2. Shattered Fatal Flaws

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Percy had found Annabeth.

He thought about the whole messing with Annabeth's fatal flaw, pride, thing, and decided that that would be a fantastic way to start taking over Camp Half-Blood! Making the demigods' (at least his closer friends) fatal flaws, a large piece of their personality and who they are, shatter!

Percy thought of who he should break besides Annabeth. Definitely Jason. Jason needed to pay for always thinking he was so much better than Percy. And for sure Piper, so the two can see each other's pain. Definitely Leo. Percy has always found Leo as an annoying attention beggar. Calypso could pass though since Percy really had no reason to do anything with her and her... boringness. He should also do Frank and Hazel, just because it'd be fun to see what they'd be like completely different. And last but not least, Nico. It'd be fun to see that withered son of death break even more on the inside.

After Percy had taken Annabeth into his cabin, he used his hypnosis powers to order her to go "fetch" (as Percy put it) Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, and Nico. A few minutes later, Annabeth returned with all six of them, everyone wearing confused looks on their faces. "Annabeth, lock the door and close the curtains," Percy instructed. Annabeth nodded slowly, walking around to so as she was told.

"Okay, everyone get in a straight line in front of me! Horizontally," Percy ordered. Naturally, everyone did so. None of them were strong enough to resist Percy's new godly power, no matter how hard they tried. "Perfect!" Percy said, rubbing his hands together anxiously. "Let me go down the line one by one, puny idiots!"

Percy walked over to stand directly in front of a nervous blue-eyed Jason Grace. "Jason! Your fatal flaw is... the temptation to deliberate if I'm not mistaken," Percy said. He let out a short dry laugh, "How boring. Anyways, Jason, now you will want to do the exact opposite of what everyone else says! The only opinion that matters is yours, even if it's not what you really think. You just want everyone else to have a different, wrong answer compared to you."

"I-I-I-" Jason tried to say. And he was really trying as hard as he could, his eyes twitching, sweat dripping down his face.

"You what, Grace?" Percy snarled, rolling his eyes. "Let's test this out now! Make Jason's new character permanent! Jason, can we go to the pavilion?"

Suddenly, Jason's pained expression switched to an angry one. "Of course not, you idiot! What I say goes and we're staying here! What a dumb idea, Percy!" Just as he said that Jason crumpled onto the ground and began to shake violently, moaning in pain. Piper wanted to run to her boyfriend's side, but she couldn't move. Percy saw the pain Piper was experiencing and grinned. It was exactly what he wanted.

"Percy, w-w-why are you - you doing this?" Piper stammered. She wasn't in the middle of being hypnotized like Jason was, so it was easier for her to speak, but it still wasn't the easiest. "What ha-has gotten o-o-over you all the s-sudden?"

Percy's eyes quickly shot down to his new emerald ring, but it for too long so they wouldn't notice. Instead, Percy just said, "People change, Piper. I changed." Everyone seemed outraged by his response, but Percy sent out a hypnotic mental command to be absolutely silent unless spoken too. Even Jason stopped with his moans of pain.

"Alright, Piper! You're up next! So I guess you have low self-esteem issues or something which doesn't make sense because you're a real hot babe!" Percy said. Annabeth glared. "But whatever. I'm going to make you have the highest self-esteem ever. You'll be extremely vain, always bragging, and just act like a stereotypical Aphrodite daughter in general!"

Piper looked like she wanted to throw up, but her mouth didn't open.

"Now to 'activate it!'" Percy said gleefully. "Piper, what's your favorite thing to do?"

Piper's eyes glazed over and she said without hesitation. "Like, obviously do my makeup! And where hot designer clothes! And Why am I wearing this anyways? So not my, like, color! Did I mention that I'm better then, like, all of you combined," Piper said in an obnoxious mall girl voice.

As soon as she was done with her little rant, she crumpled onto the ground and began to do the same thing Jason was doing before, shaking violently and moaning in pain. Jason was done with it by now though.

"Excellent!" Percy grinned. "Leo boy, you're next!" Percy stepped in front of the wide-eyed Latino. "This should be fun!"

"P-P-Percy... y-you... you-" Leo stammered.

"You... you... you're the most amazing person ever? Why thank you, Repair Boy!" Percy smirked, his sea-green eyes glinting. "Now let's see... your fatal flaw is... the feeling of inferiority! Always feeling like you're the least important, eh? Well makes sense, you are the seventh wheel after all! No one really even cares for you anyways! But don't worry, I can fix that! I'm going to make it so that you always think you are the most important, the main priority of everyone. You'll be extremely cocky - well, cockier than usual."

Leo's eyes widened, and he looked hurt by Percy's words. What had overcome the son of Poseidon? And how in the world was he able to control them like this?

