Say Cheese

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Rhydon: Last time on the Rhydonculous Race, the final six teams had a close encounter in Area Fifty-one. There was only one goal, retrieve an alien artifact from the warehouse and bring it back. Also to spice things up, each team got a helper, a past Total Drama Pokemon competitor, to aid them on their dangerous challenge. During the challenge teams faced mysterious obstacles such as an antigravity sphere and tripwires to prevent intruders. In the end, team Boyfriend and Girlfriend came in first, with the Athletes in close pursuit. However, the Gamers struggled when Shinx was captured. Meowstic, distraught at the the thought of losing his best friend did his very best to rescue him, but unfortunately the extra challenge costed them the leg as they ended up in last place. But in a shocking turn of events, the Gamers had an extra life left as it was a non elimination leg so they got to stay! Now will they get an actual game over today? Find out right here, right now, on... (heavily smiles and winks at the camera) The Rhydonculous Race!

(Theme song plays; on the plane)

Rhydon: Now this might be a little weird for you guys, but I'm actually not at the chill zone from yesterday. All the teams and I are onboard the same jet that took us here as there really aren't any airports by Area Fifty-one now are there? Now then, todays destination will be a fun surprise when the the jet lands, and the teams will get their first tip there.

(In the seating area of the plane)

Shinx: Man oh man, what a day yesterday was. Thanks again for saving me Meowstic.

Meowstic: Heh, no need to say thank you. We're best friends. If the roles were reversed you'd do the same.

Shinx: (smiles) Yeah, you're right about that.

Meowstic: Let's not let yesterday bring us down, let's keep pushing forward as normal. (There is awkward silence) Soo... we've got a lot of new video games to catch up on once the race is over.

Shinx: Oh my gosh yeah! I'm dying to play Fire Emblem Three Houses, Luigi's Mansion Three, Mario Maker Two...

Meowstic: (sighs) Man we missed so much. It's like we've been out of the gaming scene for over two years!

Shinx: (laughs a little) Well this race has only been going on for a couple of weeks so, it's just been busy for Nintendo I guess. (The Gamers laugh together)

(Elsewhere on the plane)

Pichu: Ughh, we've been on the plane for sooo long! (starts to fidget all over the place) I need to get out of these restraints.

Pichuette: Ugh! Pichu! Stop it, you're bumping into me! (She pushes him away)

Pichu: Ugh, you're so mean to me!

Pichuette: Yeah, yeah, I'm so horrible, whatever. Can you open my pretzel pack for me I can't get it open. (She struggles trying to open it) Dumb packaging!

Pichu: I think you can do it yourself. (turns his head)

Chespin: (from across the aisle) Hey I can help you if you'd like.

Pichuette: Really? Oh thanks Chespin. (Hands him the pretzels and he opens the bag)

Chespin: There you go. (Hands them back to her)

Pichuette: Thanks so much! (Begins eating as the Athletes glare at the two teams from behind)

(Team Confessional)
Weavile: (angry) Chespin and Chikorita are the worst! Who do they think they are helping out little kids like that?

Machoke: Um, maybe they're just normal?

Weavile: Shut up Machoke! I know you hate them too! We are so gonna bring them down today. They've stayed in this race long enough.

Vulpix: Ooh I really hope we are going somewhere interesting today. A place with unique fashion would be the best.

Sandshrew: Yeah, I just hope todays challenge isn't as terrifying as yesterday's.

Vulpix: (nods) Yeah.

Sandshrew: (looking out the window) Hey, looks like the plane is beginning landing! 

Rhydon: (to the camera) Sandshrew is right! Looks like the plane is finally landing and the teams will head out to find the first Rhydon Box!

(The plane lands and the six teams are shown running off and out of the airport)

Chikorita: There's the Rhydon Box!

Chespin: (Hits the box and grabs a tip) Welcome to the Netherlands! Netherlands? Cool.


Rhydon: (to the camera) Ah the Netherlands. A peaceful country of Europe that is has beautiful canals and fields of flowers. But that's a bit too la-di-da for my likings, so we won't be seeing any of that today.

(Back at the Rhydon Box)

Chikorita: It says your first challenge is an All In. A bicycle race to the next challenge. Oh that's fun!

Chespin: And from the looks of it we are just following the bike path. Let's get moving.

Buizel: Hurry let's grab our bikes!

