Night Of The Living Dread

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Rhydon: Last time, on the Rhydonculous Race! The teams flew to Paris, France and they were pretty surprised when they saw the dangerous challenges. It started with an odd archery challenge and ended with a deadly minefield one. Highlights include Chespin and Chikorita working together as one of the greatest couples T.V. has seen. But the Athletes weren't too happy when the two grass starters barely beat them to first place. Also, Fashion Designers Sandshrew and Vulpix shopped like there was no tomorrow, but then realized there was one and pushed hard to stay in the race. The Artists got to visit their paradise, the Louvre art museum and the Ice Skaters were triggered at missing the top three again! Time to talk about the two teams that struggled the most. Primeape just couldn't see eye to eye with Tepig, so he threw him around, giving him an unnecessary beating. And Piplup, just couldn't see it in her to trust her partner Turtwig until he surprisingly yelled some sense into her. This patched their relationship and they were thankfully safe and the Acquaintances were eliminated after being hit with a penalty for not following challenge directions. One of which was very VERY angry about losing. Phew. Long recap. But now, it's time for the next leg to commence. And I can feel extra drama coming on today. Don't go anywhere because this is... The Rhydonculous Race! (Heavily smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme song; at the Chill Zone in France)

Rhydon: Hello from the Louvre. We're diving head first into today as Chespin and Chikorita are about to start us off by grabbing the first tip.

Chespin: After you Chikorita. I insist.

Chikorita: What a gentleman. Thanks!

Weavile: Better watch your backs today. We're gonna be gunning for you two.

Chikorita: Um... excuse me?

Chespin: Just ignore them. (Chikorita grabs a tip)

Machoke: Quick! They took their tip, now let's get ours.

Surskit: Eesh. Someone's antsy today.

Chikorita: It says head to the airport and book seats on a flight to Bermuda. Hey, isn't that some island or something?

(Somewhere else)

Rhydon: Bermuda. A tropical island located somewhat near the tip of Florida. Bermuda is more often known for the spooky mysteries regarding the Bermuda Triangle. It started when five planes vanished over this section of ocean. They left without a trace. (Shakes) Getting the chills just thinking about it.

(Back by the carpet after a few more teams get tips)

Pachirisu: Sweet. Got the tip. Now let's hurry!

Togedemaru: What's the rush?

Pachirisu: The rush? The rush is we've come in ninth place twice now. We need to aim for improvement. (Heads off)

Togedemaru: Ahhh. She is so cute when she gets like that. (Shakes head) Um. What!? I didn't say anything.

Meowstic: (gets a tip) Bermuda? Never heard of it.

Shinx: Hopefully it's far away. The longer we get to play our video games, the better!

Meowstic: True that! But let's hurry. We gotta get on the first flight this time!

(At the airport a little bit later)

Meowstic: Are you kidding me? The last team got the last two seats!? That's so unfair!

Shinx: Yeah. (Pauses) Oh well, now we can play video games while we wait. (Meowstic moans)

(In confessuonal)
Meowstic: Okay... I may be a tad worried about Shinx. I love my video games but I also like a million bucks! If we wanna win this race he's gotta be focused. (Sighs) He's a child at heart. That's not a bad thing, it's a good thing. I just gotta find a way to make the race more appealing to him.

Rhydon: (to the camera) While Meowstic and all other teams in the ticket line moan about not making the first flight, yesterday's top nine teams are all snug aboard flight number one.

(Sometime later)

Rhydon: Well, looks like flight two has been in the air for a while now and flight one is just about to arrive at Bermuda.

(Inside flight one)

Buizel: Looks like we're flying over the Bermuda Triangle now.

Oshawott: Um... isn't that bad...

Banette: Well there are rumors of aliens and people disappearing from here or something.(Laughs spookily) Cool huh? (Oshawott gulps)

Squirtle: (peering from his seat in front of Oshawott) It'll be a-okay Oshawott. No need to worry.

Oshawott: Thanks Squirtle.

Buizel: So, this is your friend Oshawott? (He nods) Alright then. I'm Buizel. The super fast and strong and awesome cousin of this little guy.

Oshawott: (mumbles) And arrogant.

Squirtle: Oh. Nice to meet you. I'm Squirtle and this is my best friend Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur: Hello.