Percy smirked. "I'm hurting you," Percy leaned forward so his face was only a centimeter away from Leo's, a sly, amused look on his face, "Aren't I?" He pulled away. "I'm hurting all of you. Causing you pain, making you shatter. Well, guess what... I'm glad I am! You all deserve it. Each and every one of you! Do you see Jason and Piper? That is going to happen to all of you. You'll become my mindless slaves. And next, the camp."

"Now Leo! I'm much more important than you!" Percy said.

Leo's eyes glazed over and he scowled. "How dare you even suggest such a thing! I'm far more important then everyone in this room combined! No, everyone in Camp Half-Blood! No, everyone in the world! I'm the best!" Leo screamed at Percy. As soon as Leo said the word 'best,' he fell to the ground and began to shake, just as Piper and Jason had.

"Gods, this is fun," Percy said. "Frank! You're up next! Your fatal flaw is... low self-esteem? Just like our friend Piper over there! That makes sense though. It must be hard being a son of a tough god-like Mars, but being a wimpy, Chinese baby man, huh?"

Frank didn't say anything, just looked down in shame. Poor Frank believed that Percy was right.

"Well, you won't be very wimpy for long! I'm going to make you a stereotypical son of Mars, tough, cocky, and Blood lusting! Keywords tough and cocky!" Percy grinned. Again, Frank said nothing. "Frank, what do you love the most."

Frank's eyes glazed over, then flashed dangerously. He grinned madly. "Causing other people's pain, obviously!" He yelled enthusiastically in a much lower octave then his regular voice. "I'm the best at doing that after all!" Right as Frank said that, he fell onto the ground and began to do the same thing that Leo, Jason, and Piper had done, although those three had stopped by now and were just laying unconscious.

"And then there were three," Percy grinned, looking at Hazel, Nico, and Annabeth, who all looked like they wanted to run away.

"P-Percy," Hazel said, struggling to talk, "S-s-since when were you able to c-control us? H-how are y-y-you doing it? A-and how do y-y-you know our f-fatal flaws?"

"Does it really matter?" Percy scoffed. "All that really matters is I have the power now and absolutely nothing will get in my way!"

The three remaining demigods looked heartbroken. What had happened to Percy? He seemed perfectly normal last night. Well, as normal as Percy Jackson can be.

"Hazel's up next!" Percy said. Hazel's eyes shot down to her friends on the floor, her eyes crinkling with sadness, but accepting her fate. "Now Hazel... looks like your fatal flaw is your past! This will be a bit of a tricky one to do. But I think I might be able to figure it out. Okay, I'll definitely be able to figure it out.

"Hazel. With each second passing, you are going to forget more and more about your past. Only focus on the future, okay? To make things a bit more exciting... you will also be a ditzy girl-focused only on dating boys in the future. You break up, you don't care. Because it was all in the past. You forget your entire past," Percy instructed. Hazel nodded, her eyes glazed over. "Hazel, how did your mom die?"

Hazel rolled her eyes. "I don't remember! Why does it matter? It was all in the past anyway. All that matters is me and my Franky-wanky!" Hazel said. And you'll never guess what happens next... she fell to the floor, shaking and moaning in pain.

What Percy didn't notice while this was all happening were Nico and Annabeth. Percy was distracted with Hazel, leaving Nico and Annabeth a chance of enough strength to run over to the door. Nico unlocked the door of the cabin, swung it open, and began to run out, but before Annabeth could escape, Percy yelled, "Annabeth, stop!"

Annabeth froze.

Nico stopped. "I'm not leaving without you, Annabeth," He said.

"You have to," Annabeth told him, "Go. Now!"


"Go! You're the only chance Camp Half-Blood has at surviving from Percy! Now go!"

Nico nodded shakily, sinking into the shadows.

Percy was angry now. Very angry. "Annabeth shut the door and come over here," Percy said, pouring the hypnosis commands into his words, just like he had been doing this entire time. He tried to keep his voice steady. He couldn't go off on her, not yet. "Annabeth, get down on your knees. And beg for forgiveness. I want to see you weak and vulnerable."

Percy was now so angry, so intense, and so were his hypnotic commands. Annabeth didn't even hesitate. She fell down onto her knees at Percy's feet, her eyes glazing over, then began to plead. "Oh, Percy! I'm so sorry! I never should have tried to escape! You are my master and I should have never disobeyed you!"

Percy laughed coldly. "Master, huh? I quite like the sound of that... and you're right. You should have never disobeyed me. And for that, you shall pay.

Wow. Very intense chapter. A very long one as well... hope you guys liked it! And again, shoutouts to both LonleyDarkLord and BoopTheSnoop_ for inspiring this story!

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