi: it turns out getting a slave was a good idea after all. She can obtain way more loot than me...

"While I'm against the system... I can't deny that. Plus, it's not like we really have a choice here..."

Naofumi: Same here... But your new spells/Stands were quite useful too. Are you sure you don't have more ?

"Not really. I can create as much of these as I want, but it takes some time to use it properly. Magician's red was quite a simple one, that's why I could use it right away..."

Naofumi: if you say so... I've unlocked a new shields, and my skills have increased, too.

*Blue mushroom shield; Simple compound recipe +1.*

Naofumi: Compounding, cooking... Only utility skills... Still handy though...

Raphtalia: *Cough Cough*

Naofumi: She's been coughing all the time. Is it a cold or something ?

'Now that I think about it, I better create a healing spell as soon as possible... And I already know how to name it...'

Naofumi: Whoa ! *Compounding, Success ! You have made one common medicine.* This is pretty good quality medicine. So it'll wok against slight colds, huh ? I bet I can sell this for a high price.

"Colds... ? Hey Raphtalia, drink this !"

Naofumi: You can go ahead and eat that fish, too.

Raphtalia: Y-Yes sirs !

Naofumi: 'Don't know if it'll work or not, but it's worth a shot...'

Raphtalia: Gah ! Blegh...

Naofumi: Ah, you idiot ! What a freaking waste ! Drink it ! That's an order ! You hear me ?!

Rap: B-But it's so bitter and it hurts...

Naofumi: It hurts because of your curse ! Drink it and you'll feel better !

'If we forget the whole slave thing, this is kinda cute.'

Raphtalia: Ugh.. Geh...

Naofumi: Ahh ! You wasted an entire bottle, damn it !

Naofumi: ... Shit. After that many bottles, you'll feel better... At least, it was good practice for me.

"Yes, we know that your remedies are effective, it's already a good thing itself. "

Naofumi: Anyway, we've got to watch the fire, so let's just let her sleep for now. I'll try to compound a bit more.

'Let's see what others spells I can make...'

Naofumi: Wh-What's going on ?! Raphtalia, what's wrong ?!

Raphtalia: N-No... S-Save...

Naofumi: Is this what he meant by panic attacks ?! Snap out of it ! It's okay !! Everything's all right !

Raphtalia: D-Dad... Mom...

Naofumi: 'She was sold as a slave... I bet she has a harsh past... Even so, we need a slave !'

"You two go to sleep, I'll watch over the fire."

Next morning:

Naofumi was busy negotiating with the same merchant as always, and while Raphtalia was having a staring contest with a cat on a barrel, I was leaning against my staff, half-asleep after my almost sleepless night.

Merchant: Come again !

Naofumi: That went pretty well... We're going, guys.

"Huh ? Chicken ? Where ?!"

Naofumi: Why did you let us sleep so much ? Let's get going, Raphtalia...

Naofumi: You like that ball or something ?

Raphtalia: Huh ?! Ah, um... N-N-N-No ! N-Not at all ! I don't want it at all !!

'She must really want it...'


Naofumi: Hungry ?

She vigorously shook her head no.

Naofumi: You are, aren't you ? let's get some grub.

Waiter: Welc- GEH ! It's the shield...

"We know, so shut it, please. There's no need to yell it like that."

Naofumi: Give us three of the cheapest meals you've got.

Naofumi: On second thought, bring us two of the cheapest thing and a kid special meal.

Raphtalia: What ?!

Naofumi: What, you don't want to eat it ?

Raphtalia: N-No, I don't...

"You know it's not a big deal if you do, right ?"

Raphtalia: Why... Do you...? The master I had before... And all the ones before that... Always got... So mad, whenever I looked happy and like I was having fun...

"That explains a lot of things..."

Naofumi: Indeed. Hear me out on this, Raphtalia. I want you as my weapon. There's no point to a sword without a blade, so eat up. Hurry up and sit in your chair. Our food's coming.

