Chapter 34: I confess.

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"Man, Are you kidding me?" I screamed.

"What? It is not an impossible task for you Shiro. You are one and only Shiro Takahashi, the hotshot lawyer. A land dealing like this is just a piece of cake." Rayn tried to explain to me.

"Bro, Rayn. This is no piece of cake. This is the whole huge cake. When you told about turning this valley near Grace central to a happy town, I thought it would be just this area but man you didn't tell me we are including the south valley that shares borders with Socrose. Man, this is like India-Pakistan border issues. This is freaking huge." Even the thought of this gives me chill.

"I am trying to collaborate with Anna here. Don't worry, socrose will agree with this but only you can do the negotiations and paperwork. I mean, we are not doing anything illegal. After all, it's for a good cause that is to make Abid's dream project come true. So what's all this fuss is for?" Rayn asked.

"Man, I could lose my name and fame if I lost this case. I am least concerned about it but man thinks about it. Do you really wanna talk about this to Anna? If she does not agree this case is near to impossible." I said.

"Leave Anna Socrose to me, I can handle her. You start the paperwork. Do something strong enough that in the near future when Socrose turns greedy they do not interfere in our project." Rayn said.

"Is your discussion done?" Liam entered the conference room.

"Just started." I and Rayn said in unison.

"Alright. Alright. I did the Calculations for the project. The money in our hands is not much enough. I mean we still have 5 million in our hand. That would be enough for making the homes, hostels, and centers but for the town structure, extra materials, advertisements, border dispute solving, sponsoring the kids, land taxes, etc. All these are again gonna take at least 7 million more. 12.7 million is the exact cost that would take." Liam explained.

"Dude, you did all these calculations in what 5 days after the first meeting?" Rayn said counting numbers in his finger.

"No, I have been working on this long time before. When I did or what I did doesn't matter. You think about getting the expenses done." Liam said.

"What expenses?" Sid asked as he opened the door. Hayden followed him in.

"The money for the project. Looks like we need 7 more millions to complete the project." I explained to the newly arrived Hollywood rivals.

"Seven more?" Asked Stef who also came behind them.

"Yah man. We can Hazel bro, she is our sponsor anyway." I said to Rayn.

"No man. She might be super rich but that doesn't mean we take all her hard-earned money. She already gave us 10 million anyway. We need to find another way." Rayn said.

Everyone nodded to his words. I guess, he was right. Hazel had already sponsored a lot of money for the reunion. Asking her more will be bothersome.

"Hey, We could arrange a concert. I mean, We could do that. I can perform so can Sid and Hayden. They could arrange a play like they used to do in past." Stef offered.

"Yeah, that would be awesome. Two rival Hollywood stars reunited for a charity show, I mean people will flow here." I said in my cool tone.

"No way." Hayden and Sid shouted.

"Come on man, this is for our friends. You can't be rivals here in Grace. We are all friends here and that's it." Rayn said to them.

"Talking About rivals, what's up with you guys? You have been a bit muggy from the day of Decagrace. Did your famous big rivalry vanish into thin air when you returned back to grace town?" I mocked at them.

"What if there was no Rivalry in the first place? Some people act very well in real life too. Even better in real life. I mean, this is grace town. Secrets always haunt us from within until we decide to open the closet and come out." Stef said looking outside the great French Window at the end of the room. I also, noticed a minor panic in each Haydens and Sids face as if they are hiding something.

"Who is coming out of the closet?" Asked Rizz as she came inside the room with Mia on his side walking with his support and another baby basket on his other hand as she strolled it inside the room.

"No one." Said Hayden and Sid in unison again.

"What's it with you guys? It's getting creepy." I said stunned by their unusual behavior. They rolled eyes at me again together. These kids are slithering me out.

"Whatever, So Rayn, this is the plan we set for the project. It's just a rough sketch but I think this would be perfect for commencing the endeavor." Mia said as she passed a big rolled chart to Rayn. Rayn opened it and looked at her in wide eyes.

"You seriously did all this in the hospital?" Rayn asked her in his wide eyes.

"Of course not, Idiot. I made the plan and ordered Rizz to draw it. We made a video conference with our company and here is the end project. Our company will send the main design later." Mia said.

"Did I ever mention that you are awesome, my friend?" Rayn said and hugged her.

"Hey, I did work with her too." Rizz said as he noticed he was not getting his credits.

"You are awesome too, buddy." I said and raised my hands to fist bump. As he tried to give me his fist, I withdraw my hands and rubbed it behind my head trying to fool him.

"Come on man." Rizz scowled.

"I would have kissed you for doing this man. But you see I am kinda straight." Rayn said rubbing his hands on his coat.

"Is that so? I wonder why you never bought a girl home." Rizz scowled at him.

