Chapter 38

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Avu came out to take the call but it was wrong number. She made her way back inside but she bumped into sm1. Avu's and sm'1's phone felt down. Avu was about to bend down but sm1 stopped.

Sm1: Avu (smiled nervously)

Avu: Yep

Sm1: Wait I will pick

Avu: It's ok. I can....

Before she could say anything, sm1 picked both phones and gave Avu.

Avu: Thanks

Avu was about to go.

Sm1: Ummm

Avu: Ya

Sm1:(smiling nervously) How is the party going?

Avu: Great

Sm1: Oh

Avu tried to leave but sm1 started conversation. Finally Avu said.

Avu: I should leave Sid must be waiting

Sm1: O..ok sure

Avu went inside.

Sm1 called sm2.

Sm1: Hello she is coming

Sm2: It's ok. Work done

Sm1: Great

Meanwhile with Sid

(A/n: This is from the time Avu went outside.)

W came with Sid's juice.

Sid: (smiled genuinely) Thanks

W: Mention not sir

Sid drank it and felt dizzy.

Meanwhile with Avu

Avu came back and looked around but couldn't find Sid. She suddenly got a notification. It was Sid's message.

Message: Avu I am very sorry. I am leaving without telling you. Actually I ain't feeling good. Don't worry it's just a normal headache. Sorry Avu. Please take care of yourself. Bye

Avu smiled at his care but was worried for his health.

Meanwhile with Jaireem

Re got a notification. It was also a message from Sid.

Message: Sissy I was having headache so I am leaving. Please be with Jai and take care of yourself. Don't worry and don't spoil your party. Enjoy. Bye. Love you. 💖💖💖💖💗💗💗💗

Jai also got a message from Sid.

Message: Jai I am not well. Don't worry normal headache. I am heading home. Please take care of Avu and my Reemieeee. Bye bro.  Cya tomorrow.

Jai/Reem: Bro/bhai is not well

Jai: I got the message

Re: I am worried. Should we go home?

Jai: Well it's just headache. I guess it's because of loud music and all as you guys ain't used to the parties and all

Re: Umm maybe

Jai: Cheer up jaan. Let's see where is di

Re: Yep

They found Avu.

Jai: Di Sid bro went home?

Avu: Yee. How do you know?

Jai: He messaged me

Jai showed her message. Avu was overwhelmed seeing his care for her.

Avu: Should we go check on him?

Jai kept a hand on her shoulder.

Jai: Di chill it's just headache

Avu: Ok if you say

They all enjoyed the party whole night. But Avu was worried for Sid.

Early morning

All were about to leave when suddenly

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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