The Rise of Ash

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(Betrayal is a thing that is not brought by your enemies it's brought by he very people you trust because betrayal hurts more when the ones you love do it)

6 years

We find ourselves with a man we know has Alain.Alain is one of Ash's Rivals and Friend he beat him in the finals of Kalos league to him Ash was a friend someone he could compare to in power and experience right now Alain lost his battle against Diantha for the tittle of champion in Kalos but now his challenging the battle frontier of Hoenn(Kanto I don't know)He has beaten right now Anabel has he heads to next frontier brain has goes on the path on the mountain

Alain mind:Some of the Brains say this guys second to Brandon but only two say he is the strongest out all the frontier brains including the ones in Sinnoh the tittle of Aura Guardian nobody has seen his true face seen he always hides behind a mask only revealing himself when needed too they say that he lets the challenger choice what type of battle they want to do many people have challenged him in one on one battles but they always come defeated actually nobody has been able to beat him and that's what makes him a great opponent for me

Has he keeps going he see someone in the distance

Alain:Excuse me
???::Oh you must be Alain the challenger
Alain:Yes and who are you
???:Oh right I'm Dahlia I'm a frontier brain from sinnoh
Alain:Really there frontier brains in Sinnoh too
Alain:Wait but why are you here
Dahlia:Here to see a friend and his battle against you
Alain:You know him
Dahlia:Let's just say we are close friends and the entrance is right beside you

Has she press a button in the wall the wall starts moving down revealing a path has they go in further the door closes has they come out Alain is impressed of what he see a paradise has he see a forest,live,water and even wild Pokémon

Alain:This better than Spencer's Juggle
Dahlia:Yeah even he agrees Alain welcome to the Battle Cave

Has then a pikachu spots her and runs to Fahlia given her a big hug

Pikachu:Pikachu(Hey Dahlia how are you)
Dahlia:Hey Pikachu doing fine do you know where he is

Has he nods the two follow the pikachu Alain then feels like his seen the pikachu

Alain:Wait is he wild Pokémon
Dahlia:No his actually one of his many Pokémon

Has they keep walking the find themselves in the forest has the see a man on top of the rock meditating with lucario also meditating on the lower rock has then lucario opens his eyes he see the to people and pikachu has he waves at the mouse that hen comes to the trainers shoulder then he opens his eyes seeing Dahlia and his opponent

???:Hey Dahlia and welcome challenger to the battle cave where if you win you'll get the bond symbol
Alain:That means
???:Yeah I examine people and Pokémon bonds to see if the are worthy of it so is he strong now follow me

Has he guides Alain to a battlefield he noticed that he's been looking at me for awhile

???:Is there something on your mind
Alain:Why don't you tell your name
???:Well for personal reasons and because I rather not tell you now but who knows maybe I will

Has they reach the field Alain looks at it and it's like a normal field

???:Alright Alain what type of battle are we having
Alain:Mind if we have a one on one
???:yeah mostly everyone comes for one on one just give me a sec

Has he whistled all his Pokémon came Alain just stood there surprised of what he saw he saw his Pikachu and Lucario but this many has he saw a Venasaur,Charizard,Snorlax,Donphan,Typhlosion, Serperior,Sceptile,Meganium,Infernape,Scrafty, Noivern,,Tauros,Floatzel,Talonflame,Hawlucha, Krokodile,Greninja,Goodra,Pidgeot,Lapras, Gardevoir,Eevee,Jolteon,Umbreon,Glaceon,Sylveon, Blaziken,Mienshao,Volcarona,Kingdra,Dragalge, Salamance,Dragonair,Pyroar(Male and Female), Metagross,Manectric,Sawk,Bouffalent,Xatu, Panchirisu,Rampardos,Mewtwo and Keldeo but then he looks at Greninja,Talonflame,Hawlucha,Goodra and Noivern thinking about that those are the same Pokémon species he fought but then he looks at the Pikachu in his shoulder

???:So who do you wish to Battle Alain
Alain:Wait you let the trainer choice
???:Yeah it won't just test your bond but mine too okay who your opponent
Alain:I'll go with Greninja
???:Okay let's begin

Has they head to the battlefield Alain brings out Charizard

Dahlia:Alright let the battle begin
Alain:Charizard use dragon claw
???:Greninja use Cut

Has both clash there sharp attacks colliding with each strike

???:Now use water shuriken aim at all directions
Alain:Burn them all with Flamethrower

Has he destroys the barrage but then four that came from the corners hit him from four sides

???:Now use Double team then hit him from all sides with Areal Ace

Has he multiplied he charge with the clones stacking from all sides putting Charizard in a defense position until one of the clones broke it and another push him back

Alain:Now use Flamethrower

Has the Flames burn all the clones and push the real one back

Alain:Now key stone respond to my heart and beyond evolution mega evolve

Alain:Aren't you gonna do it too Ash

Has then the man was surprised

???:Was it that obvious
Alain:No but Pikachu and your Kalos Pokemon made me know it was you

Has the man took of his mask and then pull down his hood reveling Ash

Ash:And Greninja let's get Stronger together

As Greninja then becomes Ash-Greninja

Alain:Yeah Charizard thunder punch
Ash:Counter it with Areal ace

Both collided there fist but then greninja changed its attack to then giving him a hammer kick in the head then push himself up

Ash:Now water shuriken

Making contact has he landed

Alain:Now use Blast Burn
Ash whisper:Substitution

Has the attack happened all that was left was a plushy of a green frog has he look up and saw greninja

Ash:Now use cut

Has the last slash happened and Charizard was defeated

Dahlia:Charizard is unable to battle the winner is Greninja and Ash the Aura guardian
Ash:Well we win this time right greninja
Alain:Need a hand

Has they bro hug

Alain:Good to see you Ash
Ash:Well is good to see someone I can trust
Alain:What do you mean everyone is looking for you and your mother is worried sick about you saying that you just disappeared
Ash:So that's what those traitors told you
Alain:Traitors what do you mean
Ash:Let me explain from the start

