Chapter 9

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Aru's POV

Camp Half-Blood was magical!


I mean, the pegases are pretty cool, but this place pales in comparison to the Otherworld.

We walked up to a giant house in silence where two people were sitting.

"Hello, welcome to Camp Half-Blood!" The one with his lower body as a horse.

Wait! A HORSE?!

"Why are we at a big house?" Said Mini. But why is this place so big compared to the cabins?

"How'd you know the name of the house? Percy, did you tell them anything?" There was another guy standing there. Think I'll call him unpleasant dude. I'd use some more colorful words, if there wasn't there wasn't the chance of accidentally sending that though to Mini.

"Come inside, children. There's a lot we need to discuss." Horse guy person thing hybrid said.

This was going to be a long day.


OMG, I am so sorry that I haven't updated! I just have a lot to do like making gifts for my friends, writing the stuff for my holidays book, and TESTS. Lots of tests. I'm not kidding, I did at least one test in every class last week. I also had to study for my Spanish midterm. It was 100 questions long. Considering that I almost failed the last one, you can't blame me.

I'm also sorry that the chapter was short. I had to write this really quickly to celebrate winter break and to apologize for the long wait.

One more thing. What are some of your favorite fandoms. You know, besides Aru Shah cause that's what this is.

Merry early Christmas!🎄

Sorry this thing is about the same length as the story. Forgive me?🥺

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