Trouble In Tokyo

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Rhydon: Last time on the Rhydonculous Race, we headed to the magnificent island of Hawaii! So beautiful! There, Sandshrew had an unfortunate breakup via text, sending him into a spiral of depression. Shinx confessed his feelings for Pachirisu, who immediately said they should just be friends. Ouch. Anywho, in a super team challenge the contestants had to assemble tikis and then race up the volcano, avoiding lava and magma! Pichu and Pichuette impressed everyone with their fearlessness and took first! However, Pachirisu burned herself. Bad. And after Togedemaru confessed his feelings for her, and she reciprocated them, all looked like an end... until I revealed it was a non elimination! How will Pachirisu fare with an injured tail? Who will go home? Find out right now... on The Rhydonculous Race! (Heavily smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme Song; At the Chill Zone)

Rhydon: I'm at yesterday's Chill Zone where the Pichu Twins are about to grab the first tip!

Pichu: I wanna get it!

Pichuette: No I want it! Be a gentlemen Pichu!

Pichu: No fair! (Tackles her and they start brawling)

Rhydon: (whistles) Twins! Stop! (They stop) Now just grab a tip!

Pichu: Ugh, fine. You get it.

Pichuette: Why thank you. (Grabs tip) We are going to Jay-pain? Huh? What's that?

Rhydon: (to camera) Japan, as its pronounced, is a truly remarkable destination! This place is known for many things like its huge skyscrapers, anime shows and video games! Teams will be headed into Tokyo first, to this one traditional Japanese temple for their first challenge!

Pichu: Hurry! To the airport! (Other teams are shown getting their tips and then the Gamers arrive)

Meowstic: No way! Japan!?!? YES!!!

Shinx: Oh my god! I'm gonna faint! No way!

(Team Confessional)
Meowstic: Nintendo, the BEST video game franchise ever is centered in Japan. This is a dream come true to go there!

Shinx: (hyperventilating) Japan. (Breathes) Video games (breaths) Dreams (Breathes) Come true!

Meowstic: (taps Shinx) Breathe Shinx. Breathe. Stay calm. (They both settle down) OMG NINTENDO AND JAPAN AGHHHHH!!!!

Pachirisu: (gets tip) Okay, let's run to the airport!

Togedemaru: Easy there. We'll walk.

Pachirisu: You're not my dad Togedemaru!

Togedemaru: True but I don't want to see you in any more pain (Motions to her bandaged up tail) Now let's meet in between. We'll jog. (Sarcastically) Or would you like me to carry you princess?

Pachirisu: (blushes) There's the sarcasm I love. (They head off)

Rhydon: So eventually, all teams arrive at the airport, and good news for the New Friends, everyone is on the same flight! And now with the power of editing, that flight is just about to land at the airport in Japan!

(On the plane)

Chikorita: I cannot wait to see Japan! What are you hoping for Chespin?

Chespin: Something ninjaish would be really awesome.

Chikorita: Yeah! Speaking of ninja, my family and I always watch that Pokémon Ninja Warrior show! I love it!

Chespin: Um, so, yeah, maybe there also might be a food challenge today and-

Chikorita: Chespin!

Chespin: What?

Chikorita: You did it again. I mentioned my family are you're changing in subject.

Chespin: Ugh! Chikorita come on, this again? Ive already said I don't really care about your stupid family got it? (Angrily pulls out a magazine and turns his head. Chikorita looks angry too but the her face just turns to sadness and so does Chespin's)

Weavile: (to Machoke) I am so enjoying this.

Machoke: (softly laughs) Me too.

Pichu: Yes! We've landed! 

Flaaffy: Hurry! To the exit! (All the teams race out of the plane and through the airport to the street) Taxi! Taxi!

Bulbasaur: Over here! Over here!

Vulpix: Please oh please just stop! (One does) Sweet! (Gets in) Come on Sandshrew! (He hops in) I cannot wait to see cool Japanese outfits and designs.