Machoke: Okay cool it with the friendliness. It's getting awkward over here.

Weavile: Yeah. Just keep it down you losers.  (All of a sudden the plane lights starts flashing red as the plane begins descending) Woah! What's going on.

Flaaffy: Oh crap! The plane is going down!

Bellossom: Going down?

Flaaffy: WE'RE CRASHING!!! (Everyone begins screaming and panicing)

Togedemaru: I'm too young to die!

Buizel: And I'm too awesome!

Rhydon: (appears on a monitor) Attention! Everyone! Over here! (Everyone looks at the monitor) You're on route to crash on an island not on maps. Once you land I'm gonna have to improvise some challenges...

Bellossom: Phew. We're gonna be okay.

Rhydon: Oh, I never said that. You know, if you do, I have something planned. Just look for someone. They'll be the only Pokémon on the island and all. Rhydon out.

Buizel: Coward. Can't even bother to meet us.

Buneary: I know right.

Chespin: Um, guys? CRASHING!? (The plane lands with a semi rough ending) Ug. Is everyone okay?

Delcatty: Come on Surskit, let's hurry and find that mystery Pokémon!

Surskit: Um, yeah. Definitely.

(On flight two)

Turtwig: (to himself) You're gonna be okay. The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle are just superstitions. Nothing bad will happen. (Turns to see Piplup staring at him) Hehehe. Sorry.

Piplup: It's gonna be okay. Trust me, it's just a myth. (Rhydon appears on a screen in the plane)

Rhydon: Yoo-hoo! Over here everyone. So, there has been a slight mishap with plane number one.


Rhydon: So yeah. The challenge has been modified. Anyways, the bad news for you is that you are all gonna have to skydive out of the plane. The good news is you didn't crash like the other teams AND you'll be right behind them instead of a while behind. Once you land look for a Pokémon for instructions, okay bye.

Roserade: Oh no. This isn't gonna be good.

Cherrim: Don't worry! I'm sure it'll still be a fun race.

Roserade: Yeah. Thanks for the positivity Cherrim.

Cherrim: No problem.

Litten: Come on Smeargle! Let's grab parachutes. (Smeargle blinks) Alright. Let's do this. (Straps on a parachute and jump) AHHHH!!!

Meowstic: Let's go Shinx.

Shinx: Hang on... Lemme finish the one level... (Meowstic takes the gaming console and tosses it out the plane) NOOOO!! ALL OF MY PROGRESS! (Jumps out after it)

Meowstic: Hang on I'm coming tooo! (Jumps)

Pichu: Race you to the island Pichuette.

Pichuette: You're going down! (They jump out. All the remaining teams follow)

Rhydon: (to the camera) As all eighteen teams make it to this mysterious island, one question remains. Will everyone turn out okay in the end? I honestly have no idea. I just hope they know who the Pokémon to find is.

(On the island; by the plane)

Surskit: Crabapples! It's the plane again.

Squirtle: Oh there you guys are! Great we're all good now.

Delcatty: What do you mean by "all good"?

Weavile: (annoyed) Mr. Nicey-pants Squirtle over here wouldn't let any of leave until everyone was okay.

Machoke: Yeah! And you guys DID leave and wasted our time.

Delcatty: Well good! Because you guys deserved to have your time wasted.

Surskit: (pulls Delcatty aside) Come on, play nice. We're the better Pokémon here.

Delcatty: GRRR. I'm never losing to those two morons again! But fine. (They turn back to the group)

Squirtle: So... should we try looking for this Pokémon together or- (Litten lands on top of him)

Litten: Oh man, I am so sorry dude. (Smeargle lands on top of him) Ouch.

Togedemaru: Eh. It's raining other competitors. Go figure. (Soon all eighteen teams are gathered up on the beach together)

Piplup: This is stupid! We're all each other's competition! Why are we working together?

Chikorita: Because something really spooky is going on here Piplup. (The Fortune Tellers smile)

(Team Confessional)
Froslass: Yeah. I admit it. I wanna live here.

Banette: This place is so creepy and kooky! This is gonna be a perfect opportunity to scare the crap outta everyone else! (Laughs)

Froslass: (creates on Ice Ball) Oh, magic Ice Ball, who should Banette scare first? (Pauses) Ooh, looks like it says the Cousins.

