Chapter 1

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A girl woke up holding her head in her hands.

Girl: Ugh this headache

A boy enters and forwards a lemonade.

Boy: Good morning di

Girl took the lemonade and boy moved towards the door. He was about to open the door when calls him.

Girl: Is everything alright Jai?

So boy is Jai and girl is none other than Avu.

Back to the story

Jai: Yes di. Why?

Avu: From sometime you have stopped giving me lecture

Jai: As if you ever listen di🙃🙃🙃🙃 Let it be. Get ready. You are going to join college today. Please don't be late

With this he went out. Avu thought for a moment what Jai said but then shrugged off her thoughts and went to get ready.

Jai's P.O.V.

Myself Jaijeet Singh Nadra. Always worried about my sister Avu di. She always get in one or other trouble. I tried explaining her a lot to change her habits but she never listened. So I gave up.

Last night also she went to party with her friends. She assured me she would come back early and won't drink this time. And mom, di doesn't care about her a bit. But as expected, she came late night totally drunk. Manjul, her current boyfriend, I don't know for how many days, dropped her home last night.


I was waiting for Avu. In the middle of night Man and Avu came in taxi. Both were drunk. They were making outside Avu's home. I saw them from window of her room sighed sadly thinking when will she change or more precisely will she ever change?

I went out and brought her inside. Their mom was sleeping. I tried not to make a slightest noise. Otherwise she will get scolded by mom like usual. I quitely locked the door and took her to the room.

Avu: Jai I am feeling like flying

Jai: Di you can fly once we reach the room. Come

Avu: Nooooo

I somehow took her to the room and made her sleep.

Flashback Ends

I am always worried about her. She always drink too much and ends up in bed with random boys.

The one who is responsible for all this. My dad. My di is his princess. He never refused her any demand till date. He doesn't live with us. He is a buisness man. So always out for one or other buisness trips. But makes sure di gets her every single demand completed no matter what.

Well let's see today is her and her gang's first day of college after their so called trip. All the best new comers. Why? You will know soon. Just wait and watch.

P.O.V. ends

To be continued

So first chapter is here. Hope you guys liked it.😀😀😀😀

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Stay tuned for next chapter

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