Taking The Heat

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Rhydon: Last time on the Rhydonculous Race, the teams were faced with their first challenge. It was either extremely long distance running or jumping off a cliff into shark infested water! During the challenge, stronger bonds between teammates were formed, bravery and courage were shown and lastly, a possible rivalry between the Ice Skaters and Athletes quickly formed. The Fortune Tellers took their good old time walking through the challenge since nobody went home but how will they fare today? Yep, the first team will be eliminated today everyone. Now that the show's in full swing, nobody is safe from elimination. See how it all goes down right now on... The Rhydonculous Race! (Smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme song; in front of an airport)

Rhydon: So, last time it was revealed we would be heading to India today. The teams were put in three flights, all leaving a half hour apart. The teams on flight one have the advantage of arriving first but will that be enough for them? (Pauses) Anyways, flights one and two are airborne but flight three has just started boarding.

(Inside flight three's plane)

Litten: Ugh. More traveling on planes. After Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour I've had enough of this. What about you Smeargle? You hate plane rides? (Smeargle just blinks) Yeah, me too.

(In Confessional)
Litten: Smeargle doesn't talk much but I can sometimes tell what he would be saying by what he does. Like when he blinks that way, I can tell he's thinking yes. (Pauses) Am I making much sense? Great, now I probably look like an idiot. (Moans)

Buizel: (upset) I can't believe we are on the last flight! We are so sucking Oshawott.

Oshawott: I'm sorry Buizel. I'm just holding you back.

Buizel: Okay seriously, you need to stop saying sorry. Got it? (Oshawott nods) So thanks for ruining everything yesterday.

Oshawott: Sorry. (Buizel uses Water Gun on him) GAH! Hey, what was that for?

Buizel: I'm doing that every time you say sorry for the rest of the day.

Froslass: (whispering to Banette) Hmm. Those two are quite the pair. I see a stronger connection between them in their future.

Banette: Interesting. Oh, here come the Gamers. Just watch, watch! (The Gamers walk by to their seats they sit down but Meowstic's chair has a whoopee cushion on it. It makes a loud fart noise) GAH HAHAHAHAH!!!

Meowstic: What the- (picks up the whoopee cushion) Oh real mature.

Shinx: (softly laughing) Sorry buddy but it is still kinda funny!

Meowstic: Whatever. Hey, could you pass me my Switch? (Shinx passes it to him) Thanks. I cannot wait for a wondrous hour of gaming time on this plane ride.

Shinx: I know. So awesome!!

Quagsire: (over intercom) Hello, this is your captain speaking! Just saying buckle up because we are ready for lift off! And once again I'd like to say thank you for choosing Quagsire Airlines, the sponsor of the Rhydonculous Race!

Smoochum: Yay! Here we go!

Rhydon: (to the camera) And as flight three finally gets in the sky, it seems flight one has already landed at India's airport.

(Just outside the India airport; All seven teams on flight one burst trough the door)

Weavile: Outta the way everyone!!!

Delcatty: Run Surskit! RUN!!!

Lefeaon: Look, it's the Rhydon Box!

Weavile: (grabs a tip) Its an All In challenge. Get ready to be A-Maze-d.

Machoke: Heh. What a stupid pun.

(In front of a crop field)

Rhydon: I'm here in a crop field in India. Competitors must take a taxi here and make their way through the largest crop maze in the world! It'll be a tough challenge, but doable.

(Back at the airport)

Weavile: Quick! To the taxis!

Squirtle: (waving his hand vigorously) TAXI!!! (A taxi pulls up) Sweet! (He and Bulbasaur get in the taxi. The rest of the teams are shown entering taxis too.)

(In the Ice Skaters' taxi)

Surskit: Woo hoo! Let the rush of competition begin!

Delcatty: I know what you mean. That plane ride was a total yawn.

Surskit: Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something. What do you think is with Weavile and Machoke?

Delcatty: I dunno. (Shrugs) They're also athletes like us so they are probably just used to winning like us. (Mutters) Or taking second if your me...

Surskit: (concerned) What was that?

Delcatty: Nothing. (Their taxi arrives and they exit) Come on! There's the crop maze.

Surskit: (Looks behind) And here come the other taxis! (All seven teams enter the maze but then stop)

Pachirisu: So, um, which way?

Machoke: (picks up Weavile) Let's just pick and go. I'm not about to waste any time. (Runs off)

Cherrim: Hey! I've got an idea? Maybe some of us teams could work together!?

