Chapter 9: Invasion of the Stickmin Universe

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Warning: Violence, Censored cursing, and racism

The Brothers In Arms and C. Miller's group spent so good time at Henry Stickmin's house. They also got to know each other more and what they lives were before they joined the military. They also learn more about the Thriple Threats before they met each other.

As they were having some time, Charles' cell phone rung.

"Hang on a sec. Got a phone called." Charles said before he got his phone to see who's calling.

"Charles, report to Base Gramma." whoever was calling himself.

"Wait why?" Charles said.

"There's no time to explain. Report immediately. Also bring your new friends with you as well. Goodbye." before the called ended.

Charles went to the living room to tell them what he recevied.

"We have to report to Base Gramma for something. They also want us to bring our friends as well." Charles told the group.

"Wait are we going to be experiments?" Jerry Jones said. "I don't want to be one!"

"Relax. The Government would never do that." Charles said. "Come on, let's head to the helicopter."

The group went to the helio-pad that had the helicopter. It was full on fuel since Charles fueled up last night.

"Whoa, that's a nice looking copter. I wish had one of those." Peter Lee said.

"Well you can be my co-pliot then." Charles said laughing

Everyone got onto Charles' helicopter with Charles taking the cockpit. Peter Lee took the co-pliot seat.

"Alright, is this copter good?" Charles asked while making sure the copter was in good condition. Everyone gave a thumbs-up that the copter was in good condition. "Well into the sky we go." Charles said as the copter flowed to the air and headed to Base Gramma.

"Also Vietnam War guys, here's a music I think you're like." Charles said before swtiching up the radio to Fortunate Son.

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


David Statz and Jim Brown were confused by that song but Steve Drake and Peter Lee enjoyed the music.

"Wish we had that song back in our universe." Peter Lee said.

"Well to tell you the truth, the song was relased in 1969." Charles said.

"How do you that?" Steve Drake asked.

"Since our universe are somewhere parallel except for how we look, events that happened in your world or universe I think, also exist in ours." Charles answered back.

Little did the group knew that they just escape the area of the Neo-Axis invasion.


It was a normal day in a stickmin city. Stickpeople were on their daily routine. Policemen and women were partoling the area to make show no one was commiting a crime or illegal activities.

This seemed to be a normal day for them or so they thought.

A massive portal appeared onto the streets causing a traffic jam. Everyone stared at that hole thinking it must be an alien thing or a secret government project gone wrong. Some snapped or record what was happening.
But what came out was unexpected. Tanks, armored vehicles, and many military vehicles came out of the portal. This was where chaos ensued.

Fourth Reich and Rising Dragon soldiers fired their weapons on civilians who were completely confused and were panicing as they ran for safety only to be either gunned down or bombed by the invaders.

The police didn't fare better as they were not equiped to fight an invading military force. They did at least knew what to do in a firefight. They did what they could to protect the civilians and hold off the invaders for the military to arrive on time.

Somewhere, a Chaos Containment office in Neveada discovered chao happening nearby.

"Hmm... Sir you might want to see this." Cylde Jenkins calls to his commading officer, Bill Bullent.

"What is it?" Bill Bullent asked. "Another chao sigining?"

"Yes. But not what you see." Cylde Jenkins said as he show recordings of the Neo-Axis invasion and the Government trying to stop the threat.

"Jesus! Are these Nazis from World War 2?" said Bill Bullent

"It appears so although they appear to be more advanced. Not to mention their bodies look way different from ours." said Cylde Jenkins.

"You know the drill." Bill Bullent ordered. "Use every single one of those weapons to contain the chaos."

"But sir, there are lives in danger." Cylde Jeinkins said hesistantly. "Caualities could be high if we use all of them."

"Godd#$& it Jeinkins! Do it!" Bill Bullent shouted in a rough voice.

"But sir-"

"What must be done must be done immediately! Even if lives are in danger! It's for the greater good Jeinkins!" Bill Bullent with a rough voice.

Just then a flashbang landed in the room. Before everyone could react, a blinding flash of light filled the room.

Attack drones flew into the room gunning down all personal.


*Rocket drone

The Neo-Axis Special Force group stormed into the room to look for any surivors. Cylde Jeinkins saw the intruders as he played dead.

He thought that they would leave or something but he was greeted with a gun to the back of the head.

"Listen up skinnyman, do what I exactly want. If you refuse then you die." one of the Neo-Axis Spec-Ops Leaders said. "I want you to press all the buttons now."

Cylde did what the Spec-Ops squad leader wanted. Luckily the divided by zero and Shoop da Whoop Satellite had been destroyed so he couldn't use them. He went for the robot and the nukes that targeted the entire world.

Soon the nukes hitted their targets. The fall of the Stickmin universe had begun.

Man In The High Castle Universe

The new prison was finished. This was the Neo-Axis Great prison or in German and Japanese, Großes Gefängnis and 大刑務所/Dai keimusho.

This prison was built to keep crinimals, rebels, terrorists, resistance, and the ones unworthy from escaping. Secuirty guards were everywhere and had orders to shoot any prisoner hat tried to escape.

Hans Von Heinkels and Mikito Izumato were observing a brand new plasma cannon.

The cannon was still in the protype stage but was deemed a sucess. The cannon fired at the dummy which left nothing.

As Hans Von Heinkels and Mikito Izumato were amazed at what they saw.

"Impressive the cannon is." Fürher Hans Von Heinkels said.

"Indeed it is." Emperor Mikito Izumato said.

Just then they received a call from a general in their own langugage.

"Mein Fürher, wir haben gerade ein kleines Land der Stickmin-Welt erobert und ihre Verteidigung geschwächt. (My Fürher, we just took a small land of the stickmin world and just weaken their defenses.)"

"勝利は天皇の近くにあります。すぐにサルベージを粉砕します。(Victory is near Emperor. We will soon crush the salvages.)"

Both Hans Von Heinkels and Mikito Izumato smiled.

"Victory will be here once we crushed these men and make an example of them." Hans Von Heinkels said.

"Then we will be unstoppable and our empires shall last millenia!" Mikito Izumato said.

Hope you like this chapter. One of my first chapters of 2021. I sure hope things get better this year than 2020.

Stay safe readers and catch you next time with Chapter 10.

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