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"Unexpected kisses are the best." - via quoteslife101.net.


Sarah Reeves' POV:

My eyes popped out of my sockets the moment I witnessed the clear view of the huge and perfectly furnished suite or room or whatever they called it. My gaze traveled all over and I couldn't be more amused. The next instant, the room service walked in to place the bags inside. I was so excited that I wanted to leap up and down. I glanced around taking out my shades and it was unexplainable. I realized I was on my own. I had no idea where Ryden was. He was right with me when we reached outside this suite. Honestly, I didn't really care at the moment. I was busy admiring this amazing place.

The hotel is so exquisite and amazing and the views of Dubai from here were breathtaking and incredible. With a swift motion, I closed the door instantly and started jumping up and down, exploring this mini house. I sipped on my espresso served by the butler, I inhaled the fresh aroma of it.

Ryden wasn't kidding when he mentioned about me and him sharing the same room. Only if I had known, that this room was this bigger, I wouldn't have protested it while we checked in. Rather I would address this room as a house than a suite or a room. The huge area consisted of two big bedrooms, a living room with a bigger TV, couple more couches and a well-furnished kitchen with a dining table for four at the end. Not to forget, a pool too.

Splendid! Perks of pretending to be a rich guy's fake girlfriend. I sped towards the room and switched on music.

🎶I feel good🎤🎼

So good, so good, I got you🎤🎹
🎶I feel nice, so nice, I got you.

I feel good, so good, so good🎻🎼

Bouncing on the big soft bed, I hummed along. I pretended to play an invisible guitar and I was just being me. I felt pumped, even more excited. All the mundane worries of my life had been muted and all that's left is only this moment. No crying over the past and no anxiety about the future. It was all about right now. I felt giddy with the excitement; thinking about the upcoming time. I wanted not to stop this grin which kind of became permanent since I touched down and I would perhaps shout and tell about my glee when Ella or Mum would call. I just couldn't sit down and continued dancing instead.

Finally, when my breaths felt heavy, with all the cavorting, I fell down on the bed and recklessly lay down. Maybe I'm crazy, but who cares. It's not like anyone is here with me to judge about my condition right now. However, I somehow turned and my brows rose, spotting my partner for the next upcoming days. I sheepishly smiled but my cheeks turned warm due to embarrassment. I stood back on my feet but, my tiredness wasn't yet gone and I stumbled as my leg got stuck.

And in no time, I was on my way to falling down, meeting the floor, but he was pretty quick taking long strides and caught hold of my arm and then at the small of my back. "Thanks." I breathed out. My hair was all over my face and immediately, he helped me remove them off. His cold fingers contacted my skin, bringing back the odd things in the pit of my stomach. He probably hasn't realized it yet that he was brushing off his fingers against my face making me feel tentative.

I haven't been this close to any guy. Releasing me first, he adjusted his tie and then covered up his smirk which appeared effortlessly from the corner of his lips and I bit my inner cheeks. I suddenly wanted to disappear or hide. He coughed a little bringing me out of my discomposure and I nervously smiled it off.

"One is bound to trip and leap when they're about to witness something new and fascinating," I stated and he chuckled.

"Too much excitement is not good for Ryden Parker's girlfriend though. Cope with it sooner babe." He further added with a smug grin.

"It's the feeling of happiness. You cannot control that, rich guy." I tapped on his cheek and he wasn't smiling anymore. I stared at him puzzled. All I could comprehend was his cold eyes. And the next moment, without saying anything further, he walked out of the room. That was really strange about him. Only after a good minute, I was brought out of my absurd thoughts. I smacked myself for the irrational and baseless thoughts.

What am I even thinking!?

I was about to drag my bag to my room when there was a knock at the door.

Ryden. I can't argue about why I would hurry myself to open the door. However, it wasn't that one certain creature that I secretly hoped leaving me kind of unhappy.

"Hi! I'm Sherry, your private butler until you stay at this exclusive hotel, ma'am." He acknowledged and my brows met the ceiling in amusement.

"Oh! Thanks! I mean, I'm Sarah." I smiled back and he stared at me smiling.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. Please come in." I uttered as he gave me a slight understanding nod. "To which room ma'am?" He questioned and I pointed towards my across, from where I just emerged to open the door as he smiled.

