Chapter 1

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     "Are you sure you want me to meet your parents Jack? What if they doesn't approve of me?" Mark asked, squeezing his boyfriend's hand tightly.
     "They're going to love you, Mark. I promise," Jack replied softly. Mark sighed and turned his attention to the road, which almost seemed to be flying by.
     "But I'm human. What if they try to eat me because I say something offensive on accident?"
     "Mark," Jack said softly, "Stop worrying. They're probably the nicest vampires you'll ever meet, other than myself of course," he said dramatically, flipping his hair away from his eyes.
     "Okay, Jack," the older male replied, a smile coming over his face. Jack understood Mark's nervousness. It wasn't everyday that you met your vampire boyfriend's vampire family.
     Meeting Jack's family had gone much better than Mark had anticipated.  His parents had been extremely nice, just as his boyfriend said they would be. After a long day of hugs and handshakes, the group finally all sat down for dinner. And by dinner, they meant all sitting at a table and watching Mark eat human food.
     "It was so nice to meet you," Jack's mother said, gently grabbing her husband's hand.
     "You too Mrs. McLoughlin," Mark replied, smiling at her. After some small talk, dinner was over. Mark and Jack headed to the front door.
     "Can you go wait in the car, Jack?" Mark asked. Jack nodded and hugged his parents goodbye before stepping off the front porch and sliding into the front seat of their black rental car.
     Mark turned around to face Jack's parents. He smiled softly before speaking.
     "Thank you so much for allowing me to be with Seán. I love him so much," he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a velvet box, "And I was wondering in you'd allow me to marry him?"
     Jack's mother let out a high-pitched squeal before pulling Mark into a hug. "Of course you can! I've been waiting for Seán to find his mate for so long. As soon as you walked in that door, I knew it was you," she said, finally releasing him. Jack's father smiled and shook Mark's hand.
     "Mark! Hurry up!" Jack called from the car, starting to get impatient. Mark said goodbye to his future family, then made his way back to his soon-to-be fiancé.
     "Let's go home," Mark whispered, leaning over to kiss Jack on the cheek.
     "Yeah," Jack said back, "Let's go home."

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