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"You're allowed to scream, you are allowed to cry, but do not give up." - Pinterest.


Sarah Reeves' POV:

"Sarah...Sarah..." My dream ended abruptly, as I was shaken back to reality. I opened my eyes, my eyelashes batting against the lids as I blink. My muscles felt so weak. I let out an exasperated sigh, groaning as I rolled over the other side.

What time was it? And how much time had I been asleep? I questioned myself.

"Wake up Sarah." The same voice rang in my ears making me grumble out loud. I don't remember anyone waking me up this peacefully. Is the world's finally being nice to my existence? Rubbing my eyes trying to remove the sleepiness out of my eyes, I looked at the person who decided to wake me up.

Surprisingly, it was Ella.

I couldn't recognize earlier because her way of waking me up was quite softer than usual. She often screeches or yells from the living room making it harder for me to start my day with peace. But today, she was quite mannered and somehow I managed to summon up a small smile.

"Are you done staring at me?" Ah! There we go. Her snappy voice made me realize her conduct wasn't as good as I thought right away making me curl up my eyes in infuriation.

"Okay, what did I do now?" She questioned, her brows wriggling as if she was never cold to me let alone made me incensed with her behaviour. I continue giving her those intent glares, though. "You look like you want to rip my heart out." She smirked as I let out an evident fake smile, "Oh I'm so sorry sister but that's how my face works when you are this sweet and nice to me." I ridicule as she only chuckled in amazement.

"Ah! Savage queen eh?" she evilly grinned again. Living with Ella and getting peace are two different things. One cannot hope for both. "But I gotta tell you this; keep it at bay and get your lazy ass up from that bed and get yourself ready real quick. You need to be at work I guess." She mocked folding her arms as I grimaced all over again.

Rolling her eyes, she finally decided to leave me alone. But not before tilting her head my way with an annoying statement. Ella smugly grins, "I think you're getting late baby sister. You sleep way too much." Saying so, she left my room, not forgetting to wink at me in a tease.

My eyes widened as my gaze dropped by my wall clock and guess what, I'm really late.

Shit! I needed to be early today. I have no idea how Anthony's condition was. I forgot my phone yesterday in my gym's locker as well.

The rain this morning is crazy and the noise of cars and taxis hooting is deafening. I missed my bus today. No big deal though; happens to me all the time since I'm anything but an early riser. The jacket I wore was far from a lifesaver from this continuous waterfall. There's no point in wearing heavy clothes as they would get damp anyway. The only thing that would keep me warm is my own movement. I sprinted again, taking up my speed to reach the next stop and catch a transport. I'm starting to get jealous of these people driving in cars. They would be feeling the warmth in such terrible weather. I can't ignore it otherwise. It's been a part of my life after all.

I glance everywhere around me and the busy morning street amazed me all over again. What's so hurry? One could just wake a bit early and proceed at a normal speed. Ironic huh, I mean something I don't follow. I'm one of them too.

"I'm late. What do I miss?" I asked Jon, my fellow worker, as he acknowledged my presence in the store.

"The bad news." He informs me with a slight shake if his head. His expression could be named as a depressing and I noticed him sigh occasionally. I frowned deeply. Before I could ask, he continued, "Anthony is no more." He completed sadly as he made his way with me inside the locker room.

I was shocked and dismayed to hear about Anthony. He was a good employer and an amazing person first.

"The other day when he was passed out, he had already lost his battle. He had a cardiac arrest." Jon explained leaving me highly anguished and hysterical. I wasn't actually ready for this. I was yet to register it whole when I notice him emptying his locker.

"Where are you leaving?" I asked him.
"I'm not going to work here anymore." he phrased making me frown.

"Why?" I asked facing him as he sighed.
"You don't have an idea about his cousin, do you?" He inquired as I continued glancing at him quizzically.

"What about his cousin?" I questioned as he sighed again.

"Obviously you wouldn't know. You were late." He declared snorting again in a dramatic manner. Why can't he just tell me? Before I could snap, he started, "He just left from here," Jon packed his things. His eyes squinting in contempt as if he just remembered something. "And let me tell you, he's the most annoying and abusive person I have ever met here." He completed and I just stared at him perplexed.

"What's wrong with you Jon? Are you seriously quitting and walking out?" I disbelievingly uttered. What was the fuzz about? Now when I rewind a few minutes ago, it only increased my confusion. Not only Jon but also few other trainers seeming to give up. It was a huge hustle bustle when I reached here.

"They are not closing it. Are they? Does that mean I have to quit too?" I mean there will be another boss. I'm sure Florence would find some way out. Suddenly I panicked. The job was important for my life and I just can't imagine losing it. Damn, I cannot hunt for a week job now without a degree.

"No Sarah, they are not." He responded nonchalantly as he picked a few other things from the floor and shoving inside his bag in haste. A breath of relief escaped my mouth but soon a sad frown replaced thinking about Anthony. Why Jon wants to leave though. I frowned at the thought. Before I rain my queries upon him, he answered, "I have decided to stop now. The cousin suddenly appears and the gym is his property. I can't work for such nasty and bothersome man." He started walking away.

"Jon, wait," I yell as I trail behind him, "You can't leave me alone here." I reasoned and he turned arching up his brow at me.

"Sarah, I suggest you leave too. He is so perverted." He warned making a grim face. Before I could reply, he walked out.

That's what I was talking about; Jon can be excessively dramatic sometimes.