Togedemaru: That does it. I'm outta here. (Bumps into to someone) Huh? Oh my god, what are you doing here? (Motions to a familiar yellow duck)

Psyduck: HIIIII!!!

Everyone: PSYDUCK!?!?

Psyduck: Yep-de-do. Rhydon sent me here. He wanted me to tell you to run down that path to some mansion we discovered. And then you gotta find this. (Holds something up)

Bellossom: Um... some nachos?

Psyduck: Wha-? Oopsies. That's my lunch. (Pulls out something else) This is what you're actually looking for. It's a golden Pokeball statuette. Then you gotta bring it back here to the Zill Chone.

Pachirisu: Thanks Psyduck. Now... RUN!!! (All the teams rush down the path)

(At the entrance to the mansion)

Surskit: Yes! First ones here! Like I'd settle for less.

Delcatty: (seems a little mad but then calms down) Yeah. Nothing less. (The Athletes, Eeveelution Siblings, Eeveelution Twins, Dancers, Cousins and Boyfriend and Girlfriend all arrive too) And there goes our lead.

Weavile: Thanks for opening the door for us.

Surskit: We didn't open the door.

Weavile: Ha. Yeah right.

Oshawott: Oh no. Think it was a ghost?

Buizel: Well I ain't afraid of no ghost. (Oricorio approaches him)

Oricorio: That is very courageous. What a role model.

Buizel: Yep. (Puffs up his chest) Don't wanna brag but I am awesome.

(In confessional)
Buizel: Yeah. I can't help it if girls dig me. It's a gift.

Chespin: Just follow me Chikorita. We'll get through this. (Stops) Hey. It looks like there are three different paths.

Jolteon: Figures there's a luck element involved in this.

Leafeon: Hey guys, the door just opened again. It must be the rest of the teams.

Glaceon: Then let's hurry and pick a path already. (All teams scatter and head down different paths. Then, a shadow is shown looming behind and watching everyone)

(Down the first path)

Sandshrew: Eew. I think I just walked through a cobweb.

Vulpix: Oh no. That's disgusting.

Sandshrew: Hey, I've been meaning to talk to you about something. I was thinking about adding a few hats to our website.

Vulpix: Really? That's cool. We've been needing to add something new anyways.

Sandshrew: Cool. I'll show you the stuff after this leg. (Stops) Hey, why is everybody stopped up ahead.

Pichuette: L-look at this place.

Pichu: Mega creepy. It's kinda cool. (Motions to an old library covered in cobwebs and such) Hey, I bet the statues are in here.

Pichuette: I was afraid you'd say that. (The Pichu Twins begin to search the area, followed by the Fashion Designers, Eeveelution Twins; Eeveelution Siblings, Lifelong Friends and Love Birds)

(Down path two)

Weavile: In your faces losers. We beat you this time.

Delcatty: Whatever. We don't care.

Machoke: Woah. Check out this room. (Motions to a huge ballroom with lots of instruments and junk)

Weavile: I have to admit, the piano music sounds pretty good.

Surskit: But.. there's no one sitting at the piano!

Weavile: Cool it with your antics. You're not scaring me. (The Cousins, Dancers, Contest Stars and Boyfriend and Girlfriend arrive)

Oricorio: Well. This is all kinds of odd.

Bellossom: Yet, creepy. Maybe there is more to this place than meets the eye.

(Down path three; in a spooky looking indoor garden)

Roserade: Ooh la la! A garden room! It's a shame, all these flowers look sad.

(In Confessional)
Roserade: It's a such a shame that some people don't care about plants. They are living like you and I! You know, I'm gonna do my best to tidy up this garden as much as I can.

Roserade: Okay, Cherrim. Let's get going. (Pauses) Cherrim? (Looks to see Cherrim glowing) OH NO!

Cherrim: (transforms into her overcast form) Sigh. I'm bored.

Roserade: Come on Cherrim! Let's start this challenge! (Cherrim moans)

Cherrim: Uhhhhh... I don't wanna.

Litten: Hurry up Smeargle! We gotta get looking for that statue thingy in here!

Meowstic: Game on Shinx!

Pachirisu: Move faster Togedemaru!

Togedemaru: I'm going! I'm going!

Rhydon: (to the camera) With all eighteen teams searching for statues, one question remains. Who will make it out first? (The screen shows teams searching) If they even make it out at all! (The Cousins, Dancers and Contest Stars are shown screaming as they fall through a trap door) Uh oh.