"May I help you in unpacking your bags ma'am?" He further asked and I managed a slight nod.
"Please call me Sarah," I said and he nodded. He took both the cases, which belonged to me and Ryden to the said room as I followed him. Opening the bag, he started helping me hanging my dresses inside the closet.

"May I unpack Mr. Parker's case too?" He inquired and I hesitantly nodded.
I would transfer his clothes to his room once the butler leaves this room.

"There's a grand celebration at the party hall downstairs," Sherry's words caught my attention as I looked at him with an intrigued look. "All of our special and celebrity guests are invited. I'm pretty confident you'd enjoy your time being here," he informed. "I have been ordered to give you this invitation." He extended the card roll wrapped with a purple ribbon as I accepted it with a smile on my face.

"You're most welcome and do let me know if you need any kind of help." He smiled followed by a small bow as I nodded. "Thank you," I replied and he finally took his leave. I unwrapped the card and it sounds like a really big celebration for me.

Awesome! Sounds like a great plan for me.


I'm so pissed at him right now.

Ryden doesn't answer my calls. I have no idea where he had been. He acts really eccentric sometimes. I hate to be aware of this but he had been peculiar since last night. But it's more puzzling when he suddenly acts like a caring guy. I couldn't stop this smile when I thought about the way he handled my wrecked state inside his aircraft. But then again, there's this version of him sometimes, where he is cold, though not with words, but eyes, like this afternoon when he met me inside this room. He just disappeared. He doesn't call me, nor he answers my calls.

What about Alison? Well, I found out by chance that she happens to be missing too. And I don't want to assume but all I could do was believe the same. I mean, I am nobody to judge or carry an opinion but hell, I am. I'm here for a big reason and that reason is apparently Alison and he doesn't really care. He just doesn't try harder to show this pretense. Damn him. I am done thinking about it.

I looked at myself in the mirror and continued staring at my reflection apprehensively. I chose a rose gold sequin dress, which Ella gave me. It had a stunning look with a rounded neckline with scooping back and three-quarter sleeves. A smile took over my lips and I adjusted my hair, and then straightened my outfit in order to get rid of the wrinkles on it if there are any, and finally smiled again in fulfilment. I suddenly felt like someone seditious. If he could pay no heed about my existence, so can I, for sure. I'm just going to have fun. I can take care of my joy. Ryden can go to hell, with Alison or whichever chick he wants to and song the throats off of them.

Instantly, the moments of our kisses clouded my brain leaving me more troubled and bothered. Damn rich guy.

I shook again and took the ticket to the big party and kept it inside my clutch. Taking out my phone, I tried to contact Ryden for the last time and I guess he still doesn't feel the need of answering it. I'm really incensed. Its been almost half a day and he doesn't be bothered. I free my head removing those thoughts as I take out my nude stilettos and wore them. Checking myself for one last time, I walked out of the room.

As I reach outside the venue downstairs, I showed my party invite to the staff present there and in return, she gave me a blue colored ribbon-like band and I wore it with a smile on my face. The moment I stepped inside, my eyes rose in awe. It was such a big area and everything was so grandly set. Instantaneously, I had this happy and upbeat vibe. I don't care if I was lonely here or not, but I am going to enjoy all by myself in this one. I don't need to be there for work the coming morning either and I can manage myself upstairs to the suite if I ever decide if getting sloshed anyhow. So, in short, I can be happy-go-lucky and get smashed if I feel or want to! Do hell with wants and feels. I am counting myself unsteady tonight. I was delighted and I wasn't sober even before I started having drinks or martinis.


I advanced my steps as I settled myself on one of the luxurious seats as I entertained myself by watching over the dancing couples. Noticing them, I realized each partner having the same colored bands. Like I had the blue one given by staff at the entrance.

I'm not dancing with a stranger. One stranger in my life is totally abundant, who gave me a valid reason to be furious at him. Would he show up?

Maybe being alone wasn't a good idea! Looking around and everyone had either someone or the other as their company made me recognize how unaided I actually was and that reminded me of him all over again. However, his cold look that he carried only made me cringe in boredom. All of my vibes instantly faded away. I wanted to go back to my room and watch some good movie or listen to some good music or just sleep. But not here anymore. I felt lonely like never before, at the moment.