Flashback 6 years ago

Are Hero Ash was just going back home from his journey in Kalos has he went down Route 1 with pikachu and all his Kalos Pokémon has then greninja came out

Ash:Greninja what's wrong
Greninja:I sense a bad things coming
Ash: Okay let's go to Professor Oaks lab maybe he might help

Has they went running to Oaks lab they came in

P.Oak:Oh Ash well come back my boy I might I say congrats on making it runner up in the Jalos league
Ash:Thanks Professor but I got to ask has anything out of the ordinary come up
P.Oak:Well I did see all of your companions except Clemont and Bonnie going to your house and then they ask if you already are here I said no then Tracy left in a hurry to your house he didn't tell me why
Ash:What about my Pokémon
P.Oak:Well right now some are in the back now will others have been hiding I don't know why
Ash:Okay Pikachu go check on the ones outside and Greninja sink up

Has he transforms into Ash-Greninja

Ash:You'll be my eyes go look on the window and see what's going on

Has he leaves the room Ash sites in the coach and closes his eyes

P.Oak:Ash what do you see
Ash:Greninja has arrive in the house and as you said everyone there except Clemont and Bonnie but Mom is also and even Paul and Trip are there Wait Serena?
P.Oak:Wait Serena I didn't see her
Ash:But she said she was going to Hoenn region why is she here and how she get here before me Wait there talking about..............

Has a tear went down Ash

P.Oak:Ash what's going on why are you crying what did they say
Ash:Greninja come back I heard enough
Ash:They betrayed me
P.Oak:What do you mean my boy by betrayed you
Ash:There saying that I should give up on my dream,that I'm weak and that because of me there dreams would have been done and they blame me for losing the Kalos league even my own mother agreed with them

Then greninja came and put his hand in his shoulder

Ash:It seems the Pokémon that went messing joined the traitors in my house and the ones outside are my most trust worthy Professor is there away for me to bring all of them
P.Oak:Yes actually I'll be right back you go get your Pokémon

Ash goes outside to see his Pokémon has he gives all of them a big hug then Oak came out

P.Oak:Here you go
Ash:What is it
P.Oak:I call it the nano dex it's works like normal Pokedex it has all the info on Pokémon and can let you catch and keep unlimited Pokémon
Ash:Science is so amazing

Has he returned all his Pokémon he only returned one Tauros the other look confused

Ash:Guys seen Professor Oak knows that I'm leaving can you guys take care of him for me please

Has they all nod Ash gets a Tauros group hug has Pikachu and greninja stay out has they said goodbye to the Professor and leave has they went down the road


Has he look back he saw the traitors even his mom

Delia:Sweetie where are you going

He ignores and keeps walking

May:Ash why are you ignoring us
Ash:Because I know what your going to say
Paul:What you on about Ketchum how about you turn around and listen to your mother
Ash:Why are you and Trip even here Paul aren't you suppose to be training to get stronger or was this more important
Delia:Ash we don't know what your talking about
Ash:I know you want me to give up

This shock them that he wasn't even there

Dawn:Listen Ash this for your own good
Iris:Because you suck as a trainer and you haven't even won a single league
Max:Don't include the orange league or battle frontier does were just dump luck that you won maybe Pikachu and Greninja deserve a better trainer like me

Has Pikachu and Greninja Fire there attacks at Max

Ash:I think they said no

Has then he looked at Brock and he look scared not of me of something else

Ash:Something the matter Brock you just been standing there
Brock:Look I know how much you're dream is important for you but maybe you should quit if you keep this up you may never reach it and you'll be lost
Ash:You know to well that I'm not given up
Brock:I know that's why there's no other choice-low voice:I'm sorry-Steelix come out

Has the other traitors followed and got out there Pokémon

Trip:This the end Ash
???:You guys are pathetic
???:You will not harm him

Has the traitors are then toss aside by psychic Ash looks at his saviors and they Are Keldeo and Mewtwo


Has they give a hug then Ash sees the Mewtwo but

Ash:Your the one I meet in Unova the female Mewtwo
Mewtwo:Yes me and Keldeo were send by Arceus to come and help you and also that we wish to join you
Keldeo:Yeah what she said

Has he captured them then he brings out Mewtwo
but the Ash's left arm gets cut by a Cyther has he look back he saw Tracy

Tracy:Your not going anywhere
Ash:Is that so Mewtwo Aura sphere straight at them

Had the attack send flying cyther and Tracy

Mewtwo:Where two
Ash:The battle Pyramid

Has they disappeared they teleported in the battle pyramid battlefield has Brandon noticed him he saw that he was bleeding out

Brandon :OMA Ash!!

Has she went running towards him

Ash:Hey Brandon
Brandon:What happened to you and where's your arm
Ash:Mind if we go to medical room then explain
Brandon:Right follow me

Flash back end

Ash:And then after that Brandon called the other Frontier Brains from Hoenn and Sinnoh and Scott and I told everything then I told Scott that wanted to join the battle frontier and he accepted and in time Normad built me a robotic arm and I have been from then on I became one the strongest Frontier Brains in this branch they also have the ones in Sinnoh but I already beat Palmer when we did and event to see who's better let's just say we won that so any questions
Alain:No I think that made things made sense but why haven't you told Clemont,Bonnie,Sawyer, Tierno,Shauna,Trevor and Sycamore
Ash:Because if I went to Kalos they would have come for me and like you I'm sure they also lied to them
Alain:Fare point
Ash:So yeah I hope I get to battle you again here
Alain:Well I'm going back to train for are next Battle here

Has he leaves the two frontier brains were left alone

Ash:So what do we do now
Dahlia:Well Scott said we are meeting later with the family others on seven so we still got time to relax
Ash:Yeah anyways I need to take care of the king and queen and by that I need to care of the Pyroar's so want come
Dahlia:Yeah sure why not

Has they left to the other Pokémon has they site down and see Ash's Pokémon playing Ash petted his Female Pyroar as the male one sleeps Dahlia then puts her head in Ash shoulder Ash didn't mind and put his on her head(Just gonna say they like this but they are still not in a relationship not yet)has then Scott appeared

