Chapter 15: The secret and its owners.

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"Who do you think this sponsor is?" I ask Rayn. Who would even sponsor this much of money to a countryside school unless this person has a link to this school? I need to assemble the best team to find out who this person will be.

" We will know this person soon. He said he will be here soon. It was the personal assistant of this person who called me. I know for a fact that it's from a company called Amstrong corporation."

"Do you think Anna will make a scene soon?" Stef asks.

"I can take care of her. You don't need to worry about her but our issue here is how to formulate the plan to succeed Abid's dreams. Liam has decided to hand over Abid's belongings to you all tomorrow at the meeting. I know we all can't ignore since this is about Abid." I should agree with that. Abid has always been a friend and a brother one would always cherish for. Abid had been a change in my life. He helped me to come on the right path. I have done everything and even sacrificed everything for whatever he had done for me. I have kept his greatest secret and he did mine. We have kept that secret from all. He took it to his tomb. But I had to carry this burden forever.

10 years ago...

I did everything that would make me look like a bad boy. I did my best in making them all want to give what I need. Expulsion. Yet nothing worked. I guess my father had spent all his money and power to make me stay in this school.

"You can't seriously walk around like you own this school Mr.Ross..." Mr.Levington, the calculus teacher was giving me the morning headache.

"What if I do Mr.Levington? Is walking around the school premises breaking any rules?" I snap.

"You don't own this school. Even Mr.Rayn cant walk around like this even though he is the heir... You walking around when you have class, technically when you are bunking classes then I have a problem. Like father like son."

"How do you know my father?"

"Don't you know he was a student here. He was just like you when he was your age. Unluckily I was his classmate back then."

"Wait you are telling me that he studied in this school?"

"Haha... how funny that you don't know anything about your own father? You are just like him."

"I AM NOTHING LIKE MY FATHER. Anyways do you have a problem with him? "

"I hate your father's guts. He takes away everything that he thinks belongs to him. He loves to destroy lives." Mr Levington looked like he was going to punch something with his anger. "Anyways I can't waste my time talking to you. I have to get to my class. I prefer you to go to your class now but You have got detention for a week."

As Mr.Levington walked away, I was half broken. My father was a gracean. That was news to me. But why wouldn't he say? I don't want to walk in his path. But he is forcing me into it. I didn't go back to my class rather I went for a run... I took a turn and sat in a bench I first saw. This place looked abandoned. Dense trees were crisscrossing each other making this place look exotic. New paths are coming across my way since I first joined Grace.

Then I felt like I heard someone scratching something. I heard a metal thud like sound. I walked up to the incoming nuisance. In between to trees I saw a boy hiding something in a secret chest like something. Abid. What was he doing here? Was he doing some illegal stuff?

"What are you doing here captain? Bunking classes are you? Hiding away your drugs? Look what the school's good boy is doing? Haha." I smirked at him. He is going down.

"Sshh... Keep it, quiet idiot. I am the captain. I have my duties. I was taking school rounds. What are you doing here anyway?" He asked.

"Hmm... what I was doing here is not important but what the school captain doing here is important. It's not my reputation that matters a lot you know."

"It's not what you think it is... oh! This is kind of embarrassing." Abid was flushed all over.

"Well, this is going to be interesting. What are you hiding man? Drugs? Girl's porno pictures? Or is it boys? Or is it..."

"Uhh!! No... not that... it's just... alright. These are just letters for my dead mother." He shocked me. This was a very sensitive topic. At least for me. His mother was dead. I can relate his emotions with mine.

Noticing my silence Abid continued: "I write letters to my mother since I was just a little boy. She died when I was 8 years old but I never stopped writing to her. She was a gracean you know and she is the one who showed me this place. Since her death, I was writing my letters and keeping it in this chest. This may sound so lame but I feel like this is the only way I can still feel connected to her."

I could see his eyes tearing up. Emotions were running around him which reflects mine.

"I sew beads like my mother used to do. It helps me feel connected to her." This was the first time I open myself to anybody. But I can relate myself to him. Losing your loved ones especially your mother could make you feel so vulnerable.

