Chapter 3: What A Mess

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea! The Mothman!"

Tru says as we continue to drive in our circus of a convoy.

"I don't think that's how it goes."

Jay says as I look around, in the lead vehicle as we drive back towards FOB Price.

"I will Pastrami."

Splash says on the gunner seat as Jay looks at him.

"Did you say Pastrami?"

Jay asks him as I notice something in the distance.

"Yeah, it's my comfort food-"


A Tank shell flew over us as Erika starts blasting in front of us.


I Say as I quickly go off-road We quickly got out of the vehicle.

The girls quickly took cover eith us as rounds flew over us.


Jay Yells as I Aim my Rifle and fire at the Bandits who were wearing a mix of Bandit clothes and WW2 German Clothing.

"Jesus Fuck!"

Splash Exclaims as he Aims his AT-4 At the Tiger and fires. The round hit the Tiger but it was still moving.

"Oh Goddammit-"


The Entire hostile lines were lit up with hot lead as the Tiger Tank started to cook up.


I tell as we all ducked, the Tiger explodes as it was now a burning mess. We all look up to see the entire hostile lines destroyed with an A-10 Flying Over.

"Huh, we must be near the FOB Then."

Jay says as we all stood up, we look back to see our vehicles were destroyed from the battle.

"Guess we're walking."

Jay says as we begin to walk towards the enemy lines as we found a speaker playing Erika. I switched it off as we start walking forward. I glance at the four females again with one of them carrying the girl.

"Never got y'all names."

I told them as black hair just looks at me.

"Every time we say our names you guys see it as weird...ummm..."

She pauses before glancing at her friends.

"...My Name is Maddie..."

She says hesitantly as if that wasn't her real name as the girls got what she meant.

"My name is SOP-...Sophia."

The girl with the odd clothing and creepy face says.


They said as I just look at them confused.

"See, no need to worry about saying your name."

I told Maddie as we kept walking.

"Ummm...What happened here?"

Ariel asks as I just look at her.

"You did hit your head on a rock. Well, everything went to shit, World war 3. It was chaos. Nukes and the HAARP Facilities don't have a great mix.

Jay says as we stop, crouching on the road as we see an Abandoned FOB Ahead.

"It isn't our FOB But it's something...wonder where that A-10 came from."

Splash says as I walk ahead with my rifle shouldered. All of the sudden a round zipped through Raz's shoulder as I quickly grab him. We all hid behind a destroyed car since it was the only cover we could find as we hear the rounds impact the car.


I look at Maddie with confusion, she suddenly runs out of cover, waving both of her arms at the FOB As the Gunfire stopped.

"What the..."

Jay mutters as the girls walk out of cover, confusing the rest of us as we see two people come out of the FOB, approaching us. In instinct, I mounted my M16 on the hood of the car with my rifle aimed at them. I look closely through my scope as I made them out.

"Something isn't right...Even for Tru..."

Jay says as he too looks down at his rifle.

"We only saw women in the settlements, a few naval personnel but where are these coming from, and why are they wearing odd clothing."

Splash says as we glance at the girls approaching the two.

"Let alone, have a working World war two rifle in the middle of World War Three."

I say as Jay patches up Raz. I slowly got out of cover, lowering my aim but keeping my rifle shouldered. I approached the woman as Maddie turns to me.

"This is Ummm...Mia and Karoline. Isn't that right?"

Maddie says to the two as they suspiciously nod.

"Well, listen. You guys can stay there since it's abandoned it's safer than going with us."

I told them as Jay joins me.

"Yeah, we're walking targets. You guys would be safer in that abandoned FOB, besides we still need to find our FOB and our comms can't reach them."

Jay says as Tru comes next to us.

"How about him?"

Tru says as we look up to see the A-10 Flyby.

"That's...not a bad idea."

I say as Jay tries to get radio contact with the A-10.

"This is Rumhouse 5-1. Our Helo Crashed a few clicks south of our current location. Do you copy? Over."

There was a short pause before we heard a voice respond.

"We read you, Be advised The FOB Has been Hit by rouge Russian Separatists who still want the war to continue. It's not safe to return there so advise you to stay in that FOB Since it's a rendezvous point. I need to return to support the ground forces. Striker 1-1 over and Out."

The A-10 flies away as we turn to the girl.

"...looks like we're still staying together."


M16A1 can be seen walking across the wasteland, looking around the new environment as she sees a single Humvee on the road that was parked. Two US Soldiers can be seen looking at maps.

"No, no, we crossed the bridge so we should be here."

One of the soldiers points at the map as M16A1 Positions herself.

"No, there's fucking multiple bridges in this-"

M16A1 Quickly fired off two bursts at the US Soldiers who went down, with one of them still alive as he starts trying to crawl to a nearby ditch M16A1 got out of her position and approach the Soldier.

As M16A1 was over the Soldier, forcefully she flips him to his back on the floor as the Soldier had his sidearm drawn.

"Fuck you!"

The soldier fired off two rounds as M16A1 quickly got out of the way and unloaded her M16 On the serviceman. As the soldier drops dead, she slowly glances towards her arm to see...Blood. The round grazed her and...there was blood.

She decided to look at it further as she grabs both Rifles of the soldiers as placed them in the Humvee. She stared at the M4A1 for a few moments before closing the door. She gathers what gear the soldiers have and places it in the Humvee as she gets in the driver seat and starts the Humvee.

She looks up the road to see it leading to a forest as she steps on the gas with the Humvee speeding off.

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