Chapter 39: Family with Hope.

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  Grace town- It is indeed a beautiful town by the countryside. When Hazel told me about the place where she attended school and has grown up, I never expected it to be in such an exotic place. I learned about this place from her and was very much fascinated by it. No one would expect such a town in the middle of nowhere which hosts a school that produces great prodigies around the world. I wonder why Europe haven't accepted it as their one of the greatest spots.

If the town felt fascinating, it's Victorian model school felt more mysterious. I have seen castles but this school was very mysterious, dracula- fort like castle. I wonder why people know less about this place. This town deserves to be highlighted like ivy leagues. Maybe it's mysterious appearance is what makes it so divergent.

It will take another 2 hours drive from the city to Grace town. I was already exhausted by long flight from New York to Grace town. I just wanted to drink some coffee to reactivate myself. I was too excited to see Hazel again and take her back to our home, so I didn't find my mood to drink any coffee in the company Private Jet even though the steward offered for atleast 3 times. But since I have to again travel again for the next few hours, I thought why not drink some country side Coffee. It was actually midnight when I landed but if I need to travel again I need to get my energy back. That's when I found a good 24hrs Cafe.

Here I am sitting and sipping my midnight black coffee in the Cafe when the door opened to reveal the last person I expected to see. Through the door walked in blue eyed Arabian who hurted the woman I love. The man who dragged her into darkness with him. Yes, I had a special talent of reading people, I could see very well that he is also entrapped in that darkness.

His eyes met mine and he gave a smile of recognition. But the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Will Phellingan." He said.

"Asher Ross." I nodded my head. "What are you doing at this deserted cafe in the middle of the night?"

"I am leaving. I used to come here a lot before, I thought to stop by and have a latte before my departure." He said and smiled at the old man who I guess runs this Cafe. "So you are back?"

"Yes, I returned to be with Hazel and to learn more about her childhood and teenage here. We will be leaving tomorrow. I missed her a lot. Her absense was filling on our home. So, I thought to take her back." I said thinking about our place in NYC. I suddenly noticed that the curves of his face going down.

"Oh, Is it? I am sure it does." He said rubbing his finger on back of his head.

"You are just like her." I whispered feeling dejavu.

"Pardon?" He said.

"Oh its nothing. So Asher, How was this reunion for you?" I asked. He thought for a while piercing his gaze onto me.

"Will you die for Hazel?" He asked all of a sudden.

"In a breath. Will you?" I asked.

"Why do you ask me?" He asked. 'This boy must be very delusional' I thought. I smiled at him and put my hands on his shoulder.

"Sometime it hurts to see things slipping away from our own hands but you know what? If things are meant to slip away, we should just let it go. We can't hold on it forever. I think you can let it go too, Asher." He looked at me puzzled.

"She told you about us? About everything?" He asked.

"I know everything about her Asher. Her past, her present and I am her future."

"Can you love her more than I love her, Phellingan? How did she become like that if she moved on from me? Why does she always wear walk alluring darkness wherever she goes?" He asked.

"It's not about loving her too much, Asher. It's about respecting her. She chose to represent herself in dark but I see the beauty in her darkness. I repect her despite everything. Did she told you about her life, Ross? If she did not, Can't you accept the fact that she moved on?"

He suddenly grabbed my shirt violently and said "Never hurt her. Never leave her like I did. Just be with her no matter what. Protect her."

"Asher, you definitely failed to see the real her. You don't really love her if you don't even know the real her. Hazel doesn't need protection. She lived her whole life without anyone's protection, she is stronger than any person I have ever seen." I said and shrugged off from his hold.

Asher furiously went out of the cafe without even drinking his latte. Without even turning back. I slowly drank my coffee and left the cafe thanking the old owner.

When I went out of the cafe, I noticed Asher was nowhere to be found. He left the place. I was a very controlled man. I knew myself well. I am not some ordinary jealous, uncomfortable and judgemental fiance. I knew Hazel more than she knew herself and I love all different shades of her.

I got into the hired uber and continue my journey to Grace town. I just want to meet my fiance and get her smell soaked in me. That was the only goodness I ever wanted.

The uber reached the destination. I found myself in front of a great victorian model house with modern contemporary exterior. The house was very beautiful which matched with the personality of the owner of the great Grace Central.

I rang the bell and the door was opened instantly.

"Hey, You are here."