Scott:Did I came in the wrong time
Ash/Dahlia blushing:Scott!!
Ash:What are you doing here
Scott:We are having the meeting here
Ash:I'm just gonna say why my place
???:Because is relaxing,peaceful and secret
Dahlia:Oh hey Anabel are the others with you
???:We are here

Has then all the brains came:Normad,Greta,Tucker, Lucy,Spencer,Brandon,Palmer,Thorton,Darach and Argenta has they head to Ash's house go down the latter and head to the meeting room

Ash:So Scott what's today's meeting
Scott:We are gonna talk about the Tournament of Masters
Brandon:The heck is that
Scott:Basically is a normal tournament but the catch is you can only use one Pokémon but before the tournament even begins you most win the preliminary which is a three on three battle so choose your team wisely and don't hold back this also away for us to show more of the battle frontier we might get more people to come and see if they can conquer it
Palmer:That sounds cool but can we change Pokémon
Scott:Actually you can so don't worry
Ash:Specially me I the one with and army will the rest of you have strong Pokémon
Anabel:Just gonna say this don't bring all them at the same time remember the last time that you had tell Mewtwo to arrest everyone memorizes except ours
Ash:What they piss me of and that piss of my Pokémon and you got to admit after all the stuff they put me through they deserve it
Normad:He makes a point
Anabel:Okay you got me there
Scott:So tomorrow I'll send you the papers so you can sign it and then your in just don't be that guy and lose in the beginning and by beginning I mean in the first battle before the one on one looking at you Darach
Darach:Yeah don't worry I'll give it my all
Scott:Good this tournament won't just bring us but gym leaders,Kahunas,Elite four and Champion and it seems three of the Professor have joined the battle those being Professor Samual Oak,Professor Sycamore and Professor Kukui
Ash:Kahunas and Kukui I have so many questions
Greta:Oh yeah forgot to tell you there's a region called Alola it's a tropical island and they don't even have gyms or leagues but they do have this people called Kahunas which are candy gym leaders but they give you this things called z-crystals that are awesome which fires and attack that respond to the type of the Pokémon
Ash:Well I know where I'm going next after this
Spencer:Indeed this seems interesting
Scott:Well looks like we already have vacations plans I see well in two days we leave
All of them:Right

Has they all leave the cave

Ash:See ya later Dahlia
Dahlia:You be okay

Has it closed Ash goes back and sites again with the lions then Rampardos nuzzles her head to his

Ash:Hey girls what's wrong
Rampardos:You tell me
Ash:I'll be inside okay

Has he goes in he received a call has he pick up it was Scott

Scott:I didn't wanted to say this but it seems all the traitors are competing too

This stroke Ash his been hiding from them for years and if they knew I would always make them forget it was me but now he's going to reveal to all of them the only good news is that they can't find me here seen if they even break the wall there's a shield

Ash:Okay is that all
Scott:Yes so you better get ready

Has he press the end call bottom he sites in the coach and looks down then he looks at the mask he always puts on them cane in pikachu Ash look at him has pikachu knows that it times to reveal themselves then the others came in and then

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ash:I saw the sun begin to dim and felt that winter wind blow could a mans learns who is there for him when the glitter fades and the walls won't hold cause from that rumble one remains can only be ones true if all was lost is more I gained cause it let me back

Has Greninja puts his hand in his shoulder

"To you"

Has he looks at the frog ninja he then looks at everyone stands up and then looks at the pictures he has of him and all the Frontier brains from funny ones to family ones

(Okay time to change a little)

Ash:I fought many opponents with trainers and Champions the people praised my name but those are someone else's dreams the pitfalls from the man I became for years and years I chased my dream the crazy speed of always needing more

And he see a picture of Clemont and Bonnie his only friends then rivals that he can trust

Ash:But when I stop and see you here I remember what all this was for and from now on the eye will not be blinded by the lights From now on what's waited til tomorrow starts tonight it starts tonight
All the Pokémon:Yay
Ash:And let this promise in me start like anthem in my heart from now on From now on
All the Pokémon:Yay
Ash:From now on!!!!!!
All the Pokémon:And we will come back home and we will come back home home again and we will come back home and we will come back home,home again and we will come back home and we will come back home,home again

(and let's just say they repeated so let's just head to we're it changed)


Then he looks at the images again and hops on Salamance who brings him up

All the Pokémon:From now on
Ash:These will not be blinded by the lights
All the Pokémon:From now on
Ash:What's waited till tomorrow starts tonight it starts tonight and let this promise in me start like anthem in my heart From now on From now on!!
All the Pokémon:And we will come back home and we will come back home,Home again!!!

Has they finish Ash looks at his wonderful Pokémon

Ash:Alright everyone listen up we are gonna compete in a tournament that if you win you will be named the Pokémon master
Charizard:Really they waited this long for that
Ash:Well the problem is that is world wide tournament so it's every region and the traitors are there so who's ready to humiliate them
Pokémon:We are
Ash:The stupid part is that is a one on one tournament so now two to six battles well except the preliminary round which you have to beat three people to then enter the one on one that will lead to the finals so I'll decide coming for the first one but don't worry Mewtwo will teleport me back each battle is over Pikachu your staying here until the one on one battles start okay
Ash:So let's start training we have two days which includes tomorrow and the next day so we got time to train and Scott said he send the papers tomorrow

Has the days pass and are Hero and his new family(a.k.a the battle frontier) has they board the jet plane Ash and Dahlia site together in the middle of the ride Dahlia fell asleep on Ash has he look at her he smiled they arrive and Ash put on his mask has they head to the center

Nurse:Mister Scott your Frontier Brains have been registered and here are the room keys
Scott:Thank you nurse joy

Has heads back to the others

Scott:Okay everyone pick a partner and go to your room I need to meet Goodshows
Dahlia:Hey Ash want be in the same room

Has the group grab there keys they split up Ash brought Rampardos,Xatu,Mienshao,Blaziken, Mewtwo for the first battle has he and Anabel throw themselves into the the bed

