Ch 1 Nightmare

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"I am sorry..." I cried out.

She was just behind me, I tried running faster. She was catching up. "HELP!!" I cried, "Please...I am sorry."

"WHY DIDN'T YOU COME!? I ASKED YOU FOR HELP!!" She was getting closer...

I ran, my feet getting numb. I saw a person going down the street, "HELP!! PLEASE HELP ME!!" I tried again, tears streaming down my face but to no avail.

"I tried, please..."

"I was still breathing...and you just- just sat there," she said with so many emotions swirling in her eyes.

I could see the anger, resentment, sadness and mainly betrayal in her eyes. I felt my heart break.

"Why? Just why?" She sank down on her knees. "Why didn't you just listen to me? Why did you ask so many questions? Why didn't you come on time? Why?"

I went near her, "I am sorry...I really am J-"

"Don't call me that!!!"

" don't, you don't have to do this." I stuttered, trying to control my erratic heartbeat, "I really am so...sorry."

"Sorry. SORRY? HUH? DO YOU THINK A SORRY CAN FIX ALL THIS? IT CAN GIVE ME BACK MY LIFE?" She turned towards me with dangerous eyes. "Do you think your sorry will do any good to me, huh?" She started advancing towards me.

"No, please don't..." I took a step back.

"Do you think I will leave you after what you did?" she menaced.

", I- I promise I will find the rea-" I said turning back and trying to run.

"I will take my revenge by myself, I don't need anyone," I felt a grip on my shoulder.

"Don't do this...please. I am really sorry," she turned me towards her, the psychotic smile on her face sent chills down my spine.

"I'll get my revenge..."

"No, please no... please-"


I woke up with a start, sweating. Tears were running down my cheeks, When will I stop having these nightmares? I tried to sleep, hugging my knees for some comfort.

After turning from one side to another for a long time, I decided to get up and get ready for the day. I went to the bathroom, took a shower, and put on some makeup under my eyes to hide the dark circles. I ran my hands in my frizzy hair in a try to tame them but in vain.

I went downstairs to grab something to eat and saw a note on the table;

Jane darling
I had to go to work early today. Breakfast is in the refrigerator, heat it up before eating.
Mom ;)

I sighed. I took out the breakfast and started to eat. Why should I heat it up when it tastes good anyway.

I was feeling drowsy all day long and it was all because of that nightmare. It has been 2 months so why can't it leave me alone? I want to forget all that and move on and these nightmares won't let me go. Why is life so unfair?




2 months back

* Jane's pov *

"Jane wake up", I heard my mom shout from downstairs. I groaned.

"Come on, hurry up get ready, honey, Jacqueline is here", my mom called me again. Jacqueline, my one and only best friend since childhood, is just the opposite of me, lively, fun, good at making friends and last but not the least you could never get bored with her and I swear she got too many people envious of her. She has beautiful blue eyes and long, straight ginger hair and here I am a lazy bum with dark frizzy hair and deep hazel eyes.

Today is a weekend and we planned to go to an art museum with another friend of ours, Mary, we've known her for three to four years and we call her 'bloody mary' as a nickname because when she gets angry she's too scary. Both my mom and Jacqueline are way too excited and woke me two whole hours before the time we had decided to meet, I slept late yesterday for god's sake.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door, "Hey Cad!! Wakie wakie".

"Lemme sleep." I nearly cried under the warm covers, "go away".

Just then my door slammed open, Jacqueline came and pulled my covers and took me straight to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I was too surprised to say anything, I mean this is not the first time she did this but then also I was too surprised.

I came downstairs for breakfast, drowsily and saw my mom in the kitchen.

"Hey mum." I greeted her.

"Morning Honey." She greeted back.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I asked her.

"Guess." She said playfully.

"Oh no." I groaned inwardly.

"Can I guess Mrs. Caddel? Please." Jacqueline butted in.

"No Jac." I said sternly, my face clearly showing a 'don't you dare do this' look. "Mum please.."

" Fine, you're no fun-"

Jacqueline giggled and I glared at her.

"- we're having pancakes with maple syrup and fried eggs." Mom finished, coming up to us with pancakes and eggs.

"Yay." I cheered, believe me, I'm a 'life for food' kind of a person.

We helped her laying the food on the table.

"So, will you be here for lunch?" Mom asked serving herself a pancake.

"No mum, we are thinking of having lunch at McDonald's and then going back to our homes," I told her.

"Oh but be careful there are a lot of kidnapping cases occurring in that area." My mum informed us.

You see.... my mom, Kate Caddel, is a reporter and is usually informed of happenings before other people so she keeps us updated about what's happening here and there.

"Sure mom, you also take care of yourself and no sneaking of chocolates while I am not here. I don't want to take you to the hospital later." I said pouting.

"Yeah yeah!" She said laughing.

I couldn't help it and started laughing too joined with Jacqueline.

I looked at the clock and said," We should go now, mum."

I picked up my plate from the table and took it to the sink and dumped it there then I went towards the door and called Jacqueline.

"Bye mum," I said.

"Bye Mrs. Caddel, thanks for the breakfast." Said Jacqueline.

"Bye and be careful." Mom smiled.


We reached Mary's house, I got out of my car and called out to her,


She came out on the balcony and shouted," TWO MINUTES!!"

"OK!!" I shouted back.

She came down after five minutes and got in the car. We went to the museum, talking and laughing on the way. Since we reached there a bit early, we decided to roam around a bit.

After deciding that we should stay near the museum, we started walking towards the backside of the museum. While we were admiring the surrounding, Jacqueline ran ahead of us, Does she have to be so enthusiastic and chirpy? I sighed.

In a few moments time, I heard her calling out to us," Look what I found." She sounded really excited. We went there to see what she was so excited about and I was surprised to see this, behind a museum!!?


Hello people !!!

Hope you like this. This is my first novel and I'll try to improve and make it interesting but for now, let's see what did these three girls see... Is it safe for them??

How did you find the character of Jane and her friends?

See you soon😘

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