"That's because I didn't find a girl to be bought home." Rayn said back. "My love life is not a matter here but you guys, Sid and Hayden. Put your arrogant self down and man up to do this concert. We are doing this for our friends."

"Yeah, that's right. So, my boys, I think you could do the play very well. If it is Bend. That could make a lot of money we needed." Stef said pointing words at them.

"What is Bend?" I asked.

"You wouldn't know a lawyer. It's something to do with acting." Stef replied.

Suddenly the door opened and Zara came in. As she entered the room, all my hair pointed to her direction. I always had a crush on Zara but now when she returned to the reunion, she became so beautiful. Now, I forget to breathe whenever I am in the same room as her.

"Hey, Zara." I greeted her. I bite my cheeks to hide the embarrassment as I faced her.

"Shiro." She gave me a welcoming gesture and walked towards Mia.

"You were supposed to rest a little more. How are you feeling now?" She asked her.

"I am fine now. I was getting bored in Hospital so I asked for a discharge. Thank you for asking." Mia said smiling at Zara.

'Am I blind or Is this a dream?' I thought. Few days back on the day of Decagrace. These girls were going to cut each others throats. Now here they stand smiling at each other. I wonder what changed.

"Alright. If you feel unwell please to tell me, I can help." Zara offered and Mia nodded. This is getting weirder.

"Girls, if your chat is over can we discuss-" Rayn started to say but he stopped as the door opened again. Hazel strolled in and stood on the end of the hall next to Stef. She looked really pissed but controlled. She was giving pointed look towards Liam.

"Good to see you Hazel." Rayn said but she ignored him. "So I guess it makes us all. Should we start the meeting?"

"Wait, Asher is not here yet." Rizz said.

"That man has his own decisions. No one can rule him. Zara, Do you know where he is?" Rayn asked. Zara looked pale as her brother was mentioned. Before she could reply the door opened and Asher entered the room.

"There he is." Stef exclaimed.
"Where were you man?" I asked him.

"I went to find something of mine." Asher said but his stare pointed to Hazel.

"Did you find it then?" Liam asked Asher.

"No, it doesn't belong to me anymore." Asher replied.

"Yeah, it's better if we don't go behind the things that belong to you anymore." Rayn snarled. He shrugged a bit and continued again. "So, guys are we still on the mission. You have to do the concert. This event could help us a lot."

"What event?" Zara asked.

"An event to raise money for the project. It looks like we need 7 million more. A concert by Stef and a charity play by Hayden and Sid could help us earn more as well as to get one more sponsor." I said to Zara. My breath was erratic as I spoke to her.

"Why didn't you say anything? I could sponsor the money." Hazel argued.

"No Hazel, you have given us a lot. We can't let you give us more." Rayn said.

"So what? I am the fucking sponsor here. I decide on the money and I am definitely gonna pay." She snapped.

"We all know how rich you got after exile for 8 years. But my friend, It's your hard work. This was not your plan. This was Abid's dream and we all should work together to make that come true." Rayn snarled at her.

"If I am not giving the money, who will?" Hazel clasped.

"Me. I will sponsor 6 million." Asher declared.

"No, you will not." Rayn said.

"Why can't I? Didn't you just that we all should work together. Besides Abid-" Asher stopped saying. He looked disturbed

"He was our half brother." Zara said. We were shocked by what she just said.

"Zara." Asher shouted.

"No, I need to say this brother. I can't lie anymore. I can't keep all the secrets." Zara said. Her eyes kept tearing up as she speaks. "My father had affair with Abid's mom and they had a child. That was Abid."

"How can this be true? Is that... Is that what was bothering Abid on the day of my graduation?" Stef asked Asher. Asher kept his head down as low as he can.

"Yes, Stef." Liam was the one who replied. "Abid didn't know about it until the day Mr.Levington revealed the truth. Abid was not right in his head. He was too depressed since a long time. I came to know about it. Your brother knew from me the day before your graduation. When Asher came to talk with Abid about it, we all knew what was going on."

"Hell. I was going mad trying to find what was going on that day.Did learning this truth has something to do with the accident?" Stef clamored. Liam nodded.

"It might. There is something you don't know. There was a different face of Abid that you all failed to see. There was a weak, depressed and timid Abid hiding behind the smiling and optimistic Abid. He was in the verge of taking his own life. You brother, Sam, he knew this coming. Sam was always the true friend Abid had, he risked his own life to be with his best friend. Stef, Sam was a loving brother but he loved Abid like his own. He sacrificed his life for Abid." Liam said.

"Fuck. This can't be true. Why did he left me? Sam- why did he leave me alone?" Stef started to shake. Liam went and hugged him.

"Your brother loved you, Stef. He will be proud about how you achieved your dreams. He wanted that and he will be rooting for you up there." Liam assured him.

