Chapter 49

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Next day in college

Jaireem were sitting in cafeteria. Sidneet joined them.

Jai:(teasingly) Oh finally see who got time for their siblings

Re: Yeee. Just best friends finally got time for us

Avu: Will you two just shut up?

Jai: Why di? I can talk to my girlfriend I guess

Avu rolled her eyes at him.

Avu: Whatever

They saw Sid is zoned out. Avu kept a hand on his shoulder.

Avu: What happened Sid?

Sid shooked his head and went from there.

Avu: What happened to him suddenly?

Re: Ummm he is missing mom dad. Tomorrow is the day it will be 15 years they left us. Bhayia was 6 years old and I was 4 years old when they both left us. When we were at school, our home caught fire and we lost our parents. Our uncle aunt showed they were too much concerned about us and took us home. We thought they actually loved us but later they showed their true colours. They used to get all the work done from us. They treated us as their slaves. They didn't let us go to school. On bhayia's insistence, they allowed us. They never gave us a penny. Their children used to torture us. Everyone in school use to bully us. We never got friends because they thought we are poor. Bhayia tried to suicide many times but always stopped thinking what will I do if he also left me. He  started part time job at age of 11 so that we can get food and study. We were intelligent so we got scholarships. The day bhayia turned 18, my so called uncle aunt asked him to tranfer dad's property on their name. Bhayia refused to that. That day when bhayia went for job, they beat me up badly and locked me in a room. Bhayia asked about me after he came back. They told they will kill me if he didn't sign papers. Bhayia pleaded them to leave me. He doesn't has anyone except me in this world. They said he had time till morning. He cried whole night because everything dad earned with his hardwork. The next morning he signed the papers and very next moment they threw us out of their home

She ended in tears remembering her dreadful past. Jai hugged her tightly. Avu was also in tears.

Avu's P.O.V.

OMG someone please dig a pit for me. I did too wrong with them. I don't even deserve to live. I myself said so much wrong to them. I am feeling so ashamed of myself.

P.O.V. ends

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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