In front of me stood a person who was very different than the one I have left here few days before. Hazel was completely changed from the one I came here for. This Hazel was smiling sincerely that could lit a room. She rarely smiled like that. This Hazel wore minimum dark coloured clothes. She wore a grey satin pyjama and white socks. She looked different because she was very happy. Happy to see me.

"Haze..." Before I could complete my sentence, she hugged me.

"It's good to see you, Will. I missed you." She said.

"I just left for few days..." I started to say. But she wrapped me so close and kissed on my neck. I hold her in my arms kissing her hair and absorbing her smell and warmth. This felt so good. This felt real.

"If your lover time is done, get your ass back here, Hazel Amstrong." A voice called out from other side of the room. Hazel took my hands and took me to the great room where all the others was waiting for us. I saw myself at a room where Hazel's friend's sat on circle wearing pyjamas playing uno.

I saw Hazel's girlfriend, Mia sitting down leaning on her husband's shoulder carefully observing us. Beside her was Rayn who had an empty space next to him. On the couch sat two men holding hand's. I remember them from somewhere but I don't know from where. Then there was another guy sitting on the floor next to Mia's husband.

"Did I miss something?" I asked Hazel confused by the whole situation. Last time I remebered, Hazel was quite furious with all of them. I wonder when did they ment the broken cracks within them all.

Hazel smiled and kissed on my cheek.

"A lot." She said.

I felt good as well as weird by her strange behaviour. It felt good because she was looking very happpy. It felt weird because all this sudden change and her looking happy and mushy seeing me felt odd.

"Let me introduce my friends to you again." She said and started intoducing me to them.

"So, As you see this is my best friends Mia and Rayn. You have met them and Rizz already. Those two on the couch is Sid and Hayden. They were my seniors. You might know them since they are like really big in hollywood. That is Shiro, he is a lawyer." They all gestured friendly nods and waved at me. "There was also Liam, He went to his home to pack. He is coming with us tomorrow. We will talk about that later."

"Good to meet you all officially." I said.

"Don't be so formal." Mia said.

"We were celebrating the union of Sid and Hayden. They just came out and got engaged today." The guy in pale pink shirt and asian feature said. I think his name is 'Shiro'.

"Congratulations." I said to the beautiful gay couples on the couch. They said thank you.

"It's good to meet you Will but it's late at night I think its better to have some sleep." Sid said.

"Oh, I get it kids. Go have fun. Don't make to much moans alright? My walls are so thin." Rayn made fun of him. Hayden kicked him with his foot and the couple stood up and marched to their room.

"Yeah man, I feel so Slee..." Shiro yawned.

"I am off to bed too babes. Come." Rizz said to his wife.

"You go... I need to talk with my girl Hazel for a while." Mia rushed of her husband.

Everyone left leaving only me, Hazel, Rayn and Mia.

"You guys catch up, I am taking my girl with me." Mia said dragging Hazel with her which leaves only me and Rayn.

"When did all this turned out?" I asked him curiously.

"Today. We put an end to our miseries and agreed to move on." He said.

"Good. It's nice to see her happy. You guys completes her." I said.

"She might really love you since she told you all about us." He said. I wished what he said was true. I wish she did really feel something for you. Something that would really accept me as her family and as her other half.

"I do know that she indeed love and care about her friends to forgive you all. I was scared initially when she decided to come for this reunion. She was suffering a lot when she left New york. She was taking medicines for PTSD. But I now think that her decisions turned out to be good. All her decisions turns out good, I really respect her for that."

"I didn't know about that. Can please tell me how was you met her?"

"It's her story to tell Anderson. Give her time and some space. If she can forgive you, then she will have the courage to tell you about everything."

I gave her the time and space she needed, and she told be everything about her life. She believe in me and that's all that matters for me. I am still waiting for her to open her heart to let me in, maybe her forgiving Rayn and all other friends might be a start for me too.

"You are good to her Will. Please make her very happy."

"I'm trying my very best." I assured him. I am indeed trying my best. I just want her to feel the same as me. I want to give her my everything and make a family of our own.

"Your room is that way. You should freshen up." He said. I went to the room he showed me and took a hot shower. I was very tired from the entire journey and all I wanted was hug my fiance,soak my body in her smell and have a good sleep dreaming about our family.

I wore my PJs and shirt, trying my damp hair, when Hazel came in through the door.

"You are not wearing black." I pointed.


"You look happy."

"I am happy."

"It's good to see you happy."


"Is your girl talk over?" I asked.