Sandshrew: Ew. That's so stupid. I'm looking forward to football.

Vulpix: Um, what? There's no football. This is Japan Sandshrew.

Sandshrew: Er, well then any sport will do. I'm
just so hype for sports is all. (Vulpix raises an eyebrow at him)

(At the temple, all ten taxis arrive)

Oshawott: There's the Rhydon Box! (Grabs a tip)

Buizel: What's it say?

Oshawott: It says we have to find a tip anywhere in this temple.

Buizel: Seriously? That's it? Ha! Piece of pie!

Oshawott: Hold on, it says tips can be rewards past challenges within the temple or even hidden in plain sight.

Buneary: (to Flaaffy) Hmmm. It's like a weird kind of riddle.

Flaaffy: (shrugs) Beats me. We'll just have to use our contest skills to overcome what's thrown at us. (High fives Buneary)

Buneary: Yeah! We so got this.

(In the temple)

Squirtle: Woah... this place is so... COOL!!!

Meowstic: I know right? Talk about architectural genius!

Squirtle: Just look at these huge pillars! And amazing statues and relics!

(In confessional)
Squirtle: I can't help it, I've just been so obsessed with traveling and looking at the the world around me. It's just, things can look so different, yet the same, depending on where you go. It's something you really need to stop and appreciate once in a while.

Bulbasaur: Come on Squirtle, let's head over this way! (They head off)

Glaceon: (looking around) Well... I don't see anything... (sees Leafeon looking upset) Leafeon are you okay?

Leafeon: It's just.... I... I feel bad. Jolteon and Sylveon would have really enjoyed this place.

Glaceon: (Looks sad) Yeah, I miss them too. But we gotta keep going. They're counting on us to win remember?

Leafeon: Yeah. You're right.

Glaceon: And besides, once we win we can take our entire family to Japan for a vacation.

Leafeon: Yeah! (Jumps up) Let's do it! Time to win this thing! (They head off)

(Back in the lobby, the Pichu Twins, New Friends, Boyfriend & Girlfriend and Athletes search)

Weavile: Ugh! I don't see anything! Try that ancient pot!

Machoke: On it Weavile! (Picks it up and smashes it) Crap! Nothing!

Chikorita: (mutters) Ugh. Another piece of world heritage destroyed. Those two don't care about anyone but themselves.

Chespin: Don't see anything in this row of statues.

Chikorita: (turns head) I'm still waiting for my apology about what you said about my family, Chespin. (Waits) Chespin? (Looks and he's gone)

(In confessional)
Chikorita: Okay, what is wrong with him!? I entered this race with my boyfriend and now it's like I'm with a total stranger! I guess I don't know him very well after all... (frowns)

Pichuette: (to the New Friends) I'm really glad you guys didn't get eliminated.

Togedemaru: Seriously?

Pichu: Yeah, you're our friends!

Togedemaru: Friends? You guys consider me a friend? (They nod) Um, cool then.

Pachirisu: You guys may be young but you've certainly proved yourself by lasting this far. Definite respect.

Pichuette: (squeals) Yes! They respect us!!! We are definitely best friends with our idols from season two! (Pauses) Now I have one question.

Pachirisu: Ask away.

Pichuette: How was the kiss? (Pichu makes a gag noise) Was it good?

Togedemaru: And, we're gonna part ways as acquaintances for now. Bye. (He and Pachirisu hurry off)

Pichuette: Nuts. I always do that to people.

(In another room of the temple)

Buneary: Hey Flaaffy! Look over here!

Flaaffy: What is it?

Buneary: Does something look... odd about this mural?

Flaaffy: (Looks) Hey! Its missing three tiles from it!

Buneary: I bet if we find them, we'll get a tip! (Spots one) Look there's one there! (Picks up) Awesome! (Drops it) Oopsie. (Picks it back up and then trips and falls) No! (Flaaffy starts laughing) It's not funny!

