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"Kyle, hey," Kenny says, waving at Kyle.

"Leave me alone," Kyle says.

"Kyle? What is it?" Kenny asks.

"Get away from me," Kyle says.

"I-I'm not even that close by," Kenny says.

He's clearly hurt by what Kyle is saying. Wendy walks up.

"How did it go? With Cartman?" Wendy asks.

Kyle walks away from them, keeping his head down as he goes.

"What happened?" Kenny asks.

I get up and run after Kyle, getting to him fairly quickly.

"That's not very kind of you," I say.

"I need to convince everyone that I had a change of heart," he says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Because Cartman offered that I could keep me and my family alive if I was on his side. I have to act like I am really on his side or this won't work," he says.

"Can't you just tell them that it's acting?" I ask.

"It's more convincing if I can have them actually thinking that I had a change of heart," Kyle says.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask.

"Look, Leo, Butters, whatever you are called, they're starting to mix up with Kenny telling me about- never mind," Kyle says.

"Butters? Haven't heard that one," I say.

"What I mean is... it might be useful to have someone I tell whatever Cartman tells me, so you can spread it," Kyle says.

"Are you willing to risk your friendships for this?" I ask.

"I would sacrifice anything for my family, especially for my brother, because i love him to the moon and back, even if he is adopted," Kyle says.

"You must be close to him," I say.

"I regret not being close enough more than anything. Unlike Kenny, I never had the time to talk with him enough. Kenny always made time for his siblings, both older brother and younger sister. But I just, had too much going on 24/7," Kyle says.

"Oh," I say.

"Yeah. When your best friends sister knows your brother better than you, you fucked up at some point," he says.

"What did Eric tell you?" I ask.

"At this point, only the fact that we are dead if we don't act fast enough," he says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"We are underestimating the amount of time and effort getting out is going to take," Kyle says.

"Well I sort of guessed that. How badly?" I ask.

"We've been preparing for half the amount of work and time this is going to take," Kyle says.

"I don't see why he trusts you," I say.

"I told you, did I? I always follow orders, it's just something I adjusted to with time. That is a pretty nice thing in all leaders mindsets," he says.

"How are you going to convince them that you've changed sides?" I ask.

"Are they looking?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"Act convincing," he says.

He pulls out his gun and points it at my head. I back away.

"I-I didn't mean to! I promise," I say, trying to act scared.

He wouldn't shoot me.

"I honestly don't care, you're getting on all my nerves. One last time and-," he starts.

He shoots close to me.

"That won't be a missed shot, i'm good with these," he says.

"Kyle! What the fuck are you doing?" Kenny asks.

I hide behind Kenny, pretending to be scared.

"They're dangerous," Kyle says.

"Kyle! You cannot fucking change your opinion on this! Not right now! Please!" Kenny says.

"Look, Kenny. Cartman made a convincing argument," Kyle says.

"This world isn't going like this! I know who you are supposed to be! It's set in stone! Nobody can change the universe!" Kenny says.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Kyle asks.

"We are supposed to all have chosen our side by now, you are supposed to be on our side, this is not the universe you side with Cartman. Not yet. This is where Butters is supposed to be your boyfriend by the end of it," Kenny says.

"You don't know what happens. Shut your mouth now and quit your bullshit," Kyle says, pointing his gun at Kenny.

"This is not the universe you hate me in!" Kenny says, he seems to be close to tears.

"Stop this bullshit! You can't just go around saying that. I know one thing, I have free will!" Kyle yells.

He's too good, way too good at acting.

"Yes but the thing this is supposed to happen has been set in goddamn stone since before this universe was created. Everything between you can choose but points are chosen for you, before you have the right to deny those points! And even I don't know the ending, not always. In fact, nothing ever is the ending in an universe. The universe continues and continues but there are certain points I can call 'happy endings'. I've seen you die a couple of times, without even knowing you'd die, because I didn't know so far... and I barely know anything, just a couple of points. It's still something that shocks me when someone died.  But I know that we have points left and there is too little time for you to take Cartman's side now," Kenny says.

"You don't even know how it supposedly works, Kenny. I don't believe you," Kyle says.

"Yeah? So? I don't know shit. But I know there are thousands, if not millions, of universes where we exist, every single time we are different, to some degree. I know so fucking many I used to get them confused a little. I thought you were dead when you were alive and things like that, small fuck ups here and there," Kenny says, now he is actually crying.

"And what is supposed to happen here, if you know that?" Kyle asks.

"You two are supposed to get together, the first thing I know," Kenny says.

"What?" I ask.

"You both like each other, go for it," Kenny says.

Stan pops out of the shadows.

"Kenny, we need to talk," he says.

He takes Kenny and half runs off. Soon they start talking, too far away for me to hear.

"Do you like me?" I ask.

"Yeah," Kyle says, looking at his shoes.

I kiss him, making him smile. I get my hands around his neck.


If you read some of my older stories (I hope you don't.) you might notice small hints to Kenny being self-aware (somewhat) in my fanfiction. This was, while not a plan, taken into a lot of thought while making some things. I thought Kenny would be a self-aware character and wanted it to be a thing here. It's still a thing but the B plot here is establishing Kenny as what kind of character he is. Okay? That's, why it gets mentioned so much, I wanted to make this the establishing story that yes, my Kenny has this going on.


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