Ash:Why did we get the one with one bed do you think Scott rig this and gave us this key
Dahlia:Whats wrong don't like being with me
Ash:No no didn't say that
Dahlia:Good but yeah I'm the same
Ash:How about we go for a walk
Dahlia:Yeah why not I need to stretch my legs
Ash:Let's go

Has they head outside they walk for awhile has then they decided to site in a tree until they hear the voice of someone Ash knows

???:Come on Bonnie we got get there fast
Bonnie:Max slow down the center is not going anywhere
Max:Yeah but if we register now we can train later

Max ran pass the pair until then when Bonnie came she look at Ash but then she continued to follow Max

Dahlia:So who's the traitor there
Ash:The little gremlin Max so I think we should leave
Dahlia:I was just getting comfy
Ash:I'll let you have first site in the bed and I'll go in the coach
Dahlia blushing:You know maybe we should sleep together the bed could get a little lonely
Ash blushing:Oh really well if you say so

Has he starts to turn around another familiar person bumped into him he ignored her and just continued walking

???:Hey buddy aren't you suppose to say sorry
Ash:Now why should I if your the one who bumped into me May Maple
May:Good so you know who I I'm now say sorry
Ash:No thanks I'll wait for your apology first
May:How about we settle this in a battle
Ash:I rather not waste my time but kicking your ass will kill time who knows maybe literally

Has what he said made her scared has they head to the battlefield

May:Ready to lose
Ash:I don't know are you
Dahlia:The battle between May and Red will now begin this a one on one battle now trainers send in your Pokémon
Red(Ash):Mienshao let the aura guide you
May:Blaziken on stage

Has the Pokémon come into the battle field

Dahlia:Alright Battle begin
May:Lets end this in one shot use Blaze Kick
Red(Ash):Quick guard And then use Force palm

Has Mienshao block the Blaze kick to then punching him back with Force palm

Red(Ash):Now use Aura sphere
May:Blaziken Flamethrower

Has the attacks collided the AS went through and hit the fire chicken

Red(Ash):Now finish it High jump kick

Has he hits him right in the face taking him down

Dahlia:Blaziken is unable to battle the winner is Red and Mienshao
Red(Ash):Ash was tight you are weak
May:What you say
Red(Ash):I said the boy you betray and all the other traitors betray was right you are weak are you here to compete
May:First yes I'm here to compete second Ash was weak I could beat him all the time
Red(Ash):Then let me make this clear Ash was never weak you are weak you lost battle using your strongest Pokémon you didn't even mega evolve because you thought you were better you should just quit this tournament because if your blaziken is not strong enough your not even going to the second battle of preliminary because your weak your not a battler your coordinator there purpose is to show there Pokémon nothing more so I suggest you quit now before you get humiliated little girl

Has that stroke May and she fell to her knees crying then he and anabel started to leave then Max came

Max:May what happened

Has the crying girl hugs her brother Max starts looking around and then he spots Ash

Max:Hey did you do this
Ash:Her fault for challenging me I don't even know why she's even in this tournament I thought this was for the strongest not the weakest we'll see ya kid

Has they leave May continues to cry and Max just glares at Ash later they headed back to the room then Bonnie appeared

Bonnie:Please stop there
Bonnie:I got one question
Anabel:And that would be
Bonnie:Ash is that you

And with that Ash was in shock so with no hesitation he took of the mask and pulled down his hood and look at the girl with happiness on his face

Ash:Hey Bonnie

Has the two share a big hug

Bonnie:Me and Clemont have been looking for you
Ash:I know and I'm sorry I never came to you guys
Bonnie:Serena and your mom said that you randomly disappeared what happened

Has he tells her the truth about the betrayal

Bonnie:But how,why and why does your left arm feel different
Ash:Oh yeah didn't say that part Tracy cut my arm with his cyther and thanks to Normad one of the frontier brains he gave me this

Has he shows Bonnie a robotic arm

Bonnie:Ash that looks cool
Bonnie:So those anyone else know
Ash:Well Professor Oak was the first one then Alain and now you
Bonnie:What about the others Clemont,Sawyer and the trio
Ash:Don't worry when it comes I'll tell them now have you registered
Bonnie:Yeah and so who's this Ash your girlfriend
Dahlia blushing:No no no we are not a thing we just very good friends
Ash blushing;What she said
Bonnie:Good grief now I have to help you too
Ash:what do you mean
Clemont:Clemont has feelings for Korrina and now I have to help you
Ash:Bonnie well okay we are just gonna go to are room did you get your room
Bonnie:Yeah a solo one what's the number of your room
Anabel:Oh we got room 27
Bonnie:Lucky us I'm 26 right next to you
Ash:Well it's good to be close by to friends
Bonnie:Speaking of friends where's pikachu
Ash:His in my Battle Frontier maybe you should try it out a sense that you very strong
Bonnie:Maybe after this seen I didn't win the first time in my Kalos league
Ash:Hey at least be happy you got runner up and don't worry if you don't want to challenge the frontier your can try again and maybe I can company you on your journey
Bonnie:Yeah that would be cool now come on let's go
Ash:Same old Bonnie
Dahlia:Let's go slowpoke

Has he smiles has he follows the two girls back to there rooms after the day pass they were in te ceremony area

Ash:At first I didn't expect many people
Normad:What you expect this a tournament that involves all regions of course there would be a lot of people
Darach:Not to mention that it only for the strongest so everyone keep your ground and ready for anything
Brandon:Shh it's about to begin

Has Charles Goodshow appears on the stage with all the Professors

Charles:Welcome trainers from Kanto to Alola to the first ever Pokémon master tournament were we will see who is the strongest in all the land and h the one who deserves the tittle Pokémon Master now let us begin explaining the first thing is the preliminary round which you will battling three people in a three on three the first one and then in the second one double battle the winners will move to the actual tournament the ones who lost just watch in hope for next year but in the last preliminary you will have a six on six battle so good luck and now we will reveal the battles for today

Has the screen appears it shows all the battles Ash finds him self against Max has a grin is form behind his mask

Dahlia:First the sister
Ash:Now the brother
Charles:Okay now we will shuffle to see who is are first battle

