Chapter 12.

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Springlock fell to her knees, rubbing where she felt the injection. I fell to the floor and landed on my back, feeling one of my wounds open again. The bandages slowed the bleeding. I looked and saw a much older red bunny animatronic holding a syringe next to Spring.

"Who are you, and what did you do to Springlock?" I ask with a snarl.

"I am Amelia, and I just cured her of the Dark Energon infection." She said as I looked at Springlock.

Her eyes were returning to their normal blue and red colors. Spring continued rubbing her neck as she looked up and saw Amelia standing there, she then looked irritated.

"What are YOU doing here?" She asked with venom in her tone.

"Spring please let me-" Amelia started.

"Actually, I don't want to hear it. You'll probably just say that I was supposed to stay with my 'true' father." Springlock stood up and noticed her new changes to her chestplate and arms.

"What the hell happened to my arms and armor?" She asked.

"You were in a state of panic and your armor adapted, you were also seeing the most traumatizing parts of your past. Something about this Airachnid." Amelia told her.

Springlock's eyes widened at tthe mention of that name. Sadness and terror filled her eyes, so did some oily tears. She tried to hide the tears by closing her eyes, I took her by the hands. Spring opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Could you all leave us for a few minutes?" I asked the 2 medics and Amelia.

They nodded and left the infirmary while closing the door behind them.

"Springlock, who is Airachnid?" I asked her.

The tears streamed down her face like a waterfall, she burst into tears and burried her face into my chest. I wrap my arms around her, I felt her trembling in my arms. She sobbed heavily onto the bandages covering my wounds, but I don't care. I've never seen our commander break down like this, or at all. Springlock has so much bottled up inside, it's good she's finally letting it out.

"Airachnid...she's...she's...she's a rogue Decepticon...a spider bot..." Springlock said between choked sobs.

I shushed her and rubbed her head, she seemed to calm down a small bit.

"What did she do to you? Like, to frighten you so much?" I ask.

"She kidnapped me when I was 15....and she killed my other adoptive mother, NightShade...." She continued.

"It's alright, it's in the past. But if you'd like to talk about it rather than hide it, I'm all ears." I perked my ears up.


I wiped the tears away, sniffling a bit.

"If you really want to hear it, I'll tell you..." I told.

We sat down on one of the infirmary beds.

I begun to tell the story.

NightShade was at her supplier getting more ammunition and weapons, I was taking a nice nature walk. Admiring the colors and smells of the flowers, it was late at night and the dew was just setting upon the plants and such. A trail led into an untreaded part of the woods, curiosity overwhelmed me and I began to walk down the barely used trail. It was mostly trees and a few flowers.

There was the snap of a twig, I turned to see nothing there. Probably just an animal of some sort, I kept walking through the woods. The trail suddenly stopped, like out of the blue.

"Hmmm, looks like you're the next one to come down my trail." I heard a female voice coming from above me.

I looked up. The first thing I saw was glowing pink eyes before large webs were shot at my face and covered my eyes. I couldn't see anything as I screamed as I tried pulling the webbing off my face, but it was very strong and sticky. I felt what were like 2 claws grip onto each of my ankles, pulling upwards. My feet were pulled right out from under me, I felt my ears hit the ground beneath me.

"Somebody help me!!!" I screamed out.

I felt a clawed hand clamp my jaw shut. Wait, then what's hanging onto my ankles? Webbing began wrapping around my ankles tightly, like how a spider wraps it's prey in its web. I started struggling, only for the webbing to be wrapped around me faster. It was already to my knees when two more sets of claws grabbed my wrists and held them to my sides, the hand stayed on my jaw.

The webbing was now being wrapped around my hands, whoever this was wasn't going to give me up so easily. The blood was rushing to my head rapidly and caused me to feel dizzy, beginning to black out. I did eventually.