Bulbasaur: Uh, sure I guess. I'll work with with you.

(In Confessional)
Bulbasaur: What!? I didn't wanna be mean!

Cherrim: Oh goodie! Roserade, the Lifelong Friends are gonna work with us.

Squirtle: Alright um, okay, but let's get a move on! (They leave and so do other teams)

Glaceon: Let's go straight.

Leafeon: Just what I was thinking!

Glaceon: Oh and Jolteon, DONT follow us. (She and Leafeon leave)

Jolteon: Okay, we're following them. I'm not about to let them get hurt.

Sylveon: (sighs) Alright fine. Let's just try to catch up before we lose them in this maze.

Rhydon: (to the camera) This just in, flight number two has just landed! (The screen shows a plane landing and then cuts to the teams running outta the airport and getting taxis)

(Somewhere inside the maze)

Pachirisu: Ugh!! Another dead end, are you kidding me?

Togedemaru: This is such a stupid challenge, let's just turn around and go back. (Turns around and suddenly a big door slams in front of him) Um, was that there earlier? Seriously, how did we not notice a door in a crop maze?

Pachirisu: (bangs on the door) HELLO!? SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!

Togedemaru: Wait a second, there's a note on the door. (Reads the note) Look in the mud pit at the dead end, to find a key to open this door.

Pachirisu: Oh of course it's some stupid mini challenge. They weren't gonna make it easy for us. Come on, let's get our hands dirty.

(Somewhere else in the maze)

Glaceon: Keep up the pace brother. We're doing great. (Skids to stop) Woah-oah! (Lefeaon stops behind her)

Leafeon: What's wrong sis? (Looks in front to see a huge gorge) Oh...

Glaceon: How is this even in a crop maze? Oh well, let's just turn around. (Turns to see Jolteon and Sylveon awkwardly standing there)

(In Confessional)
Glaceon: Grrr! I told Jolteon to not follow us but yet he did anyway!! Does he really not think we are strong enough on our own!? He's the worst brother ever! He always does this. Get this, when I was six he had to blow out the birthday candles for Lefeaon and I because he claimed they were too dangerous.

Jolteon: (terribly acting) Wow! What are the odds? Meeting you guys here and all.

Sylveon: Guys, we only followed you because we care about you. You know that.

Glaceon: I can't believe you don't think Lefeaon and I can manage ourselves.

Jolteon: Look, it's not that I don't think you guys can... It's just that I don't want it to end up happening. (Leafeon and Glaceon run past him) Fine, we won't follow you. (He and Sylveon head off)

(Somewhere else)

Bulbasaur: So then, I told Squirtle to go on without me. He went on and ended up beating Pachirisu and won!

Cherrim: That sounds so exciting!

Squirtle: It totally was! You guys totally have to watch Total Drama Pokémon after your done with this show.

Roserade: Oh yes. Definetly. We typically don't get off the home and garden channel much. (Everyone laughs and Squirtle pulls Bulbsaur aside)

Bulbasaur: What's up?

Squirtle: It's just, why are we doing this with Cherrim and Roserade?

Bulbasaur: I dunno. They wanted help.

Squirtle: Okay, I guess it is nice of us to do this for them but what if they are gonna trick us? (There is a moment of silence) Okay, they wouldn't.

Cherrim: (stops walking) Do you guys hear something? (A huge blast is fired at the group) AHHHH!!! (She and Roserade run but Squirtle and Bulbasaur run the other way, not on purpose)

Roserade: Oh no! We lost them but we're just gonna have to keep going. (They leave as Machoke emerges)

Machoke: That was an excellent Focus Blast by me if I do say so myself.

(Somewhere else in the maze)

Chespin: Geez. We just got in here and I already am tired.

Chikorita: Don't worry Chespin, I'm here for you. (Looks up a head) Hey, isn't that Piplup? Hey, Piplup!

Piplup: Oh hey Chikorita!

Chikorita: Why'd you guys stop?

Turtwig: Oh, I'm just trying to calculate the fastest route outta here. You see, I'm trying to analyze the probability of each path and- (starts rambling on)

Piplup: (narrows eyes) And, he's lost me.

Chespin: Typical Turtwig.

Chikorita: Hey, mind if we tag along? (Piplup nods)

(In confessional)
Chikorita: In a race like this, it's always good to be friends with the other teams. That way if we're in trouble, they can help us out.

(In confessional)
Piplup: I hope Chikorita realizes we're not gonna be buddy buddy the whole race because we're not.