"Yes. I told her everything, Will. I told her about my past and it feels good to share it with someone." Hazel said with lot of pain in her eyes. I waled to her and hugged her.

"I know... I know babe. You did good by sharing it with her." I comforted her. "You wanted them all in your life, Hazel. You have lived most of your life pushing everyone away. Now it's time to accept them all, love. Do it for your own sake. Do out for our Hope's sake."

"I also came into a conclusion after talking with them all." She said.

It scared me to hear her next words. I knew a confession was coming soon. But they way she looked at me so differently scared the hell out of me. Maybe, She understood to move on forgiving them all, including Asher. I have seen both of their eyes and both of them had this longing for one another. They both were dead inside. I was scared whether Hazel would choose him- Choose her first love. I respect and love her enough to let her choose, but it scared me to death whether she will slip away from my hands. I was scared whether my dream of making a family with her might disappear because of this reunion.

"I think... Well... I know that you are good for me. Actually you are way to good for me. You are the light, Will but I am darkness. Yet, you still stayed beside me not allowing me to be to be completely consumed by my own darkness. You made me a strong woman that I am today-"

"No Hazel, I didn't made you strong. You were strong all along." I interested her.

"See, you always brings me this optimistic thoughts. I wonder what will hppen to me if you weren't there. I want you too, Will. I really want to make my family with you. I want to be happy with you. I want it all with you. I love you, Will. You are the light I always wanted. You are my guiding light." I said.

"Hazel, Do you have any idea how much years I had to wait to hear these words from you?" I asked. "But it's never too late for me if you really meant that, Tell me its truth that you sincerely love me."

She didn't reply but instead she kissed me passionately. I have kissed her millions of time but she never kissed me back like this, like she really mean it. I could die of happiness anytime soon if I could still have her like like- like shereally loved me back.

That night I hold her in my arms like it was end of the world. Even if this was a dream, I never want it to end so soon. I just want to stay like this with her for the rest of my life.

When I woke up that morning, Hazel was not beside me. I noticed that it was almost 10 in the morning. I got ready fast and went to the great hall. Everyone was sitting in the hall except for Rayn and Hazel.

"Hey, Will." Mia said smiling at me.

"Hey. Where is Hazel?" I asked.

"She ran off with Rayn to moon." Rizz laughed at his own joke but nobody else did.

"Please forgive my foolish hubby. She is in the balcony with Rayn." Mis said.

"They will be talking about the boring stuff. You know all that sun, moon, galaxies or maybe your company cars. Who knows. It's too boring when they both come together." Shiro said. Mia smacked behind is head and scolded both of them.

"I will go meet her then." I said and walked to the balcony.

"Seriously?! You guys designed the new astonate R35. That car is awesome. I heard it is rare piece. Wow, Hazel you did what said you would do. You even bought me out."

"You are not a thing to buy idiot. I saved your ass from being bankrupt." She laughed. Her laugh was like rain dros falling on a hot dessert.

"And for that I would be grateful for all my life. I will give my first born to Lady Amstrong if you wish."

"Idiot." She said and laughed again.

"Do you have to leave today?" He asked.

"Yeah. But I promise I will contact you. You come to my place too." She said. I was surprised to hear her say that. She was very private about her place and now is inviting him to there.

"Of course I will. I hired top investigators to find your place and send that freaking invitation."

"That is not exactly my adress Raynee boy. I got the invitation after it was resend to me from the fake location." She said.

"What are you? Running after committing a crime? Seriously! Why so many fake locations?"

"I might get threats you know. I am not just Hazel Levaro who ran away from here. I am Hazel Amstrong."

"The self made trillionaire. Huh! I know... I still can't take it all in." She beat his hands and hughed him.

"I missed having you aroundeven though I hate to admit it." I heard her say in soft tone.

I cleared my voice to announce my arrival.

"There is my soon to be brother-in-law. You just took away Mrs.Anderson from me, but I forgive you since you helped me save Grace. Haha, Just kidding, Come in and sit with us." Rayn invited me. Hazel Rolled eyes at his ridiculous manner.

"She saved you. She is the boss you see." I said.

"Oh his American accent comes in his way." Rayn said in his fake accent.

"Don't tease him, Rayn." Hazel warned him.

"Even you are getting that accent, My lady." He mocked her in more irritating southern accent.

"How is the project going on?" I asked Rayn.