Vulpix: Biking? Aww this is gonna be rough.

(In Confessional)
Sandshrew: (laughs a little) You'd think that after everything we've endured on this show so far, something as simple as biking wouldn't be a big deal anymore. Apparently it still is for Vulpix.

(Teams grab bikes and take off riding down the path except for the Pichu Twins)

Rhydon: Um, everything alright you two?

Pichu: No! Ugh, our stupid feet are too small to reach the pedals!

Pichuette: Yeah this is so unfair. (Struggles trying to stretch her leg to reach the pedal)

Rhydon: Okay, okay. Don't hurt yourself, I've got it covered. (Two interns bring out two small tricycles) There, these may be a bit slower but hopefully they work for you.

Pichuette: Yay! Mine is pink and everything!

Pichu: Alright hurry Pichuette, we've gotta catch up to the other teams!

(In Confessional)
Pichu: It really sucks being this small at times. Like now we are behind the other teams just because we were too small for the dumb bikes! What's next? A challenge where you have to ride a roller coaster I'm to short to ride? (Pauses) Actually, if they let us go on it that'd be so much fun (smiles)

(On the bike path)

Chespin: Alright let's keep it going Chikorita!

Chikorita: You know, this is actually pretty fun.

Weavile: Wanna bet?

Chespin: Crud! Where did they come from? (The Athletes ride neck a neck with Boyfriend and Girlfriend)

Weavile: You know we are athletes after all?

Machoke: Haha! Eat our dust losers.

Chukorita: Well even if you pull ahead, we'll still beat you to the chill zone!

Weavile: Sorry, but you won't even make it too the chill zone. (Uses Night Slash on Chikorita's and Chespin's bike tires and the tires pop and they crash) Later losers! (They continue riding along as Chespin and Chikorita recover on the side of the road)

Chespin: Oww, you okay?

Chikorita: Yeah... but ugh Weavile is the worst! Almost as bad as Snivy.

Chespin: Come on let's hurry and fix the bikes somehow. We can't give up (the Cousins and Fashion Designers bike by)

Oshawott: Oh no what happened... don't give up you guys.

Buizel: Hey! Don't support the competition!

Oshawott: My bad...

Vulpix: Sandshrew are we almost there yet?

Sandshrew: Just keep pedaling! We'll get there soon enough! (They continue on by)

(Further along the biking path)

Weavile: Keep it up Machoke!

Machoke: I'm going Sheesh. (Pauses) Man this is so freaking easy! (Suddenly runs over a bomb and gets blown up) AGHHH! (Hits the ground with a thud)

(In confessional)
Machoke: Oww... That's what I get for calling the challenge easy huh I guess.

Weavile: Ah! Machoke are you okay? (Stops pedaling) What even was that?

Machoke: (in pain) No... idea... Must have been an explosive. (Suddenly another blast is heard and Oshawott crashes into Machoke)

Oshawott: OWWW! (Faints on the ground)

Buizel: (rides up and stops) Oshawott! Cous you okay?

Machoke: (pushes Oshawott off of him) Hurry Weavile let's get back to biking. (The Fashion Fesigners ride by)

Sandshrew: Be careful!

Vulpix: Arceus please don't let us die today!

Weavile: Ugh! They better not beat us! (She and Machoke ride off as Buizel stays trying to take care of Oshawott)

(Elsewhere on the bike path)

Meowstic: (slowly pedaling) Oof... I'm getting kinda winded...

Shinx: Me too... (crashes into a tree) Ouch.

Meowstic: Ugh, who would have thought biking would be so physically demanding?

Shinx: I wish we had the Wario bike instead! That'd be soooo much easier.

Meowstic: (laughs) Lets just keep going, we can't come in last again!

Shinx: Yeah! First one to the Rhydon Box gets to pick the first new game we play once we get home from the race! (Rides off quickly)

Meowstic: Hey! You are so on!

(At the end of the bike trail)

Sandshrew: Look! Vulpix I see the Rhydon box!

Vulpix: Alright! (They park their bikes and grab a tip) Let's see now... is an either or.

Sandshrew: Clogs or cogs? Sorry what? Come again?

Vulpix: Seems random but at least it's simple sounding.