(Somewhere else)

Vulpix: So, this challenge is kinda boring right?

Sandshrew: (eyes widen) Um, I'd totally agree if I didn't look down at what's ahead...

Vulpix: Huh? (Looks up ahead to see axes swinging down across the path) Excuse me for one second... WHO THE HECK WOULD DESIGN SOMETHING LIKE THIS!?!?!? (Clears her throat) Okay, I'm good now.

Sandshrew: Yeah, let's just turn around... (turns around as the Dancers and Contest Stars run into them)

Bellossom: Oops. Our bad. (Suddenly, a gate shuts behind them, similar to what happened to Pachirisu and Togedemaru) Um, a gate?

Vulpix: Uh oh. That means we have to go past the axes! This isn't gonna be pretty.

Flaaffy: Wait we have to cross through there? Cool!

Buneary: Cool? I know you are tough but you can't be that tough. What about your wool?

Flaaffy: And now I'm worried... (The six start to panic a bit)

(At the mazes front)

Rhydon: Well, looks like Fashion Designers, Dancers, and Contest Stars in trouble. This could be the chance for those on flight three to catch up. (The camera shows taxis racing down the street) Who have recently landed and are just arriving here! (The taxis arrive)

Buizel: Woo who! Let's book it Oshawott!

Pichuette: Follow me Pichu!

Litten: Keep up with me Smeargle!

Rhydon: And it looks like all twenty teams are in the maze... but maybe not for long.

(Inside the maze)

Pachirisu: (emerges from the pit covered in mud) That's it. Too. Much. (Coughs) Mud.

Togedemaru: Come on, we can't give up yet. (Puts his hand in the mud) Wait a second, I think I've found something! (Pulls out a key) Yeah!

Pachirisu: Togedemaru your my hero! (Hugs him but then quickly takes the key and unlocks the door) Let's hurry! We are probably far behind but we can make up from that! (The two start running as the Jokesters come by)

Popplio: Hello? Togedemaru? Was that you? (To Totodile) Guess it must have been nothing. Let's try this way. Hopefully it's not a DUD-trio path with a dead end. (Laughs along with Totodile)

(Somewhere else in the maze)

Surskit: Hey, Delcatty... Didn't we come across a fork in the maze like this before?

Delcatty: Did we? (Looks around before facepalming) Ug. We walked in a big circle. We're never gonna take first at this rate!

Surskit: We just gotta keep pressing forward, that's all. (Spots the Athletes up ahead) Oh brother.

Machoke: See anything Weavile?

Weavile: No, except for... wait! I see light coming from the other side of this crop.

Machoke: Nicely done, we must be close!

Surskit: Thanks for the tip guys! (She and Delcatty rush off)

Machoke: Oh no they didn't! GET BACK HERE!!! (Chases after them)

(Somewhere else)

Leafeon: Okay, so how about we try a right this time. (Turns right) Oh my gosh. Do you see that?

Glaceon: No, what are you- (looks) Could it be?

Leafeon & Glaceon: ITS THE EXIT!!! (They both rush out and see the Rhydon Box) I'm getting the tip. Called it!

(Team Confessional)
Leafeon: We sometimes do what others classify as "Twin Telepathy" despite not being psychic types.

Glaceon: Basically, we just sometimes say the exact same thing at the exact same time. It's kinda weird, but cool.

Glaceon: It's a Botch or Watch. Can you take the heat? Uh oh.

Raichu: (to the camera) India is known for its spices, especially curry. The hot temperature mixed with the hot food makes more extreme torture! (Laughs) Hooray for the ratings! And this challenge is a Botch or Watch, meaning only one member of the team can participate. The team member must walk to the stand and eat an entire bowl of peppers dipped in curry. Once finished, it's a race to the chill zone! Last team to make it there WILL be headed home. (The screen cuts back to the Eeveelution Twins)

Glaceon: It's all good Leafeon. We're first here.

Sylveon: Hello twins! (The twins scream) Oops, didn't mean to scare you.

Leafeon: But how did you? What the? How?

Jolteon: We were already here before you arrived. We're just waiting for the cook to bring out the peppers. (A floating purple Pokémon comes out of the shack)

Koffing: Here are your gosh darn peppers dipped in curry. Enjoy.

Sylveon: Better start eating Jolteon. Here come some more teams. (Motions to the Ice Skaters, Athletes, Boyfriend and Girlfriend, Love Birds and Lifelong Friends all getting tips)

(Inside the maze)

Oshawott: B-Buizel? I th-think we're lost.