"It is going on better than I expected. Thanks to you guys as well as-" He started to say but suddenly got tensed. "I didn't tell you about this but I think as the project partners you should know that there is also another silent partner too."

"What? You must be kidding me. Did you? You didn't" Hazel started to look nervous. From her distress, I understood what was coming in.

"Who is the partner?" I asked.

"Asher Amiri Ross." Rayn said.

"I told you not to take his offer." Hazel snapped.

"What should I have done Hazel? I know you are rich and all but I know business well. It doesn't work with lot of charities Haze... and Asher, He has the right to do this for Abid even though he may be a jerk. But I promise you... I promise you that I made it sure that he could never reach you out through this partnership. You will have the privacy you want. I will never turn your back and will repect you decisions." He said.

Hazel was shaking with fright. I went and hold her. "What if he get through us? What if he know about Amstrong? What if he destroy my life again?" She mumbled as she looked at me.

"Nothing will happen dear. I will make sure of it. It's okay if Asher is out silent partner as long as he don't interfere in the partnership bond. No one will destroy you and our family. He will never take away our Hope." I assured her.

She nodded and breathed. I helped her to steady herself.

"You told me you want to visit some places before we go." I told her so that we can change the topic.

"Yes Yes. We should go soon after bidding everyone goodbye." I nodded in agreement.

She walked to Rayn and holded his arms.

"You should have told me." She said.

"I am so sorry if I hurt you-" He started to at but Hazel hold his face and said.

"Let's not be sorry anymore about anything. I will miss you my Raynee boy."

"I will miss you more Hazel Nut. Thank youu so much for telling me the truth. It literally gave my soul back."

"But let it be our top secret between us." She said.

"I swear on my life." He said pledging with his hands on his chest.

"Take care of her, Will." He said to be patting on my back. I smiled at him and took my dear fiance to meet her remaining friends down the hall.

"You are going, Already?" Shiro asked.

"I have to. It's been a week already." Hazel said.

"She is a busy woman now, Lawyer. Ms.Amstrong, it was a pleasure meeting you again." Rizz said kissing her hand like an elite.

"Stop eating my best friend's hand hubby. My love, I will miss you so much." Mia said pushing her husband aside throwing her hands around Hazel.

"Careful Mia, you just came out of operation few days ago. I will miss you too." Hazel said steadying a very emotion Mia.

"Oh! My dear, Do call me everyday? How will I survive without you by my side?" Mis said falling into a lake of tears with her face red as tomato.

"Like how you survived for the last 8 years, wify." Rizz said trying to comfort her but Rayn came beside him stabbing on his feet. "Oww... What was that for?"

"Sometimes, You speaking annoys me." Rayn growled at Rizz.

"Grhhh!! Okay okay. Stop crushing my foot." Rizz cried out.

"I happy for you both. Just be happy always." Hazel hugged the newly engaged gay couples.

"We are happy for you too. We all had a awful week but in the end I think everything went well." A guy with French accent said.

"It sure did." Hazel said. "Is Stef still at his parents?"

"No, He is now at Liam's place. I called him in the morning. He said he wanted to spend some time with Liam. He is comming with you today right?" Shiro asked.

"Yes, He agreed to work for Amstrong. Take care of yourself, Shiro." Hazel hugged him.

"You too. We are all proud of you Hazel. We are all sorry for how all this turned out for you in the past." Shiro said but Hazel just smiled and patted him.

"Let's go, dear." She said settling her arms around me. I kissed her forehead.

Hazel said goodbye for the very last time to everyone and we left Rayn's House.

"Where do you want to go first?" I asked her as I climbed on the driver seat of her Audi R8.

"Let's visit the graveyard." She said. I looked at her deeply trying to read her mind. But I failed to do that.

We drove silently to the Graveyard Hazel directed. We climbed out of the car and walked to a tomb with the name 'Lillian Levaro'. Hazel silently watched her mother's grave and poured her heart out. I gave her space and after 15 minuted we were driving back to the Hotel that Hazel stayed.

"We will get my Stuff and go to Airport. Liam messaged saying he will be there with Stef on time." Hazel said. I agreed to her.

She stopped her steps as she reached her lobby. In front of her stood a beautiful woman with big blue captivating eyes. She wore a head scarf that was lazily wrapped on her shoulder.

"Hazel?" The stranger said. By her tone, I could understand she was no stranger to Hazel.

"Zara." Hazel nodded at her. She had a tint of worry on her face.

"Can I talk to you privately?" The girl asked.

