Chapter 22

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Goals complete ni kie gadho. Chlo aa hi gye ho to pdlo ab😑😑😑😑😑

No matter what he could not see sm1 in such a state. He held her from her shoulder and made her stand. He wiped off her tears.

Sid: Shhhh. Stop crying please

Avu: Please Sid I request you. I can't see my brother like this

Sid sighed.

Sid: I can't also see my sister like this

Avu: So should we?

Sid nodded. Avu gavr him a weak smile.

They went to lawn where Jai was sitting. They also called Re there.

Avu called Jai. He was holding his head in his hands and looking down. She tapped his shoulders.

Jai: Yes di?

Avu: Jai I wanna talk to you

Jai: Ya say

Avu: Not here. Let's go to cafeteria

Jai: Di please tell here only na

Avu: Jai please

Jai: Achha ok

Jaineet went to cafeteria. Avu signed them to sit. Re was shocked to see them. And everyone was staring at them as Avu never talked to people who are not as rich as her. Sidreem were feeling uncomfortable. Avu sensed it.

Avu: (shouted but not coldly) Everyone back to your work

Everyone started doing their work.

Avu: It's ok. It's normal

Re was not understanding why they are here. Avu finally spoke. She held  Re's hands in hers.

Avu:(with teary eyes) I am sorry for my behaviour. I shoud haven't said all that. I am extremely sorry

Re was still shocked.

Re:'s ok

Avu hugged her tightly.

Avu: Thank you so much

Jai was happy.

Avu: And ya it's not my Jai's fault. He really loves you a lot Reem. Please accept him as your boyfriend again

Re looked at Sid. He nodded his head.

Re: Ok😊😊😊😊😊

Jai got up and hugged her. They both cried in each other's embrace. Sidneet were looking at them with smile and teary eyes.

Jai: I love you

Re: I love you too

Jai: Thank you so much di and bhai. You don't know you gave me my life back

Sid: But ya remember that a single tear from my sister's eyes and you are gone

Jai shooked his head.

Jai: I won't let that happen ever

Sid smiled at them and hugged them.

Sid: I love you both

Jaireem: We also love you

Jai: We should leave for lecture

They bid them bye and left for class holding hands.

Avu: Thanks

Sid: I can do anything for my sister's happiness

Avu: I know. Ykw I never knew accepting mistakes and apologizing relieves you so much. Thank you so much I would have never got off this burden if you were not there

Sid: I am glad I could help you

Avu: Mujhse dosti kroge?

She forwarded her hand.

To be continued

Accepting your mistakes and saying sorry. It doesn't make you small in any way. But see if a word "sorry" can relieve you from stress, sleepless nights can save relationships, then I think saying sorry is worth it sometimes. What say?

But ya it should be from both sides. It's not like everytime he should say sorry or she should sorry. Needs to be mutual. Any relationship for that matter.

Well it just came to my mind and I wrote it. Never mind😛😛😛😛😛


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And and and I published the prologue of my new book. Na goals ain't completed but I am overexcited😛😛😛😛😜
Do give reviews.

Here is the cover. Credits: fictional_sidneet

Stay tuned for next chapter

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