Buizel: It's okay. We'll find our way out.

Banette: (creeps up behind Oshawott) BOO!!!

Oshawott: AHHHH!!! (Runs away)

Buizel: Oshawott wait up!!! (Runs after him)

Banette: (creepily laughs) I love causing fear in others!

(Somewhere else)

Litten: (walking alone) So we are gonna make another right Smeargle. Is that fine? (Waits for an answer) Dude you've been awfully quiet, just say something? (Turns around to see Smeargle isn't there) OH NO! SMEARGLE!!

(In confessional)
Litten: Well I'm screwed. There's no way I'll be able to find Smeargle in this huge maze. He's a moving target! (Sighs) I'll have to just hope for the best.

(In the maze by the axes)

Sandshrew: Okay. On the count of three we go. (Vulpix nods) One.

Vulpix: Two.

Sandshrew: Three! (They dash across nearly dodging the first axe) OMG! We did it!

Buneary: Duck! (She and Flaaffy duck under an axe) Now jump! (They both do it) Okay! We're getting close to the end now.

Bellossom: (to Oricorio) You thinking what I'm thinking?

Oricorio: Yes. The pattern. We can dance our way through.

Bellossom: Let's go! (The both dance to a rhythm and make their way through with perfectly timed steps) Alright we made it! And I think I can see the exit! Let's hurry. (They leave shortly followed by the other teams)

(In front of Koffing's shack)

Jolteon: Gah! My mouth! (Sticks his tongue out) Too spicy.

Glaceon: Ha. Maybe for you. (Eats three at once) AHHH!! (Breathes fire)

Turtwig: Wow. Glaceon shouldn't be able to learn Flamethrower.

Koffing: (hands Turtwig the peppers) Here you go blabber mouth.

Turtwig: Hmm. New gig huh Koffing?

Machoke: Come on Weavile! You got this! (She takes a bite)

Weavile: Hot hot hot. (Calms down) You know what? Time for an icy move to cool these off.

Koffing: UP-UP-UP. No you don't. You are not allowed to use your moves.

Weavile: Are you joking? The tip didn't say that. Fine, whatever. See if I care. (Starts eating again as the Contest Stars, Dancers and Fashion Designers get their peppers)

Bulbasaur: Eight, nine, ten! That's half the teams here! We have gotta pick up the pace.

Squirtle: (chewing a pepper) Seriously? You try eating faster!

Bulbasaur: (thinks for a second) I got it! Squirtle, it's okay. I know you can't eat any faster, not even if I triple dog dared you!

Squirtle: Harsh but I'll prove you wrong. (Scarfs down the rest of the peppers and lets out a cough) That fast enough for you?

Bulbasaur: Squirtle you did it! (Hugs him) I knew you could. Now come on, let's find that Chill Zone! (They run off)

Sylveon: Well, there goes the lead. Jolteon how are you doing?

Jolteon: (looking exhausted) Okay I guess. Just one last pepper.

Glaceon: (to Leafeon) Just one last pepper. (She and Jolteon both finish at the same time) Done.

Leafeon: Nicely done sis! (Jolteon and Sylveon start running) Now hurry!!!

Chespin: (eating the peppers) Mmm. The spice was a bit strong but they were so good. Too bad I can't get more for the road.

Chikorita: Way to go Chespin! (Hugs him) You are so amazing.

Weavile: (finishes) Done!

Surskit: (finishes) Done!

Piplup: (finishes) And the magnificent Piplup finishes! (Turtwig grabs her and starts running) Woah-oh!

Rhydon: And it looks like some of our front runner teams are heading for the chill zone! (The screen cuts to three Pokémon reluctantly eating peppers) Oricorio, Sandshrew and Flaaffy are gonna have to step it up a notch. As they eat their peppers, Litten seems to be in some deep trouble.

(In the maze, Litten looks worried)

Litten: Oh come on. Smeargle!? Smeargle where are you!? (Bumps into Bewear) Uh, sorry man.

Bewear. It's okay. How about a hug! (Hugs Litten tightly)

Litten: O-k-kay. That's enough hugging you weirdo.

Smoochum: Aww. I wanna join in! (Jumps on Bewears shoulder and kisses Litten)

Litten: Get. Off. Me. (Manages to get free) You guys are totally loony. (Runs off)

Bewear: Yay. We made a friend. (He and Smoochum hug)

(Somewhere else in the maze)


Tepig: I'm sorry! H-how was I supposed to know!?

