The Right Kind of Wrong (14)

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Chapter Fourteen

Rose's breath caught in her throat at the close proximity they were of each other. She felt the familiar warmth spread across her body that had been becoming present every time they were remotely close. His breath on her ear sent chills down her spine and goose bumps crept up her arms. She sat very still, trying to collect herself and failing miserably. Rose leaned back and stared into his eyes. Her breath escaped her shakily as she took him in and stared down at the rose in his hands before glancing back up at him.

"I haven't said if I have felt anything or not...And how do I know it's really you? Everyone saw that I had gotten a rose...There is something that only the person who sent the letters to me knows..." She said softly, leaning back and looking him straight in the eyes and trying to read his every expression. Her eyes weren't as defensive as before and had softened just a bit. He wasn't playing anymore and he had called her by her first name...again. She nervously took her lip between her teeth and tried to steady herself yet again. Maybe he was right, maybe after all these years they were just covering up what was really going on, to afraid to face it, always fighting it and each other.

* * * * *

Scorpius nodded. But smiled crookedly. She's a tough one. He guessed that that's one of the many things he likes about her. So, how can he prove that he was the one sending all those letters? That is easy. Very easy, indeed. There is one thing that only Rose and her secret admirer knows. There's no way that he could forget it. Because it was in that moment, that he became aware of how he truly feel for her.

"Let me prove it you to, then," said Scorpius, with his famous smile still stretched across his face. His hand reached out to her cheek. He caressed it, the feeling of her soft and warm skin was heaven to him. And before she could react or stop him, he swiftly leaned down and kissed her. It was a gentle kiss. The sweetness of the moment was added by how he felt for her. He told her everything through that simple kiss. And then, he just realized something... All the enduring is over. After this night, she knows. He just made her aware of how they both feel for one another. He slowly pulled back, holding her face as though she was the most fragile thing. His eyes were dazed in the bliss of kissing her. "If the reason you're holding back those feelings is because you think loving me is wrong, then I would do everything to make it right," he told her, staring into her eyes. "So, please... Don't hold back.... Merlin's beard, the things you make me say," he added, looking away, very embarrassed. His cheeks were pink as he ruffled his hair.

* * * * *

Rose felt his hand on her cheek and shuddered at his touch. It was the exact same gentle caress she had felt that night in the infirmary. It was tender and she felt her lips part as she tilted her head and looked at him. Then, she felt his lips on hers and all thoughts escaped her. It was identical, yet different...charged almost...than the kiss in the library. But the soft lips were the exact same she had once felt on her's a few days ago. Rose finally responded after a moment, her eyes closed, her lips moving gently against his. Her hand moved and rested on his arm and she leaned forward. When she felt him pull away, a pout formed across her face. She opened her eyes, brown eyes meeting gray ones. A shy smile made its way across her lips, her head still tilted to the side as she looked at him.

"You know, Scorpius...I never would have pegged you to be the sappy and corny type..." Rose said with a giggle before falling silent and the shy smile crept back up. She looked down and then back up at him. "We have a lot to make right, you know...We've been quiet harsh towards one another for so long...It's not that it's wrong it’s just...It's going to be hard...I'm not interested in being one of your flings, Scorpius..." Rose said softly, looking him directly into his eyes. She had let her defenses down for the first, true time around him. A vulnerability that no one knew existed in Rose Weasley suddenly surfaced.

* * * * *

Scorpius raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm a little offended there, Weasle-bee," he said mockingly, his crooked smile surfacing. "I admit that I've had more than several flings in the past. But I assure you, this is not one of them. After all the things I've gone through to get you?" he asked, but it wasn't really a question. He shook his head. "No way am I going to let this just be a fling."

He thought about his uncountable 'flings'. Those were different. During those times, he wasn't serious. And he didn't expect things from them. Well, except for other things that doesn't need to be said here. But he doesn't expect any of that from Rose. It's weird, but it's true. With Rose, it's different. It's like, he sees his future with her. Although, it's not that probable. The thing is, he can imagine his life with her. Even if the journey to that life will be hard, let's just say that the challenge is worth it. And it looks like she's seeing that life, too. Because she wouldn't mention the fling thing if she didn't want that future - or something.

"I'm actually surprised that you're quite serious about this, Weasle-bee," he said, his teasing smile turning warm. "I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels this.... rather odd feeling." He cannot say he's falling in love with her. She might get afraid that's he's moving too fast. But frankly, if you told him that he'll be here, confessing to Rose two weeks ago, Scorpius will hex you for thinking such a thing. Odd things really do happen in Hogwarts. "Because if you're not interested in a fling. You must be interested in a real relationship?" He shuddered. It's his first time saying all these things to a girl. Not just a girl, mind. It's Rose Weasley.

