What a wonder day.

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The Mad Hatter finally free from his cell ventures into the asylum hallway to see stone walls and stone ground and metal doors with numbers. He stretches a bit and looks around and looks at the cell next to him.

"Eddie. ItS. TiME....." The Mad Hatter said

The voice of a childish man was heard.

"Time for break out?" Eddie asked

"Yes. It's time Eddie, time to wake up the world." The Mad Hatter said smiling with glee as he unlocks Eddies cell door.

As Eddies cell doors open a man over 6 feet tall steps out from the cell. His body was that of a boxer.

"Now what?" Eddie asked looking around

"Now Eddie my dear friend. We free everyone." The Mad Hatter said

Around the hallway a few guards could be heard.

"Eddie. Could you be a dear and deal with the bad men?" The Mad Hatter asked his friend

"Eddie will best friend" Eddie said giving A salute to his friend

The Mad Hatter chuckles and pats Eddie on his right shoulder.

"Then get to work." He said

With that. Eddie the massive brute then runs over to the guards and the sound of screaming guards could be heard. It was such a wonderful tune to The Mad Hatter as he proceeded to unlock other cell doors freeing the captives. While he hums a tune.

In only a hour the asylum was in chaos as patients from pyromaniacs,to lunatics,to maniacs and psychopaths cause Mayhem from killing every guard and staff member they could find. While The Mad Hatter and his friend Eddie walk to the front entrance out the front door to see one of the guards firing at fleeing patients.

Guard: "die you wretched scum!" He shouted nailing a few targets.

Before the Guard could continue he was bounced on by a man in a straight jacket who started to bite into the guards throat Causing him to cry in agony as he throws the insane lunatic off of him.

Guard: "you...bastard..die!" The guard said holding a hand by his throat while he takes aim.

Before the Guard could even fire The Mad Hatter came behind him and stab him in the back seven times repeatedly until the Guard finally fell limbed. The Mad Hatter lets the Dead guard hit the ground as he turns his attention to the Lunatic in the straight Jacket who had bit the guard. The lunatic in the straight jacket backs up only for The Mad Hatter to walk over and crouch down Beside him.

"No need to threat I'm but a humble mad man.." The Mad Hatter said cutting the straight jacket allowing the lunatic to be free.

The lunatic stands up and takes off his straight jacket and soon bird like wings appeared from his back. The bird man looked at The mad man who freed him and hugged him. The Mad Hatter smiles and hugs back and whispers something into the bird mans ear.

"You are now free to do what ever. To fly away from this hellish place to do what you want. A free angel." The Mad Hatter whispered letting go of the bird man.

The Bird man nodded and look up to the sky and started flapping his wings and flew off. The Mad Hatter smiled and turns back to the asylum. He saw people running away from the asylum laughing and rejoicing. As the Asylum started to catch fire from one of the pyromaniacs. The Mad Hatter saw the sight and loved every minute of it. He then turns his attention to the guards sidearm on the ground.

He picks it up and looks at it.

"Indeed Tophat it would be best if we were armed." The Mad Hatter said to his Tophat.

Smoke rises into the night sky from the burning asylum. Signaling the place of torture and imprisonment was no more. Now The Mad Hatter shall begin his quest to show the world. Something...something that will forever change it.

(Hope you all enjoy tune in next time^^)

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