《territory & ceremonies》

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(Click on the image above to view the map, i made that, sorry it looks kinda bad)

Theres 5 main areas of Stormclan territory, 6 including camp.

1. Forest glades
An area filled with trees, grass, and a lot of prey. The temperature there is usually pretty hot and it isnt that bright there, the trees prevent sunlight fro mreaching the ground, only a few spots of sunlight from between the leaves could shine all the way to the ground.

Chances for warriors
20% chance of getting 2 small prey
30% chance of getting 4 small prey
20% chance of meeting dogs
20% chance of finding 3 herbs
10% chance of getting a big prey(only can be hunted if has 2 or more cats with you)

2. Snake swamps
The snake swamps is filled with snakes, frogs, sometimes salamanders, and some birds. Its a wet, foggy, muddy place where apprentices could train very well, there... they could learn to avoid predators and learn to not get scared of being dirty. While warriors can go on patrols, hunt, or even just walk around.

Chances for warriors
30% chance of finding a snake
20% chance of meeting a badger
10% chance of finding more then one snake
10% chance of finding 4 herbs
30% chance of finding 3 medium prey.

3. Sandy cliffs
Here, only experienced kits/apprentices could go, its windy, sandy, and dangerous. If you fall to the cliff, you could surely die. Only trained apprentices and warriors and elites come here, its really dangerous

Chances for warriors
20% chance of not finding anything
40% chance of finding 2 medium prey.
20% chance of finding a bad rogue
20% chance of getting swept to the cliff, almost falling.

4. Flower meadow
A beautifull meadow, with a signature cherry tree in the middle of the area, here is where the cherry blossom festival is held.

Chances for warriors
20% chance of finding 1 medium prey
20% chance of fimding 2 small prey
30% chance of fonding 3 or 4 herbs
30% chance of finding one fox

5. Thunderpath area
An area close to the thunderpath and darkclan territory. Only skilled warriors and elites could go here, its the most dangerous part of the territory. The floor on this territory is dirt and sometimes theres thorns sticking on the dirt. If your an apprentice or if your apprentice sucsessfully trained in this area without dieing, you/your apprentice will be rewarded an extra 10 TP.

Chances for warriors
20% chance of finding a NPC rogue
10% chance of encountering a fox.
30% chance of finding large prey that you can only hunt with more then one cat.
40% chance of being found by a darkclan warrior.

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