(In confessional)
Buneary: (sighs) Yeah. My ability is Klutz. Sometimes when I'm holding something, I just always seem to become really really clumsy because of it. I'm surprised it hasn't effected me in this race until now.

(The tile peice rolls up to someone's foot)

Machoke: Sweet. (Picks it up)

Flaaffy: Hey give that back, it's ours!

Weavile: Oh so it's important? Better keep it Machoke,

Flaaffy: I said give it back!!!

Machoke: Over Machoke's body.

Buneary: (whispers to Flaaffy) It's fine. They don't have the two other pieces.

Weavile: Ooh look at that. (Bends down) Two more pieces. (Picks them up)

Buneary: It's still fine, they don't know to put them in the mural.

Weavile: In here Machoke! (They place them in the mural and it reveals a tip) YES!

Buneary: Ugh. I hate my life right now.

Flaaffy: That was ours! (Sparks fly) PREPARE TO PAY! (Starts to charge when Weavile hits Flaaffy's feet with ice freezing her to the ground)

Machoke: (Looks at the tip) It says take a taxi to this address for your next challenge.

Weavile: Pleasure doing business with you Contest Losers! (Laughs as they head off)

(Somewhere else)

Meowstic: Hmm. Maybe under this rug? (Lifts it up) Ugh! Nothing!

Shinx: Nothing over on this side either!

Meowstic: Come on Shinx. Think! This should be our time to shine!

(Team confessional)
Meowstic: Shinx and I have been pretty much barely making it through this race. We need to step up our game now more then ever! We are at the top ten teams now!

Shinx: Agreed! I know I can get a bit unfocused at times but look at how far I've come! I can do this!

Shinx: I wanna play a video game! Give me Mario Odyssey!

Meowstic: Ugh! Shinx! I can't believe you don't even care about the race! Maybe I should have gotten a more focused partner. Someone actually dedicated.

Shinx: Sorry Meowstic, it's just that this place... It really reminds me of Bowser's Kingdom.

Meowstic: Wait a second... Shinx you're a genius! (Rushes over to some statues)

Shinx: I am?

Meowstic: Bowser Kingdom. Power moon 24. Jizzo all in a row.

Shinx: Oh my gosh! I see it! There's a statue missing! Just like in the game, we gotta move that statue over here. (They push the statues into the line and a tip is revealed) Yes!

Meowstic: So cool! Shinx you really came in clutch.

Shinx: Thanks. And, um, sorry if I'm just being dead weight in this race.

Meowstic: I take that all back buddy. Just become a little more focused, and you'll be the strongest player in this race. (Reads the tip) Okay lets get going.

(Somewhere else)

Chespin: Lets check in here.

Chikorita: The Eeveelution Twins and Fashion Designers are already in here!

Chespin: Good idea, maybe they can help us out. Hey Sandshrew! Vulpix!

Vulpix: Hey hey hey!

Chikorita: Whats going on?

Vulpix: (whispering) Between you and me, horrible things. Sandshrew isn't acting like himself.

Chikorita: That makes two people. (Glances over at Chespin) He's like a total stranger to me now.

Vulpix: Really? Still? Maybe he hit his head and personality shifted-

Chikorita: No way! That's definitely not it.

Chespin: Hey Sandshrew, find anything?

Sandshrew: Ugh! No, but it's getting and hot and I'm feeling all sweaty and gross and- Er, I mean, yeah I love sweat! The more you sweat the more of a man you are!

Chespin: Um, you okay?

Sandshrew: What? Can't a guy like me just enjoy his sweat and sports! (Lifts up a painting) Hey! A tip!

Glaceon: What? No way! Leafeon try that painting over there!

Leafeon: (lifts it) Nope. Nothing there except, eww, bugs!

Glaceon: Come on! Don't be such a wuss. We already sat in a tub of them remember?

Leafeon: Oh yeah. Right.

Glaceon: Come on, let's try another room. (They head off)

Chespin: (to himself) Wait a minute, they didn't check this painting (flips it and there is a tip) Score!