(In the Library)

Bulbasaur: Here statue! Come on out!

Turtwig: Silly Bulbasaur. Statues aren't alive and therefore can't hear you.

Bulbasaur: (narrows eyes) Yeah. I'm aware of that.

Squirtle: Hey! I think I got something! (Bulbasaur comes over) Look! If I lift up this carpet... (lifts up the carpet)

Bulbasaur: Woah! A secret door!

Squirtle: Let's investigate.

Piplup: Hey! We see what you're doing. No way are you beating us to the statues.

Squirtle: Hey no fair! We found this, not you.

Piplup: Well we'll be your competition then. (The four go through the trapdoor and unknown to them, a shadowy hand locks the door after they go in)

(In the Ballroom)

Weavile: (throwing things around) Ugh! No statues! This has to be rigged or something

Machoke: Yeah. All there is is stupid junk! (Smashes a few thing)

Chespin: Hey, this stuff isn't yours you know. You should respect other people's property.

Machoke: (walks over to Chespin) Oh, I'm sorry. (Picks up Chespin) You wanna go a few rounds? I could cream you with one punch.

Chespin: (struggling to breathe) N-n-no. (Machoke releases Chespin)

Machoke: That's what I thought.

Chikorita: Chespin! (Rushes over to him) Chespin are you okay?

(Team Confessional)
Chespin: Yeah... I should have known not to mess with those jerks.

Chikorita: I can't stand Pokémon like that! How can someone even act that way and be happy with who they are? It's so... UGH!

Surskit: Hey, weren't there five other teams in here before? (Delcatty nods) Well now there are only three!

Delcatty: Whatever. Let's just beat those stupid Athletes. (Mocking Surskit) Nothing else matters, right. (Surskit looks confused at Delcatty's response)

(In the basement of the house)

Buizel: (coughs) Hey, Oshawott. You okay?

Oshawott: Y-yeah.

Flaaffy: Who else is here? I can't see! It's pitch black in here. (The lights suddenly turn on) Hey, that's better.

Bellossom: Well that was convenient .

Oricorio: (approaches Buizel) Hola Buizel. So I see you again. Maybe it's more than just a coincidence that we met yet again.

Buizel: Um... I'm not sure I really get what you're saying. (Changing the subject) So, where are we anyways?

Flaaffy: I think we're in some sort of dungeon. What do you think Buneary? Buneary? (Looks around but Buneary isn't there) Oh no! B-Buneary!

Buizel: Hey, maybe there's a statue down here.

Oshawott: Buizel! We have to help Flaaffy first.

Buizel: Are you joking?

Oshawott: Seriously? How would you feel if you were missing and nobody helped look for you. (Buizel just nods in agreement)

Bellossom: And we'll help too. It's the right thing to do.

(In Confessional)
Bellossom: I have a motto. No matter who the Pokémon, if you are nice to them and help them out in a jam, others will do the same to you.

Flaaffy: Uh, thanks everyone. Now let's hurry.

(In the indoor garden)

Meowstic: There's nothing in this flower bed.

Shinx: Nothing in this one either. (Shivers) Ooh. I don't like this place. It's like playing a mix of Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion.

Meowstic: And that's bad? Those are two awesome games.

Shinx: Okay then, maybe like a bad, ripoff, non mainstream, shovelware game.

Meowstic: Okay, now that I can agree with.

Pachirisu: (taps on Shinx's shoulder) Excuse me, could I search here a bit?

Shinx: Uhhhh. (Just stares at Pachirisu)

Pachirisu: Okay, forget it. I'll look elsewhere.

Meowstic: Dude are you okay? (Shinx shakes his head and then nods) Alrighty then.

Roserade: (searching elsewhere) Aw. This poor pansie is all dried up and dead. It's so sad.

Cherrim: Meh. It's just a stupid flower.

Roserade: (horrified) WHAT!?!? But flowers are our friends.

Cherrim: Angst.

Roserade: Okay that's it. I've gotta get you back and pronto!

Banette: (pops up behind Roserade) I wouldn't bother trying!

Roserade: (screams) Please don't do that. I nearly had a heart attack.

Banette: Oops.