Rhydon: (laughing hysterically to the camera) Oh Vulpix you are so so wrong my friend. Ah hem. So anyways, teams will have to pick between two challenges. They can either choose clogs and have to wear them and then perform a traditional clogging dance or they can choose cogs, in which they must head over here to a windmill where they must successfully get their windmill turning and THEN retrieve a tip from the top of it.

(Back at the Rhydon Box; the Athletes grab a tip as well)

Weavile: Windmill challenge Machoke! Let's go!

Sandshrew: The windmill one sounds hard... but clogs are kinda hideous.

Vulpix: I know right! They are clunky ugly brown shoes.

(Team Confessional)
Vulpix: Yeah. We are honestly so screwed right now.

Sandshrew: I think we are hosed no matter which challenge we pick.

Vulpix: I think we should go with the clogs.

Sandshrew: (gasps) WHAT? NO!

Vulpix: Let's be real it's smarter to suck it up and put them on for a bit rather than getting cut in half by a spinning windmill. (Sandshrew gulps but then nods) Alright let's get on our way then. (They head off when the Gamers and Cousins arrive)

Buizel: Cogs!

Meowstic: Clogs!

(Back on the bike path)

Pichuette: Ugh! This is so stupid!

Pichu: I used to love riding in my tricycle, but now I hate it!

Pichuette: This is taking way too long!

Pichu: Hey look over there. It's Chespin and Chikorita. (They pull up next to them) Heyo!

Chespin: Whelp we're officially in last now...

Chikorita: Hey twins! (Smiles but then frowns) Weavile trashed my bike but Chespin is trying to reflate the tire. (Chespin is shown blowing into the tire)

Pichuette: Ugh! The Athletes are such bullies! They really deserve to go home.

Chikorita: Heheh. Yeah they really do...

Chespin: YES!! Finally got the tire inflated again. Let's hurry and go, we're behind but not out!

Pichu: Yeah we have to hurry too Pichuette! We can't let these trikes slow us down! (The four of them ride off) PEDAL TO THE METAL!

Rhydon: While the Pichu Twins and Boyfriend and Girlfriend hurry to try and finish the first challenge, things at the windmill don't seem all that breezy.

(At the windmill challenge; the Athletes and Cousins stare up at giant windmills)

Buizel: Woah this thing is huge.

Oshawott: Yeah... the blades really are kinda scary though...

Machoke: Let's hurry inside the windmill and try to get it working!

Weavile: Yeah. We have to win today! (They head off)

Buizel: Hurry into our windmill. (They run in) Holy crap look at all the cogs and gears.

Oshawott: Hey well honestly Buizel this part doesn't look too bad.

Buizel: What do you mean?

Oshawott: Putting the gears into position is like a giant puzzle and I'm really good at puzzles!

Buizel: Alright I trust you cous. You take the lead on this one (Oshawott smiles)

(In confessional)
Oshawott: You know, Buizel and I have really come so far in this race as a team. In the first challenge he didn't trust me to do anything but look at us now! He trusts me well enough to lead this part of the challenge. I won't let him down!

Oshawott: First things first, let's try and sort each gear by size. That will help a lot.

Buizel: Sounds like it's might take a while... but if you think that'll work then I'm all for it! (The two begin sorting)

(At the clogging challenge)

Sandshrew: Ack! These shoes are hideous!

Vulpix: Yeah but I guess we have to-

Sandshrew: (looks like he is about to vomit) Oh god I can't. They are too horrible.

Vulpix: Sandshrew...

Shinx: (puts on the shoes) Wow these are really funky looking huh...

Meowstic: Yeah agreed, but we got this right?

Tsareena: Alright pay attention you all because I will be showing you the dance. Watch carefully. (She shows them how to do the clogging dance) Now I'll hand you your tip once you perform the routine perfectly.

Shinx: Alright lets get started!

Meowstic: Yeah we can do it. It's just another rhythm game after all right?

Shinx: Right.

(At the second Rhydon box)

Pichuette: Alright we finally made it. (Grabs the tip) It's an either or.

Chikorita: Let's do the clogging one Chespin.

Pichu: Oh I want to do the windmill one it sounds epic!

(At the windmill challenge)

Pichu: Oh wow it's as epic as I thought!

Pichuette: Well as long as you get the tip from the top I'm good.

Pichu: Race you inside sis!

(Inside the Athletes windmill)

Machoke: Ugh! This is so stupid!

Weavile: Agreed. I'm not an engineer or a mechanic! How am I supposed to know how to get this windmill working?