Sandshrew: Awesome dude! Chest bump! (They do it) Yeah.

(In confessional)
Vulpix: Chest bump? Okay Sandshrew must be really sick. This just isn't right!

(Somewhere else)

Togedemaru: I think there might be a tip up there. Dangling from the ceiling. You see it?

Pachirisu: Awesome! I'll go up there and get it!

Togedemaru: Um, no you won't. Your tail? Remember?

Pachirisu: Oh come on, you're not my babysitter. Besides who cares if it gets a little worse.

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Yep, I'd be so delighted to see you in more pain. I'll do it.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: (blushing) Oh that sarcasm. It's so... cute...

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: (blushing) Her determination is just... I always want to be there for her you know?

Togedemaru: (To himself) Now how am I gonna get up there... (Squirtle pops up out of nowhere)

Squirtle: Hey friend!

Togedemaru: Gah! (Jumps) Jesus Squirtle you scared me half to death.

Squirtle: Sorry. (Glances up) Hey a tip!

Togedemaru: Nuh uh. I saw it first.

Bulbasaur: Want us to help you then?

Togedemaru: Yeah, right! You help me and wham! You steal the tip.

Bulbasaur: Come on, you know us. We wouldn't do that. We helped each other out before remember?

Togedemaru: Okay fine.

(The screen flips to them stacked on top of one other)

Bulbasaur: Ouch! My back is hurting so bad!

Togedemaru: Sorry dude, you got yourself into this. Now for the love of Arceus stay still. (They straighten out and Togedemaru grabs the tip) Yes! (They topple over)

Pachirisu: Oh my gosh! Togedemaru? Guys? Are you okay?

Togedemaru: Yeah, were good. (Stands up) Oof.

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: I'm not sure if it's because Pachirisu and I are dating, but I feel in a much better mood now. A couple legs ago, there's no way I would have talked with Squirtle and Bulbasaur like friends. (Pauses) Wait... I'm still the same Togedemaru right?

Squirtle: Well, better get looking for our own tip.

Togedemaru: No! Don't!

Squirtle: What? Why?

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Because I want you to lose. (Seriously) No, because there were two up there! I think this mini challenge was meant for two teams to work together.

Bulbasaur: Right on! (Takes tip) So are we an alliance now?

Togedemaru: Sorry no. The only people winning this thing are Pachirisu and I!

Pachirisu: See you at the Chill Zone! (Rushes off)

Squirtle: They've come a long way. But now they're still competitive and nice too. Too bad we're gonna best them again. (They high five and head off too)

(At the second challenge)

Machoke: Looks like we're here.

Weavile: Just an ordinary building in the city. What's so special about this place? (They walk in) Hello!?

Rhydon: Hello!

Weavile: (winces) Oh, it's just you Rhydon.

Rhydon: Welcome to the Nintendo company! (Blows a party blower) Birthplace of lots of fantastic, classic and addicting video games.

Machoke: Video games? So stupid. I'd hate to be associated with Nintendo and their loser followers.

Rhydon: (rolls eyes) Just shut up and grab a tip. Looks like two more taxis arrived.

(The Fashion Designers and team Boyfriend and Girlfriend arrive)

Sandshrew: Video games? So stupid. Real men like me like football.

Vulpix: You know what? (Slaps Sandshrew)

Sandshrew: Ow! Hey! What was that for?

Vulpix: I'm trying to knock some sense back into you. You're not acting like yourself.

Sandshrew: Yeah huh I am.

Chikorita: (Reads tip) Its a random botch. Whoever is holding the tip must successfully beat a level fifty amiibo in Smash Bros.

Chespin: Sweet. At least that's not dangerous.

Chikorita: But every time your character gets hit... your partner will feel it? And when you lose, a full on shock.

Chespin: What? No! You get to play video games and I have to be tortured?

Chikorita: Yeah. Hmph. Serves you right for the way you've been treating me.

Chespin: (sighs) Look Chikorita, I love you... but I'm just not ready to talk about that okay? Can't you understand?