I got up to leave but my gaze landed towards the highlighted bar. Maybe I could have something. A drink if not, at least a couple of shots. And I could not resist myself from going there and having a seat. "One martini please," I ordered and there we go. I guess I don't need to mention how easily I get wrecked up. But today, I tried to be restrained. I have had only 3 martinis. The responsible Sarah was back.

I just put down my third glass, when there was a foreign voice. "Talking with strangers have not been a problem for me." I twisted my face to find a brute in black holding a drink and sipping on it. I gave him an uninteresting smile as I sipped on mine too, "Congratulations on such achievement." I give him a wry look as he chuckled approaching closer.

"Is it possible to meet someone special in a party like this?" He asked as I laughed in mockery. "No?" He added unquestioningly.
"Well, the odds do not seem to be in your favor." I smirked, "Not much of a nice try." I grinned.

"Well, then what about a dance?" He smiled extending his hand out for me, "Do you think that would work for a bit." He asked. I laughed slyly. "Its just one dance, baby girl. Our bands match either." He grinned boyishly uplifting his hand and showcasing his wrist making me roll my eyes.

"That was not meant to be serious now, was it?" I raised my brows only to get a cheeky smile.

"Well, what can I say?" He admitted sheepishly. "It would be because I want to and not for that stupid reason Mr. Stranger." I somehow found myself okay with it, "And it's Sarah." I said giving my hand as he laughed.

"And it's Ben, in case you're wondering." He laughed. The dance wasn't bad. It was a normal one with less touching and closeness.

"Sarah," he starts to say the next moment, "You here for work or fun?"

"Both," I replied.
"I'm on a holiday until next week." He said.
"I did not wish to know." I snickered.
"I am very aware of that, baby girl. And I would also like to let you know that I'm staying in this same hotel if you ever feel like hanging out." He smirked.
"You really are not expecting to meet Mr. Right?" Ben asked amusement dancing around his eyes.

"Well, I already have one." I sardonically grinned. He raised his brows. Before he could continue, I expressed the need to drink something not alcoholic. "I can no longer carry on. I need a drink."
"Great, we're improving." He let out a playful smirk and I rolled my eyes playfully as well walking towards the bar.

"A decent cocktail with less alcohol, please," I ordered and my request was instantly fulfilled.
"That cocktail looks great," Ben asked, "What is it?" I was about to reply, but there was a light hesitant tap on my shoulder. I tilted my head and found that same pair of confused eyes I've been seeing all the time these days.

"Well, what a pleasant surprise!" I faked a cheer, turning my body facing him as he had this frown on his forehead. I have so much going on inside me, things to snap and words of contempt to mock at him, but I somehow reminded myself about my company. He gave me a perplexed stare, studying my stance. "You're drunk, again?" He rather irresolutely inquired as I rolled my eyes, "No I'm not. You're just a bit blurry. That is all I guess." I thought I snapped a bit there.

"Look, Ryden, I wanted you to meet someone," I turned towards Ben. He smiled. "This is Ben. He is funny sometimes," I chuckled and glanced over Ryden, who quite maintained his cool aura. "This amazing guy is my boyfriend, Ryden Parker." I finished glancing at both of them. Before anyone could react, the shoddy Parker interrupted.

"I need alone time with my girlfriend." He uttered in a persistent tone as I glared at him.
"Sure. Take care, darling." Ben smiled and soon, he disappeared.

Ryden was enraged. I got up from my seat and decided to go back to the room. He completely broke off the time for me. I was doing great with Ben. He was actually funny and nice.

"How many shots you've had?" He questioned doggedly and I gave him a livid stare. "Stop glaring." He snapped.

"Why do you want to know? By the way, I think I said that I am not tipsy. I'm sober." I responded in the same tone he used as I started walking away. But he stood to face me and jamming my way.

"You said I appear blurry to you. That means you are already rolling drunk. And I won't let you anymore." He spoke and it came out so sharp and full of haughtiness that I wanted to land my fist right on his nose. After disappearing for more than 12 hours, he shows up and acts all bigheaded with me.

"You don't tell me that alright!" I countered gradually, as I gritted, "I can absolutely get tipsy if I want to. I don't need your approval." I hissed in the end.