Machoke: Yeah it's got to be impossible. (Looks outside and see the Cousins windmill starts turning) What the-

Oshawott: Yippee we did it!

Buizel: Alright Oshawott you did it! Nice work! Now allow your talented cousin to get the tip. (Oshawott rolls his eyes)


(At the clogging challenge)

Shinx: One... two... three... (trips over Meowstic's shoes) Oof! Darn these shoes are too big.

Meowstic: Yeah it's like walking around with tissue boxes on your feet.

(Team confessional)
Shinx: Tissue boxes on your feet? Where on earth did that-

Meowstic: (sighs) Okay my family always has a yearly get together where we play different events. One of them is a race with tissue boxes on your feet. (Shinx erupts in laughter) What? Oh come on, everyone has a weird family in one way or another.

Chespin: Alright babe lets get to mastering this dance!

Chikorita: Yeah, we can do this.

Vulpix: Alright finally ready! (She and Sandshrew step out in decorated clogs)

(Team Confessional)
Sandshrew: To protect ourselves from the fashion faux-pa that are clogs we had to use our skills to sharpen these babies up!

Vulpix: (smiles) I'm pleasantly surprised with how well we made them look! Now we can dance without ruining our image!

Sandshrew: You got that right. Plus we might even make clogs happen!

Vulpix: Yeah... no.

Chikorita: Oh, um, nice shoes Vulpix.

Vulpix: Thank you, we had to change them up before dancing but we're ready now.

Chespin: Best of luck to you guys!

(The three teams are shown dancing the routine but making mistakes including Shinx keeping on tripping. However, Sandshrew and Vulpix eventually perform the dance perfectly)

Sandshrew: Woo hoo! (Tsareena hands them a rip) It says we must head to the local cheese shop for our final challenge.

Vulpix: Nice work Sandshrew! Now let's go!

(In confessional)
Sandshrew: Honestly I've always been a pretty good dancer. I used to take dance classes with... (pauses for a bit) well, um, Kirlia... (frowns) but yeah that's how I've gotten to be a pretty good dancer. And Vulpix has always been a great dancer too, I think she mentioned that before.

(At the windmill challenge)

Machoke: Finally we got our windmill working!

Buizel: Oh come on! Now we're no longer ahead.

Machoke: Sucks to suck little man. (Buizel glares at him)

Oshawott: Come on Buizel you can do it!

Buizel: Thanks! (To himself) Uh but I just can't seem to grab on...

Weavile: Leave this to me Machoke! (Grabs onto one of the propeller blades by clawing into it and makes it to the top and grabs the tip) And that's how it's done!

Machoke: Yeah Weavile! That's what I'm talking about!

Weavile: I know, I know. I am certainly amazing. (Jumps down and Machoke catches her) Now hurry, to the cheese shop!

(In the Pichu Twin's windmill)

Pichu: Give me that gear Pichuette!

Pichuette: No you give it to me! (They both are tugging on it)

Pichu: Stop being so bossy sis let me do it!

Pichuette: No way you'll just mess it up! (Pichu lets go and Pichuette falls backwards) Ow!

Pichu: Hahaha! That's what you get! (She tackles him)

(Team Confessional)
Pichu: Yeah... we really need to focus on working together...

Pichuette: Agreed... I guess sometimes we just get carried away by the smallest of things.

Pichu: The small gear goes here...

Pichuette: The big one here and... (their windmill starts turning) Woo hoo! Hurry let's head outside and try to grab the tip!

Rhydon: (to the camera! Looks like the Pichu Twin's finally got their windmill going, but that's only half of their challenge. Meanwhile at the clogging challenge some teams have finally nailed the dance! (Chespin and Chikorita are shown grabbing a tip) Leaving only Shinx and Meowstic at that challenge. They better get their head in the game!

(At the clogging challenge)

Shinx: I'm so sorry Meowstic, I'm letting you down again.

Meowstic: It's okay Shinx we can still do it. We aren't that far behind after all.

Shinx: You're right. We'll complete it this time for sure! (The two begin the dance and almost stumble but then recover) Yeah!

Meowstic: Was that good enough? (Tsareena holds out a tip) Alright! Level completed!