"I am sick of this Liam. I hate how people are always behind my back. I hate it when they lie about me so that some bitches and bastards would enjoy it in papers. I hate to be alone. I want my life back man. I want my mom, dad and my brother. No matter, however they hurt me, they are my family." Stef said holding on Liam's shoulder. I could see emotions radiating from his eyes.

"Go talk to them, Stef. They lost their son once. They wouldn't want to lose you too." Liam eased him. Stef looked into Liam's eyes and turned to the window lighting a cigarette. He looked like he was thinking about what Liam just said.

"I want to tell something too. Abid was a good friend, senior and a leader. It was his ultimate dream to make this project come true. He did a mistake, that is he forgot to talk and open up with us. Don't let his mistakes get into your head, dear friends. We must complete this project and for that we must get rid of the ghosts of the past. As your senior and a friend, I ask you to open up and tell us every secrets that are haunting you. It now or never." Liam said.

"I made many mistakes. I was having a pointless life until I met all of you. Abid changed me. You all changed me. But what really changed me was a girl who I fell in love with. A girl who was very much opposite to me. I loved her like I breathe air. I still do but I fucked up. I made a mistake by lying to her for my own selfish needs. I made a mistake by hurting my brother and her. I am sorry to everyone whose life I fucked up. I am sorry." Asher said. We were all dumbstruck by his words. It was really surprising to hear Asher confessing as well as apologizing. In our eyes, he was the kind of man who was not bothered by silly gestures like love and apology.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Hazel. He was dating her secretly during the the time in Grace. I know it's over but I think it's time everyone know about it." Rayn said.

"Good Asher. Rayn, do you have anything to say?" Liam asked Rayn.

"No." He looked around and thought again. "I mean Yes. First of all, I want to say sorry to Hazel. I am sorry my friend. I know sorrys won't compensate for what I have done to you but listen carefully. You are the only girl who I really felt special to be my best friend. I miss Hazel. I want you back in my life. I know I have done a lot of mistakes. I did but I did it for my friends. Also, IlikeAnna. "

"What is ilekana?" Rizz asked. But we all understood what he meant. I mean, Rayn only bothered about the one he love. He wouldn't simply like to torture a person unless they meant something to him. It was obvious truth.

"Shut up for once Rizz." Mia scolded him.

"Do you something you have to say, Mia?" Liam asked her. She shaked her head saying no.

"Rizz?" Liam asked.

"I made a huge mistake 8 years ago." We looked at him curiously.

"Don't bother to say Rizz. We all know that you made a mistake marrying Mia." Hayden joked. Mia and Rizz looked at him maliciously.

"Hayden! Stop talking nonsense. That was the best thing I did in my life." Rizz said kissing Mia's forehead.

"What did you do then?" Sid asked him.

"I lied to everyone about something even to Mia. I always loved Mia since I saw her in the kindergarten. I lied when I said I don't have a crush on her 8 years ago. When I asked her on date, I was acting hard to get because I thought if I did so, she will fall for me." Rizz said so innocently.

"We all know that." We said in unison.

"Thank God, I thought you would have committed a rape or murder or something." Mia gasped.

"What? How?" Rizz grumbled.

"You would act foolish whenever you talk to her, Rizz. Duh?!" Rayn explained.

"Yeah, It was very cute though. I sometime acted as if I don't notice it when I talk to you. But I always laughed at your clumsiness behind your back. When you got the courage to finally asked me out, I said yes instantly, didn't I? Ever wondered why?" Mia said.

"Hayden, do you have something to say?" Laim asked.

"Yes." He said but he looked at Sid longingly. "No, I don't think it's time."

"I am gay." Sid cut his words off.

"You are gay? Wow. You never told us about it." Mia said to him.

"Sorry I never said about it. I should have come out a long back. Yes, I am guy and I am completely in love with a very handsome man." Sid said and walked towards Hayden. We all stood there confused by his gesture. He then hold Hayden's hands like a romantic hero and what was really surprising was that Hayden didn't even flinch at this gesture.

"I am in love with Hayden forever. We were secretly dating for 8 years, actually almost 9 years." Sid said proudly.

"What? Them what was all that Hollywood Rival story all about?" Rizz asked.

"It was just a ploy, man. You known the agency tactics for getting more public  attention." Hayden explained.

"Since, we came out in front you all. I think it's time." Sid smiled.

"Time for what?" Hayden asked confused.

Instead of answering Sid started to kneel down. I understood what was the gesture about. It was bit confusing since everything was going on very quickly. But the truth started to sink in when Sid fall onto his knees.