Chikorita: (hesitates at first) I'm sorry too Chespin. I wasn't being the most understanding I guess.

Rhydon: Ugh! You two! Stop with the love fest and get going with the challenge!

(In the temple)

Leafeon: Dammit! We're back where we started! Are you kidding me!?

Glaceon: Grrr. This shouldn't be so hard.

(Team Confessional)
Leafeon: I just cannot stand it when stuff like this happens!

Glaceon: Just dumb luck screwing both of us over yet again. Ugh!

Leafeon: Maybe if we just stop and think about it.

(The two stand there for a while in silence)

Glaceon: Uggghhh! I can't do this anymore! (Slams her head against a gong and shakes. Suddenly a tip falls out)

Leafeon: Hey what are the odds? That's awesome!

Glaceon: (dazed) All.... part of th-the...

(Elsewhere in the temple; Buizel and Oshawott are bruised up)

Oshawott: Good god. We barely escaped with our lives.

Buizel: Yeah.

Oshawott: How were we supposed to know there'd be a rabid bear of all things in a temple? Like what? That doesn't make sense.

Buizel: I'm with you cous. I'm just glad we're okay.

(In confessional)
Oshawott: Did you here that? Buizel actually cares about me! We've come so far!

Buizel: Whatever. Whether you were brutally injured or not we'd still have to push through to win at all costs. Now let's keep looking!

(In confessional)
Oshawott: (sighs and narrows eyes) All respect has been lost.


Pichu: Oof. I'm sooo bored of this already. I need candy.

Pichuette: (pants) Same. We've been running around for hours. (Looks around) Hey look over there! A candy bowl!

Pichu: Awesome lets eat! (They head over there) Wait a minute! Stop!

Pichuette: (about to eat a candy but then stops) Oh what now?

Pichu: What was it that we learned in health class?

Pichuette: Um... (thinks) If something is round and colorful its candy?

Pichu: Um... (thinks) Yeah that sounds about right! (They start eating) Yummy! M and M's! (Reaches in the bowl) Huh? (Pulls out a tip) Awesome! Today keeps getting better!  (The Pichu Twins scamper off but then Pichuette comes back and grabs the bowl and leaves again)

(At the video game challenge, The New Friends, Lifelong Friends and Gamers arrive)

Shinx: OH MY GOSH! (He and Meowstic scream and cheer) THIS IS NINTENDO!!!!!

Togedemaru: (covers ears) Eeesh. Do they have a mute button?

Shinx: (Reads tip) I GET TO PLAY SMASH BROS! YESSSS!!!!

Meowstic: What? No fair! You're so lucky!

Bulbasaur: I like video games, but I'm not the best at them.

Meowstic: Well good luck beating us. This is where we shine

(Team Confessional)
Meowstic: I'm kinda bummed I don't get to play, but at least Shinx does. If he's happy, I'm happy.

Shinx: What a good friend. (They high five) I won't let you down!

(In the gaming area by the chill zone, Machoke, Chikorita and Sandshrew are playing)

Machoke: Ugh! This is so stupid! My hands are too big for these tiny controls (his character dies and Weavile gets shocked through a shock collar she had to put on)

Weavile: OW! Machoke stop sucking!

Machoke: Ugh! I'm trying my best here! (His character is about to die and Machoke quits the match) Nobody saw that... (winks at Weavile)

Chespin: Hey! Rhydon, Machoke just rage quit!

Rhydon: So you thought Weavile would get out of shock that easy huh? Now she gets triple the pain!

Weavile: What? Don't you- (gets shocked) Zzzzt-Ow.

Chikorita: I'm doing it! I'm actually doing it!

Sandshrew: You do realize your still on the main menu right? (Chikorita looks embarrassed)

Shinx: (sits down) Lets do this!

Vulpix: Uh oh. Gamers playing video games can't be good for us.

Shinx: Alright! Little Mac! Let's go! (Starts the match) Bayonetta? Pfft. Top tier? Not to me.

