chapter 2: Head of The Institution

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Jose McCleary

"Sylvester... Sylvester... SYLVESTER!! YOU... Idiot where are you? Come to my office ASAP! "
This secretary is giving me a headache. 'Idiot' I should say. I tolerated this guy for the last 15 years. I wanted to fire him every single second, but alas, his family had been working here since Grace has been found. If it wasn't for the school's founder and his so-called legacy, I would have fired him long ago. He is too slow in everything.

The door burst open suddenly.

"Yes, sir. I... Sorry sir, for being late. Ms Leena and Mrs Ray were giving me work on the list of alumni for decagrace. Ah... Sorry, Mr.Jory McClose!! No, sir... Opzidopsi!! Mr.Jose McCleary. So sorry again, Sir." This Dumbo never fails to ruin my mood every day. I have only one word to describe him― Idiot!

"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH SYLVESTER!! Get out before you ruin my day."

"But you sir... Called me?. " He stuttered.

"Ah... Right... Idiot, you made me forget the issue. Yes, let me come to the point, then get out from here."

I take out the folder from my desk to put it on my table. The problems inside these files burst a wall inside me and then I pour my worry out.

"Look... We are having financial problems these days. The rival school as you know is creating issues here. The finance director had called me to notify this to the MD. This reunion plan was made by the idiot son of the MD. Such a spoiled rich kid, he is, let me tell you. Don't know what is his deal. I want you to call Mrs.Ray and Ms.Leena here ASAP."

"How are we going to manage the finance for this event? Oh... Those kids have grown up to become celebrities, actors, businessmen... We are calling up millionaires, billionaires, and half of Hollywood here. How are we going to welcome them all?? Call upon the team now. I need to find a sponsor. Where is the heir anyway? That spoilt brat of MD. Such an undisciplined boy. Wonder what would happen if he becomes the MD. Oh! I need a drink first. Oh! I need my retirement."

"Sir, Don't you think you are exaggerating a little?" Sylvester murmurs in a feeble voice.

"What?" I snapped.

"Sir, I mean is that all of the alumni are not that successful and we have only two Hollywood actors from Grace. They are all rich indeed, but all are not millionaires and billionaires, you know. They all are in different occupation as far as I know. Some are unsuccessful too. "

"How dare you belittle my students?" I roar at him.

"That's not what I mean, Sir."

"YOU... YOU."

My pressure is low again. Whenever I think about this reunion, my head burns. A drink suddenly slides up to me through my desk. When I look up, Sylvester was standing near a corner looking towards the window near my side. I turned to face the devil of a son— Rayn.

He was leaning near the window plane looking at my pale face grinning.

'AHH! The spoiled brat.' I cursed him in my mind.

"Hey, Princi... Calm down and have your drink. It's whiskey. Nobody will know that the master of discipline is drinking during work time. How hypocritical, isn't it?" He was laughing looking outside to the football ground.

"You spoiled brat. Don't play your privilege of being the heir with me. I am the head of the school. You can't overrule me. Anyway, Come to the point. What is the reason for your sudden arrival? "

"Hmm... Let's get to the point then. I came here to tell you that we got a sponsor."

"What? Marvellous. Lady grace blesses upon us. And who is this kind person?"

"I can't tell you who. Because I don't know who is it. I got a call from this person's assistant. It's a company from the US. Something like... Ah! Amstrong corporation something. Anyway, this person is important to Grace Central for sure. I will find him soon. Anyway, we got what we wanted. Didn't we?"

"Yes... Yes... This is wonderful news... But I have a doubt. Why do you want this reunion anyway? We always have reunion batch-wise through the respective alumni group. Why do you need a reunion of students graduated from the last ten years, which has both juniors as well as seniors? Why are you making this grand, Rayn?"

His grinning face changes into a serious one for once.
"There was something in the past that was frozen. We need to break that. We need to mend the broken."

I was shocked to see Rayn looking serious. This means something then. Who knows what is going on in that big head of his? The head that bears the invisible crown for the Grace empire. It was uncanny to see the spoiled heir who acts like a prankster and flirt being this much serious.

"Anyway... Princi... You better start the preparations. Make it the best event we have ever hosted. Let this reunion be the greatest event of the century. It's going to be super fun. We could see a lot of changes that Graceans had. I can't wait to see them all again. I gotta go make arrangements for the after-party." He starts to walk past the door but he turned back midway.

"And Mr Princi... Before you mock around with your fake face do remember that when my time comes, You won't be sitting in that chair. Mark my words. Drink that whiskey for now and do your work like a good old boy."

Rayn left the office, so did Sylvester, who was watching the entire show. That idiot is going to play the gossip with others. Ah, I need my drink. I took the whiskey Rayn kept on my desk and took a big shot.

Rayn. That arrogant heir. Spoiled brat.

This reunion is going to make me have insomnia. Ugh! I need to get back to work. Disciplinary face ON.



Hey all, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Do vote for me.

And comment. Your valuable suggestions are important to me.
I hope you follow the journey of the reunion. Let's unite together for the better tomorrow.

I like to suggest the song:
Take it all by Ruelle for this chapter.

Quarantine inspired me to write this story
I miss my friends.
Luv ya. See ya tomorrow.

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♡ U my Fam

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