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"How did I end up here?" Sarah wondered out loud, her forehead forming endless frowns of fright as well as confusion. Her gaze wandered; the door was closed. That is when her heart took its speed winning over her fragile, steady footsteps. With trembling hands, she twisted the knob but it was locked.

"Why is it not opening!" Sarah gasped and tried again, this time with utmost urgency and fiercely yet it was not anywhere being enough. 

Have I been kidnapped!?

Sarah pulled out her hair in frustration and stomped her foot. It was rather too stupid of her for being so carelessly irresponsible. She panicked and was on verge of crying when there was a slight click from outside leaving her alarmed. It was sudden. Stumbling few times to get a hold of the big vase resting on the showcase beside the door; Sarah held it gripping on it as hard as possible.

And to her utter displeasure, the door opened creepily, revealing someone who had a permanent smirk around his lips.

"All peace. I promise." The guy wearing an expensive three-piece suit walked in, his lips curving. She could just stare at him wide-eyed. However, she found herself ready to smack his head with it if he ever decides to cause her any kind of harm. The moment he witnessed the terrified girl with the glass object in her hand, he concealed his hilarity. Sarah frowned gripping the show-piece which unfortunately started being slippery due to the amount of sweating in her palms.

Steadily, he took his steps forward and the gasping girl being as clumsier as ever, thought of stepping back but only to get her toe stuck with the carpet down there and cried, closing her eyes; waiting for her body to touch the ground. However, apparently that never happened and the feeling of two pairs of arms that encircled her stomach made Sarah to open her eyes and there she was, in this smirking stranger's arms.

He quickly let go of her, though. The vase was lying down dismantled and the rich guy gave her a stare which she found quite readable. He was annoyed.

Why for!? Sarah wondered again!

He tilted his head and stared at the door which was now ajar. Now when she looks at him closely, he seems familiar. "Have I met him before!?" She questioned taking two steps forward, resulting in her facing him as he gave her his weird eyes. His front face looked like a stranger. If course, he is a stranger. Sarah shook realizing her vacancy and suddenly, she happens to hit with a realization; she have been held captive by him.

"Who are you? Why in the world am I here and what do you..." Sarah trailed off as he turned his body sideways again, forcing her to think about his well-known features; all over again.

Stupidly forgetting about her situation here, the perplexed creature found herself asking him, "Have we met before? You seem quite familiar to me!" She exclaimed only to earn an incredulous stare.

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