Chapter 36

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After sometime, Avu took Sid to mall in her car and Jai took Re in his car.

With Sidneet

Avu stopped the car. She was about to open the door when Sid held her wrist. Avu turned towards him

Avu: Yes?

Sid: Avu you don't need to so all this. You can go with someone....

Avu cut him by keeping her finger on his lips.

Avu: Not again. Stop thinking all this. You are bestest friend. I can do anything for you. It's just a dress. Let's go

Sid was looking at her.

Avu: Ok fine. I will ask sm1 else but you don't dare to talk to me after today. Hmff

She crossed her arms near her chest and turned other side and pouted angrily. Sid chuckled.

Sid: Ok sorry. I will go with you

Avu: (excitedly) Yes

She jumped on him and kissed his cheek. Sid blushed. After a moment, she realized what she did. She felt blood rushed to her cheeks. An unknown blush came to her face and she was continously smiling.

Avu: Umm I am sorry. I just got excited

She hid her face in his chest to hide her blush and smile.

Sid: Ummm we should go now

Avu: Oh yee sorry

She got up from his lap and got out of car.

Avu's P.O.V.

Shit Neet!!!!! Fuck you. What the hell you just did? He must have felt bad. Ugh now how will I talk to him. I need to apologize.

I was thinking all this when I felt sm1 shaking my shoulder. I know who it is. Of course Sid. I came out of my thoughts and he started walking without saying anything. Shit!!!! He must be awkward.

P.O.V. ends

Avu ran after him and held his wrist.

Sid: What happened?

Avu: Sid see I am really really sorry. I didn't mean to kiss you. It''s just. I...I don't know how, why....

Sid cupped her face.

Sid: It's ok Avni. I can understand

Sid smiled at her and she smiled back and hugged him.

Avu: Thank you

Sid: For?

Avu: Always understanding me

Sid caressed her hair.

Sid: Avi we should go now

Avu: Ya let's go

They shopped for Sid firstly. Then Avu.

Avu: I will go and try

Sid: Ok

She went inside. She wore the dress but was struggling with zip. She thought too much and finally called Sid.

Avu: Sid

Sid: Yep Avni?

Avu: Sid can you please come inside?

Sid: why how?

Avu: Please na

Sid: Ok

He entered inside.

Sid: Yes

Avu: Can you help me with zip  please?

Sid was feeling too shy.

Sid: Uhh yee sure

She turned other side. Sid held her hair and put them on one side. His fingers brushed against her neck. She felt butterflies in her stomach. Her dress was backless and he was feeling too shy looking at her. It was first time she was too near to a girl. He held her zipped with trembling hands. He finally zipped it up. She turned towards him. Sid looked at her. Actually was staring. His gaze was making her unknowingly blush.

Sid: You are looking beautiful

Avu: Thanks

They looked into each other's eyes and had an intense eye lock. Sid cupped her face and

Kahatam. Niklo😁😁😁

To be continued

Ye rha aapka update. And Love of My Life calls me DAD ka mein kr deti but I am hella tired and sleepy today. Sowwieeeee. So tomorrow morning.

Please vote and comment. I post inspite of exams. I think I deserve that much. Baki mrzi aapki. Chapter to mein post kr hi doongi.

Good night gadho. 😂😂😂😂 Hehe don't mind please. You know author is crazy. Byeeeeee.

Love you guys ❤❤❤❤❤

Stay tuned for next chapter

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