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"I do not think you should be sleeping for as long as you did just now. Are you sick or something?" He asks.

"I-I don't know," I say.

I look at him with a smile.

"A-At least I feel like *gah* shit, if that helps you figure it out," I continue, before closing my eyes again.

"You really look sick," he says.

"I haven't *gah* slept in ages... always someone around. I use to think I was *gah* paranoid. But now it's reality, every second is seen by *gah* somebody," I say.

"Your sentences are getting messier. You should breath a bit," he says.

I take a couple of breaths.

"How did you make it through 19 years of this when you look like you're going insane after a couple of months here," he says.

"I-I never did survive. Not really. I'm pretty sure my parents gave me *gah* serious drugs or something when trying to calm me down. I've technically been high half of my life. Wouldn't recommend, another reason I'm not as fucked up as I *gah* now am," I say.

"Serious drugs, eh?" He asks.

If he wasn't always monotone, I'd think he found my way to say it hilarious.

"W-What am I supposed to say? I d-don't know shit about drugs or anything like that for that matter. Couldn't tell red wine from grape juice if both were in their *gah* bottles in front of me," I say.

"And now you can?" He asks.

"Yeah. I could say that *gah* Stan is an alcohol expert at this point, with the speed he was going not *gah* long ago. We learned all about it from him," I say.

"So you ever had alcohol?" He asks.

"*Gah* No. I've always wanted to be the good citizen, if you *gah* call it that," I say.

"Being on 'serious drugs' is not being a good citizen," he says.

"I know. But anything else. Never stolen, never hurt, never killed. I tried to *gah* save the girl everyone calls me the murderer of," I say.

"What happened then? Like exactly?" He asks.

"Minding my own business, she *gah* steps into our area, I tell everyone she looks harmless, she jumps, with me *gah* trying to catch her because I can't fly that fast, easier to run... I couldn't run fast enough, she fell, dead by impact and somebody *gah* thought I was eating her or something when I leaned over to give her CPR. Which I cannot do, at all. I panicked and when she didn't move a muscle, I gave *gah* up. She was wounded so bad it looked like I could've taken a bite, nobody would *gah* have noticed and like that, they expected the worst of me. W-When they came to get us, I *gah* honestly thought they were there for me and panicked, real bad. I said that they *gah* might have been coming for me and two of us stepped up and said that they wouldn't *gah* have me in. Then they asked for me and I went along. We were almost *gah* ruined so all five of us got on, Stan's mom was there *gah* standing, along with Leo's dad and my dad. They *gah* shot them, right after we came in t-to save their lives. First it was Stan's *gah* mom and I've never ever seen Stan as angry and I *gah* wish I never had to. Next my dad got *gah* shot right in front of us. But no, you can't just win, can you? He survived that one while screaming like crazy, the next shot *gah* pushed him off the cliff we were on and I could hear him fall into a *gah* lake. I don't know if he was dead or paralyzed when he fell but now he certainly is dead either way. Leo and I looked away from it for *gah* his father. Stan said he left pretty peacefully, shot between the eyes and just fell down, like *gah* everyone should die. Just a quick fall and then nothing. Even if *gah* Leo's dad was a bad man, it's the best way anyone could go in that situation and *gah* I'm thankful he got that route out," I say.

"You've seen a lot," he says.

"*Gah* this isn't even the worst. Worst was seeing the mom die... I-I don't mean my mom, I mean Token's. S-She was far kinder than the other adults all put together. Didn't call me a *gah* fucking disappointed or didn't tell Token to stay away from me. She sorta half adopted *gah* me and Leo... since all three of us were different types of outcasts. Well *Gah* Token, Stan and Bebe were outcasts as well but their parents loved them *gah* to Hell and back, Leo and I have never *gah* had such luck with our biological families. But Token and Stan took all of us sort of under their wings, in a non-literal sense. They took care of us... and I *gah* don't think any of us say that enough to them, that we wouldn't be here without having them do like they did. They *gah* always knew how to calm us down. But Bebe is taking that role up here now. And I think Leo and I should start getting this into a *gah* democracy. Instead of depending on them as leaders, there are five of us for now, meaning a vote will always *gah* work, if everyone's vote matters like the others. Leo and I just often don't have a vote unless it benefits one. If we *gah* tell them that we have an idea, they don't really listen. They have low expectations. But they love us and it's fine because of that," I say.

"That doesn't sound very good," Craig says.

"It is, until we think up something smart. Then it's *gah* just very annoying to get it in through somebody," I say.

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