"What are you doing here all alone?" He asked avoiding my outrage; his voice came out slow and patient this time, "And why haven't you been responding to my calls? I was worried." He added making me jerk my face his way.

"Oh really; that is something new to hear!" I spoke in derision. He managed to give me a void stare as I continued, "I was having a little fun anyway. I almost thought you forgot about me coming with you on this trip." I deride again and he sighed. He took one of the seats and pointed me to sit. I was still pissed, yet I obliged as I noticed my unfinished glass and gulped all in one go.

"I need one more of this," I demanded but soon changed my wish, "Actually not this but something highly alcoholic, thank you," I said and my request was soon granted. Ryden frowned and tried to warn but I wasn't listening. Probably, his earlier statement entirely covered with superiority made me do this.

"Stop it now. Let's go back to our room." He commanded after I wished for another glass of the bitter thing. I was more willed towards pissing this person off and pretended to not hear anything Ryden was talking and ordered another drink. "Stop being silly for no reason. And for god sake Sarah, stop gulping down like its water," he stopped me midway as I lift my glass up.

"Fine. What do you want to say? I'll act as if I'm listening." I spoke facing his way.
"I thought you were already sleeping..." before he could finish, I was ready to erupt.

"How can you think like that?" I gave him an affronted glare for deciding like that. He should have at least contacted. I continue expressing my displeasure, "I mean I know I'm under your control for a few more days, but you cannot disregard like that. Do you have any explanation for your actions? Obviously, why would you even feel the need to explain anything to me? Who am I to you? A fucking nobody, right? I stand literally nowhere and why would you even care if I am hurt or pissed or affected. And let me clear this to you, Mr. Parker, I'm happy to say that I don't care either. Go anywhere you want with Alison or any another woman. I got what I wanted and that's..." that's it. I was interrupted with his lips which were on mine now and that's just most triggering. I wasn't expecting it at all.

I was obviously surprised and flattered by the way he did it. I was tipsy. My legs refused to stand and I was glad he held me and continuing to sweep me off my feet. I don't know if it was because of the kiss or the woozy influence, but either way, I couldn't stand. It was only him until I decided to move my lips and the chap smirked into the kiss. I held his hand tighter and damn, it was so wonderful and perfect. I couldn't stop this erratic beating of my heart. Something unusual and new started building and craving inside my system. I wanted him not to stop this. I loved it. I did not feel awkward or weird like the previous time, yet, I was mystified and scared, but the good kind of scared.

I did not want to let go of him. He felt the same may be, because, the next moment, he pulled me closer. His lips moved too passionately and all I could manage was let him control my mouth. I pulled away, finally. I couldn't breathe. He still had his arm encircled at the small of my back as he stared into my eyes. I could only open my eyes partly and it took me much to stand without him holding me. I feel so giddy.

Ryden brought his hand up as he brushed off a strand of hair and I happen to notice the same colour of band as me. "I want to have a dance with you!" I whispered immediately, grabbing his hand and trying to pull him with me to where other people were dancing. My sane self would be so pissed on myself; realizing I encouraged his ignorance that effortlessly. And I had no idea why I was taking this band thing so seriously either when it was I who mocked Ben earlier about the same thing. Maybe I did not want to go back. I wanted to be around him and I know he would not be the same if we go back and hell, I did not realize I could think this way even my senses are not working fine.

I stumbled after taking a step or two, but he was too immediate to handle my frame.

"What!" He managed to react, "Sarah, you're unbelievable!" He exclaimed and my name sounded differently good when he uttered it. Although, I never paid attention earlier.

"No. I'm intoxicated and I did not trip, I was just walking cursive," I cackled stupidly and louder than necessary.

"Look that way." I pointed towards the dance floor and before he could react, I forcefully dragged him towards it but he was rooted to his place.

"But..." I cut him off.

"Shut up. You will listen to me this time rich guy." I uttered and laughed for god knows what and his expressions hardened.
"Stop calling me that." He wasn't harsh though.

"Oops! Sorry," I pouted and sat back where I was settled earlier.

"You're going to be guilty about this tomorrow." He groaned though letting me drag him further. I managed to stare at him nonstop. I don't know what was going on with me since this morning. It's been an unusual, strange and weird day for me. But I guess it's going to end so fine. Ryden had raised his brows realizing my continuous stares on him and I shook it off by shrugging.