"Hayden Beaumont, the most handsome French men I ever saw. Ever since the first time I saw you, I felt a ping in my heart. The moment when I realised you felt the same about me, it was the best moment in my life. I don't regret the time I spend with you except for hiding this beautiful love I have you from the rest of the world. Right now, with our friends as the witnesses to our pure love for the first time, I want to confess the unbound love to you. Hay, I want to live the rest of my life with you not hiding this love from the world but cherishing it every single breath I have. Will you marry me?" Hayden was shocked by Sid's upforth proposal. He pulled him up and higher him as if it was the end of the world. We could sense relief radiating from him.

"Yes. Yes. Hundred times yes. Finally. Oh God J'taime, amour." Hayden screamed and laughed out loud. We all cheated for him.

"Congratulations man. But you could have told us." I said hugging them both.

"I knew your dirty little secret brothers. Anyway, have a great life ahead." Stef said patting on their back.

All came forth congratulating them. We celebrated the coming out of our friends. I was shocked but I was happy since they were happy. All those little celebration came to end when Liam asked me.

"Hey, Shiro. Do you have anything to share with us?" They asked me.

'Damn, what should I say?' I thought. I was bewildered on what I have to share. I mean, there are lot of mistakes I have done but nothing much big. I lied a lot to win my cases but it didn't actually hurt anybody. I thought a lot about my dirty little secret and them suddenly a thought came to me. My eyes crossed with Zara's she was looking at me curiously.

"I... Zara I have... No, I mean I had a crush on you during our school days. I think I still like you. No, I mean I really do like you." I sputtered.

"Oh! The lawyer is blushing. Lol!" Rizz laughed at me. Mia stamped on his leg to shut up.

"Thank you Shiro for sharing this with me. I like you too but only as a friend. I can't deal with all this relationships right now. I am having a very complicated life." She said. I felt  humiliated by her words but I couldn't find words to comfort her so I nodded my head in understanding.

"Zara, Share your thoughts with us." Liam said to Zara.

"I made a mistake by murdering a soul who wasn't even born yet." Zara said.

"Murder?" I asked. Zara who whimpered me was lost in words. She looked at Hazel and her brother with eyes fool of regret and guilty. My hands were trembling by her words.

"Yes. Murder. I killed My brother's and hazel's baby. 8 years ago when Abid died, We found out Hazel was pregnant with Asher's baby. I asked the doctor for an immediate abortion." Zara sobbed. She then looked directly at Hazel. Hazel was standing on one end silently hearing us all. Her face was stone with no emotions at all.

"I know I shouldn't have said this to everyone but I think it's time everyone know all the truth. You were right about me Rayn, about being a bitch. About how cruel I was inside this innocent face. You were absolutely right. But this truth, this misuse I have done is killing me everyday. I know brother, I have done the worst thing that a sister shouldn't have done. I had no idea why I did what I did. Well, that's not a perfect explanation but what I am saying is truth. I did everything according to the situation, at that moment it felt right. That decision made me a murderer and it is killing me everytime I am saving a life. I became a doctor so that I would reimburse for what I did everytime I save a life. It does help me a lot but the satisfaction is only for few moments, then the memory of the baby come to my mind. I know I can't do anything for what I did but I want to apologize to all. To my brother, Rayn, Mia, Rizz, Shiro, Stef, Sid, Hayden, Liam and Hazel. I know apology is not for what I did to you Hazel, but please forgive me. Please help me out of this misery." Zara's eyes were tearing up as she fall on her knees begging for Hazel's mercy. Hazel still stood there with no emotions in her eyes.

Everyone has noticed the change in Hazel when she returned to Grace. Power and authority is always radiating from her as she stood upright in front of us. But Darkness, it constantly redden her in her dark clothes and make up. It felt scary to look at her now when comparing to the Hazel I know from 8 years ago. Hazel who always brings happiness around her as she moved around in bright colours or white dresses. She never wore make up but she was a very pretty girl. Now everything about the old Hazel has changed.

"What should I say? It's okay Zara that you demanded for my abortion."  She said as she walked to wards Zara.

"It's okay Rayn that you also supported Zara for it and you forgot about what I would feel." She said to Rayn as she pointed a finger at him.

" It's okay Asher for firstly, wanting our relationship to be a secret and secondly, for breaking up with me for your brother." She said pointing at Asher.

"It's okay everyone for shattering my life, for bullying me, for backstabing me, for not being a good friend. Guess what fuck that. I don't care anymore because you made me more strong. If it wasn't for all of you then I wouldn't have become the founder of Amstrong. I wouldn't have became a wealthy self made business woman that I am today. I guess I owe you all for that." Hazel snapped and went out of the room.

Hazel was a great girl. She was a really good friend. Now, everything was becoming more clear. Now, I could finally solve the mystery behind everything that went wrong. The only case that I won't ever win is life. Because there is nothing complicated than life.


Nana. It's not time for epilogue yet. Ask me then I would think about posting them finally. Tell me how you felt reading The Reunion.

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