"My mother passed away a year ago due to leukaemia. I didn't want to leave the place she was when she died but my father forced me to come here." I said.

"That's why you act like this... arent you? I always knew there was a different person inside you." Abid smiled in between his now running tears. He was letting his emotions out.

"I don't care about anything or anyone. I just need to go back to Dubai. I can't let my father win."

"You are letting your father win by your attitude Asher. If you really need to win then prove him that you are nothing like him. Prove to him that you are your mother's boy. I saw how he looked at you that day. He believed that you cant never be a good man. He hoped that you will be him. I read people well you know." Abid looked at me with a new light.

"Thank you for sharing your secret with me." I said.

"Thank you for opening up to me. But please don't tell anybody about the letters and crying part okay. People will think I am too girly."

"Oh! You don't worry about that. I won't risk my bad-boy reputation by throwing off your secrets when you can easily ruin my whole image by telling others about me sewing beads." I laughed.

"Do you play football, Asher? "

"Yah! I used to play as a defender in Dubai. Why? Looking for a new player."

"Yah! One of our defenders has broken his legs last week. Guess I found the right guy then. Anyway, you can't say no to me as I could easily ruin your so-called bad-boy reputation." He raised his eyebrows.

"So you are blackmailing now huh? Don't worry I am in... Anyway, I was missing playing football."

"Good then. We should go now. Meet you in the field after class is done. I will talk to Sam about it. He is the football captain. Guess this makes us friends then?" He asked.

"Moving forward faster, are we? I will meet you in the field."

"Haha.. you agree or not but we are already friends. Btw what are you doing here? How did you find this place?"

"Mr Levington was giving me his bullshit in the hallway. The crazy old man gave me a weeks detention. How do you all tolerate that man? Does he ever smile?" I asked. Abid started to laugh at that.

"Believe me when I say that Mr.Levington loves to laugh on his own jokes. But next time be careful when you say that about my old man. I could easily take away my friendly hand from you. Now go back to your class. Meet you in the field." He walked away. Wait! Did he say mr.levington as his old man?

"YOUR WHAT??" I shouted behind his back. He turned and smiled.

"Mr.Levington is my father."

Kill me.

Whenever I think about Abid, I feel guilty. I should have never done things that I did 8 years ago. Those things lose me my love and a great friendship I had. The friendship is now long gone forever but I can get back that love. Cant I? But I wonder how since after everything we both went through.

Rayn has arranged us all rooms in a new hotel. We all were getting ready to go there. Decagrace was over for all the other graceans who came but for us tonight was just a start. Our reunion is just starting.

"Brother, What are you thinking about?" Zara asked.

"Nothing at all. Are you okay? Sorry about what Mia said earlier."

"Its nothing bro. I am fine with whatever she said. She was right in her own ways. But brother... Are you thinking of getting her back?" Zara asked curiously. She hated to talk about it but I wonder why she is talking about it now.

"No... why should I? I am all over it... I thought that's what you wanted... I thought that was everyone wanted. Besides she is engaged now." I said.

"What is that you want, brother?" She asked. She never asked me that. She never even speaks to me properly without hate in her eyes. But something changed in her over the years. I wonder what.

"Since when do you care about what I want? Besides, It doesn't matter anymore." I saw the sadness in Zara's eyes. Wow. What is happening? I know that she is regretting everything that happened in the past. Everyone is.

"Go to your room little sister. Have a good sleep. Don't worry about other things. I am very tired and I need to sleep now." I left her in the hotel lobby for my room. She was staying with an old classmate of hers in the other end of the lobby. I ran to the elevator before it can close the door. Lucky enough I got in before it closed. There in the elevator stood the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in her black gown glimmering like night goddess. Her dark hazel brown eyes locked my ocean blue eyes...



Tada.... Hazel and Asher in an elevator... things is getting too steamy arent they...

What do you think Abid's gift is for each one of them? Who do you think the mystery Sponser is? Every secrets and mysteries will be revealed very soon... so hold onto your device... wait for your reunion... fam

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I am losing my sleep to make you enjoy The reunion.
I deserve your love. Don't I?.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
I ♡U all.

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