Accidental Dimension Travel

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"Mother, why is Grandfather holding you like that?" Akira asked quite shock about what's happening in front of him.

Blake glared at his Grandfather hard. "Hey old man! Hands off Mother, he's Father's you know."

+[Lets Rewind Shall We] An hour or two before the present+

Blake and Akira were out on the front yard of the shack practicing their magic. Mostly what Dominic and Will taught them as they were growing up.

"Hey Akira, do you know any other magic that could give us something fun to do?" Blake asked feeling bored.

Akira shook his head and sighed. "Nothing brother."

The older twin hummed as he thought about something. "How about portal travel? They should have taught us that by now. I wanna see how mother and father are like in different dimensions together."

"Well Grandma did explain it to me, but I haven't been able to make the portal yet. He said you just have to feel yourself opening up a hole from thin air. Raise your hand up," Blake was following Akira's instructions and help up his hand. "Pinch like there's a zipper there and pull down." Will explained.

Blake did just that and smiled when he was able to open a portal. "I did it!" He exclaimed. "Let's go in Akira."

"Ah! But shouldn't we tell somebody first." The younger twin worried they would be stuck in that dimension or worse.

"We'll be fine, now come on!" Blake grabbed his brother's hand and without another thought, ran straight through the portal.

The twins found themselves in front of the Mystery Shack again. They looked behind to see the portal close up right up. They looked at each other confused.

"I guess this dimension isn't really different from ours." Akira says surveying the area.

Blake just shook his head and proceeded to walk up to the shack. Akira follows right behind and clung to his brother's vest. They went inside the gift shop and found the red head they always see behind the counter whenever it was work day. Even the handyman guy who was the green shirt was fixing up the vending machine.

"And her we have the famous Shallow shark!" The familiar voice of the old guy with the fez hat rang in the room. Many of the tourist taking photos after handing money to him.

The twins caught the attention of the cashier teen. "Yo dudes! You new here or tourists?"

Blake and Akira went over to her with curious looks.

"My brother and I were just looking around. You could say we just came here." Blake told her, careful not to state who they really are. "I'm Blake and this my twin Akira."

"Hello..." Akira shyly greets her.

"Well I'm Wendy Corduroy, nice to meet you dudes." She looked at them with a smile as she took note that he was shyer than his brother. "I'm sure that Mabel and Dipper would love to be friends with guys too. You can find them in the forest, they're probably mystery hunting again."

The twins smiled that they finally have a clue to see their alternate mother. "Alright we'll go meet them. Thanks for telling us Wendy!" They left the shack and ran to the forest once they got outside.

They walked around for awhile not sure of where they'll find them. They came another corner of another tree and paused when they started hearing voices just beyond the tree line to a clearing. The twins looked at each other and crouched down to the forest floor, stealthily using their powers to hide their presence. Both of them crawled over to a bush and peeked at the people in the clearing.

There stood two twins with brown hair and a tall male figure with brilliant blond hair.

"Oh come on Dip Dot! I just want one fore the scrapbook, please?!" Their young aunt Mabel looked at her twin with begging eyes.

Their mother looked like he was gonna cave in at any second while their grandfather just laughed. "Come on PineTree, it won't be that bad, promise." A not so promising smirk graced his face.

"I don't like that smirk on your face Bill. You're up to something and I know it." Dipper says and goes back to burying his nose in his journal.

Mabel pouted while Bill just kept grinning, he leaned towards Mabel and whispered something that the younger twins couldn't hear. The happy smile on her face told them that their grandfather was gonna do something as she also brought up her camera.

Bill floated over to Dipper and snapped his fingers to make the journal disappear. Before the young brunet could protest, the blond grabbed his hand and scooped his up with his other arm. He twirled around with the blushing brunet as Mabel took lots of pictures as well as the ending pose that had both their faces close together with their foreheads against each other. He set Dipper down and used the hook of his cane to keep Dipper close to him as he had a hand tilting his chin up to look at him in the eyes.

That made the hiding twins pop out of the bushes with shocked expressions. The second party noticed them and were also surprised by them too.

[Which brings us back to the present]

"Mama, why is Grandfather holding you like that?" Akira asked quite shock about what's happening in front of him.

Blake glared at his Grandfather hard. "Hey old man! Hands off Mother, he's Father's you know."

Dipper just sputtered half developed words while Mabel's eyes sparkled at how cute the twins were. "Aw Dipper, they're twins too!"

"Mabel now is not the time..." Dipper groaned as he finally took a breather to calm himself.

Bill let go of Dipper and went over to the twins with curious looks. "Hmm, your from a different dimension right?"

The twins nodded at the blond demon in front of them.

"Well kids, every dimension is different and in this one, I'm your mother's lover here. I could tell you were surprised when you saw PineTree and I over there earlier." Bill explained to them and they gave out and oh sound.

"It's weird seeing you with mother tho."

"It's different."

Mabel and Dipper went over to the three out of curiosity too.

