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Caspian, with his head bandaged, opened his eyes. He slipped off the bandage and got up.
"This bread is so stale." Caspian heard his brother say.

"I'll just get him some soup then." Caspian heard an unknown person reply.

"You said you were going to get rid of them." Another voice said.

"No, I said I'd take care of them." The other shot back.

"Well, I don't think I hit him hard enough."

"Nikabrik, they're just boys!" The other voice told, Nikabrik.

"Their Telmarines, not some lost puppies!" Nikabrik shot back.

"We can't kill them now, not after bandaging the others head. It would be like murdering a guest."

"Ah, and how do you think his friends are treating their guests?" Nikabrik asked.

"Trumpkin knew what he was doing." The other replied, referring to the dwarf that the Telmarines had taken.

Caspian got up and bolted for the door, pulling Cyrus with him and making Trufflehunter drop the bowl of soup. Nikabrik stood in their way. Caspian grabbed a hot poker from the fire and blocked Nikabrik's blows.

"See? I told you we should've killed them!" Nikabrik told Trufflehunter.

"You know why we can't!" Trufflehunter replied.

"If you're taking a vote, I'm with him," Camden said.

"We can't let them go! They have seen us!" Nikabrik yelled at the badger.

Nikabrik swung his sword a few more times, but Caspian blocked him with the hot poker.

"That's enough, Nikabrik! Or do I have to sit on your head again?" The badger threatened the dwarf.

The two princes shared a look.

Nikabrik stopped.

"Now, look what you made me do! I spent half the morning on that soup." Trufflehunter scolded Caspian.

"Wh-what are you?" Caspian asked.

"It's funny. You'd think more people would recognize a badger when they saw one." Trufflehunter laughed. The two princes sat down.

"No, my brother means—You're Narnians. You're supposed to be extinct." Cyrus said.

"Sorry to disappoint you," Nikabrik replied.

Trufflehunter returned with more soup.
"Here we are. Still hot." He set the soup on the table.

"Since when did we become a boarding house for Telmarine soldiers?" The dwarf asked the badger.

"We are not soldiers! I'm Prince Caspian—the tenth. And my brother Prince Cyrus." Caspian said to them both.

"What are you doing here?" Nikabrik asked the two.

"Running away. Our uncle has always wanted my throne. I suppose I have only lived this long because he did not have an heir of his own." Cyrus answered.

"Well, this changes things." Said Trufflehunter.

"Yes—It means we won't have to kill you ourselves," Nikabrik answered.

"You're right."
Caspian got up and started to put on his armor.

Cyrus gave his brother a look. "Where are you going?" Cyrus asked.

"Our uncle will not stop until I am dead," Caspian replied.

"Wait, you're meant to save us! Don't you know what this is?" Trufflehunter asked, as he picked up Queen Susan's horn.

Caspian and Cyrus stared at the horn in Trufflehunter's hands.

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