Chapter 44

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Present time

Avu showed video to all students. Everyone was shocked.

Avu: So you can see this Sid was unconscious. How the hell can he do anything to this bitch? Secondly, she herself took him to room, removed his clothes, messed his hair and applied lipstick on his face. And torn her clothes. He never did anything to her. Instead she is the one who took advantage of his condition and raped him

She yelled the last line at the top of her voice with tears rolling down her cheeks and eyes red with anger and looks to Ro furiously. Ro was sweating badly. Avu slapped her tightly. She shouted at the top of her voice.

Avu: How dare you? How dare you bitch? He never did or thought wrong of anyone or you. Shame on you

Everyone was guilty of supporting her and not Sid. Ro didn't speak a word.

Avu: (to other students) Have you guys any shame? You guys supported her blindly and didn't even listen to that boy once. You all know him from almost one year and Roshni from two years. Still you guys believed her. Shame on each one of you

She said breaking down. Cops came and arrested Ro and took her with them.

Avu hugged Jaireem. Re sobbed on her shoulder.

Re: Thank you di. Thank you so much. You don't know what you have done for me, for bhayia

Avu rubbed her back.

Avu: Shush. Calm down. He deserved justice so he got. Let's go and tell him

Re nodded. They went home. They knocked door no one opened. So they directly went inside. They didn't see him anywhere. They were shouting his name but no response.

Warning- People with weak heart please skip. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Avu went to the washroom and scene made her heart skip a beat. She saw shower was on and there blood and water mixed all over the wall and and floor. Her eyes became moist. She felt on floor. She covered her mouth with hand. She was numb not knowing what to do or say. She got out of trance from Re's scream.

Re: Bhayiaaaaaaaaaaaa

Avu heared the scream and went there. It came from store room. Jaineet reached there and saw Sid on floor with blood all over his head and a bottle of rat poison was felt on the ground.

Re was on sitting on her knees crying violently. Avu was covering her mouth stopping her sobs. Tears were rolling down her eyes continously. Jai was just numb.

Avu went near him and sat their. She put his head on her lap with trembling hands and moved his hair from his forhead. Her tears felt on his face. She hugged his head tightly. She couldn't control anymore and broke down.

Jai came out of trance and picked up Sid and took him to car. Avu was helping Re trying her best to control herself.

A/n: I love this song😛😛😛

Jai drove the car as fast as he could.

Jaane nahin… denge tujhe
Jaane tujhe… denge nahin
Jaane nahin… denge tujhe
Jaane tujhe… denge nahin

No one spoke the whole way. Jai was almost in tears. Avu and Re were sobbing silently seeing Sid's condition.

Chahe tujhko rab bulaa le
Hum na rab se darne waale
Raahon mein dat ke khade hain hum
Yaaron se nazrein chura le
Chahe jitna dum lagaa le
Jaane na tujhko aise denge hum

They reached hospital. Jai went inside and workers brought stretcher. They put him on stretcher and everyone took him inside.

Avu: Where is the doctor?

Receptionist: Ma'am please fill this fo...

Avu: (shouts) You fucking bitch can't you see he is fighting with death and you want this form. Send a God damn doctor

Rec got scared.

Rec: O..o..k..k ma'am

Dr came in few minutes and looked at Sid's condition.

Dr.: Oh God take him to OT asap

They rushed to OT.

Dr. was treating Sid.

Jaane nahin denge tujhe
Jaane tujhe denge nahin
Do kadam ka yeh safar hai
Umr chhoti si dagar hai
Ek kadam mein ladkhadaya kyoon
Sunn le yaaron ki yeh baatein
Beetengi sab ghum ki raatein
Yaaron se rootha hai saale kyoon

Avu was standing at the hospital entrance. Her tears had dried up totally. She was remembering her moments with him. Suddenly rain started and something came in her mind.


Everyone had left college. Sid had some competition so he stayed back for preparation and Avu stopped to give him company because Jaireem went on date.

They came out and saw ut was raining.

Avu: Ugh I hate rain. My whole make up will get spoilt

Sid looked at her chuckled. Avu rolled her eyes at him. Sid held her hand and dragged her in rain.

Avu: What the fuck you think you are doing Mr. Siddharth Nigam? I will kill you bastard

She looked at Sid. He has closed his eyes and raised his hands and looking upwards. Avu was confused. Sid opened his eyes and smiled.

Sid: Enjoying the rain. It relaxes you

Avu: How the hell can sm1 enjoy rain?