"No, There is no need for privacy in front of my fiance." Hazel grunted.

"I... I had a promotion to work at a hospital in New York." She said.

"Good for you." Hazel said.

"I have never been anywhere other than Grace Town and Dubai so I thought I would take this offer." She said.

"So?" Hazel asked uninterestingily.

"I don't have any friends or any one I know over there." She said nervously.

"Does this concern me?" Hazel asked rudely.

"Please Hazel, It's been 8 whole years. Can't you... Can't you forgive me?" She asked. "I did wrong. I was naive and angry but you... You were my first real friend. You were my only friend and I destroyed this connection that we had. I was scared Hazel, I becme someone I hate that day. Don't judge me on my brother's mistakes."

I immediately understood who this woman was. She was the one who hurt Hazel the most 8 years ago. I imagined her to be this cruel person but in front of me stood a woman who was broken as she lost her one true friend. A woman who was asking for forgiveness.

"Please Hazel, Give me one chance." The woman begged for Hazel's mercy.

"Alright! Alright! I will help you out when you come to New York." Hazel agreed.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" She asked. Hazel said nothing but leaved Zara alone on the Lobby.

I smiled at her and followed my love to her room.

"Are you alright?" I asked Hazel.

"Can you all stop asking me that already? Can you all just stop asking for my forgiveness? I am no god to forgive or not." Hazel snapped. She had her panic attack.

"Breathe... Love. Breathe." I tried to console her. She still fought jard to steady her breathing so I gave her pills.

"Is these attacks constant?" I asked her in concern.

"That was first after days. I am tired Will. I am tired of hiding. I am tired of pretending." Hazel cried.

"It's okay baby. I am here for you. All this is over now. We will go back to out home. We are going back, my love." I calmed her.

"Let's not waste any more time. I want to go back home now. I want to go back." She cried even harder.

"You are baby. We are." I brushed her hair hugging her closely.

We left the Hotel and drove to Airport.

A guy in specs and turtle collered shirt was standing near the Amstrong Jet. He had a bag in his hands. By his side was a man with light beard and dark hair wearing black leather jacket came. He had many tattoos on his hands and neck which was very much visible.

"Will, This is Liam Jones. He was my senior and my mentor." Hazel introduced the guy in specs.

"Nice to meet you Liam. It will be amazing working with you." I said.

"You too." Liam shaped my arms.

"I'm Stef. " The other guy in jacked introduced himself.

"Stef, the musician?" I asked.

"Yes, that would be me."

"Hazel used to listen to your songs. The one song in which you played the first verse in piano, I totally loved it." I said. The guy looked at me surprisingly. He then turned to Hazel with adoration.

"You listen's to my songs?" He asked Hazel confused.

"I used to until the songs got boring." She replied hastily.

"I knew your bad girl attitude was just for a show." He mocked her.

"Careful Ryder." She snarled.

"Oh! I will miss you, Angel." He said hugging her all of a sudden. She hugged him back.

"Take care of this Brainy brother of mine, alright." He said to me. I smiled and nodded at him.

"Talking about caring, What are you gonna do with your blackbeauty here? You leaving her here or will parcel her back to New York." Stef asked Hazel.

"I was thinking of leaving him here for someone to take care. I thought you will be the best baby sitter for him." Hazel said.

"Are you serious? I thought you will not allow anyone to touch your black beauty. This one is the first of the edition."

"If you can't I have to put it in a garage somewhere here since I might need it when I come back."

"Are you kidding? Of-cource I will be full gime baby sitter, if you want. I won't refuse a good horse power black beauty." Stef winked at Hazel.

"That's what I thought." She smiled at him.

Liam and Hazel bid goodbye with Stef and followed me to our Jet."

Liam comfortably sat on one end admiring the beauty of our private jet.

"Who are you Hazel Amstrong?" I asked her finally after a confused day of getting to know her.

"I am just me." She replied.

"But you are defenitely not the one who came to this Reunion. What changed?" I asked.

"I learned that Ghost of the pasts can find peace too once they learn their origin."

This Strong and independent woman has different shades that I couldn't read yet. The more I try to know more about them, The further I move away. I find myself in an endless loop where there is no full stop. I knew Hazel-- Her past as well as present but I don't know her future. I don't know the real Hazel Amstrong.

But I knew something that matters. That Hazel Amstrong do return my affection. Thus, We flied to our home to complete our family. To our pretty hope.

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