Froslass: Our magic ice ball predicts fortunes. And it has stated that you will go home today.

Roserade: So?

Froslass: So there's no fighting it. No matter what you do, you'll still lose.

Banette: Nice knowing ya! (Picks up a statue in the dirt) Heh. Easy challenge.

(Team Confessional)
Froslass: I hope they don't see us as bad Pokémon. We are just trying to give them a heads up.

Banette: Yeah! And sure it's fun scaring everyone but those are just jokes you know.

(Back in the ballroom)

Machoke: Come on Weavile, we've gotta hurry up and take first.

Weavile: Um, tell me something I don't know you moron.

Machoke: (breaks a vase) Wait a second, is that... A STATUE!?

Weavile: (gasps) Gimme! (Picks it up) Yes! Victory will be ours! To the chill zone! (She and Machoke leave)

Surskit: Ug! There goes our chance at first. How have we not won yet? I mean, this is so unlike me. I ALWAYS take first.

Delcatty: (rolls eyes) Okay. We get it. (A little ticked off) Yeah, you always take first.

Rhydon: As Surskit and Delcatty get filled with a bit of rage, (the screen flips to the Jokesters) The teams in the library have no idea of the witchcraft that'll be coming next.

Popplio: What do you call a sleeping Tauros? (Pauses) A bull-DOZER!! (Laughs hysterically with Totodile)

Totodile: (wipes away a tear) That was so good! I wanna here more! More! (Jumps up and down as the lights shut off)

Popplio: Um, can I tell you another joke later?

Vulpix: Okay, who turned out the lights? (The lights turn back on) That's better.

Sandshrew: You might wanna take another look and hold onto your scarves... (points to floating swords in the center of the room)

Everyone: AHHHH!!!

Pichu: Pichuette, climb the book case.

Pichuette: Great idea! (They scurry up)

Popplio: Oh no! There's no where to run... (the swords come closer) Guess it's goodbye. Totodile?

Totodile: No way! (Uses water gun and accidently knocks down a bookshelf onto the Fashion Designers) Oops. Sorry guys. (The swords suddenly disappear)

Popplio: Wha? They're gone.

Totodile: That's strange.... But look! A statue fell off the bookcase! Yippee we did it!

Popplio: Great job Totodile! You really
SEEL-ed the deal on that one! (They leave laughing as Pichu and Pichuette watch them. The Fashion Designers struggle out injured from the bookshelf)

Pichuette: Come on Pichu, let's get an aerial view from up here. We'll find one. Trust.

(At the chill zone)

Rhydon: Well it looks like today's winners have arrived! (The camera zooms out to show the Athletes) Machoke and Weavile, congrats! You're first!

Wevaile: Yes! We are champions!

Machoke: Yep. I totally won this! (They smile and wave to the camera)

Weavile: WE totally won this!

Rhydon: Okay, get off my carpet now.

(Team Confessional)
Weavile: Getting a taste of winning is oh so sweet! Let's never lose again Machoke.

Machoke: Agreed. And with such loser competition like the Ice Skaters and team Boyfriend and Girlfirend, winning again should be a snap. (Snaps his finger wrong) Ow. I think I dislocated it.

Rhydon: Fortune Tellers, you've made it in second!

Bannette: Cool. (They leave as the Jokesters arrive)

Totodile: O-M-G that means we're in third! YASSS!!! (Jumps enthusiastically)

Rhydon: Love the enthusiasm Totodile.

Totodile: Thanks.

(Team Confessional)
Totodile: I'm just a guy who always sees things positively. I mean, life is just awesome! No matter what way you look at it, there is always a good side.

Popplio: Well said.

Rhydon: (to the camera) As the race for top three is over, the other teams find statues in hope of not finishing last! (The screen shows the Pichu Twins, Fashion Designers and Ice Skaters getting statues) But for some, the goal may be simply escaping this place alive.

(In the basement of the library)

Bulbasaur: Ugh, its no use! I've been banging on the trap door for like half an hour. Nobody's gonna find us in here.

Squirtle: Don't be such a pessimistic Purloin Bulbasaur. It's going to be okay. Maybe there's another way out.

Bulbasaur: (sighs) Okay fine.

Turtwig: So, where slash what are we doing slash going?

Squirtle: Well, I was thinking-

Piplup: Just follow me. I'm a natural born leader.

