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Everyone waited in anticipation for Celeste to be back.

Alpha Anderson stood by the fire place of his office, his son and heir Zack sat with his own friends, Blake and Luke as they discussed the latest information they had gained.

Their secret endeavours are starting to come to light and it won't be long before all the questions that everyone has will make their way to the headlines.

If things keep going like this, the royals will get involved.

And they would like to know why these cases of invasion are close to none in the Anderson's Pack.

Everyone in the room glanced at the double door, having felt the way the temperature dropped mysteriously and the air cracked with energy. They all dreaded what she must have learned to have such strong emotions that affect the air around her.

After all, Celeste is known to be the calm before the storm.

So her losing it, the treasured control of her emotions, the news had to be worse than they expected.

The double door slam open, the woman striding confidently inside, as per usual. Though there was something different today.

Maybe it had something to do with the way her pale grey eyes looked empty, hauntingly so, or how instead of greeting the Alpha or anyone, she just glanced at everyone with her eyes seeing yet not registering faces. Or the fact that she continued her strode till she reached the far end of the office that sported a bar.

She reached forward and grabbed a bottle, opening it and taking a swig out of it directly.

Another thing she didn't do often.


Alpha Anderson dared to ask, breaking the melancholic air. The Alpha had gained the position of a father in her life from the moment he found her wandering the woods in search of shelter. She had been his child for a decade now, and he had never found himself wondering if that decision was right.

She turned, sitting on one of the bar stood as she faces the four people. Her interest on the flooring pausing after a few minutes as she looks up. Her eyes glassy with unshed tears but still looking blank.

Luke gets up, sensing how the moment was not for him, her eyes following the man as he nods his head at the Alpha and whizzing away from the room.

It took her a few minutes, as she took a swig of alcohol again.

"I just lost the one person I have ever," her voice breaks and she takes a swig, a tear escaping her eyes as her walls break, "even thought of loving."

Her eyes held pain so strong, it made the men in the room flinch. Sadness and longing gripped her heart as she remembers his voice.

Everyone in the room takes a sharp breath or mutters curses as they realize who was sacrificed this time in the mission.

From the moment they had figured that the Rogue attack all those years ago may have been organised, the Anderson pack has been sending teams after teams to scout any possible lead that may give them a clue on what that was all about.

One of the team leaders was Andrea D'Conza.

A brilliant warrior. The man was a vampire who had stumbled across the Pack a few years back and due to him being a friend of Celeste's close friend Acton, he was given shelter immediately.

After the initial few days, Andrea had proven to be a great asset to the pack and had quickly risen the ladder of hierarchy despite his different species.

Pale grey eyes held anguish at losing her only support as well as what she had hoped to be her future partner. She took another swig of the smooth whisky, the buzzing in her head intensifying as the pain and sorrow duel with her resistance to hold back her power.

Her eyes could barely see past the flashing memories she had of the vampire, tears silently falling one after the other as of those moments got replaced by another till she could see the painful end he encountered.

Feeling her lids get heavy, she shuts her eyes as the intensity of the buzzing spread from the back of her head to down her spine and all over her.

She struggled to hold on to her emotions and stop her powers to flow out of her.

Because she knew, were she to lose control over her magic, she could wreak havoc at the only place she can call her home. And she doesn't want that. She will forever be guilty if something like that happens because of her.

Yet her resistance to the buzzing seems to be weaken.

Arms embrace her, gently prying away the bottle of liquor away from her before her head is guided to rest on the muscular chest of the Alpha. He whispers reassurance in her ears while his hands gently brush through her ebony strands.

This was all she needed.

The dam breaks as well as her resistance, which cracks even to spill some of the energy out.

Her hands come up to grip her father tighter as first sob breaks through her, racking her whole upper body as pain grips her heart tighter. A glass bulb, closest to them, shatters in tune with her first sob, soon followed by the other glasses as sobs racked though her body.

By the time she felt calmer, more in control of the buzzing of power and opened her eyes, the room that was once called the office was destroyed. Shattered glasses were everywhere, even the bottles behind the bar had suffered, spilling the different liquids to the next surface as they had given into the pressure of her powers.

The wooden tables and chairs had soon followed and crumbled down, the bookshelves and books couldn't escape their fate as well.

Guilt makes her pull away from the protection of her father, looking at him to see if he was alright. Finding him fine and looking at her in anguish, she averted her eyes, looking for the other two who had been in the room.

Zack and Blake had managed to stay in the room, though due to their heavy breathing and torn attire with blood sweeping through, she suspected it had taken them all their strength to stay there for her support.

Clearing her throat, she dipped her head down to wipe away the tears before she looked up and apologized.

"You don't need to Cel. You needed it."

Zack had replied as evenly as he can, not wanting to burden her at this moment with his condolences. He had taken up the role of her brother years ago and it had taken him some months to accept that she was seeing the vampire, yet he could see that there could not be another man who could adore her as much as Andrea did.

Seeing her hurt like this, and knowing he could not protect her from this evil incident was a blow to him as a brother.

He had not been close to the vampire, but had seen him with her.

Though the two were not mates, their bond could have been as strong as one. And having a mate himself, he couldn't imagine how much it must have hurt her.

"What about the outside?"

Celeste waited with bated breath, unsure if she wanted to hear how much she had destroyed.

This time the answer came from her father, "I mind linked Jason to get Alan and Willow to shield the outside of the office."

Nodding, she got up, only to stumble and fall. Blake and Zack rushed to catch her, but she managed to catch herself with the help of her father. "I am fine," she breathed out shakingly, before saying it again firmer. "I am fine. I am Celestine Eliare Mavross. I am always going to be fine."

Just like always, she pushed her darkness inside the walls she had created in the back of her head, letting it screech once more in protest at being caged before the voices turned into a faint murmur once again.

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