I blindly make my steps towards my locker to take out my phone and then I'd probably leave. It doesn't seem like I have anything to do here for the rest of the day. Florence seems to be not here as well. Before I could walk out of the room, to my surprise, I was dragged to the closest corner forcefully. I looked up above my level and frowned, coming face to face with a stranger. I tried getting away from his grip which was unnecessarily firm around my wrist.

"Who are you and how dare you?" I hissed jerking his hand away and stepping as farther as possible from him and this only caused him to smirk evilly.

"Well, don't you look hot today?" He smirked eyeing me from head to toe and I felt his perverted gaze wander all over making me feel repugnant about his very existence. "Eyes up here, you moron." I snapped in a high pitched voice as he mumbled again, "Pretty hot! I like it." He smirked steadily moving towards me.

"That's because I'll literally kill you if you come that close to me." I hissed and then his eyes twitched into a vicious smile, "You seem interesting." He completed stepping my way again.

"You are just allowed to enter in that area. Do you get that? Now get lost from here and don't you dare to barge in here next time." I enraged warning him. "How did you even manage to get in here, this is only for the people working here. I could get you thrown out of this building for such an unprofessional, perverted and creepy act." I frantically exclaimed making my way towards the door.

"Well, I followed you." He stated casually as he leaned in making my nerves cringe in scorn and disgust, "By the way, I have the entire permissions darling. You would be glad to know that I own this place now." He disclosed the fact as my brows met the ceiling in fright and realization.

Jon was talking about him. Stepping back again I widened my eyes, looking his way. He let out an amusing chuckle as he traced my arm.

"Anthony was my cousin." He explained with a casual shrug. There wasn't a single trace of dreariness in the way he had expressed. Jon was right and I better leave too, like everyone. Before I could exit, he grabbed my arm and pushed the door and then pinned me against it.

"Leave me." I hollered as he scrunched at my loud shriek...

"You're playing hard!" He exclaimed as he twisted my arm at my back making it hard for me to protest.

"Let me go you pervert." I hissed painfully when he twisted more. Silent tears formed at the corner of my eyes. I closed my eyes tight in order to suppress them from falling down.

I banged my leg back against the door trying to get some help. But to my dismay, it wasn't helping too. I can't believe Jon didn't warn me enough. He could have explained clearly about this pervert. Jerk.

Well, he actually did but I was too ignorant. Darn it.

That's all it took me to summon up all of my force and kick right between his legs with my knee. It wasn't enough but I did manage to stop his assault on me and got a few moments in my hand to escape the nearing tragedy. I noticed him as he stumbled on his foot, his eyes showing wrath and ferocity. Before he could attack me more, I rushed out of the place.

I just saved myself from getting myself abused.


"You did what?" Ella shrieked making me close my eyes as I walked back to my room. I felt her trailing behind me. "Answer me, Sarah." She yelled at the top of her voice and I turned to face her. Frustration already building up inside my system.

"Yes, I'm here. What you want to know?" I retorted folding my arms.

It was my absurdity to talk to myself that too at full volume and she managed to invade my alone time and heard all of it.

"Why did you give up your job?" She pressed on each word as she bellowed stepping closer. "I am not going to be the only one to paying these bills alright." She enraged glaring at me. What is wrong with her? I just arrived and she welcomes me saying things like this. Gosh, she is unbelievable.

"My employer expired and his cousin who replaced him is a high-class pervert and a jerk, Ella." I irately uttered as her brows furrowed, "I just managed to save myself from being abused by him. Do you want me to see him regularly and get myself into trouble on regular basis?" I outraged.

She had a plain look all over her eyes as I heaved a sigh dropping myself carelessly on my bed.

"I'm sorry, I did not realize that." She uttered in a low regretful tone as I stared at her, not believing the fact that she just apologized for something.

"What do you think, I like to quit just like that?" I peered at her. She parted her lips to speak, when I cut her off, "Whatever. Can you just leave me alone?" I asked. She spared a glance my way and then calmly walked away.

That's what I wanted right now.

I wanted to be alone.
My mind slowly registered everything.

I just saved myself from getting raped or something like that. Letting out an exasperated sigh, I landed my body on my bed, my feet still touching the ground. I stared blankly at the ceiling thinking about my life.

About Ella, Mom and every other little issue. Why can't she behave normally for once and stop being bitchy and snide? She wasn't like this from the beginning.

When he brought her home, right after her mother's death, she was so calm and a girl with few words. Then puberty hit her so hard that, here she is being so callous and unfeeling. Since the irresponsible man left us, everything fell out of place.

Shaking my head and removing those disturbing thoughts out of my head, I found myself thinking about getting myself another job, the first thing tomorrow morning. God, this is going to be too hard. Finding a suitable job for this holiday period would be too tough.

I grabbed my phone and called Jon. I cannot just survive with my weekend singing job. That's just not enough.

"Hey, Jonny." I managed to sound as normal as possible and he somehow couldn't grasp the hidden weariness in my voice. Before he could reply, I fired my statement. "Help me in finding a job starting tomorrow." I rather ordered and he chuckled, "Good that you took this better guy's advice, sweetheart." That only made me smile bitterly. Jerk.

"Okay. I think I got it. You can count on me, sweetie. Let's go for a job hunt the coming morning." He answered right back and a small smile formed on my lips.

"Thanks," I said and I hung up on him. He is one of the people I could count on at times like these. I hope I could find a better place to work with an appropriate salary that could help me in paying my pending bills.

These bills give me an attack. Just sleep! And with that thought, I drifted off to a deep slumber.


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