Chapter 41

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Avu: I know Roshni very well. She is a type of girl who throws herself on boys. You don't need to force her. So even if something would have happened, she would have not created a scene. It's normal for her. I can totally understand because I was also a jerk like her at one point of time

(A/n: It's only a story. No hate to Roshni Walia.)

Sid was quite. He didn't know what to say. Jaireem also came there. Re hugged Sid tightly and started crying. Sid didn't know how to react. Finally she got quite.

Avu: So waiter must have brought the juice

Jai: What are you talking about di?

Avu: Just trying to collect what exactly happened last night

Jai: Oh

Sid: Yes. When you went out waiter brought the juice. I drank it and don't know what happened after that

Avu: So I got a call from wrong number but I think I recognize the voice. Later I met that one of Roshni's bitch Naina. She was trying to have conversation with me

Jai: Why the hell will she talk to you. We all know Walias and Nadras are rivals and same you and Roshni are rivals and Naina is her girl. Why will she talk to you?

Avu: That's why I felt it odd. Oh shoot. Sid I got a message from you saying you are unwell and you left home

Re: Yee me too

Jai: Me also

Sid: But I never sent any messages

Avu opened Sid's phone and messages were there.

Sid: I don't know

Avu: You were not your senses. That means sm1 else sent these messages. This was all a plan guys. I got a call. I went outside. That voice. Oh shit that was Inayat. Then Naina bumped into me, tried to indulge me in a conversation. By the time, Sid drank that drink and Roshni brought him here and messaged all of us. And in the morning, she did that whole drama

Jai: Yep. But we don't have any proofs

Avu: We will get that. But firstly let's drop Sid home

Jai nodded. They went to Sid's home.

Re: I will also come with you guys

Avu: Ok

Avu: (to Sid) Sid don't worry. I won't let anything happen. We all know you haven't done anything

Sid didn't say anything just nodded.

Avu: You take rest and come to college in evening

Sid nodded.

Avu and Jaireem left. Sid was lost in his thoughts. He didn't know what to do.

Sid's P.O.V.

I don't remember anything. What if Roshni is saying truth? Did I really? Nooooo. I can't. How the hell I did that? My parents, my sister will be so ashamed of me if I really did something with her. They always trusted. Mom, dad, Reemie. Now Avu also trust me so much. How can I do this with any girl?

P.O.V. ends

Tears were rolling down his eyes continously. He kept thinking all this whole day. He was ashamed of himself. What if he has actually raped her? He respected everyone. His parents would have never expected this from him.

Warning: Next part contains self harm. Skip if you are not comfortable. Don't worry I will write summary at end. You won't miss on anything. ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

He stripped down his clothes and went in washroom. He stood under the shower water flowed down his body while tears rolled his cheeks continously. Guilt was eating for something he wasn't even sure he did. He banged his head on the wall. Once, twice, thrice, till his forhead was covered with blood.

He was lil bit conscious.

Sid's P.O.V.

I don't know whether if I did anything or not but if I did I can't live with this guilt. Earlier I tried to suicide many times because of bullying in school but I couldn't because I was worried about Reemie. Now she is grown up and she has Jai. If I seriously did that, I don't deserve to live. I am feeling so disgusted of myself.

P.O.V. ends

He wiped off his tears and somehow walked outside. He opened the door of store room and found rat poison. His hands were trembling. He got it near his mouth.


To be continued

Summary: (for those who skipped) So Sid was too guilty, he harmed himself and is thinking to suicide. Any doubts, you can comment, I will clear.

Well Sid is guilty or not you will know soon.

Stay tuned for next chapter

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