Has it those that it stop and the first battle is showed Ash vs Max o and the names aren't show so Ash does not plan to reveal him self yet has the two opponents glare at each other in the battlefield

Max:Your gonna pat for what you did to my sister
Ash:She challenge me and she lost so I told her the truth that she doesn't even deserve to be here and it seems she took my advice and quit so good for her
Max:Well I'm like her I'm much stronger and I can beat a weak asshole like you
Ash:Is that so try it kid
Ref:Alright send in your Pokémon and begin
Ash:Xatu I choose you

Has the psychic bird enters the battle field

Max:This gonna be easy Mightyena I choose you

Has the dark Pokémon came out

Max:Alright buddy time to wreck this guy use Shadow ball
Ash:Xatu dodge it and start of future sight

Has the bird dodges the attack he send rocks through a portal has it disappeared Max ignored it

Max:Well bear it before it hit us Mightyena use Shadow claw and bring him down
Ash:This gonna be fun stop him with Psychic and toss him down

Has the dog charge jump at him it gets Ross back down with psychic

Ash:Now use Air slash
Max:Mightyena dodge

Has it was to late and he got hit and then the future sight came and destroyed Mightyena

Ref:Mightyena is unable to battle trainer Max send in your second Pokémon
Max:How did he well just forget it
Ash:Thank you Xatu return for now and Rampardos let the aura guide you

Has one of the many extinct Pokémon appears

Max:Dang that's big but it's a Rock type so Breelom let's go

Has the grass/fighting Pokémon appears

Ash:If you think that you have and advantage your wrong
Max:I'll show you Breelom ya Drain punch
Ash:Stop him with Stone edge

Has the punch collide with the punch sending breelom back

Max:We need to get close Use bullet seed
Ash:Smash through that with Iron head

Has she just run through them and charge at him clashing with tossing him back

Ash:Now use Flamethrower
Max:Oh no Breelom

Has Rampardos burns breelom and defeats him

Ref:Breelom is unable to battle trainer Max send in your last Pokémon
Ash:Thanks girl I'll congratulate you more later okay return
Max:I will beat you if it's the last thing I do Gallede It's up to you

Has Gallade appears

Ash:Okay then Blaziken let the aura guide you

Has the fire chicken comes

Ash/Max:Close combat

Has the two clash there fist and kicks

Ash:Break it up with Flamethrower

With that Gallade jump back

Max:Charge with Zen Headbutt

Has he lands the hit

Ash:Nope use Seismictoss

Has he did that and slam him to the ground Gallade gets back up

Ash:Blaze kick
Max:Zen Headbutt again

Has both collide there attacks

Ash:Use your other leg

And with that Blaziken smack him taking him down defeating him

Ref:Gallade is unable to battle the red couner wins
Max:No how could I lose
Ash:Because your weak

Has he leaves the stage and then comes across Professor Oak


Then Ash quickly hug the Good Professor he was like a father to him

P.Oak:You grown a lot my boy I'm proud of what you become
Ash:Well it that or be a champion but the battle frontier was more secret so I went there
P.Oak:Well you better know that Gary is also in the tournament
P.Oak:So when will you reveal yourself
Ash:If I make it pass or I should say when I pass the preliminary the first battle will my day view
P.Oak:I'll catch up with you later as you know I to will compete
Ash:I have always wanted to battle you but when I was gonna ask you were busy
P.Oak:Well I'm sure you'll get your chance here because I have been waiting as well for a battle against you my boy so good luck
Ash:Thanks I'll see you around

Has they split up he went to the forest has he took out four of his Pokémon

Ash:Good work out there everyone you did excellent
Blaziken:Did you had any doubts
Ash:No because I knew you could win and good work to you too Mienshao you beat May and with that she quit and seen we beat Max does are two traitors out of here
Xatu:Yes master but what now
Ash:Now we go to the Pokémon center to heal you guys up

Has he returned them Xatu decided to stay out

Ash:Something wrong
Xatu:Something gonna happen when we get there
Ash:Okay stay out and keep watch on your surroundings

Has they went to the center with Aura he heard the traitors coming so he was gonna do this quick

Nurse Joy:Hello and welcome to the Pokémon center how can I help you
Ash:Can you please heal my Pokémon
Nurse Joy:sure place them here

Has he returned Xatu he gave the three to nurse joy and he brought out Mienshao in that moment the traitors came in with Max in the group and Paul,May,Iris,Drew and Cilan has then Max and May recognized the guy that beat them both

Ash:Oh Hello want something
May:I want you to
Ash:To what say sorry
Ash:Well to you kid I owe nothing to her O just said the truth is hard to believe it
Drew:Hey don't speak like that to my girlfriend
Ash:Shut up bitch you not the one who I'm talking to her not you or do I need to lecture you too
Paul:Pathetic I can beat you with only my Electrivire
Ash:Is that so then hope that you get to the last preliminary battle and see if that's true
Cilan:How about we just calm down and just be friends
Ash:Your kidding right
Paul:Only this time I'll agree Cilan what Fuck
Nurse Joy:Sir your Pokémon are all healed
Ash:Thank you well you people better be glad I didn't tell my friend here to beat you goodbye has he leaves Mewtwo cane out and teleported them then Paul came out running

Paul:The Fuck did he go

Now with Ash who was in his Battle cave with his Pokémon

Ash:Okay I'm thinking on bringing the king and queen
Pyroar(Female):Alright it's are time to shine
Ash:And Tauros and Hawlucha will come just in case they want to pick a fight
Tauros:Yes sir
Hawlucha:I I'm always ready for battle
Ash:Good well let's go back

Has he teleports back he meets up with the other elites in the stands seen it seems it's Bonnie turn to battle and she's up against Cilan

Ash:Did miss anything
Dahlia:Well we all move to the second battle and now Bonnie gonna battle
Ash:Sorry I could see your battle
Lucy:What were you even doing
Ash:Just changing my team brought the royals and two of my strong ones
Dahlia:Well you better make it up because I really wanted you to see me beat Iris
Ash:Wait you got her out
Ash:I would kiss right now if we weren't in a huge crowd