Primeape: THATS IT! (Uses Close Combat on Tepig and he falls to the ground knocked out) Ugh. Now I gotta carry this moron. (Picks up Tepig and keeps walking)

(In front of Koffing's shack, Sandshrew, Oricorio, Flaaffy, Roserade, Meowstic, Pachirisu, Totodile are all eating peppers with their partners cheering)

Pichu: Fudge nuggets! There are probably like only a few teams left in the maze. We gotta hurry.

Pichuette: Yeah. And I thought we were making good time.

Pichu: (grabs the tip) Eating peppers? (Pichuette makes a gagging noise) Don't worry, I got this one sis. (They leave as the Cousins get a tip)

Buizel: Peppers? Guess I'll just keep carrying the team. (Oshawott sighs)

(Somewhere on the plains of India)

Squirtle: Oof. I'm pooped Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur: Me too. But we just gotta keep trucking.

Squirtle: Let's play I spy. But only because I'm that desperate. (Bulbasaur just nods) I spy something that's blue.

Bulbasuar: The sky? (Squirtle nods) My turn. I spy somethings that's... GOLDEN!

Squirtle: (smiles) The Chill Zone! (They run and reach the chill zone) Woo who!!

Rhydon: Congratulations! Bulbasaur, Squirtle, you have arrived in first place! (The two begin cheering) Okay, do it away from the carpet guys.

(Team Confessional)
Squirtle: This is awesome. We took first place! (Bulbasaur nods and smiles) Guess this just proves how powerful friendship can be! (They high five)

Jolteon: Look Sylveon!

Leafeon: The chill zone! (The Eeveelution Twins and Eeveelution Siblings race neck a neck but then the Eeveelution Siblings pull ahead and step on the chill zone first)

Rhydon: Second place to the Eeveelution Siblings. Third to the twins. It was a family photo finish.

Jolteon: Alright Sylveon! We did it!

Sylveon: Yeah! (Sees Glaceon and Leafeon looking upset) Hey, you guys did super great too. But you wanted to compete with us didn't you? And you totally did.

Rhydon: Looks like the Ice Skaters have landed themselves in fourth place. (They reach the Chill Zone)

Surskit: Aw man! This is so stupid! We missed the podium.

Delcatty: Grrr. We'll get it next time! MARK MY WORDS. (Everyone stares at her) Sorry.

Rhydon: Huh? Podium? (Pauses) Alrighty then. (The Athletes arrive) Fifth place. Not too shabby.

Weavile: Fine. (Crosses her arms) This'll do. (Angrily) For now..

(Inside the maze)

Litten: Come on! Where on earth is Smeargle? (Runs down a path) Wait could that be? It's the exit! (Runs to it but then stops) But it won't do any good if Smeargle is still in here.

Banette: (creeps up behind Litten) BOOO!!

Litten: GAH! (Turns around scared) Oh for crying out loud! Are you freaking kidding me? What's your damage?

Banette: You are a scaredy cat alright. Hehehe.

Froslass: Such fear is a sign of weakness.

Litten: (to himself) Ugh. What is with the amount of freaks on this show?

Banette: Look Froslass, the exit.

Primeape: I HEARD THAT!!! (Comes running from behind and leaves)

Froslass: After him. (The Fortune Tellers exit after Primeape)

Litten: You know, I guess I should just wait outside for Smeargle. (Exits to see the Huggers)

Bewear: There you are buddy! We wanted to say your friend has been right here. (Motions to Smeargle who is just standing there. Litten's jaw drops) Hooray.

Smeargle: Hi.

Litten: Smeargle! (Runs over to him) I was in there looking for you and- (stops himself) You know what? No time! Let's hurry and do this challenge!

Pichuette: Come on Pichu! Come on Pichu! Eat those peppers!

Shinx: You can do it Meowstic!

Litten: Smeargle wanna cheer for me? (Smeargle blinks) Ugh. Forget it (starts eating)

(At the Chill Zone; Piplup and Turtwig arrive)

Rhydon: Love Birds, you have arrived in sixth place. Congrats!

Turtwig: I am not a bir-

Piplup: (squeezes Turwtig as she squeals) EEEEE!!! Yes! We did so good this round! We are such an amazing team!

Turtwig: C-can't. Breathe.

(Team Confessional)
Piplup: You know, I am quite proud of us today. Sixth place out of twenty is pretty awesome. Sooner or later we'll nab a first place and the other teams will know not to mess with us.

