Chapter 53

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Re was sitting on her bed thinking about Sidneet when she felt sm1 backhugging her. She was about to shout.

Sm1: Chill doll. It's me. Your cute, handsome boyfriend

Re gave him disgusting look.

Jai: What🤨🤨🤨

Re: You know what I haye liars

Jai: Whatttttttttt? I am not your boyfriend. You broke my heart bitch

He said keeping his hand on his heart and wiping his tears. Re slapped his head.

Re: Abe gadhe I am saying cute and handsome😑😑😑😑😑 Drama queen khika

Jai: Mean. I am hurt😒😒😒😒

Re: Ya ya whatever. Stop your nauranki now. Did you ask di? I know nhi poochha hoga. Kisi kaam ka ldka nhi hai. Idiot khika. You are good for nothing. How the hell I felt in love with this idiot?

Jai smashed his lips on her to stop her blabbering. They kissed each other passionately. Sid came and rolled his eyes and went from there.

Jai broke the kiss. They were panting heavily.

Re: What was that?

Jai: You were not stopping. So I had to

Re: Oh

She again got lost in her thoughts. Jai sensed something wrong with her. He sat in front of her and cupped her face.

Jai: What happened to this baby?

Re: Nothing thinking about Sid bhayia and Avu di

Jai: Oh. What happened?

Re: Actually I asked bhayia about his feelings but he said they are just best friends nothing else

Jai: Oh means di was right

Re: What?

Jai: Ummm Reemie di accepted she loves Sid bro. But she said for bhai she is just a best friend

Re: No Jai. It's not true. I know bhayia was trying to lie to me. But he is too bad at lying especially to me

Jai: So you sure bhai loves her?

Re nodded. Sid came there in formals ready for interview.

Jai: Hey bro. What's up?

Sid: Hii. Just going for interview

Jai: You know what? You don't need to

Sid: Why?

Jai: You can directly work in your bestie's company. I don't think she minds giving you job

Sid: See Jai. I want whatever I do in my life I do on my hard work and calliber. I don't wanna get selected with Avni's name

Jai smiled at him.

Jai: But you applied there right?

Sid nodded.

Sid: I would love to work there if I am eligible to

Jai: All the best bro

He said giving him a bro hug.

Jai: Can I ask you something?

Sid: Sure

Jai: Bro don't you love Avu di?

Sid: What's up with you two asking me about Avni?

Jai was about to speak something but he got a call. He went outside.

Re: Bhai tell na please

Sid: I already told princess. What now?

Re: No truth. I wanna hear the truth

Sid: Reemieee....

Re: (cuts him) Ok I will believe you. But swear on me you don't love her

Sid looked at her shocked.

Re: Say na bhai

Sid: Reemie I....

Re: What? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 Look into my eyes that you don't love Avu di

Sid looked into her eyes.

Sid: Arghhh fine. I do. I love her. I love Avni

Re jumped onto him.

Re: (excitedly) Finally you accepted. But why you refused before?

Sid: Reemieee see we two are totally different. She is too rich. She own such a successful buisness. Why will she marry me? She has much better option

Jai: (from behind) You are right bro. She can get many better guys than you. But no one like you. The one who gave her new life. One who showed her what real love is. And if you think we have differences. Same goes for Reemiee and me. Trust me bro love doesn't see differences


To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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