Then both started to blush and just focused on the battle after the first preliminary went by the frontier brains decided to go get something but they decided to split the boys and the girls

With the boys

Palmer:Alright guys I think we need to have a talk to Ash
Ash:What I do
Normad:Nothing it's just
Thorton:We know you have crush on Dahlia and don't try to lie everyone knows
Tucker:And it's kinda obvious
Ash:Oh really well
Brandon:Come on Ash be a man and tell her how you feel
Ash:Okay I'll tell her to today
Scott:That's the spirit
Spencer:Good luck

With the girls

Dahlia:You guys really think I should tell him
Anabel:Well of course you should
Greta:Yeah you should
Lucy:It's kinda obvious he has a thing for you too
Argenta:Come on girl you got this we believe in you
Dahlia:Thanks guys I'll tell him today

Has they arrive Dahlia got to her room has she opened the door she see the boy of her dreams sitting in the bed Ash noticed her

Ash:Welcome back did go well with you
Dahlia:Yeah and you

Has she joined him in the bed they both blush

Ash/Dahlia blush:Can I tell you something

Both shock that they had the same words

Ash:You first
Dahlia:No you first
Ash:How about we say it at the same time
Dahlia:Yeah that works
Ash/Dahlia:Dahlia/Ash I love you

Both look at each in shock

Ash:Really you love me
Dahlia:Yes Ash I do and I want to be with you for the rest of my live
Ash:I love you too

Has they got close and kiss each other then they began to have a passionate kiss little did they know Bonnie was listening

Bonnie:I think I don't need to help them well of you bed I go

Back with the love birds who were still kissing as they let go

Ash:Will continue tomorrow let's sleep
Dahlia:Yes who knows maybe we could do

Has she came close to his heir and whisper


This left Ash wide eye open


Has they head to sleep the next day came and they wake

Ash:Morning babe
Dahlia:Morning handsome

Has they give a morning kiss in the lips they put there clothes and headed down stairs has they waited for the other brains few minutes pass and they come down has they see the too love birds holding hands they feel happy for the two has they left to get breakfast

Tucker:We are so happy for both of you
Dahlia:Thanks guys
Ash:Yeah thanks
Palmer:Okay so does everyone have there opponents for today
Brandon:Well me and Palmer got champions to battle I'm up against Steven
Palmer:Amd I'm facing Alder
Ash:Well the rest of us got either trainers or gym leaders and if someone here has a traitor please destroy them
Argenta:That would be me I got that Misty girl
Ash:Easy for you
Dahlia:And who are you facing
Ash:I'm fighting the gym leader of Johto Whitney
Thorton:Easy or hard
Ash:Well it depends on what Pokémon she'll use in the battle and I'm surprised she still a normal type gym leader after Johto discovered what Pokémon are fairy type
Spencer:Then it seems that she still in her normal state you could say
Ash:Okay well let's head there

After they eat they head to the stadium we're they find there sites after the battles came Brandon lost to Steven and Palmer was able to defeat Alder and as for Argenta she beat Misty and everyone else won so it was Ash turn as they came to the stadium he saw his opponent running to her spot

Whitney:Sorry I late
Ash:Actually you cane at the right time
Whitney:Really well lucky me
Ref:Okay let us begin send in your Pokémon and battle begin
Whitney:Milotank and Tauros lets go

Has the bull and cow Pokémon appear

Ash:Interesting combination let's how you do against mine Pyroars show your wrath

Has the two pyroars come

Whitney:They look strong but we can still win Tauros use double team and charge with take down and Milotank use Double team too and rollout

Has the two attack

Ash:Burn then to ashes king with Flamethrower queen use Fire spin to take out the clones

As the fire spin hits the clones making them disappear has then the flamethrower hits the real ones

Ash:Now king use Iron tail on Tauros queen use incinerate on Milotank
Whitney:Dodge it Tauros and Milotank use protect

Has Milotank blocks the attack Tauros gets hit by king

Ash:Let's the bull first King use Hyper beam
Whitney:Oh no Milotank go there and use protect
Ash:Not so fast Queen use Fire fang

Has both were able to beat there opponents

Ref:Milotank and Tauros are unable to battle the winner is the red corner
Ash:Great job you two always amazing me

Has he then goes to Whitney

Ash:I'm gonna say if it someone else I think you would have won with only the first move basically great battle
Whitney:Thanks now you better win
Ash:I don't plan to lose

Has he returns the lions and leaves back to the other frontier brains

Normad:You really beat her
Ash:I end that battle quick I'll waste time with the traitors that will give me more time to humiliate them
Spencer:Be calm my pupil
Ash:Yes sorry
Dahlia:Oh yeah I forgot you got training from Spencer to clear your mind of negative affects
Ash:Yeah a very spiritual one
Lucy:It seems that Caitlin will battle now
Darcha:I I'm sure mistress Caitlin will win
Ash:Oh right Caitlin was ones a Sinnoh frontier brain
Thorton:Something like that
Argenta:I'm sure she'll win
Dahlia:Yeah she will but who's her opponent
Ash:Oh her well Sabrina strong but I did see Caitlin battle Cynthia and she did well even she lost so I think she wins

Has they agree and has it said she won the battle the brains went to congratulate her she meet Ash has they went to eat all together after that Dahlia was sleeping so Ash left the room has he went for a walk he made the change in the team his six Pokémon that will battle are Glaceon,Panchirisu, Dragonair, Lucario,Gardevoir and Infernape has his final opponent so they can do the one on one so for that he must beat Paul has they appear on the battlefield Ash then looks at his family and girlfriend and just nods at them as he heads to his corner

Ref:Alright final battle of the preliminary send in your Pokémon and begin
Paul:Your gonna lose Electrivire stand by for battle

Electrivire appears

Ash:Really then Infernape let the aura guide you

Has Infernape appears Paul and Electrivire put a shock face thinking that this could not be the same Infernape

Paul:No matter Electrivire use Brick break
Ash:Mach punch

Both fist collide

Ash:Push him back and use dig

Has he double kicks him back digs down Electrivire gets up

Paul:It's to late he already went under but w.!