Meowstic: Be careful Shinx! Little Mac has a bad match up!

Shinx: I don't care about that stuff Meowstic. I'm good with who I like (zero to deaths Bayonetta) Yes!

Meowstic: Holy crap! I never knew Little Mac could be played that strong! Keep it up Shinx! (Shinx kills Bayonetta with a forward smash) Yes!

Shinx: The winner is... LITTLE MAC AND SHINX! (Poses)

Meowstic: Alright! (Steps on Chill Zone)

Rhydon: Gamers congrats on first place! (They cheer) Can't say I'm surprised with this type of challenge!

(Team Confessional)
Meowstic: Today we proved how strong of competitors we really are. We totally kicked butt today!

Shinx: Yeah! Other teams, watch out because the Gamers are gonna give you a game over!

Weavile: Crap! Now we can't get first! (Gets shocked) Ugh!

Pachirisu: Alright Togedemaru you can do this!

Squirtle: Go Bulbasaur! Try your- (gets shocked) best... Ouch.

(Back in the temple)

Buizel: Come on! Let's try this way!

Buneary: Hey Flaaffy, what about in here? (Buizel and Buneary run into each other

Buizel: Ow, er, um, (trying to be cool) Yo whadup. How's it going?

Flaaffy: (chuckles) Yo whadup? (Chuckles some more)

Buneary: Um, it going pretty sucky. We found a tip early on but then lost it to the Athletes.

Flaaffy: Grrrr. I hate those stupid jerks!

Oshawott: Oh no! I'm sorry.

Flaaffy: Its fine. Wasn't your fault.

Buizel: Hey, maybe we could look together!

Flaaffy: Okay, but a deal is a deal. We don't leave until we have two tips okay? (Buizel nods) Okay good I'm in!

Oshawott: Hey guys! Over here! It looks like there are two tips past this indoor pool.

Flaaffy: Nice find! Very convenient. Now time to cannonball-

Buneary: WAIT! Look again guys. (They look harder and see piranhas in the water)

Oshawott: Gah! (Winces) How can fish be soooo scary?

Flaaffy: Not a problem for me. (Jumps in) Ahhhh! (Starts swimming)

Buizel: Me too! (Jumps in)

Buneary: Whats is he doing? Two people don't have to go! Ugh. (Crosses her arms) He's trying to impress me.

Oshawott: Um, Buneary. Buizel does really like you.

Buneary: Then why'd he kiss Oricorio?

Buizel: Because although he is my cousin and I care about him, he can be a immoral jerk. But afterwards, he saw his faults and since then he's always been talking about you! It's always about Buneary.

Buneary: W-wait really? Even when Oricorio was still in the game?

Oshawott: (nods) Yep. So I'm not telling you how to run your life, but just consider it one more time. I know Buizel can be kinda rude to me and all, but I'm his cousin and I'll always help him out.

Buneary: You really are a nice guy Oshawott. Hopefully some of your niceness will rub off on that cousin of yours. (Flaaffy and Buizel return) Yes! You got it!

Flaaffy: Yep, and you're not touching it! No way are we losing it after I got mauled.

Buneary: (looks embarrassed) Fair enough.

Buizel: (super beat up but pretending he's fine) So easy. Come on guys. I think the exit is this way. (They head off)

(At the chill zone)

Rhydon: As the Cousins and Contest Stars scramble to try to catch up and stay in the race, more teams complete the Super Smash Bros video game challenge here at Nintendo.

Togedemaru: Boom! In your face Bowser, I win!

Pachirisu: Alright! You were actually pretty good Togedemaru.

Togedemaru: (nervously) Well, uh, I just am. I'm not into video games like stupid Meowstic is.

Meowstic: (Yelling from the chill zone) Hey! You're on my list now buddy!

Rhydon: New Friends, (they walk over) Second place!

Pachirisu: Yes! (Looks at the Gamers) Oh and congrats on first guys.

Meowstic: Thanks. At least you're respectful.

