Message to The Reunion Fam.

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I know you will Skip this page... Go on Skip it!!


But since you stumbled into this book, I have my responsibility to warn you about somethings...
So I would recommend you to read this!!



  Thank you for taking your time to check out this book. Either you got it in recommentations, or you got it from someone's suggestion or maybe you randomly just found this book... In any of the cases, I am greatful you are interested to read this story. I hope I won't disappoint you.

I am not a native english speaker so forgive me if you find some spelling or grammatical error. If you did find it, It would mean a lot if you bring my attention to it. I am not a good editor, so it might take me lot of time to completely edit this entire story. But I think you are not here for seeing whether I write perfectly, you might be here for the story. Let me tell you this is a emotional roller coaster. So, if anyone having heartbreaks, I will surely recommend you to read it and say "I ROCK!!" to yourself. That's all I want from you. Always be strong like a rock.

I dedicate this story to all those who struggle in this patriachy, racist and ugly society. To all woman who is strong enough to race their voice and succeed in this world by your hardwork and brain. To all men who reapect and treat woman as their equals. To all my pride pals who stand strong and accept yourself. To everyone who never give up....

Love, ( Bises 😙 )

bibliophiliabelle A.K.A Aamy

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