Shinx: We are so not losing tonight! Let's go go go! (They head off)

(At the cheese shop; the Fashion Designers arrive followed by the Athletes)

Sandshrew: Alright let's see now. (Grabs a tip) Oh it's a random botch. Whoever is holding this tip...

Weavile: Must roll a cheese wheel down a bowling lane and get a strike?

Vulpix: Huh, what an interesting challenge (Rhydon appears) Care to explain?

Rhydon: Hmm? Oh the Netherlands is famous for its cheese, but another eating challenge would be pretty lame you know? Head on into the shop. We've got the lanes all set up. Once your done it's a jog down the street to the chill zone. Now get rolling!

Machoke: You got this Weavile!

Vulpix: Good luck Sandshrew!

Sandshrew: I won't let you down Vulpix!

(Back at the windmill challenge)

Pichu: Alright sis I'll get the tip!

Pichuette: Just be careful Pichu.

Pichu: Ha! You know I can't promise that. (Jumps up and grabs onto the blade) Woo hoo!

Pichuette: Come on! Grab the tip dummy!

Pichu: In a minute cause this is so much fun! WEEEEE! (Continues spinning around on it) Woah- WAH! (Gets flung from it and gets sent flying into the ground)

Pichu: (scared) NO! PICHU! (She rushes over to him) Pichu please tell me your okay!

Pichu: H-huh? Ow... my ear hurts really bad...

Buizel: (at his team's windmill) FINALLY! (He grabs hold of the blade and is able to grab a tip)
That took way too long.

Oshawott: It's okay Buizel, I'm not mad.

Buizel: What? Yeah I know your not mad, because if you were that'd be ridiculous! If it wasn't for me you'd be out of this race by now (laughs)

Oshawott: (a little angry) Hey! Buizel I've done my fair share in this race and you know it! Stop being so arrogant!

Buizel: (rolls eyes) Yeah yeah, let's just get going (they head off)

Pichuette: Pichu you're hurt... you should just rest.

Pichu: N-no! I'm not gonna let us lose! Not because of me! (Stands back up and rushes over to the windmill and grabs on and holds on till he gets to the top and grabs a tip) YES!

Pichuette: Alright!!!

(In confessional)
Pichuette: I'm super duper proud of my brother! He may be reckless at times, but he never quits and is so determined! It makes him such an amazing person.

Pichu: Let's hurry Pichuette! We've gotta win this thing! (They scurry off).

Rhydon: (to the camera) While the Pichu Twins hurry to get to the cheese challenge, Sandshrew and Weavile struggle. (the screen shows them failing to get strikes) And Chikorita, Shinx, and Oshawott step up to get their cheese bowling on!

(At the bowling challenge)

Mewostic: Go Shinx!

Shinx: Just got to pretend it's wii bowling you know. (Pauses) So... where is the button to change the balls direction? (Meowstic face palms)

Buizel: Come in Oshawott you got to get this! (To himself) Ugh, wish I had to do this challenge we'd be done on our first try.

Oshawott: O-okay... I'll try... (rolls the wheel and knocks down three pins) Well at least I was close.

Buizel: Come on keep at it! Get that strike!

Vulpix: (cheering) Sandshrew! Sandshrew!

Sandshrew: This is hopeless. The wheel keeps falling over on its side before it even reaches the pins!

Vulpix: Just try to focus on rolling it rather than forcefully throwing it.

Sandshrew: (nods) Alright, got it! (He rolls his cheese wheel carefully but forcefully and it knocks down all ten pins) YESSS!

Vulpix: Alright Sandshrew! Woo hooo!

Weavile: Ugh! I'm not about to lose this leg! (She gets a strike) YES! MACHOKE HURRY! (They run off)

Sandshrew: Quick! After them! (They run off)

Chespin: (moans) Stupid Athletes, can't they go home already?

Chikorita: I know right? (Messes up her throw) Dangit.

(At the chill zone)

Rhydon: Looks like it's the Athletes and the Fashion Designers coming in hot! Who is going to make it first? (The Athletes step on the chill zone) You two again?

Weavile: Yes! The gold is ours Machoke!

Machoke: Oh yeah! We are the champs!

Rhydon: (sighs) Great, now get off my carpet. (The Fashion Designers arrive) Fashion Designers you are in second! (They high five each other)

Sandshrew: Nicely done.

(At the bowling challenge)

Shinx: Just focus... and... (rolls the wheel and gets a strike) YAYYY!