Togedemaru: (embarrassed) Heheheh. Sorry...

Rhydon: Here come some more teams! (Chespin and Chikorita cross the finish line) Third place!

Chespin: Yes! Top three all the way! (They hug)

Rhydon: And here come the Fashion Designers in Fourth.

Sandshrew: Yeah! FOOTBALL!

Vulpix: (sadly mutters) Ugh, he is so messed up.

Rhydon: Bulbasaur and Machoke are trying their best to not get their virtual butts kicked, but it looks like time may be running out because the final few teams are finally here!

(In the gaming area)

Bulbasaur: Yes! I'm so close!

Squirtle: Come on you can do it!

Machoke: (looks over) What? Not on my watch! (Pretends to trip) Oops. (Knocks Bulbasaurs controller away from him and he loses)

Bulbasaur: Hey! You did that on purpose!

Machoke: Sorry dude, just an accident.

(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: (angered) He's lucky I've taking several zen classes. I must control my anger... I'm a nice guy.... Oooom.

Squirtle: Its okay! Just keep at it!

Pichu: Yes! I get to play! I get to play!

Pichuette: I've played Smash with you, but you love it more and are better so I'm glad it's you.

Pichu: Thanks sis!

Glaceon: Video games? I got this. Right?

Leafeon: Your guess is as good as mine. Never seen you play so I don't really know.

Oshawott: Oh no, Buizel there is too much pressure!

Buizel: Come on! Suck it up and play. You got it.

Buneary: (goes up to Oshawott) Deep breaths. No matter what happens, everything will be okay it's not the end of the world.

Oshawott: (clams down) Th-thanks Buneary! (Buizel's jaw drops)

Rhydon: (to the camera) This is gonna be intense!

(The screen shows Machoke, Bulbasaur, Pichu, Glaceon, Buneary and Oshawott focused and playing. It then shows their partners getting shocked)

Squirtle: Come on Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur: No! Please don't Rosa up air me! (Dodges) Yes! (Uses up smash) KO! I did it! Link power!

Pichu: Can't hit me! (Rolls to the side and forward smashes) Yes! I won! Pika power! And with and extra stock to spare!

Rhydon: Lifelong Friends, you guys take fifth place! Pichu Twins you guys take sixth. (The four cheer and high five). The rest of you better hurry it up!

Glaceon: So wait, um, how do you jump again?

Leafeon: Try hitting the B button.

Glaceon: Okay... (Hits it and her character falls) Well that certainly wasn't it. (Angered) Ugh this is so stupid! Video games suck!

Leafeon: Come on Glace don't give up! Keep trying! (Gets shocked) Owww.

Weavile: Machoke I swear if you don't get past this I'm going to- (gets shocked) KILL YOU!

Machoke: I'm no loser. I can beat this stupid game.

Buizel: Come on Oshawott!

Oshawott: Ah! Pressure!

(In confessional)
Oshawott: I do actually enjoy video games a bit. I just don't like playing them competively

Flaaffy: Buneary watch out for the (Gets shocked) Ow. Too late.

Buneary: Sorry. (Drops controller) Oops.

Oshawott: (playing Game and Watch) Hmm, maybe I could just get lucky and... (Nine hammers opponent) Yes!

Buizel: (shocked) Holy cow! I don't know how you did it, but you did.

Rhydon: Cousins you guys are safe in seventh place!

Buizel: Okay we really need to start placing beter.

Oshawott: Why can't we ever just be happy to be safe?

Machoke: (screaming) FINALLY!!!

Weavile: (screaming) ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME!

Rhydon: Ugh (facepalms) Athletes your in eighth. Try not to be obnoxious... (They walk off) BUNEARY AND GLACEON STOP!!!! (They do so)

Glaceon: Huh? What's going on?

Rhydon: I've decided to make this interesting. You guys are gonna fight to the death! Who ever wins gets to stay and the losers are out!

Flaaffy: Yeah! A fight to the death? It is so on!