Until then Infernape came out and uppercut Electrivire

Ash:Now use Flare blitz
Paul:Get up and use Protect

Has he barely blocks the attack

Ash:Don't let yo use Flamethrower

Has he keeps using protect the flamethrower grows stronger and stronger has it breaks through the protect burning Electrivire defeating it

Paul:You only got lucky Weavile stand by for battle
Ash:Return buddy you good again and now Dragonair let's go

Has the Pokémon appears has the battle progress Ash defeated every Pokémon Paul summons from his mega Agroon being defeated by his mega lucario and his Gardevoir humiliated his Magmoter he's last Pokémon is Torterra

Paul:Is all up to you !Torterra¡
Ash:All that's left Glaceon I choose you

Has the ice type eevolution appears the first thing she does is tackle Ash to the ground and starts licking him has he laugh every enjoys but Paul just wants to kill himself

Paul:Can we start
Ash:Yeah okay alright let's go beat him

Has she goes in the battlefield

Paul:Torterra use Leaf tornado
Ash:Icy wind to counter it

Has the two attacks collided Glaceon have more power and pushed harder then it finished

Ash:Ice beam on the legs

Has Glaceon freezes the feet

Ash:Giga impact
Paul:Use Solar beam

Has both attacks collided in the end Torterra was defeated and Glaceon was exhausted but still standing

Ref:Torterra is unable to battle the winner is the red corner
Paul:Damm it

Has Glaceon was walking back to her trainer she got kick by Paul Ash quickly used Aura and increased his speed to catch her then he death glares Paul

Ash:Your dead

Has he Aura speed appears in front of him and Aura sphere him sending him flying to the wall the cops grab Paul and arrested him has then Ash took Glaceon to the Pokémon center

Ash:Stay with me Glaceon
Ash:Yeah it's me don't worry you only got hit hard that's all just don't sleep

Has he arrive to the center

Ash:Nurse Joy!!
Nurse Joy:I know I saw it put her in the bed and come with me

Has they take her to room to check on her after a few minutes Nurse joy came out with Glaceon

Nurse Joy:She's fine thank Arceus Torterra didn't get a good hit if not that kick might have been a little more fatal than expected
Ash:Really then from now on you staying in the Battle cave okay
Glaceon:Do I
Ash:Yes I don't want you to get hurt okay
Ash:Thank you nurse joy
Nurse Joy:My pleasure

Has he returned Glaceon he headed to the exits then he saw his frontier brains and Bonnie Dahlia gave him a hug

Dahlia:Did everything go well
Ash:Yes if the battle would have gone on Torterra favor the kick would have actually done worst but thank Arceus she was strong
Bonnie:That's a relief
Ash:So how many of us have passed
Normad:Well some lost in the double battle and one lost in six on six

Has then the screen show Goodshows

Charles:Alright everyone I'll show you the people that have moved on


Has they see the competitors Ash sees that only two of the traitors are competing that means that even the others could battle him but maybe it's just one I need to find out something about Brock he acted weird when the betrayal happened then the machine started to make the battles oh and the traitors were also washing only they haven't noticed that Ash's name is there

1.Palmer vs Steven
2.P.Kukui vs Barry
3.Lance vs Clair
4.Drayden vs Drake
5.Anabel vs Argenta
6.Dahlia vs Fantina
7.Lorelei vs Volkner
8.Karen vs Korrina
9.Valerie vs Cynthia
10.Diantha vs Tobias
11.Sawyer vs Bonnie
12.Tierno vs Alain
13.Gary vs P.Oak
14.Grant vs Caitlin
15.Olympia vs Olivia
16.Tyson vs Nanu
17.Astrid vs Brock
18.Ash vs Trip

Has the frontier brains left the traitors look at who Trip battling and jaws on the floor then they look around the center and find nobody with the Brains who got to the hotel as they went to there rooms Ash tried himself to the bed

Dahlia:Tomorrow's your day view
Dahlia:Something wrong
Ash:Just a bit nervous but I know I'll go through it and you should win too
Ash:Now come here

Has they began to kiss the next day Ash woke up early and decided to get him and Dahlia some breakfast has he walk to the place he saw Brock walking the opposite direction

Ash low voice:Hello Brock

Has he keeps walking then Brock heard it

Brock:Ash is that you

Has he turned around he saw the hooded man and he just keep walking has he got back to the room

Dahlia:Where you go
Ash:Getting ya some breakfast
Dahlia:Oh thanks babe

Has they eat after that the tournament begs with there battles(So lets do this)
1.Palmer vs Steven-Palmer
2.P.Kukui vs Barry-P.Kukui
3.Lance vs Clair-Lance
4.Drayden vs Drake-Drake
5.Anabel vs Argenta-Anabel
6.Dahlia vs Fantina-Dahlia
7.Lorelei vs Volkner-Volkner
8.Karen vs Korrina-Korrina
9.Valerie vs Cynthia-Cynthia
10.Diantha vs Tobias-Tobias
11.Sawyer vs Bonnie-Sawyer
12.Tierno vs Alain-Alain
13.Gary vs P.Oak-P.Oak
14.Grant vs Caitlin-Caitlin
15.Olympia vs Olivia-Olympia
16.Astrid vs Brock-Brock

And now Ash vs Trip

And now Trip enters the stadium has on Ash tunnel the doors opened but nothing came through then the people see a mask being toss out the people with a curious face has then the boy comes out has the people see his raven hair and has he puts on his hat and his wearing his Kalos clothes and a pikachu on his shoulder has the people cheer the traitors are jaws open knowing that the boy they betrayed is a frontier brain

Ash:Whats wrong Trip giving up already
Trip:You wish I'm actually glad your here now I can beat you
Ash:Will see

With his friends some were with happy tears has others were smiling even Tobias was happy

Alain:Yeah took him long enough
Sawyer:Wait you knew that was him
Alain:I Battle him in his Battle cave
Bonnie:And he revealed himself to me
Clemont:You are so grounded for not telling me his my friend too

