Chapter 17: Morning and Melodrama.

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The Sun is rising from the east, showering the morning bliss upon my face. Huh! Who the hell opened the curtain? I need to sleep. It was an exhausting night and sleep was alluring me until the sun decided to lit up my face and ruin my sleep. Then the alarm went off. Huh! That too... Then I remembered that I have an important work to do.

I got up hurriedly and did my daily chores. Its just brushing and bathing nothing else. Then went to the Grace central. I am late for an hour already. I am sure everybody will be already there waiting for me in the conference room. I hope they are also bit late for the assigned time or else they will smack me for my carelessness.

I walked upto the conference room hoping that they dont smack me today. I have a mission. A mission to convince them all to work togather. Work for Abid's dream. I need to make them all move forward from the past. That is the hardest job ever.

When I opened the door to the conference room, I noticed that all are already here. Bullseye! I am definitely getting the smack. I took a moment to study them all. Shiro and Rizz were sitting on the end corner chatting. On the chair's opposite to them is Hayden and Sid talking casually. My instinct says they are talking about films.AGAIN.  Beside Rizz is Mia, who was trying to have little talks with Hazel. Hazel seems to not bother with Mia's chattering but instead she kept frowning at Asher's and Anna's interaction, which looks more like flirting to any normal person. Seeing Anna's hands on Asher's palms made my eyes twitch. I forbid them to do that in front of us. Why is Anna even here? Didnt she say she has nothing to do with us and left? I also noticed Stef looking at Zara, who kept her head low but seeks glances of Hazel. Liam is standing near the window who obviously is lost in oblivion.

Hayden who first noticed my arrival clapped his hands.

"Look who finally decided to show up?" Sid added his perfect Brad pitt effect onto Hayden's clap. What so the arch rivals are best buddies now?

"Sorry guys, I overslept." I said in my best tone.

"When do you ever come on time?" Anna frowned still leaning the furthest she can to Asher. I didnt forget to notice that Asher kind of looked uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Lets not any waste time, you guys. Some people need to go back to their home and work." Asher snarled.

"Speak what you need to say." Hazel said in her boss like tone. Wow is that part of her new Hazel show?

"Calm down you guys. Did you all had breakfasts?"I said.

"Yeh! Will you cut your drama and say the reason why you all called us here early morning itself." Hayden said.

"I already told you everything yesterday at the party Hayden. If you had bothered to listen to me then you would have know. You were showing off your celebrity shit in front of others then. Oh! Will somebody repeat everything to him." I scowled.

Nobody even bothered. They all rolled their eyes.

"Alright I will tell you again. This matter is about a huge business deal. Something that Abid had dreamed of years ago before his... " I couldnt say that words. It still hearts remembering about it.
"So as his most beloved friends and as loved ones, We should fulfill his dreams... Mr. Levington is gone. I mean he went somewhere taking up a monk life. So he left some of Abid's possessions to us. Liam is having them currently. Abid has a diary which has his dreams and ideas written on it. I thought.. I thought that after these many years if time could bring us all togather under this roof, then it may be a sign. A sign that Abid wants us to take up his dreams and complete it. Abid is the one who binded us all togather back then. Imagine this a group of juniors and their seniors forming an amazing friendship. He had put an end to bullying and every evil thing when he was the school captain. He was the perfect example of true leadership. He is joining us all again. Dont you all see." I was overwelmed with emotions as I speak. I noticed few of my friends tearing up too. I continued after a moment.

"Abid wants us to make Grace central a school for all those students who deserve to study here. He wants to convert the campus area into a little town where all those who lacks fortune but is worth enough could stay and thier children can join this school. This project takes time and money. But we can have it if we puts our mind to it. I mean we are the only people who can do it. "

"Wait, But what you are talking about is HUGE!! A town? How is that even possible? Will your dad even agree with this?" Hayden pointed out.

"Grace central is officially transfered to my name already. I dont care about wht my dad thinks. I need to fix every crack my dad and Anna's dad had did in this institution. Abid is showing us the path. This is not at all huge when we already have 10 millions in our hands." I saw Hayden's eyes pop out and heard Anna chocking. I could sense other's being shocked too.

What?? 10 million? Who? How did you get 10 million? Did you win lottery?? - everybody was shooting me with questions.

"Like I said before a huge company from US is offering us this much of money. They had offered us this much of money when I had send an message to our major sponsers and partners on the help needed to organize this reunion." I said.

"They simply offered you 10 million for a simple REUNION?" Anna snapped.

"Yes. And what do you mean simple reunion? It was the most grand event I have organised. It took 3 million dollars to set up the entire event platform. Your stay and after party, everything took 4 million dollars total. Ofcourse they didnt simply offer 10 million for a Reunion. Even if I had organised the world's greatest event, then there will be 2million or something balance. They offered because I told them about Grace being in edge of bankruption. It only needed a million for Grace to get save. So we still have 5 million balance." I said.

"5 entire million? I dont even get paid that much for acting in movies for a whole year." Sid pointed out.

"The only person who can effort that much of money here is Asher." Shiro pointed out.

Every eyes were pointed towards Asher.

"Huh! Who are you all kidding? Will he even give away single penny to the school he really wanted to get rid off?" I mocked. Asher is not a charitable kind of guy. He is a selfish prick.

"I would actually. Tell me how much more you need. I will give them now itself." Asher challenged. Dont forget is an arrogant asshole too.