A few hours later

My eyes snapped open to see that I was in a large cave, stuck to a large web. Bodies lay upon the floor and a few in the web as well, most of them were bigger than me. I pulled one of my arms from the web only for more to be shot at my arm, sticking it against the web even worse.

"Ah ah ah, you're going anywhere." The same voice from before spoke.

"Who are you?!" I yelled and squirmed.

A Decepticon dropped from the ceiling, a female Decepticon. I recognized her pink insect eyes, but she was more insect than anything. She had 6 spider legs coming out of her back, horns on her head, vampire fangs, was mostly gold and black with a lone symbol upon her chest. I was terrified. She gave a creepy grin and came closer on 2 normal legs.

"I am Airachnid. But who knew that a little bunny like you would be foolish enough to come down my trail? Especially the one who the Decepticons need." She hissed.

"But, aren't you one of them?" I ask.

"Go back to that boys club? I struck out on my own because I don't like to share." Airachnid looked me in the eye.

I have to agree with her, there weren't any girls at ALL on the cons ship. Only guys, Megatron still being the scariest out of all of them, and the most serious being Shockwave. But she said she didn't like to share...

"If you don't like to share, then...what's gonna happen to me..?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"I would kill you, but it would be too dangerous. Not to mention I have no use for you. So I strongly believe that I will give you to Megatron himself." She said.

"No no please don't do that! Please! I can't go back there! He used me, hurt me, killed my dad, and not to mention he..." I stopped there.

"Its not my problem, and I won't be here to give you to him. I shall be gone when he comes to retrieve you." Airachnid said.

I shook my head as I felt the webbing detach from it, able to move my head and bunny ears. Airachnid hissed and grabbed the top of my right ear, then pulled HARD. I screamed in pain as she ripped the top of my ear off, blue liquid leaking out out of it as well as wires sparking.

The liquid dripped from my damaged ear into my eyes. I had to close my eyes to keep the stuff from hurting my eyes any more.

My ears then got stuck back onto the web. Airachnid then shot more webbing at my other arm and at my legs, ensuring I'd be stuck. I pulled on the webs but they weren't going anywhere. She then picked up a tracker off one of the bodies, pushing a button on it, and it started beeping.

"There we go, now it shouldn't be long before they get here. Perhaps a half hour." Airachnid tosses the tracker into the webbing.

She shot webbing at my jaw, it wrapped around my entire lower face.

"Airachnid." I heard a familiar voice.

Airachnid hissed and fazced the exit. NightShade walked into the cavern we were in, a large sword upon her back and guns at her sides. I felt much better that NightShade is here, and boy she looked pissed.

"NightShade, small universe." Airachnid dispersed her spider legs, looking like a real spider.

"Way too small if I run into bugs like you." NightShade grabbed the sword on her back.

Airachnid launched herself towards NightShade and they became entangled in battle. I watched as NightShade quickly gained the upper hand, pinning Airachnid to a wall of the cave. I watched with a smile as NightShade seemed to be giving the spider what for. Then Airachnid went flying into the wall, not moving as she hit the floor. She had knocked the con out. NightShade came up to me and started cutting the webs off my arms.

"Oh thank God you came just in time NightShade." I said full of relief.

"Good thing I did." She said as she cut me free.

I fell to floor as my legs were numb. NightShade grabbed my arm and put it around her neck, leading me out of the cave. We made it outside when my legs gained control again, NightShade looked at me with a serious expression.

"Spring, never wander off like that again. For you could go through another experience like what happened with that bug." She pointed back to the cave.

"I'm sorry....I was bored just sitting around. I'll be more careful." I assured her.

"Good." She smiled.

A web was shot at my arm, I screamed and flew back into a tree, the webbing stuck to it. I pulled as hard as I could and I wasn't doing anything. NightShade was shocked and suddenly turned around. A long clawed spider leg impaled NightShade right through her stomach.

"NIGHTSHADE!!!" I screamed.

My mother didn't move as she fell to the ground, motionless.

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