Squirtle: That works too. (Bumps into Piplup) Hey, why'd we stop?

Piplup: I think I found something. It's some sort of thermostat I think.

Turtwig: Wait a second, that's a control box! Maybe there's something around here that can be moved...

Bulbasaur: Like a door! Nice one Love Birds!

Piplup & Turtwug: Don't call us that. (Piplup blushes)

Turtwig: Okay let me see what I can do... (plays around with the wiring when suddenly a door opens) Wow. Easier than I thought.

Squirtle: Hey, it's the library! Let's book it guys! (Laughs) Eh? Get it? BOOK it.

Piplup: (rolls eyes) Stop it before you become Popplio number two. (Squirtle looks embarrassed)

(At the Chill Zone)

Rhydon: More teams are arriving at the chill zone. One by one, they earn themselves a spot in the next leg. (The screen shows the Ice Skaters finishing. Followed by clips of the Pichu Twins, New Friends, Fashion Designers, Eeveelution Siblings, Eeveelution Twins and Boyfriend and Girlfriend finishing in that order) And with only eight teams left out there, they better hurry it up.

(In the indoor garden)

Roserade: (walks up to the Gamers) Hey guys. Do you wanna maybe work together?

Shinx: Sure! The more the merrier.

Meowstic: (pulls Shinx aside) Shinx, no alliances. It's like versing a new opponent. We have no info on anything they might do.

Shinx: (to Roserade) I mean, sorry, but no.

Roserade: (sighs) Well I can't do this alone.

Shinx: I feel kinda bad for... Hey a statue! Woo hooo! Level completed let's go!

Roserade: Oh no! Cherrim, we may be the only ones left.

Cherrim: So?

Roserade: (starts to tear up) Cherrim! Please you gotta put what ever that feeling is aside and help! Do it for me!

Cherrim: You're weird.

Roserade: (gasps before taking a few deep breaths) That's it. I only have one more option. I'm gonna have to learn... SUNNY DAY.

(In confessional)
Roserade: Sunny Day will bring my cheerful Cherrim back but it's a move I've struggled to learn in the past... Hopefully, I can do it!

(In the basement)


Bellossom: Buneary, can you hear us?

Oricorio: Hey everyone, I think I heard something down this way!

Flaaffy: HURRY! (They run into a room to see Buneary standing next to some mysterious Pokémon) Buneary!

Buneary: AHH! Guys help... I don't know what this guys trying to do with me... (the Pokémon turns around)

Marshadow: Hello fellow Pokémon. You've stumbled upon my haunted house, and it's not often I get visitors so I thought I'd make this memory permanent. (Snaps his fingers and the room lights up, showing Pokémon heads on the wall)

Bellossom: (gasps along with Oshawott and Flaaffy) You don't mean... THOSE ARE REAL POKÉMON!?

Marshadow: They WERE real Pokémon. And, I don't have a pretty Buneary for my collection yet... (walks towards Buneary)

Buneary: Um guys... (starts backing up) Somebody do soemthing!!! AHHH!!

Flaaffy: Don't worry! I'm coming! (Marshadow hits Flaaffy with a Shadow Ball) Oof! (Hits the floor hard) Ow... I'm down.

Marshadow: Come to me my precious.

Buizel: That's enough. (Uses Aqua Jet to quickly hit Marshadow) Quick! Grab my hand! (Buneary does so and he rushes her outta the room with Aqua Jet) Quick everybody out!!

Oshawott: I'll close the door. (They leave and Oshawott locks the door) Now that was the scariest thing I've ever seen...

Buizel: Wow, I'm surprised. You're handling it better than I thought- (Oshawott bursts in tears as Buizel looks to Buneary) Are you okay?

Buneary: (blinks) Yeah. I think so. Thanks to you. (Gives him a hug) Thank you, Buizel. I'll never forget what you did for me.

Oricorio: Ugh. I think we all deserve a group hug for a job well done here. Don't I get a hug Buizel?

Buizel: Huh? (Confused) What are you some weirdo hugger like Bewear and Smoochum?

Flaaffy: (stands) You realize Marshadow is a ghost type right? (Pauses) LETS HURRY AND FIND THOSE STATUES AND GET THE FLIP OUTTA HERE!!!

(At the chill zone)

Meowstic: (arrives) Yes! We made it!

