Chapter 46

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The trio rushed to hospital and reached Sid's room. All of them got tears in their eyes. They saw Sid awake sitting on bed. Avu and Re rushed to him. Re hugged him cried on his shoulder.

Avu was looking at them with tears. Sid opened his arm and she also hugged him. Jai was just smiling looking at them.

Dr.: He got consciousness an hour ago

Jai: Thank you so much

Dr. patted his shoulder.

Dr.: This is all because of love and care of you three. Take care

Dr. left.

Re was not letting go of him. Sid was caressing her hair.

Avu: (shouted) You idiot fucking bastard. What the hell. You scared us to the death. Rascal

Sid chuckled at her.

Jaireem went outside.

Avu gave him a death glare. Sid held his ears and made a puppy face.

Sid: Sooooowwwwwwwwieeeeeeee😚😚😚😚😚😚😚

Avu melted but didn't show. She folded her arms near her chest and turned other side.

Sid: Sorry Avni. I didn't mean to hurt any of you. I don't know Avi that day I couldn't control myself. I don't know what happened to me. Please forgive me

Avu didn't look at him. He didn't say anything. So after a minute, she heared a sob. She looked at him. He was looking down and tears were rolling down his cheeks. Avu immediately hugged him and carressed his hair.

Avu: Sorry Sidooo I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just joking. Now stop crying

She broke the hug and wiped off his tears and kissed his forhead. She cupped his face and caressed his cheek with her thumb.

Avu interwined their fingers.

Avu: You know how much scared I was. I thought I will loose my best friend

They had an intense eye lock. Suddenly door knocked and a nurse came in.

N: I need to give him medicine

Avu: (smiled) Sure

She got up from bed without noticing their hand. N smiled at them. She gave medicine to Sid and left.

Avu: Ykw that bitch got her punishment. She is behind the bars

Sid: Means I didn't do anything?

Avu shooked her head. Sid hugged her out of happiness.

Sid: You know I was feeling too guilty and shameful of myself

Avu was looking here and there. Finally she decided to tell him the truth. She told him everything. Sid was numb for a moment. Then a tear escaped his eye.

Sid: M..m.....m..e..a...ns

He couldn't speak further and broke down. Avu hugged him rubbing his back with one hand. Other one caressing his hair.

Avu: Shh shh it's ok. Don't worry. We all are with you. Shhh calm down

She was rocking him back and forth like a baby. Finally his violent sobs slowed down. She broke the hug slowly and joined her forhead with his.

Sid: Why? Why always me Avi? What have I ever done?

Avu: I know. Now don't worry. Everything is fine

She consoled him. Finally he after sometime got normal

Avu: Now calm down ok? I am always there for you no matter what. And same goes to your sister and Jai

Sid nodded. Avu cupped his face and hair from his forhead and kissed their. After sometime, food came. Avu fed him.

After 4 days, Sid got discharged from hospital. Their final exams were approaching. And sm1 was supposed to stay at home to take care of him. So Avu used to stay with him. So they can study together for exams.

They gave exams. Sid topped as always. And Avu got nice marks without any power/influence this time. She was too happy. Jaireem also scored nice.

Avu was jumping here and there like a child. Sid was smiling looking at her. She jumped on him and hugged him tightly.

Avu: Thank you so much Sidooooooo

Sid: Hehe you yourself did it kidoo I didn't do anything

Avu: What did you called me🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨

Sid: What?

Avu: You said I am a kid😑😑😑😑😑

Sid chuckled. Avu glared at him and rolled up her sleeves. Sid started running and she was running behind him. They reached in college lawn. No one was outside college building as  weather was not good. She jumped on his back.

Avu: I will kill you. Do I look like a kid???

He put her down. He cupped her face.

Sid: Yes kid. A cute kid

They had an intense eye lock. It started raining. She caught some droplets in her hands and splashed water on his face and started running. Sid ran behind her and caught her from back. His hands were wrapped around her waist. He picked her up and twirled her.

Suddenly Sid's foot tripped and he felt down. Avu also felt with him. Avu was on top of him. Their nose was touching. Her wet hair falling on his face. His hands wrapped around her waist. If anyone would have seen them, he/she would have thought them kissing.

Sm1 clicked their pic silently and went from there.

To be continued

Guess who is sm1 😁😁😁😁😁

Stay tuned for next chapter

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