Sid shaked his head. He turned her. She was facing his backside. He held her arms and raised them.

Sid: Look up and close your eyes and get lost in the moment. Forget all your worries. Learn to enjoy every moment bestie. Your life will become too beautiful

Avu did as he said. Sid held her arms and looked up and closed his eyes. They were lost in the moment. Avu turned around with a wide smile and hugged him tightly.

Avu: Thank you

Sid chuckled.

Flashback ends.

Avu smiled weakly and went outside. She raised her arms and looked up and closed her eyes. She remebered all the moments they spent with each other. Tears again made way through her eyes. She just broke down. Tears rolled down her cheeks along with raindrops.

Jaane nahin… denge tujhe
Jaane tujhe… denge nahin
Jaane nahin… denge tujhe
Jaane tujhe… denge nahin

With Re

She was sitting on bench totally numb. She was remembering all moments from childhood, how he used to tease her, caee for her love her. That carefree child. The day her parents left them. From that day how he cared for her, stood by her everytime she needed, scolded her for being careless. Every single moment they spent together. A tear made it's way through her eye. How much her mom loved him so much. He was her lifeline. Everything. She was thinking if she would have been here what would be her condition.

Maa ne khat mein kya likhaa tha
Jiye tu jug yeh kahaa tha
Chaar pal bhi jee na paaya tu

Jai was standing outside OT looking through the glass door. He was sobbing silently. His best friend, his brother was lying lifeless. Wires attatched to his body. He couldn't do anything for him. He felt so helpless. He rested his head on door and was crying.

Yaaron se nazrein milaa le
Ek baar tu muskura de
Uth ja saale yun sataata hai kyoon

Avu went to temple nearby and was praying for him. Jai was crying seeing his condition through window. Re well she was sitting like she is alive from outside but from inside she is dead.

Jaane nahin… denge tujhe
Jaane tujhe… denge nahin
Jaane nahin… denge tujhe
Jaane tujhe… denge nahin
Jaane nahin… denge tujhe
Jaane tujhe… denge nahin
Jaane nahin… denge tujhe
Jaane tujhe… denge nahin

To be continued

Anyone cried?

Will Sid be alright?

Any death threats for your writer?

Please give your reviews. One of the most emotional chapters I wrote.

Don't take me wrong I am totally against this rape and molestation. But I am more against those who put false accusation of rape on boys. If rape destroys the life of a girl, false accusations destroy life of that boy. He looses respect in everyone's eyes. Not everytime a girl is correct and boy is wrong. It depends on situation to situation. Never put a false allegation on a boy. If you have a mother/sister at home, then you even have a brother/father at home. Never I repeat never reach the conclusion by listening only one side of story.

And yes this incident is definitely imaginary but this crime happens against boys as well. The cases don't get hiped up because according to out GREAT SOCIETY, "A GIRL IS ALWAYS RIGHT AND A BOY IS ALWAYS WRONG."

Whatever a girl says it's considered as complete truth without even listening to boy. Why?

If a boy is sitting and girl is standing, he is sitting, he is shameless. Why?

A boy cannot cry. Why?

He is feelingless. He just need a girl's body. Why?

If a girl is harassed/molested/raped at least she can raise her voice. But boy no one gonna listen. Why?

If a boy touches/flirt with a girl and she feels uncomfortable, he is wrong but if girl does the same, it's completely normal. Even some people laugh of at the situation. Why?

If a boy did something wrong, girl is allowed to hit him. But in case of girl, you should not hurt/hut girls no matter what. Why?

Because he is a boy.

He is also a human and he too has feelings. He also deserves to express his emotions, his feelings, to cry his hurt out. He deserves love, care and attention.

You all must have heared this all time famous dialogue, "Don't you have a mother/sister at home?" I wanna ask you, "Don't you have a father or brother at home?"

Don't play with a girl's feelings. Treat her like a queen. Can you fucking treat him like a king? If not, then with how the hell can you expect from him?

Your views.

Any boys reading. What you wanna say?

Some of you might have felt, why the hell am I giving these lectures. But I felt a need to write. Sorry in case you got bored.

And I am so happppppppyyyyyy🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Thanks TheOceanicCommunity for this amazing contest. Thanks to all who supported me.

And thanks to my chudail who actually made this cover. Thank you so much meri chudail @sidneetfanfic Love you 😘😘😘😘 Do follow her for amazing books and pm for amazing covers.

Stay tuned for next chapter

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