Back at the battle field were the battle already started with Pikachu getting the advantage over Tripp's Serperior

Trip:Don't let him beat you
Ash:Pikachu use Iron tail
Trip:Use leaf blade

Has both collided there attacks

Ash:Now use Thunderbolt

Has Pikachu point blanks shocks Serperior

Ash:Now Volt tackle

Has he drags Serperior down crashing down making and explosion has the dust settled pikachu was standing proud has Serperior was in the floor defeated

Ref:Serperior is unable to the winner is Ash and Pikachu
Trip:Nooo how could I lose to him
Ash:Great work buddy
Pikachu:I ain't losing to the snake ever again
Ash:That's what I like to heir let's go today's a full way to the semi finals

Has they he was gonna leave he looks at the traitors and grins at them then he leaves with them Misty grabs her phone and calls Delia

Misty:Did you see
Delia:Yes I'm gonna pack my things and I'll be there
Misty:There's a problem
Misty:There are no more rides to get here so I don't think you'll be able to join us
Delia:Darn then you must do whatever you can to get that boy out of there
Misty:Got it

Has they nod and leave the sites but Ash friends are waiting for him outside has cones out of the tunnel

All of them:Ash!!

Has he gets hug by all his friends

Gary:Whats up Ashy-Boy
Ash:Nothing much Gaer-Bear just being Frontier Brain that's all
P.Sycamore:And a fine one you have become
Ash:Thanks speaking of that how about we catch up on the way to the others
Clemont:Yeah I actually want to know what's been happening to you and other thing what's up with you left arm
Ash:Oh that well

Has he shows all of them the robotic arm has they go to the other frontier brains Ash tells them what really happened Gary knew seen P.Oak told him has they reach the other group Ash present his friends has do the Frontier brains and has for the traitors there looking for him even not knowing that his still in the stadium has the next battles are being presented Charles calls that all the competitors that are still in the tournament go to the sites that are in the wall to wait closer in the tournament has they did that Ash saw Brock so he decided to site close

Ash:You said sorry why you also hesitated
Brock:They force me to betray you say if I didn't help you they would kill my family
Ash:Are they still threading you
Brock:They don't say it but I know there's still thinking of it
Ash:I can help
Ash:Mewtwo can erase people's memories so if you want I can tell her to erase that thought and then your safe
Brock:Really you do that
Ash:You were always like a big brother to me and when the betrayal happen seeing you on there side was sad for me
Ash:Will take care of them later when this is done
Brock:Okay so are we friends
Ash:Yeah don't worry
Brock:So Frontier Brain
Ash:Yeah I needed to hide from them and the battle frontier is a secret thing so I joined them
Brock:You got yourself a girl
Ash:As a matter of a fact yeah I do
Brock:How do you even get them
Ash:Well you know I heard Lucy talk about you actually
Brock:Wait what
Ash:She still loves you Brock maybe you should tell her how you feel
Brock:Really well I'll try

Has then the next battles were shown has the tournament went on

1.Anabel vs Dahlia-Dahlia
2.Lance vs Drake-Lance
3.Cynthia vs Korrina-Cynthia
4.Ash vs P.Kukui-Ash
5.Palmer vs Volkner-Palmer
6.Tobias vs Sawyer-Tobias
7.Alain vs Brock-Brock
8.Caitlin vs P.Oak-P.Oak

(if your asking where's Olympia she quit)

Then the next battles

1.Ash vs P.Oak-Ash
2.Dahlia vs Tobias-Tobias
3.Cynthia vs Brock-Cynthia
4.Lance vs Palmer-Lance

And now
1.Tobias vs Cynthia-Tobias
2.Ash vs Lance-Ash

After Destroyed Cynthia Garchomp with his Darkrai and Ash beat Lance Salamance with Keldei it was time for the rematch against Tobias(And if your asking yes the traitors try to stop him but he beat them all again)and now the two trainers come in the stadium

Ash:It's been awhile hasn't Tobias
Tobias:Only a few years
Ash:Shall we
Ref:The final battle between trainers Ash of the battle frontier and Tobias will begin this a one on one battle so trainers send in your Pokémon

Ash:I'm just glad I decided to use him let's go I choose you Charizard

Tobias:Interesting let's see who wins
Ref:Battle begin
Tobias:Latios use luster purge
Ash:Counter it with Flamethrower

Has both attacks collided with each other

Ash:Use Wing attack
Tobias:Dodge it

Has Charizard charge at Latios he just run or fly around him until he caught up and Latios with a wing and drag it down to the ground

Ash:Now use Fire blast
Tobias:Get out of there and use Giga impact

Has Latios got out quick he started stacking from all sides Charizard hitting him from every direction

Ash:Catch it

Has he stop Latios with his hand and gave a glare at the legendary Pokémon

Ash:Dragon tail

And with a swing of a tail he send Latios to the wall

Ash:We just getting started
Tobias:Oh yeah so are we
Ash/Tobias:Mega evolve

Ash:Flame charge
Tobias:Dragon rush

Both attacks collide with each other both holding there ground then Ash got the idea

Ash:Grab him and use Seismictoss
Tobias:Latios get out of there

Has it was to late and Charizard grab him and then went high to the charging to the ground has they smash in the floor of the stadium has the dust settle both Pokémon were still standing

Tobias:We won't lose use dragon pulse
Ash:Not today Blast burn

Has Charizard attack block the Dragon pulse abd hit Latios defeating it celebrating happened and Ash was tittle not just the cave guardian or the aura guardian but now his a Pokémon master after all thus years his finally done it has the night he celebrated with his male friends he went back to his room were as he opened the door Dahlia was on the bed waiting for him

Dahlia:Come here baby
Ash:Oh yes

Warning warning lemon scene warning

Has he got to her they started kissing having a passionate kiss that went crazy after that Ash started sucking her breast to then changing to Dahlia sucking his dick then in return he suck her vagina and she suck his dick then it change were Ash put his dick in her vagina has up and down after they cum his Dick never came of and they went to sleep has they live for the rest of the lives happy

The end

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