My answer

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"Laurence I-I do like you but I'm in high school I don't exactly know what I want.."

"We'll take your time I don't want to rush anything I- I just wanted you to know," he says looking at the sun. "It's getting late I'll walk you home," he says getting up and offers me his hand.

As we leave the park I ask Laurence something, "Hey Laurence can I ask you something?" I turn my head to fax him. "What's it like? Living with a family for so long and them not taking you back?"

"Well it's was strange for me but after a month I knew that they would keep me besides Cadenza loves having me around," he pauses and stops walking. "Why do you ask (Y/n)? The Ro'Meaves love having you around and they won't give you back as the other family did." He says hugging me, "Sorry I just want you happy and you know-"

"That if I ever need a place to stay that I'm always welcomed at your house I know Laurence," I say and we keep walking. Before I knew it Laurence was holding my hand and when we got to my yard I see Vlad outside meditating. "(Y/n) mom is looking for you she has a surprise for you," Vlad says taking a breath.

"Okay thanks, Vlad," I say and turn to Laurence, "Well I guess I'll see you at school?" I say and he nods.

"Rember I can wait just take your time, later Vlad, later (Y/n)," Laurence says kissing my cheek and then runs off. I turn to the house to see Garroth in the doorway. I walk up to him and say hi.

"Did Laurence just kiss you?" He says his arms crossed, I sake my head no even thow it was a lie.

"He was just telling me a secret about out old house mom. So where is mom?" I ask but he knew I was lying. "Fine I'll find her," I say pushing past him and first checking my room witch was a smart idea because she was up there. "Hi mom," I say and she squeaks.

"Yes I'm so happy your calling me mom now!" She says hugging me tight that I can't breath till she lets me go. "Okay well I have a suprize for you~!" She sings and moves out of the door way.

My room was full of Instruments like a guitar, a violin, a drum set, a sound/beat creator, a piano, and best of all a mic. There was also some art thing and I can't blend she did this for me. "Mom you did not have to do this all for me," I say tearing up.

"Yes I did Garroths friend, Laurence, sayed you where quite a good player and could sing very well. I think he has a crush on you because he sayed 'sings like an angle' then fixed it." She says wiping away tears. "Don't cry I wanted to show how much I love having a daughter around even if she feals like she does not belong in this family. "

"Zianna I do belong in this family, you all have treated me so well since I came here and I love it this is probably the best family I have ever been with," I say crying more and hugging her. "Thank you thank you so much I never want to leave this family.." I say hugging her then walking down stars to help her with dinner.

~Garroths Pov~

After I left I went home to help mom with (Y/n) room and when she got home I would take her up stars to show her. I trust Laurence but I don't trust him with Aphmau or my sister. Ya he likes Aphmau but I do to yet he has not told me if he likes my sister. When he was walking her home I saw that they were holding hands and when he told her bye he gave her a kiss on the check or it looked that way I'm not sheer. When I asked (Y/n) what he did she sayed that he told her a secret but it sounded like a lie. When I went back inside I sat in my room and texted Laurence.

~G=Garroth L=Laurence~ text started~

G-hey so was if fun being with my sister?
L-ya she is always nice to have around
G-so can I ask you something
L-sure what's up man
G-when you walked (Y/n) home did you kiss her?
L-maby 😏
G-Laurence!!! That's my sister!!!😠
L-it was just a small kiss on the check it's not like we made out or something. Don't you trust me, man?
G-I do but seriously pick one girl Aphmau or my sister
L-come on don't put me on the spot like that I gave (Y/n) some time to think and till I get her answer I may just flirt with Aphmau a bit more😏
G-come on it's not good to mess with two girls at the same time it's not safe...
L-and how would you know Garroth mr Prince Charming????
G-okay I don't know but I don't want to see eather of them getting hurt do you get it now Laurence??!??
L-okay I see your point... I hate when your right some time😑 but that's why we're friends
G-ya I guess so. Anyway see you at school man don't mess with do girls harts or
L-I'll be in the hospital because Zianna will kill me and so will Aphmau a mom
~end text~

I hope he choices (Y/n) because I like Aphmau a lot I just don't know how to tell her...

~okay I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter sorry if it's shorter then normal I'm sleepy
Any way stay happy not crazy stay in school don't do drugs and I LOVE YOU❤️

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