Waiter: Here you go.

As soon as our order came in, Raphtalia was already drooling over her kid meal.

Raphtalia: A-Are you sure it's okay ?

Naofumi: Do I have to repeat myself ? You want to be ordered to eat ?

'She doesn't have really good manners, but it's probably because she was a slave for a long time... That doesn't really matter right now, though...'

Naofumi: What's wrong ? Does it taste bad ?

Raphtalia: It tastes good ! Really good !!

Naofumi: Oh, yeah ?

"Don't forget to wipe your mouth when you're finished."

Naofumi: 'Doesn't look like she's lying. Is it really that good ? I knew it, mine doesn't have any flavor at all. I've never once thought of anything I've eaten in this world as delicious...'

'I've once heard of people that lost their faculty to feel taste after a trauma... I believe that's what's happening to Naofumi... Will we ever go back to our own world one day... ?'

Raphtalia: YAH !!

Naofumi: All right, good job. Looks like that level of demon is already a walk in the park for you.

"Guys, keep your guard's up, there a bunch of them coming this way !"

Naofumi: What are you waiting for ? Blast them off already.

"Actually, I wanted to try something else. Raphtalia, I'll need your help on this one."

Raphtalia: What is it ?

"Just stand still, and slice them all up ! [SILVER CHARIOT] !!"

I touched her head with my staff, and she started to glow a silvery aura, before disappearing suddenly.

Naofumi: What is that ? An invisibility spell ?

"Nothing so complex, just something that enhance the target's speed statistic."

Right on cue, all the monsters were killed as once, and Raphtalia reappeared in front of us, slightly dizzy from that.

"Good, so I don't need to cast these ones on myself for a maxed effect."

Naofumi: If we're done here, let's go further into the forest.

There was some rustling in the bushes behind us, and from it jumped a strange rabbit-looking creature.

*A Pill rabbit has appeared !*

Naofumi: Whoa, is that a monster, too ? Finally something that looks like a real animal ! Okay Raphtalia ! Get him, now ! Stab it !

Raphtalia: I... I can't...

"Why not ? Just do it the same way you took down the other demons."

Raphtalia: B-But... If I stab it, then it will bleed... Blood... Is scary...

'After all, this is clearly different from those things we were fighting until now... But these are the kind of monsters we'll fight from now on.'

Naofumi: Listen, Raphtalia. If you can't fight, then we can't take care of you anymore. A wave of monsters is going to jeopardize this world, so we've got to get stronger before that happens. Because I'm the shield hero, though, I don't have a weapon to fight with. So, someone has to fight for me. If you can't do it, I'll have to get someone else ! So... That's why...

'He's just as sick as me from saying that, I can tell already, but he's right. None of us chose to be a hero and fight, but he's basically demanding the same from her, to fight a battle she doesn't want to.'

Raphtalia: Heroes... Of shield and staff ? You're going to fight against the calamity... ?

"It would seem... That it's our role here after all..."

Raphtalia: I understand...

Raphtalia: I... Will fight. Blood still scares me, but... I will do my best. I will make myself of use to my master... So please, don't throw me aside.

Naofumi: ... If you do your job, we won't get rid of you.

'At least, for her this life must be better than going back to a slave's one... I'm pretty sure dinner's won't be tasty for Naofumi...'

Raphtalia: Delicious !

"All I did was roasting that thing we killed earlier."

Raphtalia: I know, but it's so tasty...

She started to cough again, and didn't go unnoticed by Naofumi.

Naofumi: You're coughing again, the medicine you took earlier probably stopped working.

Raphtalia: *Sweatdrop*

Naofumi: Make sure to drink it all and don't spill it this time.

Raphtalia: ... Ng. *Gulp*

Naofumi: All right, that's a good girl.

"After you finish eating, go to bed. We'll wake you up in a bit."

Raphtalia: Y... yes sir !

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