"So where did you guys come from anyways?" Mabel asked cheerfully.

Blake answered her, "We came from another dimension auntie." He pointed to Bill first. "Where this old man our grandfather and this person," he pointed to Dipper, "is our Mother." She looked back at Mabel. "You're our aunt."

"Blake it's not nice to point at people." Akira scolded his brother a bit before looking at them. "I'm sorry for his rudeness."

Dipper shook his head feeling surprised by the kid's politeness. "It's fine, um..."

"Oh, I'm Akira Gleeful C. and this is my older twin Blake Gleeful C." Akira introduces himself and his brother.

"Wait Gleeful?!" The twins exclaimed at the last name.

"You mean Dipper married Gideon, oh I feel so sorry for you two." Mabel held a hand to her heart.

"Uh, Mother didn't partner up with a guy with named Gideon." Blake says un expressively. He crossed his arms trying to remember where he heard that name before.

Akira shook his head and smiled. "He married Papa whose name is Tyrone." He told them with a smile.

That made the trio confused, but Dipper knew he named his copy two that name, but he knew he couldn't last as a copie paper. "Then what does the C. stand for?"

"C. stands for Cipher. We told you before that Bill is our grandfather and Dipper is our mother. They're both related because our mother is our grandfather's son." Akira explained it to them.

Bill finally thought up to call his other self up to pick up his grandkids. "Scuse me for a moment guys and lady, I need to call their Bill to come pick them up."

"The old man is gonna get it when we get home." Blake crackled his knuckles while Akira hide behind his brother.

"Well if you guys wanna hangout with us, come and visit." Dipper smiled at them.

"Thanks." The twins thank at the same time with matching smiles aimed back at him.

They talked for awhile more and played some games until they saw a portal open up by the tree line of the clearing. They stopped and watched at three people come out of the portal, two who looked that same and another Bill. The three came over to them with with happy looks.



Both Blake and Akira went to their parents and gave them a tight hug each. The two Bill conversed with one another with glee in their tone.

The twins decided to introduce their parents to the Mabel and Dipper of this dimension.

"These people are our parents."

"You looked so cute when you were younger too. I kinda almost miss that." The brunet wearing baby blue said to his loved as he used on hand to pull his lover closer to him.

"I never thought I would see a younger version of myself again." The brunet with black tail coat replied. He knelt down on one knee and held his hand to the twins in front of him. "Hey kids, I'm Dominic D. Cipher. I'm the Dipper of the dimension where the twins are currently staying. I'm their mother.

"Dip you grow up so handsome!" Mabel exclaimed while Dipper blushed. Never the less they both shook Dominic's hand.

"I'm Tyrone Gleeful, I come from the reverse dimension, like Dominic here I'm also the Dipper of my dimension. I'm the twins father." Tyrone introduced himself.

Dipper rethought about the introductions made to them. "Wait, so you married yourself, but from another dimension?"

Dominic chuckled and ruffled Dipper's hair. "A lot of things happened after my thirteenth birthday dude. I met Tyrone here and we just clicked together and we're really," he glanced at his lover affectionately, "really happy together."

"Ah! You looks to each other are like the definition of love! Congrats you two!" Mabel cheered laughing in the end.

"Thank you Mabel." Tyrone thanks her and gave her a smile.

But Dominic on the other hand was thinking about what Dipper said. 'Wait a second... Did Tyrone and I ever have a wedding?' He lost his thought process when his kids called him for his attention. "Yes Akira?"

"Can we hangout with them again if we get bored? They're really fun to hangout with."

Dominic nodded and patted him on the back. "Of course Akira, but you'll have to ask one of your grandparents to take you, because your father and I will be busy handling stuff for most of the time."

"Okay Mama." Akira went back to Blake's side and the two started having another conversation with the Pines twins.

"Dominic is something wrong?" Tyrone asked his lover curiously.

He shook his head and smiled at Tyrone. "It's nothing dear, I think I'm just overthinking something again." Tyrone kissed Dominic forehead and the both of them held hands.

"You know you can tell me anything Dominic."

"I know Tyrone, I know."


Eventually it was time to leave the dimension they had stayed in for awhile since it had begun to get very late already. The Pines kids said their goodbyes, same going for the adults.

Dominic opened a portal for his family and they all went through as they waved goodbye.

They got home to their dimension easily and safely with no interruptions. All of them went to their rooms for a good nights rest. Blake and Akira went to their room in the attic with tired smiles for much needed sleep. Bill went to his room where his wife would be sleeping soundly with sweet dreams to lay next to.

Dominic and Tyrone went to their own room that they had both created with the use of their powers. They changed into their sleep wear and curled up next to each other once they laid together on their bed. Tyrone instantly fell asleep after kissing Dominic on the forehead and hugging him close. Dominic didn't sleep for awhile, because of a thought that gnawed at the back of his mind.

Slowly he drifted to sleep, eye slowly fluttering close with that one thought on his mind.

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