"Oh! Never mind. We dont need your so called charity. The sponsers has already contacted me. The CEO of the company is ready to meet us tommorow morning to negotiate." I said.

"How can you believe in a stranger? How do you not know they are not scam?" Asher snapped.

"I believe them. We will anyway see this person tomorrow itself." I said confidently. They are not scam of course. I believed them because they believed me. Otherwise why would such an efficient company trust us with such an huge amount. Only thing I am worried is about what they need in return. Every business deal has its own conditions.

"Well, I won't be seeing this person. I and Zara is going back tonight." Asher said.

"Its your choice. I actually called you here because I thought even though you have this arrogance with you, your friendship with Abid was more important. If you want you can go. No one is stopping you, but if you really needed to help Abid's dreams to come true, then stay. Its your choice Amiri. " I said back. He kept queit after that. But I already know what his answer will be. But I hope he stays. If he could put his money and power on the table, then Abid's dream will come true even before the targeted timeline. I can tolerate this guy for the sake of Abid and Sam.

"Rayn, will you just tell us what is the purpose of calling us all here? I mean we respect Abid's dreams and Ideas but this is a business deal. You can do it yourself, Cant you? You should know that we have a life to get back to." Shiro said.

"Can I ask you what you are Shiro?" I asked him. Now I am getting to the point.

"I am a lawyer idiot. Why do you need to know my profession now? You know very well that I am an hotshot lawyer the world has ever seen." Shiro boasted himself.

"See thats what I am saying. You are the best lawyer Grace has ever produced. Even though you act like a jocker sometimes you are really good at what you do. You can easily negotiate land dealings, big money and everything that is needed for this project. We need you for that." Shiro had a proud expression in his face as I said it. I looked at each of them and continued.

"We have a great team with us here. Rizz as an architect would help us in how to plan the entire town. Of course, Mia can help him too." I pointed.

'Chauvinist freak. These Men.' I could hear Mia curse out loud in her mind by the look she was giving me.

"Hey, I am a Civil engineer idiot. I am best in making the plans. Rizz can be my assistant." Mia snarled. Rizz didnt say anything against her but nodded his head.

"Whatever. Liam is the Charted Accountant and he could do the banking and numbers etc. Even Hazel is good at numbers so she can help him." Hazel didnt say anything against it. I still didn't know what she does for living and that was breaking my bones.

"But Can I ask you why are we all needed here. I am no businessman. I am an actor, So is hayden. Stef is just a musician. Why are we all here?" Sid asked.

"To entertain of course. What I mean is we need more supporters and organisers for this project. If the Amstrong coperation backs out, You could help us get that money by performing in our charity concert or something. But believe me guys you are really needed for marketting and advertisments. Its not businessman who connect with public, its you celebrities." I also started to flower some compliments to them and then they were flat. I know for a fact that stef decided to stay because he needs a break from all the concerts and paparazzi. The other two actors just wants more fame and publicities. Sid might not be fame hungry like Hayden as he is already too famous but somewhere they had this animosity going on.

"Anyone has any doubts?" I asked one last time.

"Why the hell am I here?" Anna shouted. Oh! I actually forgot her being in that room. I noticed that her two dolls are not there with her. I also noticed that she has stopped clinging onto Asher as she shouted at me.

"I didnt tell you to come to this meeting. You came here on your own. I told you why you need me yesteday darling. You can end your and my father's mistakes by joining Socrose by Grace. We could actually be partners. Thats your only role. I should say only choice. Or else you arent needed here." She kept groaning at me. Other than rolling eyes, groaning, scwoling etc she does nothing for me.

"YOU SON OF A BASTARD!!! I refuse to be your partner... you.." Anna started to swear when suddenly a loud moan came from someone. What was happening?

"OHHHH!!! MOTHER GRACEEE.... AAAHH! My... my... my... AAHHH."  We all turned to owner of the moaner.

"What happened baby? Are you alright?" Rizz started to look as pale he can be when his wife started to cry out loud.

"RIZZZ... I... RIZZ... BABY.." Mia started to cryout again.

"Mia... Is the baby? Oh my god... My baby" Rizz practically looked like he was about to cry.

"AAAH... DO... SOMETHING.... I THINK THE BABY IS..." Before Mia can complete saying Rizz started to break into tears.

"What happened to my baby? Is he... oh my god..."


"Somebody get the car ready. I guess the baby is coming." Hazel stood from her chair and went to hold Mia. Stef was already on his way when Mia cried out again.

"But my date is not yet... oh god... my water aint broken... is my baby... am I having a miscarraige?" Mia was crying like a baby. Oh! This is bad.

"Dont worry... Rizz was overreacting... Come on... You can be early too, you know... your baby might have decided to show up early..."
Hazel was comforting her. Maybe hazel was a doctor or something. She might have decided to get rid of her unusual talent in numbers and might have became an gynacologist. That might be it. Suddenly stef returned back.

"Come on, the car is ready." Hazel took Mia by a hand. I went to help Mia with the other hand. Stupid Rizz was having his moment behind us and was comforted by Shiro. I and Hazel took Mia to the awaiting car outside. Rizz had somehow regained is consciousness and came stood by his wifes side. As we were helping weeping Mia get inside the car. She gave a loud cry.



Baby is coming already.... Do you know the speciality of the day after the reunion day? Guess what today is for them...

I am very lazy and tired... gonna get back to sleep.

You dont forget to shower your love...
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♡yaa my reunion family.

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