Rhydon: Sure did. And in eleventh place.

Shinx: Sweetchez. (They head off as the Lifelong Friends followed by Love Birds arrive)

Rhydon: Lifelong Friends, you're in twelfth. Love Birds, thirteenth.

Turtwig: (shrug) Eh. Better than last time. (They leave as Litten and Smeargle arrive)

Smeargle: Yo.

Litten: Did we make it in time?

Rhydon: (Nods) Fourteenth.

Litten: Awesome! I mean, we could of done better, but I'm glad we're safe.

Rhydon: (to the camera) And with just four teams left out there, things are gonna be coming down to the wire.

(In the Garden)

Roserade: (to herself) Come on, you got this. Just concentrate on becoming one with the sun. Let it help you grow.

Cherrim: Why was I ever friends with you? Angst. It's just so... Angsty you know?

Roserade: Ignoring Cherrim. And.... SUNNY DAY! (Nothing happens) Ugh! I'm close, I can feel it. (Suddenly the Contest Stars, Dancers and Cousins burst in) Huh?

Bellossom: Let's find those statues guys. As a team. A temporary team, just for today. (The five others nod) Okay good!

(Roserade continues concentrating as the other teams look for statues. The screen shows, them finding statues until they have three)

Buizel: Okay, let's book it! (Picks up Oshawott) Let's move!

Buneary: Thanks for saving me too Flaaffy. (Gives her a hug) I know that if it weren't for you, no one would have noticed I was gone.

Flaaffy: No prob but let's save the sappy talk for AFTER we make it to the chill zone.

Buneary: Right. (They leave)

Roserade: (to herself) I'm the last here. It's now or never... SUNNY DAY!!! (Suddenly,  a bright beam of sunlight shines above) I did it? (Cheers) I finally mastered Sunny Day!

Cherrim: (transforms back into Blossom form) Yay! Roserade you did it! (Hugs her) I'm back to my positive self. (Looks around) And hey? A statue! (Picks one up) What luck.

Roserade: If we hurry, we might still make it.

Cherrim: Well what are we waiting for!? LETS GO! (They cheerfully leave)

(The screen shows the Cousins, Contest Stars, Dancers and Gardeners racing)

Rhydon: Who is going to make it? And who is headed home!? (The Cousins finish followed by the Dancers)

Bellossom: Phew! We're safe Oricorio!

(The screen goes back to showing the last two teams running)

Rhydon: The Contest Stars are ahead but the Gardeners are gaining!

Cherrim: Hurry!

Flaaffy: Full force Buneary! (They cross the Chill Zone) Yes!

Rhydon: Seventeenth place you two. (They have a sigh of relief)

(Team Confessional)
Flaaffy: Who would have thought some creepy Marshadow guy would almost cost us the game!?

Buneary: And more importantly my life!

Flaaffy: Oh, yeah... (embarrassed) Hehe. That too.

Buneary: I'm just glad everything'll be okay. And Buizel... What would I have done without him?

Rhydon: Cherrim. Roserade. I'm afraid you're in last.

Cherrim: Awe.

Froslass: Told ya. (The Gardeners jump) The Ice Ball never lies.

Roserade: Oh who cares about a dumb ball or this show. I'm just happy to have Cherrim back. (The two hug)

(The Gardeners elimination montage)

Roserade: There were many ups and downs of this race, but we had a good time over all.

Cherrim: Spending time with Roserade just makes me feel so... happy! I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Roserade: Awe. That means so much.

Cherrim: (smiles) Anyways, we'll now be able to grow plants better than ever at home, thanks to your Sunny Day.

Roserade: Hey that reminds me. I heard something about this new kind of soil.

Cherrim: Ooh! Tell me more.

(End montage)

Rhydon: That does it for today. Now I'm gonna get the heck out here before that Marshadow guy makes a second appearance. So yeah, I'm Rhydon, and stay tuned for the next leg of The Rhydonculous Race!

Thanks to everyone for reading. Especially Gurrtastic Sean1153 LittleLitten11 TorchicTrooper TotalEpicness123 Howler176 __Glaceon__ Catanzy Darumaka25 LBWriter123 slothzilla124 UnderverseFanGirl Dedenne14 xxTheGamingWolfxx Captain_Komodo FanboyMudkipz Jolteon_Fan

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