7. Percy's Crazy Dream

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Percy laid in his bed, his ring still on his finger, still awake at midnight. He had accomplished very much, he was very powerful, he was a ruling king to these half-bloods, but why did he feel so... incomplete? Like he really did nothing at all? And did he really kill someone (even though it was only the 7th demigod life he's taken during his ruling)? It was thoughts like that that kept him awake each night.

But after another hour or two, Percy began to doze off. That's when the dream began.

Percy was standing on top of a hill, lightning flashing in the dark sky. And standing next to him on the hill was someone tall wearing a black hooded cloak, covering their face.

"Who are you?" Percy asked. He realized that he wasn't saying it in a harsh manner like he usually would, but actually pretty softly. He looked down at his hand to see that the ring was gone. Strange but... good.

"That's not important," The figure said. Now that they had talked, it was obvious that the soft, melodious voiced figure was a female. Also her thing waist and... uh, chest area.

"Then what is important?" Percy asked, curious.

The figure chuckled softly. "That the gods are taken down," She said, "And you're going to help me do that!"

Percy frowned. "Uh... I don't really feel comfortable doing that," He said awkwardly.

"Oh really? You openly torture people, you've killed people, and yet you feel bad with making the gods get what they deserve? How peculiar," The mysterious woman said.

Percy frowned, looking down. "That wasn't me. I don't know why I did that but... I would never do that. I would never-"

"Never what, Perseus? Kill your friends? Obviously you would. You've done it multiple times. And you will only do it more. Especially with that ring on your finger," She said.

Percy frowned, looking down at his hand. "What does the ring have to do with anything besides the fact it gives me powers. That shouldn't turn me evil..." Percy said, then added, "Right...?"

The figure laughed coldly. "You're right, Perseus, a regular ring wouldn't do that. But regular rings don't have my soul controlling your thoughts and motives in it, making me corrupt you!"

"Well it won't work!" Percy said. "Not now that I know!"

"You really think so? How cute," the woman said smugly, "Percy, don't you want revenge on the gods? Think of how many times they let you down, how many times they've abandoned you. Your own father left you behind for twelve whole years and still, you've only seen him about eight times in the seven years you've known him! Your father is a cheating monster. All the gods are. They've tortured you Percy, and you should return the favor."

"Th-that's different. They're gods!" Percy exclaimed, but he was beginning to sound more and more unsure, his eyes slowly glazing over.

"Should that stop them from being monsters though?" The woman asked curiously.

"You don't understand. I can't! He's my dad..."

"Yes, your's and dozens of other people with different mothers. He's not loyal. He abandoned you Percy. You are simply resisting because you want praise!" She yelled.

"What?! No! Of course I don't want praise. I'm not like that," Percy protested.

"Then join me Perseus! And together we can rule, me finally able to take my true form," The lady said, "Think of how powerful you could become!"

Percy looked like he was ready to give in, but as quickly as his eyes began to glaze over, they returned to normal. "No," Percy said defiantly, "The gods may be jerks, but destroying them would make us just as much monsters as they are. I told you, I'm not like that."

The woman sighed. She took a few steps closer to Percy, and for some reason, he found himself not able to move. "I didn't want it to come to this, Perseus, but you leave me no choice," She said.

"No choice but to do what?" Percy asked hesitantly, not really sure if he wanted to know the answer.

The woman laughed. "You're forgetting one thing, Perseus. Where do you think the hypnosis power in the ring comes from?" She asked.

Percy's eyes widened, realizing what she was talking about. 

Her manicured hand shot out, grabbing onto Percy's shoulder. She stared into his sea green eyes, forcing her commands into his head, making him obey. After about ten minutes (he was a hard one to fully crack), she let go slowly, backing away a few steps.

"Percy...?" She said unsurely. "How do you feel?"

Percy blinked, his eyes now glazed over. A think smirk crept across his face. "Ready to destroy those gods and obey you, of course," He said, "More then ready, actually. The gods need to pay and I will do whatever you ask of me to make sure they do!"

"Perfect!" The figure said happily, taking off her hood to reveal a malicious smile and a face Percy recognized all too well. The reason Percy was afraid of guinea pigs and took gummy vitamins every morning.

"Circe?" Percy said in confusion, quirking his eyebrow.

Circe grinned. "Why yes. Who else wood be capable of this? I was the most powerful sorceress of Ancient Greece!" She exclaimed happily.

"But... Blackbeard? And his pirates?" Percy said.

Circe groaned. "Ugh, that was such a drag. It took a couple years, but I was finally able to escape. And obviously I wanted revenge, soI made that ring and placed my soul into it, then transferred it to you!" She explained.

"I see," Percy said. In formal circumstances, Percy would be mad at the sorceress who had turned him into a guinea pig. But he completely understand. He smirked. "Perfect way to get revenge, mistress. And obviously the gods need to pay as well."

Circe grinned. "You understand so well, Perseus," She said. Percy grinned, proud that he had pleaded his master. "You're waking up now. But I must warn you, you're going to have some unexpected guests soon."

"I don't think we have to worry about di Angelo," Percy scoffed, "And under normal circumstances, I don't know who else would have me!"

Before Circe could reply, Percy's eyes opened, him waking up from his sleep. "Unexpected guests, hmm?" Percy mused with a smile. "May the odds be ever in my favor then! Oh wait, they always are!"

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