Buneary: He means on the video game Flaaffy!

Flaaffy: Oh. (Frowns) And I was all set on busting out my contest special electric headbutt move.

Shinx: Hopefully this wont be like watching two level one CPU's fight it out.

Meowstic: (shivers) Ooh. That's so painful watch.

Pichuette: Come on twin buddies!

Buizel: Buneary, you can do it!

Leafeon: You got this Glaceon?

Glaceon: Bring it on! I'm going with my girl... Samus!

Buneary: Um, I'll pick... oh he seems cute!! (Picks Kirby)

Meowstic: Wow. I'd say both characters have a completely even matchup.

Chespin: Yikes. This is gonna be close then.

Vulpix: Yep.

(The match begins and Samus hits Kirby several times)

Glaceon: Take that! And that!

Buneary: Oh no! (Uses a Hammer Flip) Hey! That worked pretty well!

Leafeon: Sis you gotta recover!

Glaceon: Um... (presses the correct buttons) OMG I actually did it!

Flaaffy: Hit them again Buneary! (The two deal a lot of damage to each other and are both at high percentage)

Leafeon: Oh no! This is gonna be real close!

Buneary: Gah (dodges an attack) Take this!

Glaceon: No you take this! (Both Up Smash and are both sent off screen into a star Ko)

Rhydon: (gasps) Holy crap! Who's gonna die first? (Bites nails) The winner of the match is....

(The Contest Stars and Eeveelution Twins looks nervous)

Rhydon: KIRBY!!!!

Buneary: (Jumps up and poses) YEAH! I DID IT!

Flaaffy: (catches her) Alright Buneary, we are safe! Woo hoo!

Glaceon: (tears up) No. No! This is so unfair! Dumb video games!

Leafeon: (puts his hand on her shoulder) It's gonna be alright Glaceon. You did good.

Pichu: No! Not our twin buddies!

Pichuette: We're gonna miss you guys!

Squirtle: Keep your heads up high guys! You rock!

Rhydon: (walks over) Eeveelution Twins, you had a pretty good run, but I'm afraid it's over for you. (Glaceon cries and Leafeon appears sad)

Leafeon: Yeah, we gather that. Thanks for everything Rhydon.

(Eeveelution Twins elimination montage)

Leafeon: We may be going home today, but I think we did pretty awesome! Right Glace?

Glaceon: (tearful) Awesome? We're just losers now Leafeon.

Leafeon: Are you kidding me? Just look at all we accomplished! We actually beat Jolteon and Sylveon and became even closer to them thanks to the race.

Glaceon: Yeah? Go on.

Leafeon: We conquered so many things! Like beating a mechanical bull, waking across a tightrope and we even made it through red hot lava!

Glaceon: You know what Leafeon? You're right.  Thanks bro! I've got so much to be proud of and I'd never ever change what happened here because I'm proud of it.

Leafeon: Whelp. Time to go home.

Glaceon: I wonder how the rest of our siblings are doing?

Leafeon: Same here! But we'll find out soon enough.

(Montage ends)

Rhydon: And so go the rest of the Eeveelutions on our show. Maybe there's a theme? Does that mean the last remaining siblings team are going next? Will the Athletes learn to play fair? And will Shinx become the Smash Bros champion of the world? Find out next time on, The Rhydonculous Race!!!

***** Thanks sooo much for reading everyone! It really means a lot! And if you could tell you friends or anybody about my story it'd be much appreciated. I'm looking for more readers!!!!

And FYI yes I know Nintendo isn't located in Tokyo okay? Lol.

Anyways, special thanks to LittleLitten11 Darumaka25 __Glaceon__ Sean1153 TheTheoryFroakie FanboyMudkipz slothzilla124 Dedenne14 Catanzy
UnderverseFanGirl Ash-greninjamaster DonalBuckley The_Parafin14 Ghost_Trio

Thanks for being such awesome and dedicated fans and supporters guys. Your half hour of reading my story makes my entire week!

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