Meowstic: Nice one Shinx! (They run off as the Pichu Twins arrive)

Pichuette: (grabs a tip) It's a random botch. I have to bowl with a cheese wheel? How weird...

Pichu: No time sis. Now get rolling! (Pushes her to her lane)

Pichuette: Alright, alright! (She rolls her first wheel and misses completely) Dangit. I'm such a bad bowler...

Pichu: (looks at the cheese wheel) Mmm... that cheese actually looks so so yummy. (Breaks a piece off) Mmm so good!

Pichuette: (angry) PICHU!

Pichu: Agh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! (A loud noise of pins being knocked over is heard)

Chikorita: Woo hoo! Chespin I got a strike!

Chespin: Awesome! Let's get out of here! (They run off)

Buizel: Ugh! Oshawott it's just us and the Pichu Twins! Hurry and get a strike!

Oshawott: I'm sorry Buizel... and great there's even more pressure now...

Buizel: (pauses and takes a deep sigh) Look cous, it'll be okay. Just calm down and relax. No pressure, if we go home, no big deal.

Oshawott: Wait what? Seriously!?

Buizel: Yeah... I want to win this thing so much but if we don't it's okay. Trust me, I may be competitive but you won't let me down, so get that out of your head.

Oshawott: (smiles) Thanks Buizel.

(At the chill zone)

Rhydon: Gamers in third place!

Shinx & Meowstic: Wooo hoo! We did it!

Rhydon: And here come Boyfriend and Girlfriend in fourth.

Chespin: Phew. We're safe.

Rhydon: (to the camera) That only leaves the Pichu Twins and the Cousins left out there. Who will make it and who will be headed home?

(At the bowling challenge)

Pichuette: No! Messed up again... Pichu I'm so sorry...

Pichu: It's okay, just try your best and you can do this! I believe in you!

Pichuette: Awww thanks Pichu. (Pauses) I've got this! (Rolls the wheel as hard as she can and gets a strike) YESSS!


Oshawott: Here goes... (rolls the wheel and it knocks down nine pins, the last one is teetering) Come on... come on! (It's falls) YES! I got a strike!

Buizel: Not a moment too soon! Let's book it! (They run off)

(At the chill zone)

Rhydon: This is gonna be a close one! The closest one ever! Who will make it?

Buizel: (running) Keep up the pace cous!

Pichu: Run! Run! Run!

Rhydon: It's... It's...

(A team crosses the chill zone)

Rhydon: THE COUSINS!!!

Buizel: YES! (Lifts Oshawott up) You did it! Nice job cous!

Oshawott: I did it? I did! Thank goodness, I'm so happy we're still in the race Buizel. (The Pichu Twins run up to the chill zone)

Pichuette: (starts to cry) Oh no! I'm s-sorry Pichu.

Pichu: Pichuette it's okay. We tried our best.

Pichuette: If I had just gotten a strike quicker we could've-

Pichu: Well if i just got the windmill tip sooner we could've- see you can apply that to literally anything. (Hugs Pichuette) Please don't be sad. When you're sad I'm sad.

Rhydon: Pichu Twins... you guys were the youngest competitors we've ever seen. Still, you proved that no matter your age you can still compete with the best. You should be proud. But I'm sorry, you are out of the competition.

Shinx: Aww, I'll miss you guys. You were awesome!

Pichu: Thanks Shinx. You and Meowstic go on and win this race now!

(Pichu Twin's elimination montage)

Pichu: This was hands down the most fun experience of my entire life.

Pichuette: Y-yeah. You're right. We did so many fun things and visited amazing places!

Pichu: People discredited us from the beginning because we're so little and young, but we showed them how strong a team we are! Woo! Twin power!

Pichuette: (laughs) Yeah! Doing this with my twin brother was amazing. We've gotten even closer now as siblings and as best friends!

Pichu: Awww Pichuette... you're the best! I love you.

Pichuette: Love you too Pichu! (They hug) Now then, should we head back to our parents?

Pichu: Heck no! Let's go find Uncle Raichu!

Pichuette: Hehe. I'm sure he's got some nice treats just waiting for us.

(End of Montage)

Rhydon: With the Pichu Twins departure, we are now down to just five teams! We're getting close to the end. But still, only one team can win the million dollar prize. Tune in next time to see who gets another step closer, next time on... the Rhydonculous Race!

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