I averted my gaze and frowned noticing a familiar woman dancing with someone. She turned and it happens to be Alison. I smiled and waved in order to take her attention.

"Over here Alison, here," I screamed and Ryden stared at me in horror.

"What?" He chuckled. He was quite amused. I ignored him as I continued waving at her and she was already on her way towards where we were seated.

"Ah...we already have the power couple here!" She mocked giggling; eyeing me and letting out a bitter smile and then smiled unnecessarily sweeter glancing at Ryden. She progressed a few more steps as she hugged me. I crumbled deliberately backing away. I wasn't an expert in showing people that I liked them. Although, I hate my transparency sometimes.

Alison let out a sardonic smirk standing near him placing her hand on his shoulder. I cringed at the sight of her fighting for his attention. I was simply too angry to react and I gulped another two glasses. I feel like some aged, grumpy alcoholic person. Damn. Like a fool, I invited her over here.

"One more, please," I spoke glancing towards the bar guy. "Sure." He grinned nodding his head like my favorite cartoon character Noddy.

"Sarah," Ryden spoke in a warning like tone and I looked at him. "That's just enough for tonight, sweetheart. You can barely walk. Come on; let's take you back to the room." He completed getting up and taking my hand, preventing me from sipping on this new drink.

"Oh come on guys!" I flinched by the sudden reaction that came from Alison as she grimaced looking my way. Ryden turned to face her carrying his best puzzled look.

"There's nobody here. You needn't pull this act over here." She let out a dry chuckle and her eyes held coldness.

I glanced at Ryden traumatized by her statement and he continued giving her confused stares. This guy is one best actor, I must say. I'm not even that high yet. I wanted to get forgetful to get away with this reality that was kind of menacing.

"What are you talking about?" He spoke as she shook in distrust and she sighed.

"Fine. Kiss her." Now that was something I felt so stupefied and excited at the same time. I felt the same kind of tingly sensations. I was not against but in fact, I was waiting for him to hold me like earlier and take me off of my feet.

"And as you know, I always had this doubt," Alison's voice only dragged my interest. She added with a wry smile, "It wasn't hidden right, my suspiciousness regarding your relationship. End my doubt and share a kiss. You fidgeted last time. It's no big deal if you are a real couple." She challenged folding her arms as she passes me a knowing smirk. She has no idea. Poor girl. Only if she knew how many times I had overlooked my own clause. We had already kissed more than a couple of times.

"I don't want to attest anything to you." Ryden hissed leaving me to pout sadly. What am I even thinking? Am being grouchy cause he refused to kiss me? That's path "Undeniably, I kissed her already in front of you." He cleverly dismissed but still, she continued smiling evilly. Though I liked her demand yet I was pissed. Why was she so bothered and intruding!?

"Well," she chuckled stepping closer, "That was probably because your fake girlfriend almost spilt everything out." She smiled and this made my eyes bug out in shock. The little bit of tipsiness I had due to drinking completely vanished.

"Kiss and I wouldn't bother again." She shrugged masking a cool expression making me more peeved.

"Look...you're assuming..." This time I started but before I could complete, he pulled me and pecked on my lips. I killed the remaining distance as I tiptoed a bit crashing my lips against his.

By the time I had realized what's going on, it was too late already. His warm hand rested on my cheek, holding it to place and his cold lips meeting mine. All of my senses were shocked and my eyes were wide open. I intended to move my lips a little to match his pace but it was the moment when it suddenly ended. He pulled away, unclasping his intertwined fingers with mine. I had no idea when he took my hand and held it. I was busy gasping for air. I just stared at him. His hand went around my waist as he dropped a slight kiss on my temple. I was flattered.

For a moment, I forgot that it was all a fake thing. And that made me poignant. My stance was broken by his voice, "Come on love, we got to go back." He grabbed my arm as I still felt my lips numb. I could still feel his lips on mine.

I managed to look at Alison and tried to hide my affected state. She finally shuts up and carries the coldness in her eyes. I felt Ryden's occasional glances as I looked his way once. I closed my eyes as I lean against his shoulder.

"I can't walk," I whispered.
"Just a little more, sweetheart, and we're already there." He replied and I took in a deep breath.


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