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"Morning, Stan," I say.

"Why the fuck are you out?" He asks.

I roll my eyes, opening the cage.

"Do you really think I lived my life without learning how to open a door?" I ask.

"Why did I not know about this skill?" Stan asks.

"Because I didn't tell you. Okay. Stay in and pretend it's locked. I'm going to go back in as well," I say.

"Why? We could open everyone's cage and run," Stan says.

"It's not that easy. Did you not pay attention to surroundings when we came in? We are in the middle of nowhere and the second gate has a roof. We aren't getting out, we're finding a way to get out," I say.

"Leo. When did you get smart?" He asks.

"When the threatened to rip my wings off," I say.

I close the cage door, silently. Before slowly walking over to my cage to not make noises.

"Hands up."

I rise my hands, keeping the key in the first place I could fit it.

"How did you get out?"

I stay silent, looking at my feet.

"Answer me!"

I sigh and turn around.

"One of you left the door open. You cannot expect me to stay in," I lie.

"Okay. Fine. Lets get you back in. I'll have to check you, Clyde's keys are missing," Kyle says.

"Aren't you supposed to shoot me?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, I am. But I haven't got ammo," he says.

"Oh how threatening you are now," I say.

"You know this is still made of some pretty hard materials. A good hit on the head would not be nice for you," he says.

I nod, walking into my cage.

"So. What are you gonna do?" I ask.

"I might have to report you for this," he says.

"For what? Walking out?" I ask.

"No, walking out and having a guards keys. Walking out I wouldn't give a shit about but the fact Clyde would have been in serious trouble if he decided to report on it would have lead into him maybe even getting killed," he says.

"Maybe? MAYBE? Look. Kyle. I'm going to die if they do what they say they're going to do! I'll actually die, no way I could survive. They said they'll do it in days," I say.

He sighs.

"I'll see what I can do about that. Just give the keys back and I'll figure this out," he says.

I give the keys to him.

"If you're lying to me, trust me, I'm small but I can destroy you. If I die, you're dying with me," I say.

"I don't see you doing much," he says.

"That's because you don't know half of what I can do. You haven't seen half of what I can be," I say, calmly.

Oh god! Oh god! Am I going too far? ABORT MISSION, this might be too far.

"Oh that's something I want to see. Can't be the worst thing that has happened to me. No matter how tough you are," Kyle says.

"Oh what that has happened to you is that bad that I can't be as bad?" I ask.

"Hm. I've been shot in the side, I've survived almost fully developed cancer, I've been in a fire a couple of times, fallen off a building, been strangled to near death, almost drowned, attacked by something, I think, of your kind. That's just a small portion of it. I think that whatever you can do cannot do anything against everything that has happened," he says.

He laughs, as if his misfortune is somehow funny to him. Honestly, it's just scary to think about. How does someone actually survive so much and is still... how old is he?

"How old are you?" I ask.

"20. 21 in no time. How old are you?" he asks.

"Me? 19. At least I think. If I've kept track of time right. It's always sort of dark here," I say.

"Are you scared of the dark then?" He asks.

"No. I have night vision. I know everything that happens when I'm in the dark," I say.

"Wait. Really? That's so cool," he says.

"Yeah," I say.

I look at him.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask.

"Sure. Go ahead," he says.

"Why were you so unkind to me and the others? Called us 'it'?" I ask.

"I call things I don't understand it. That's one of the reasons at least. It's also maybe about the fact I'm not good with power. At all. I'm sorry about being like that. Then, as an another reason, Wendy is a good friend of me. My best friend other than Kenny, we were a trio. Wendy was acting like that towards you and, as weird as it is, I'm not above being influenced by someone's else's behavior. This place is unfamiliar to me and Wendy was a familiar thing. So, I followed her lead immediately," he says.

"That still isn't a good reason," I say.

"I have a lot of reasons. Sure, shitty reasons but reasons," he says.

"Like?" I ask.

"Um... as bad as it feels to use the same excuse a Nazi used but I had orders to do that. And I follow orders. I've always sort of been like that. I like to lead but I also follow orders from higher ups very easily," Kyle says.

"I mean. That is not an excuse," I say.

"It is. There was even a test about it. People were told to do some very terrible things by a so called high up. Almost everyone did it," he says.

"Wait. If a Nazi used that excuse, are you-?" I start.

"Okay, I hate myself but not enough to be a nazi," Kyle says.

"You're Jewish?" I ask.

"Don't talk about how much this is against my beliefs. Trust me, I know," Kyle says.

"I'm just surprised. I've never actually heard that you were," I say.

"Kinda hard to hear if nobody really gets told," he says.

He steps out, locking the cage door.

"See you around, Leo," he says.

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