Chapter 1: A new level

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Mello my dudes! I'm sorry I took so long, also, Merry Belated Christmas to y'all! I hope this year is gonna be another great year for all of us (I am trying to be positive 😁✊)


Michael's P.O.V

5 years since the incident and the whole drama fiasco, 4 years since we started college and a year since we started working. Well, technically I work as a architecture. Jeremy is still having troubles looking for a place for people to hire him, he wants to be a teacher. But every school said that in case that one of their teacher leaves then they can hire him, so Jeremy basically watches over our home while I'm at work. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Jeremy and I are living together, have been after college ended.

But through out the whole year, I have been yearning for us to take the next step in our relationship. I want to make us official forever, to make us happy. I've been talking to the squip squad about it and they kept on encouraging me to do so if that's what my heart desires. I had just bought a ring last week, I planned on taking him out on a date tonight once I get home from work.

Jeremy's P.O.V

I was just about to watch some tv cause I was bored when I heard someone came in the front door.

"I'm home!" The familiar voice of my dear boyfriend Micheal called out.

"Micha!!!" I ran toward him and gave him a big hug because hugs are the best, "I've missed you a lot! How was work?"

"Work was fine don't worry, hey baby why don't you get changed. I'm taking you out to dinner tonight" Michael said. There was something strange, he looked more eager and nervous but I decided not to ask, I might probably stress him more. But I do like the idea on going out tonight! "Ok!"

I decided to wear some jeans and a polo shirt. I tried combing my hair but my curls wouldn't budge and stayed the same, I always hated it but Michael loves it. I walked downstairs only to see Michael waiting by the door wearing jeans, a red polo with a black bow tie. He looked up and grinned at me, coming up and wrapped his arms around my waist, "You look gorgeous~" I giggled, "You too, now come on! I'm ready!" I squealed as I dragged him out to the Pt Cruiser.

~Time skip brought to you by the squip!~

It wasn't a very regular restaurant, it was a little fancy. Michael apparently reserved a seat for us, I kept arguing that this place was expensive but he didn't care, stubborn man. Out table was somewhat in the corner of the room, he pulled the chair out for me to sit and I gladly took the offer. We fed each other and talked about what Michael did today at work.

"No way!" I laughed and almost chocked on my water out

"I know right! Jake almost got caught for making out with Rich at the janitors room" he laughed along. Once we calmed down Michael went back to his nervous state from what I can see, he was sweating like crazy and was tapping his fingers and also tapping his foot under the table. "Micha are you ok?"

He looked up, staring at me (not) straight in the eye, he reached over the table and held both my hands. "Jeremy, you have been the greatest person in the world to me. You've cared for me, love me, stood up for me and stayed with me, even after all those things during our junior year we still sticked together. Not just friends, but boyfriends. I am so grateful that you came into my life,I can't imagine a world without you. So...." I almost tested up from his speech but suddenly he stood up and walked around the table, kneeling on one knee in front of me.

Michael reached down on his pocket and pulled out a velvet box, opening it up in front of me to reveal beautiful silver ring with a tiny blue diamond in the middle.

"Jeremiah Will Heere....Will you marry me?"

The whole room was silent, people was staring at us now. I know for sure, the world around me seemed to have disappeared but only Michael remained in my vision. Shaking, tearing up, heart beating faster and faster, that's all I felt. He seemed to have been panicking because I was taking so long. So I tackled him, making him fall with a oof.

"YES YES!! OF COURSE I WILL DORK!!!!" I repeated many times as people clapped and whistled. Michael let out a sigh of relief as he slid the ring on my ring finger, shining as the light hits the silver. I felt his arms rapped around me as he kissed me for what seemed more than 10 times, "Thank you for making me the happiest man alive, I love you, and I am so glad to be your future husband"

I smiled and gave him a kiss to the forehead, "I love you too babe, I can't wait to start a whole new level with you till the end"


Just somewhere in the deepest, darkest depths of the world, darker than anyone has ever seen, darker than the midnight sky. You could hear a voice.... A voice which belonged to a man

Named Clint

"I'll be back for you... And this time... I won't be back until your dead Jeremiah...."
Sorry I took so long!!! For some reason I have lost all motivation for the past weeks, I'll do better next time!!! Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of the sequel to the unexpected!!!

Stay tune for the next chapter!!!

Smile more!

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