* * * * *

"Well...things like these kind of do require a certain degree of seriousness. You know, feelings and what not..." Rose said, looking up at him.

She wasn't interested in being just a number or his play thing. Her emotions and heart weren't to be just handled without care. If he was just going to use her then toss her away like all those other girls, then she wanted no part of it. Rose had more respect for herself than that.

Rose arched an eyebrow as she noticed his shudder at "relationship."

"Well...If you aren't ready for that then maybe we shouldn't...I mean...We could always be friends first since it appears we have skipped over that realm...I won't jump in until I know you are ready, Scorpius." She said, pulling slightly away from him. Rose even knew it would be hard to just be friends with him first, not after those kisses and all, which she found herself to be desiring even more now.

* * * * *

Scorpius smiled crookedly at what she said. Surprised a little, but he recovered quickly before she could notice.

"Trust me, Weasle-bee," he said. "You wouldn't want to be my friend. And never will I consider you as my friend." After the last word he stood up and walked by the fire. He leaned his hand on top of the fireplace, staring at the flames.

How can he consider her as a friend when she has special importance for him like none other? Scorpius has a very different definition of 'friend'. There's only very few that he considers as his friend. Damon is one of that few. But Rose... She's different. There's a whole side of definition he has for her. He just haven't found out the right word yet. And then, there's another complication...

"Besides," he continued, turning to face her again. "There is absolutely no way I will accept you to look at me as just a friend." He walked closer to her, kneeled in front of her, and leaned his left arm on the arm of the couch. He kept his face a few inches away from hers. "Friends don't kiss, Rose. They also don't have this kind of attraction. Well, I'm not surprised that you don't know me well enough to know that I'm always ready."

* * * * *

Rose felt her heart race from their closeness as she gazed into his eyes. She was cornered on the couch with Scorpius kneeling in front of her and his arm on the arm rest. His spicy scent filled her nostrils and she tried to fight the fluttery sensation that were growing within in. She bit on her lower lip and her gaze fell to his lips at the mention of kiss. Quickly, she tore her eyes away and back to Scorpius' face.

"How did this attraction even start? I don't even know when it began..." Rose said with a sigh as she looked down at her hands which fiddled with the edge of her purple sweater. She tilted her head and glanced up at him, trying to read his face. "What about our families? Grant it, things aren't as bad but there is still tension left over. I mean...our families have had bad blood between them for years. How could this possibly work?"

* * * * *

Scorpius sighed.

"I'm not saying it will," he said, ruffling his hair. He looked at her straight in the eye. "And I'm not expecting them to just accept this. Besides, I don't give what they think. This is what I want," he added, determined.

That's right. No one has ever stopped him from getting what he wants. Especially when he puts his mind to it. And Rose is always in his mind.

All of a sudden, there was a sudden ringing of a bell. That's the clock tower. It just means that it's six in the evening. Which is almost time for dinner at the Great Hall. Scorpius stood up, as though reality came crashing down on him. He shook his head.

"Well," he breathed. "That's quite an extraordinary afternoon. But we better get down to the Great Hall." He picked up her crutches to help her stand up. But then he remembered something. Something he didn't thought about for the last couple of hours. Something that mattered now but meant nothing to him earlier in the afternoon. Something that made him stop and think clearly about their situation and his reputation. "Listen, Rose..." he tried to say, briefly closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose with the use of his thumb and forefinger. He opened his eyes, and looked intently at her. He sighed. "No one can know about this -- us -- yet. You know how it is outside this room. Like our families, our houses have been loathing each other since ancient history. It's not going to be easy for them to understand. Terrible things will happen if my mates find out about how I feel for you. Our parents are mature enough to handle it i due time. But not them. I know my friends. What they did to you in the field..." He frowned, remembering. He shook his head. "That's nothing compared to what they can actually do. I know I'm capable of handling them. But that still doesn't mean we can test them. Anyway, I already warned them not to touch you since the incident." He shrugged. He smirked. "They won't disobey me. They know the consequences." After a moment of silence, he cleared his throat and tilted his head. "I do hope this is alright with you," he said, as his hand reached up to her cheek, and caressed it. "See, I'm not ready to share you with the world yet."

End of Chapter Fourteen


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