Chapter 9.

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A little protoform was curled up in what looked to be in a little pod, the protoform looked to be like an infant yet lifeless. There was a hole in its chest, where there was no spark within it. 3 Decepticons were in the lab, Megatron, Shockwave, and Starscream. 2 sparks lay on an experimental table, only one of them was a relic to assist in the creation of the newest addition to the Decepticon cause.

"Lord Megatron, do you have a dose of your energon ready?" Shockwave asked.

Megatron held up a small canister of his own energon, "Indeed I do, Shockwave."

He gave the scientist the canister, which he then began injecting into the protoform. The blue liquid started flowing into the lifeless body and it's veins began to glow slightly, but it's appearance did not change in the slightest. The 3 Decepticons were confused why it's appearance hadn't changed at all.

"Why hasn't the protoform's appearance changed yet?" Starscream asked.

"It is illogical that it hasn't, this has never happened in my laboratory. An additional dose is not recommended due to the high possibility of an identical clone." Shockwave said.

"Oh boy, 2 Megatrons...." Starscream mumbled.

Shockwave and Megatron glared at Starscream coldly, the seeker backed down immediately.

"Starscream, hand me the protoforms spark." Shockwave ordered him.

Starscream growled under his breath and grabbed one of the spherical objects, not caring to even look to see which is which. He handed the object to Shockwave, who then put it into the protoform's chest. The protoform began to glow a bright white, which it shouldn't have. The Decepticons took a few large steps back.

"Starscream you blundering fool! You gave him the relic we were using!!" Megatron yelled.

"But my liege, they looked so similar!" Starscream said back.

The protoform stopped glowing. They watched it as it began to move, the protoform opened its eyes. It's eyes were electric blue, and it giggled as it sat up. They were surprised as the protoform crawled out of the pod, making it's way towards them.

"It seems to be functioning normally." Starscream chuckled nervously.

The protoform crawled towards Shockwave, he picked it up and examined for anything wrong.

"Absolutely nothing is wrong with her." Shockwave said.

"Her?" Megatron and Starscream raised an eyebrow.

"This protoform is a female, and I am sure she will make a fine warrior one day." Shockwave said.

Shockwave handed her to Megatron. The little protoform giggled, he was a little awkward at holding her but began to relax. Starscream eyed the protoform with curiosity yet hatefully, like she was competition.

"Since she is a sparkling, someone will have to take very good care of her." Shockwave continued.

"I shall care for her, since I can barely trust my first lieutenant." Megatron glared at Starscream.

Starscream sighed of relief that he wouldn't have to care for the sparkling. She yawned and calmed herself down, she was tired. A bright white light flashed.

I slowly opened my eyes, I saw that I was back in the same room where I was when I first got here. Only, I was at least 3 feet off the ground and my legs were binded together. I looked up and saw electricity cuffs keeping me in place, along with several IVs injecting energon into my bloodstream.

3 Vehicon troopers were in the room as well, supplying the energon into the machines pumping it into me. I growled and pulled on the restraints, nothing. I sighed and heard the door open, I looked and saw it was Megatron. I just rolled my eyes as he came right up to me.

"What?" I ask.

"Your second in command is coming to rescue you." He grinned.

On the outside I gave no expression, but on the inside I couldn't be happier. Nightmare is on his way! Meaning him and the crew will have a good chance of defeating the Decepticons.

"Alright, good luck facing my crew then." I said calmly.

"You misunderstand, only he is coming. Alone." That changed everything.

Nightmare is very stubborn like I am, only he's much more stubborn. He was like that ever since I found him several years ago, only he was a criminal. A very dangerous criminal, a murderer in fact. But he had been reformed under my command.

Megatron turned to the Vehicons, "You three, start injecting the Dark Energon."

He left. I saw the Vehicons lifting crates with a dark purple glow, this isn't good. Dark Energon is some bad voodoo from what I've researched about the substance. How did HE get it? And worse, what's going to happen once it enters my bloodstream? I am aware that it can revive the dead, but I am unsure of what happens once injected into a living being.

"What is that supposed to do?" I asked.

"We dont know. We're only following orders from Lord Megatron." One of them said.

They supplied a cube of Dark Energon into the machine and the IVs started pumping the dark matter. It flowed through the tubes and into me, the substance cold and unforgiving. I flinched and gasped, I feel darkness flowing through my veins. I began to whimper as I began to lose myself, like my memories starting to fade away....

My breathing started getting faster as I saw my veins starting to glow purple. Nightmare I hope you can get here quick!


"Nightmare, where is Commander Springlock?" Ennard had walked into the room.

"On the Decepticon warship, and we're on our way there now. And unfortunately I must go alone to fight Megatron, but only to fight him. I need you and a small team of the crew to find her, are you capable of doing so?" I said.

"Duh of course, that should be simple." Ennard said.

"Then gather your team, and quickly." I ordered before leaving the room.


I patiently wait for the arrival of Springlock's second in command. I stare out at the stars as I heard the door behind me open.

"Lord Megatron." I recognized the voice as Shockwaves.

"Yes Shockwave?" I turned to face him.

"The dark energon infusion into the subject is going well, it is quickly affecting her behavior." He informs me.

"Very well, now to wait until-" The ship shook.

He's here.

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