Turtwig: Um, yeah... What she said.

Rhydon: And here come some more teams! Seventh place! (A picture of team Boyfriend and Girlfriend is shown on screen) Eighth place. (A picture of the Gardeners is shown) Ninth place. (A picture of the New Friends is shown) Tenth. (A picture of the Contest Stars is shown) And just so you know, if I say a place, and then a teams picture appears, that means they finished in that place. Anywho, with half the teams finished, the others are gonna have to hurry to avoid elimination!

(By the Pepper stand)

Froslass: (eating peppers) You know, these aren't even that hot.

Buizel: Speak for yourself. (Eats a pepper) HOT! Quick, use Water Gun on me Oshawott! (Oshawott does and Buizel gets drenched) Thanks.

Froslass: I was.

Totodile: Yes! All done! (Holds up an empty bowl)

Popplio: Way to go Totodile! You are on FIRE!!! (Laughs)

Meowstic: Level completed Shinx! Let's get moving. (They run off)

Popplio: Quick! After them!

(At Chill Zone)

Rhydon: Eleventh. (A picture of the Fashion Designers appears on screen) Twelfth. (The Dancers's picture appears) Thirteenth. (The Jokesters picture appears) Fourteenth. (The Gamers photo appears) Oh and here comes team fifteen right now!

Banette: See! We told you we would make it!

Rhydon: Um, yeah. You sure did. (Mutters) Creeps.

Froslass: I heard that.

Rhydon: Oops, um... Yeah you can just go now? (Awkwardly smiles and then they leave) Phew. (The Pichu Twins run up) Ah, twins, you guys are in sixteenth place. (The twins smile) I'm actually impressed. Didn't think kids like you could keep up.

Pichu: Well, we came to win Rhydon!

Pichuette: Yeah!

(At the Pepper stand again)

Oshawott: Buizel, there are only three other teams left. (Bewear finishes) Make that two...

Buizel: Sorry cous, but I'm just about done. (Shoves the rest in his mouth) GAH! IT BURNS!!

Oshawott: (smiles) You did it Buizel! Good job!

Litten: All done! Hurry Smeargle!

Primeape: (finishes) Well, I'm the last team left. (Picks up Tepig who is still unconscious) But they'd be fools if they think I'm going home. GRAHHH!!! (Charges and knocks down all the other teams) Later losers! (Runs and makes it all the way to the chill zone) Yes! I'm safe!

Rhydon: Um, congrats? (To someone off camera) Can we get a Chansey out here for poor Tepig? And maybe an ice pack? (Primeape leaves as the Cousins arrive) Hey, you guys are safe! Congrats.

Buizel: (rolls eye) Woo.

(In Confessional)
Buizel: Ugh! Finishing eighteenth is so embarrassing. Even though I hate to admit it, I was the one that screwed up today. I'm gonna have to focus on working better with Oshawott. It may be harder than it seems.

Rhydon: (to camera) Only two teams remain! Who is going to make it!? (The Huggers and Artists are both shown running) It's... It's...

(A team steps on the carpet)

Rhydon: ...THE ARTISTS!!!

Litten: Thank Arceus. That was way too close. (To Smeargle) You know, I'm gonna have to keep my eye on you more often. (They walk off as the Huggers arrive)

Rhydon: Bewear and Smoochum, I'm sorry to say this but you're out. (They both just stand there) Are you guys okay? (They hug Rhydon tightly) Oh no! Let me go! Let me go!

(The Hugger's elimination montage begins)

Bewear: Well, we had fun hugging.

Smoochum; And hugging some more... (pauses) Um, what else do we say?

Bewear: I dunno. Let's just leave.

(Montage ends as they walk off together hugging)

Rhydon: Well there goes our first team. But which team will be the one to follow? Find out next time, on the Ridonculous Race!

Phew. I'm super super sorry that it took so long to come out guys. As you can probably tell, the Rhydonculous Race is a bit longer than past seasons of TDP in terms of word counts and that's because there are so many characters! It may take a tad longer to come out from now on but I hope the extra story is worth the wait. 😄😄😄

Thanks to everyone for reading. Especially Gurrtastic Sean1153 LittleLitten11 TorchicTrooper TotalEpicness123 Howler176 __Glaceon__ Catanzy Darumaka25 LBWriter123 slothzilla124 UnderverseFanGirl Dedenne14 xxTheGamingWolfxx Captain_Komodo

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